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Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (Kickstarter) [Up: Teaser]


Gold Member
Milestone goals are pretty meh. I mean, they're not bad, but they're basically say "we'll make more game with more money!". Well duhhh. The milestones still rely on the "Help Obsidian make a video game" hook, which I don't think will work in the long run.

People like myself who already want what they're offering will, mostly likely, have donated by now, or planned to donate sometime in the near future. Sustaining funds requires convincing people who on the fence, or disinterested, that this game will be worth it. Some insight into the world they're planning to create, story hook, concept art, themes we can look forward to exploring, and such would go a long way.

I agree. I think these stretch goals would have been much better if Linux + Mac was combined in to the first one (cause it's happening anyway, might as well get their support behind all the future goals), and they wrote everything up with a bit more of the level of writing we saw in the countdown.

They should be saying how reaching the first goal to port to OSX/Linux secures not only this, but also gets you any/all the future sequels (which may be obvious, but makes it a little better).

Each stretch goal about the race/companion/class should spell out exactly what that race is that we're funding. Let us know what's so great about it (it can even be done in a way some questions are left), why we can't live without it, and what amazing stuff the new class will do. And then a few sentences on the new companion, what strength they have and what trouble they'll bring. Then you'd have stretch goals that get people attached to them at least, and give the world a little flavor. Not the "we'll make more game with more money!". Well duhhh" as you say.

And each tier should have pictures to go along with the explanation, perhaps just concert art for the class/companion/race if that's all there is (sorta like this update). And the grouping of stretch goals should have a nice little graphic, like in Planetary Annihilation, but maybe arranged in the middle of the ouroboros like a pie chart.


Because you can't customize it to not suck.

I got it working to my liking after a bit of fiddling. I used exploration mode and third person mode. In the exploration mode changed the key bindings to rotate and zoom the camera with WASD, and mouse to pan and move the characters. I had a mod to reduce the size of the icons and shortcut bars, and keyed and arranged all the useful functions. Done.
I think a well written narrative conveys a unique atmosphere that is unmatched by any visual or spoken medium. Part of the reason I adore many older RPGs is because of the many things that come to life in my mind rather than in game.

In any case, is it possible to end this discussion for good or move it to a new thread? This discussion is going on for far too long, overshadows any discussion about the actual kickstarter and is only superficially related to Project Eternity.

Whether or not one's stance is "right" or "wrong," a simply fact remains: The majority of the people supporting this kickstarter support it exactly because of what it is. This is quite obvious in this thread too, where the people agreeing with EternalGamer can be counted on one hand. It doesn't matter why the others don't agree, maybe they have a legitimate point, maybe they are just clinging to their nostalgia. It's beside the point, since this nostalgia is the very reason why this project exists to begin with. So, trying to argue why this nostalgia is wrong, is trying to defeat the whole purpose of this kickstarter.

I obviously disagree that text only dialog is so clutch to the project that it "defeats the whole purpose of the kickstarter" to argue against it, but you are correct that the conversation has gone on long enough. I'll abstain from future comment on the topic regardless of how tempting.


So you guys really aren't kidding, huh? I'm playing MotB right now and part of me wishes it was a visual novel (or better yet, a BG2 mod).

Visual novel, I guess, but BG2 mod? The shortcomings of MotB were due to the D&D ruleset. Like the
Spirit Eater


End of story.

I miss reactivity to your choices in games so much.

I don't hate VA, but it does really cut down on that. Which is why I am glad they decided to not go for full VA. Though I doubt it would even be an option even if they wanted it. This being a Kickstater and all. Even if it gets say 3 million like Wasteland 2 did I doubt that will be enough money and still aim for all their other goals. Something will have to be cut.

Not having to worry about VA cost for every line will allow them to do what Feargus mentioned push those boundaries. Hopefully make it so when you pick to play a different race for example it is more then just a simple skin change. That the world around you will react differently to you depending on your race. It's things like that this need to have every line voiced for a game to be considered modern have made impossible.


No, but the connectivity of the internet has simply made it far easier for us to actually encounter such opinions. I'm sure such opinions always existed in one form or other, but were generally shared by people who we would never actually want to interact with in real life!

Glad to see things went on pretty much as expected after I went to bed. The point was never to have zero text or dialogue, that's a stupid goal. It's that there's a lot of exposition and description in video games that is a less effective way of getting information across than other manners which would either take advantage of interactivity, visual medium, or even just being better written so as to eliminate the need for that much exposition to begin with. But hey, enjoy your bonding moment.


These screenshots remind me, have they said anything about party size? I want at least 6.

And DA:O was pretty good. Not outstanding, but competent.


Probably we will get something useful like UI in BG2/ID was
If only. Hopefully we don't get another UI with colossal waste of space like DA:O.

Actually DA:O UI reminds me a lot of the new Steam hub discussions -- somewhere along the line, the fad to use only a tiny portion of your screen real estate became prevalent.


DA:O is the best big budget old-school isometric RPG from the last I don't know how many years.

The gameplay and graphics were superb.

It was a monumental achievement and must be recognized as such for RPG gaming to prosper.


Except of course that it was magnificent.

Nope, nope, nope. Maybe I shouldn't have gone to Elfland first but oh god was I bored with those guys. And the miserable Fade! I stopped playing after that.

I'm still impressed at how they took reasonably compelling lore and sucked the life out of it. And it didn't help that the game structure was less BG2-style open world and more like KOTOR/ME1.

The actual engine was impressive though and it had a lot of potential!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
If only. Hopefully we don't get another UI with colossal waste of space like DA:O.

Actually DA:O UI reminds me a lot of the new Steam hub discussions -- somewhere along the line, the fad to use only a tiny portion of your screen real estate became prevalent.

Well, yeah. Players often want to see the game and not just a clutter of icons and widgets. It's a game, not a a phone desktop.


Anyone who was debating getting in on the early backer offer of Project Eternity for $20 should probably pledge ASAP. There are less than 300 of the original 25k spots open now, and the last of them will be gone in the next 30 minutes or so.


Glad to see things went on pretty much as expected after I went to bed. The point was never to have zero text or dialogue, that's a stupid goal. It's that there's a lot of exposition and description in video games that is a less effective way of getting information across than other manners which would either take advantage of interactivity, visual medium, or even just being better written so as to eliminate the need for that much exposition to begin with. But hey, enjoy your bonding moment.

I appreciate your diligence in explaining this to us over the last several hours/days, but I also want to point out you're in a thread about a kickstarter project started by the creators of planescape torment, which aims to make a game in the style of the classic infinity engine games, which are in large part composed of meaty gameplay known as "dialog trees."

Maybe this point you're trying to get across would be more pertinent in a thread about a game where the designers actually throw a bunch of non-interactive text at you before you get to the good (and probably visual) interactive parts? Because what you're saying is truly a bizarre fit for the thread you're saying it in. You'd likely be more on-target posting in another thread chosen at random. Getting a game full of complex, interactive text, which is well-written from a game design perspective, is one thing nearly everyone in this thread is excited about, and one big reason why this project raised a million bucks in 24 hours.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I like being able to play the game without having to mouse over every tiny icon to figure out what it means.

And I like to actually see the game. If I wanted to look at icons, I'd stare at my desktop.

Difference of opinions. Glad mine is currently en vogue though.


Personally I find the stretch goals fairly disappointing. That they've repeated the same thing (more classes, races, companions) 3 times tells me that they really did not put a lot of thought into it. Maybe they got rushed into it because they were not expecting to get funded in a day, but they should have planned this better.
What do you expect? The whole kickstarter seems half assed, too me. Minimal effort. I honestly think this isn't a game or barely even an idea. "We're making a BG-style rpg! Give us monies!" They've put no effort to set this up...at least the other major kickstarters had actually made some in-roads to creating a game.

Seeing a major developer do something like this makes me faintly ill. I hope this doesn't catch on once others see how gullible the fan-base is. And before people cry and whine, I'm not saying this won't be made or it will be bad or whatever, just that they seem to have put no thought or effort whatsoever into this kickstarter or the game itself, even. I think it sets a poor precedent.


And I like to actually see the game. If I wanted to look at icons, I'd stare at my desktop.

Difference of opinions. Glad mine is currently en vogue though.

Unless you were only playing the game an hour at a time, once a week, it didn't take long to memorize the pictures/positions of all the icons in DAO anyhow.

What do you expect? The whole kickstarter seems half assed, too me. Minimal effort. I honestly think this isn't a game or barely even an idea. "We're making a BG-style rpg! Give us monies!" They've put no effort to set this up...at least the other major kickstarters had actually made some in-roads to creating a game.

Seeing a major developer do something like this makes me faintly ill. I hope this doesn't catch on once others see how gullible the fan-base is. And before people cry and whine, I'm not saying this won't be made or it will be bad or whatever, just that they seem to have put no thought or effort whatsoever into this kickstarter or the game itself, even. I think it sets a poor precedent.

I don't remember the Double Fine or Wasteland 2 kickstarters offering much more than vague concepts of the game they wanted to create either.


Anyone who was debating getting in on the early backer offer of Project Eternity for $20 should probably pledge ASAP. There are less than 300 of the original 25k spots open now, and the last of them will be gone in the next 30 minutes or so.
I was about to post this. The $20 tiers are about to sell out. It's funny, when the kickstarter was going up I was doing some local coop with a friend and we were unsure whether the limit wasn't too high. (We thought it would work out well after checking back to the Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun kickstarters though). In retrospect, I think they did a really good job selecting the limit, small enough to make a difference but large enough to give them a huge day 1 boost -- which in turn gets people talking about the project.

I appreciate your diligence in explaining this to us over the last several hours/days, but I also want to point out you're in a thread about a kickstarter project started by the creators of planescape torment, which aims to make a game in the style of the classic infinity engine games, which are in large part composed of meaty gameplay known as "dialog trees."

Maybe this point you're trying to get across would be more pertinent in a thread about a game where the designers actually throw a bunch of non-interactive text at you before you get to the good (and probably visual) interactive parts? Because what you're saying is truly a bizarre fit for the thread you're saying it in. You'd likely be more on-target posting in another thread chosen at random. Getting a game full of complex, interactive text, which is well-written from a game design perspective, is one thing nearly everyone in this thread is excited about, and one big reason why this project raised a million bucks in 24 hours.
Yes, thank you.


What do you expect? The whole kickstarter seems half assed, too me. Minimal effort. I honestly think this isn't a game or barely even an idea. "We're making a BG-style rpg! Give us monies!" They've put no effort to set this up...at least the other major kickstarters had actually made some in-roads to creating a game.

Seeing a major developer do something like this makes me faintly ill. I hope this doesn't catch on once others see how gullible the fan-base is. And before people cry and whine, I'm not saying this won't be made or it will be bad or whatever, just that they seem to have put no thought or effort whatsoever into this kickstarter or the game itself, even. I think it sets a poor precedent.

Each Kickstarter will be different.

Obsidian knew that with their strong reputation they could Kickstart a game very early in the process and have the luxury of not developing much before getting a clear indication of the size of their eventual budget.

Other developers will have to approach Kickstarter differently.


That joke never gets old.

"I know this huge army of zombies is an immediate threat, so you better take those really old contracts, visit these areas that have nothing to do with the main story, solve their stupid problems and hope that they recognize those old pieces of paper. But hey, at least you get to listen to okay banter. That's....something, right ?"

I really, really hate the structure of the game. Whatever happened to having a plot ?

It's a structure they have used in pretty much all of their games since. Exept maybe DA2 but i haven't played that.


That looks good. Maybe i will give it one more chance ? Maybe over the shoulder view wasn't created for that game.

Isometric is best for gameplay while over the shoulder makes for some nice screenshots.

The early game drags a little with the Fade though the hate is excessive.


Subete no aware
I kinda agree with this. Direct feedback on companion trust/respect also tends to encourage some players to constantly save/reload before conversations to get the "best" result. This in turn kinda ruins the experience a little, rather than just playing and learning about the consequences of how you have been reacting to your companions as it develops.

It's much more fun to try and "read" the reaction of a character after saying something, to get a feel of whether they're happy or unhappy with how you're acting, rather than selecting an option and seeing "TRUST +1" or "TRUST -3" on the screen.

Which is basically what they did with KoTOR2. They basically made cutscenes to warn you if a character was on the verge of hating you.


Isometric is best for gameplay while over the shoulder makes for some nice screenshots.

The early game drags a little with the Fade though the hate is excessive.
I didn't mind the Fade itself, so much as the bleary visual effect. Now that got old fast.


We're talking about RPGs here.
So is DOTA. And are you implying that there's no strategic combat involved in these isometric games?

The only difference is that the combat aspect isn't the focus like it is in DOTA, so it's understandable that they didn't give much thought as to usability.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So is DOTA. And are you implying that there's no strategic combat involved in these isometric games?

The only difference is that the combat aspect isn't the focus like it is in DOTA, so it's understandable that they didn't give much thought as to usability.

DOTA is an RPG now?


Isometric is best for gameplay while over the shoulder makes for some nice screenshots.

The early game drags a little with the Fade though the hate is excessive.

It's not that i didn't play it. I already finished it when game came out. I know pretty much all of the game. Thing is i played it OTS cam and i didn't know there is isometric view.

Maybe this will change things a bit. As of Fade i remember there was one mission in fade which involved shapeshifting into different forms which was my favorite moment in whole game.
Brown never looked so good. We must all recognize the great achievement that is DA:O or be damned.

In some areas, DA was getting there.

But it wasn't there completely.

The graphics were very mid-90s, but I guess that's why so many people think that it is going to be a classic like Baldur's Gate.

DA:O is the best big budget old-school isometric RPG from the last I don't know how many years.

The gameplay and graphics were superb.

It was a monumental achievement and must be recognized as such for RPG gaming to prosper.

Dragon Age tried. It really did.

And take into mind that I'm a guy that loves Dragon Age with every inch of my dong. I love it like I love Halloween.

But come on. It's not a classic.

It was too mired in making everything traditional and old school that it didn't leave any room to be its own game. Even the most memorable characters, Shale and Oghren, pale in comparison to Dak'kon and Minsc.


I thought it was a MOBA.
I still don't know what that acronym means. Kids and their newfangled genres!
It being a MOBA and it being an action RPG are not mutually exclusive. One tag focuses on the character progression and gearing aspect, the other focuses on the strategy multiplayer aspect.


Dragon Age tried. It really did.

And take into mind that I'm a guy that loves Dragon Age with every inch of my dong. I love it like I love Halloween.

But come on. It's not a classic.
It's not a classic, but it also isn't bad. And at that time, even now, being "good enough" is all it takes for me in a party-based tactical RPG. We aren't spoiled for choice just yet.

Too bad DA2 missed the "good enough" mark by a country mile.


Water is not wet!
DA:O had some big problems but at it held great promise for refinement. Although it didnt light my world on fire i have no regrets with the game. The biggest issues i can remember atm are the lack of enemy/combat variety and lack of skill use outside of combat (magic in AD&D used in the world also vs DA:Os magic as a weapon only).

i put DA:O on about the same level as NWN 2 OC. They are good games with some problems that are worth playing.
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