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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!

Sometimes I worry for us Briggs NC guys, we rolled through with a convoy of dozens of tanks taking out base after base until we hit Zurvan, then TR forces inside the base stonewalled us completely and grinded our force down until nary a sunderer remained.

Moreover with little to no armor support of their own until about an hour later.

We're definitely doing something wrong lol.


Bamelin so far has been the most active outfit leader for GAF. Always organizing something with other outfits. Still though, we're most active late at night, 9 pm - 4 am EST.


Basically here's the deal ... Typically GAF has 5 - 6 guys on all in random squads. When I log on I get an outfit squad going and then we platoon up with Ender31 who leads the outfit DA who is in the same situation as us (one squad going). We set the platoon for open invites and usually grow to a full 48 people, coordinating over /leader with the other big outfits to be somewhat effective.

I can't do the organization of outfit squads all myself though, i need GAFers to cert the squad leader stuff (squad beacon specifically), use waypoints and get outfit squads going when I'm not around to do so. I'd like to start logging on and finding outfit squads running but need GAFers to step up :)

On the flip side our semi organized rabble of GAFers, DA and random zergers is making a big difference on Mattherson almost daily (once we get a platoon rolling). We work coordinate regularly with AT, TEST and Vanu-Soveriegnty Alliance platoons (via /leader) to make sure our forces overall are where they are needed. For GAF itself we just need more guys taking up SL duties if nobody else is available to do it ....


I think you're trying to say something.

Get the damn squad leader certs basically ;)

Edit: well really just everyone needs to squad up together. We do almost always have 3 - 7 guys on. The only squal leader you really need is the first level of squad beacon if you plan on casually leading the occasional squad. That and make sure you set squad waypoints when SL.


Basically here's the deal ... Typically GAF has 5 - 6 guys on all in random squads. When I log on I get an outfit squad going and then we platoon up with Ender31 who leads the outfit DA who is in the same situation as us (one squad going). We set the platoon for open invites and usually grow to a full 48 people, coordinating over /leader with the other big outfits to be somewhat effective.

I can't do the organization of outfit squads all myself though, i need GAFers to cert the squad leader stuff (squad beacon specifically), use waypoints and get outfit squads going when I'm not around to do so. I'd like to start logging on and finding outfit squads running but need GAFers to step up :)

On the flip side our semi organized rabble of GAFers, DA and random zergers is making a big difference on Mattherson almost daily (once we get a platoon rolling). We work coordinate regularly with AT, TEST and Vanu-Soveriegnty Alliance platoons (via /leader) to make sure our forces overall are where they are needed. For GAF itself we just need more guys taking up SL duties if nobody else is available to do it ....

Sounds pretty much like what's going on for us over on Connery. They really need to give people incentive to be squad leaders soon. CR did the trick in Planetside 1 but there's no mechanic in PS2 to make people want to be a SL. I'm our most frequent SL but it can be tiring.


Sounds pretty much like what's going on for us over on Connery. They really need to give people incentive to be squad leaders soon. CR did the trick in Planetside 1 but there's no mechanic in PS2 to make people want to be a SL. I'm our most frequent SL but it can be tiring.

I like being squad leader and putting down spawn beacons and such...
Though I'm on a different server... :p

Helios/NC here...


Once OS is back in as a cert you'll see lots of people jumping for SL.

OS was a CR5 ability in PS1 ... Short form for Orbital Strike.


Once OS is back in as a cert you'll see lots of people jumping for SL.

OS was a CR5 ability in PS1 ... Short form for Orbital Strike.

That's actually coming back for sure? Does it work on a timer or use resources from the SL? I hope it's a decent boom. :D

I think just the mission system alone will go a long way with people in this game. I like it now but get frustrated with my faction at times, but I see glimpses of the future and get excited like a little kid at Christmas thinking about where this game will be by next year. Solid foundation and the continent tweaks that are desperately needed will help hold me off until that dream day.


Dowbnloading this. Can I have some casual fun from time to time or do I need to worry about being owned too much if I do not play regularily?


So I tried the Vanu out last night and they just seem weaker, plus the music and pew pew lasers seemed to out me when playing Infiltrator.

I know music is the last thing I would think of, but it fits much better with NC, plus their guns hit so much harder. My Infiltrator can get in one shot kills while playing around with the Vanu it was averaging 2 shots. I did like the ability to have a more steady shot.

I did not think I was so connected to NC, but I had not tried any other factions. Still need to try Terran I guess.


NC get the 'best' Infiltrator starting gun as it's a bolt-action that will 1-shot infantry heads, where TR and VS Infils default to a semi-auto. Having said that, back-line Infiltrators are only as good as their aim (coupled largely with the enemy's predisposition for standing still).

There's arguments to be made that NC are less fortunate with their default guns on the other classes. Lots more recoil, lots more bloom make them pretty reliant on burst-fire, which takes more skill (or, if you like, just practice) compared to several TR and VS defaults. It's pretty noticeable on HA, where both the CARV (TR) and Orion (VS) are like bullet jetstreams that do well at all ranges, whereas the NC HA default is a rather nuanced gun that seems suited more for mid-long only and takes a bit of getting used to.


Neo Member
I get my new mobo and 3570k tomorrow so I hope to get back into this pretty heavy. Sent bamelin a friend request to hopefully get into the GAF Vanu outfit but I haven't been on yet to see if I'm in.


I get my new mobo and 2500k tomorrow so I hope to get back into this pretty heavy. Sent bamelin a friend request to hopefully get into the GAF Vanu outfit but I haven't been on yet to see if I'm in.

I probaly won't be back online until tomorrow ... Christmas family stuff tonight. Unfortunately we can't invite you unless me or an officer is online at the same time as you.


My new favorite cert farming spot is the Crown, when we don't own it. So many good hillsides to park a Magrider and mow down hordes of NC coming from Zurvan. On top of that, the hill north of Crossroads always has a horde of Vanu clearing out the air as well as some convenient ammo sunderers.

In other news I got an Auraxium for the Orion. The gun is very good but I really just wanted a bit more ammo to work with, I didn't like the small magazine size and I burned through the 200 reserve shots way too fast. So now I grabbed the SVA-88, which is very similar including the strafe speed while aiming. Also got the Serpent for my engineer, which immediately proved its worth when I was breaking into a tech plant to get some Magriders for our forces at the Crown. I ran into a mine which didn't kill me thanks to flak armor, but it left me at half hp. My engineer doesn't bring health restore items so I was stuck like that. Immediately after my shields regenerated I got jumped by a TR LA, and I managed to beat him with 1 hp remaining thanks to that gun. I would've been screwed with the Solstice.


Once OS is back in as a cert you'll see lots of people jumping for SL.

OS was a CR5 ability in PS1 ... Short form for Orbital Strike.

Of course if it was the way it was setup in beta it wasn't linked to leading squads at all. You just spent cert points on it like anything else.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I've just learned that starter weapons are actually good. I think I'll hold my cash for a while. Any recommendations for Terran medic/engineer/heavy assault?


I've just learned that starter weapons are actually good. I think I'll hold my cash for a while. Any recommendations for Terran medic/engineer/heavy assault?

Just stick with the base weapons until you figure out roles/tactics you want to specialize in, as that is what the alternative weapons are for, they don't serve specifically as all-around upgrades. You may do a 30 minute trial of a weapon every 8 hours (30 day cooldown per weapon) to test them out

I'd get some vehicle weapons like the A2G missiles (mossy), Zephyr (lib), or HE lightning turret.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Just stick with the base weapons until you figure out roles you want to specialize in, as that is what the alternative weapons are for, they don't serve specifically as all-around upgrades.

I'd get some vehicle weapons like the A2G missiles (mossy), Zephyr (lib), or HE lightning turret.

I have already decided to stick with engineer, medic and heavy assault (mostly engineer and heavy assault).


I have already decided to stick with engineer, medic and heavy assault (mostly engineer and heavy assault).

I'm not referring to the classes, but your playstyle within those. For instance for CQC stuff there are shotguns, and then if you're generally engaging from greater distances you can get a lower RoF, higher DPS rifle, or a Battle Rifle, or bullet hose for close-midrange stuff like the MCG, etc


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'm not referring to the classes, but your playstyle within those. For instance for CQC stuff there are shotguns, and then if you're generally engaging from greater distances you can get a lower RoF, higher DPS rifle, or a Battle Rifle, or bullet hose for close-midrange stuff like the MCG, etc

yes, it's my style.


yes, it's my style.

To start off I'd trial the Warden, the TR battle rifle for Engi and HA, which is a semi-auto for mid-long range with a fairly high DPS, and the NS-11 for the Medic. I'm not TR so I don't know their weapons, so someone else can suggest stuff or you can read over the specs for all the weapons

e: related:

"Lots of people have been asking for numerical stats for weapons instead of the stat bars. We will be doing that in the new year." -mhigby



I can't do the organization of outfit squads all myself though, i need GAFers to cert the squad leader stuff (squad beacon specifically), use waypoints and get outfit squads going when I'm not around to do so. I'd like to start logging on and finding outfit squads running but need GAFers to step up :)
We thank you for your service. :)

But here's the deal: I really don't know what you are talking about in the paragraph above. So it's a bit hard to pitch in and help. What's an outfit squad? For that matter, what exactly are outfits, and squads? How would I go about finding and/or joining any of those things? Waypoints? I know how to set my personal waypoint. Is there another kind? Squad beacons? WTH are those? I've seen orange and green smoke occasionally, but I don't know what their significance is. Are those beacons? What is their function?

Basically, I feel like I'm beginning to get a handle on the run-around-and-shoot-stuff mechanics, but I don't have the foggiest idea how any of the organizational stuff works. I do I become a "GAFer"? How do I determine whether there is another GAFer online? How do I figure out if yhese GAFers are grouped in some way? How would I join such a grouping? What is the etiquette for joining any of these groups? Do I have to apply, or contact a certain person first? How is this contact made? Is there an in-game messaging system? Once in one of these hypothetical groups, how does further communication, voice and otherwise, happen?

As you can see, I don't even know what I don't know... It seems like this game would be a lot more fun if I could find someone who can speak, or maybe even cooperate with me. It very frustrating not to know what to do next.


Send me a friend request, I'll be logging in shortly.
Ooo! You're Lonestar.

I logged in about an hour ago, just to see what's on sale. There was a new icon over on the side of my HUD. I had no idea what it was, but it had a "K" on it. So I pressed "k". Aha! A friend request! From someone named Lonestar. I didn't know who that was, but hey, he wants to be my friend, so I said yes. :)

So, I now have one friend, and I can tell if that person is online or not. (Lonestar wasn't. Maybe I should check again.) I have no idea what else this new-found friended-ness gets me, but it's got to be better than the alternative.

Thanks for the invite. :)


We thank you for your service. :)

But here's the deal: I really don't know what you are talking about in the paragraph above. So it's a bit hard to pitch in and help. What's an outfit squad? For that matter, what exactly are outfits, and squads? How would I go about finding and/or joining any of those things? Waypoints? I know how to set my personal waypoint. Is there another kind? Squad beacons? WTH are those? I've seen orange and green smoke occasionally, but I don't know what their significance is. Are those beacons? What is their function?

Basically, I feel like I'm beginning to get a handle on the run-around-and-shoot-stuff mechanics, but I don't have the foggiest idea how any of the organizational stuff works. I do I become a "GAFer"? How do I determine whether there is another GAFer online? How do I figure out if yhese GAFers are grouped in some way? How would I join such a grouping? What is the etiquette for joining any of these groups? Do I have to apply, or contact a certain person first? How is this contact made? Is there an in-game messaging system? Once in one of these hypothetical groups, how does further communication, voice and otherwise, happen?

As you can see, I don't even know what I don't know... It seems like this game would be a lot more fun if I could find someone who can speak, or maybe even cooperate with me. It very frustrating not to know what to do next.
An outfit is just like a gigantic group friends list. Basically like a large scale team in Planetside. Outfits really don't do much besides allow you to make squads much more easily. If you join the GAF outfit, you will be able to see how many other members of that outfit are online at any time. You can also filter squads 'by outfit' so you can more easily join squads with membes from your outfit.

Squads are groups of up to 12 people who are currently playing the game. People join squads to coordinate small scale tactics. Your squad leader can also set a Squad Beacon, which allows you to respawn via drop pod in an area without a traditional spawn point(i.e. a sunderer, or a base). The squad leader can also set squad waypoints, to help coordinate the squad's target. You can see your squad mates on your map, and their names are displayd in a different color than everyone else. You can also use your squad leaders location as a 'quick deploy' point. Squads can also join with up to 3 other squads to form platoons.

Platoon mates also show up in a different color, and also appear on your map. People use platoons to coordinate on a larger scale than squads. Squads and platoons are temporary, but outfits are something that you need to formally join via an invite.

Due to the sheer number of people necessary to be effective in Planetside, most outfits are not picky at all with who they let in. All you need to do is get a hold of someone in the outfit via in-game message(/w [name] /tell [name]) and ask to join. You might need to register on their site, or download Teamspeak/Vent and attend some sort of orientation. But that's it. Just look around on your server for lots of people with the same Tag, or just ask in the chat who the big outfits are on your server and faction.

Being in a big outfit might not be appealing to you though. The one I'm in at least seems to take the game very seriously, which gets kind of frustrating sometimes. They'll probably expect you to follow the orders that come down from the people managing the larger strategy. Which sometimes means doing dumb shit like pulling out of an awesome fight to go regroup at the warpgate, or doing nothing but capping empty bases for 45 minutes to get a foothold on a continent that was just locked. On the whole it's made the game more fun though, and I'm sure there are outfits that take the game less seriously without sacrificing the benefits of being in a huge group.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Ooo! You're Lonestar.

I logged in about an hour ago, just to see what's on sale. There was a new icon over on the side of my HUD. I had no idea what it was, but it had a "K" on it. So I pressed "k". Aha! A friend request! From someone named Lonestar. I didn't know who that was, but hey, he wants to be my friend, so I said yes. :)

So, I now have one friend, and I can tell if that person is online or not. (Lonestar wasn't. Maybe I should check again.) I have no idea what else this new-found friended-ness gets me, but it's got to be better than the alternative.

Thanks for the invite. :)

Yeah, sent the friend invite (to a few recent additions on the excel sheet in the OP) but took a break a couple hours ago. Can't send an outfit invite without you being online, it seems.


Yeah, sent the friend invite (to a few recent additions on the excel sheet in the OP) but took a break a couple hours ago. Can't send an outfit invite without you being online, it seems.

Ah so you're Lonestar.. lol I should have used my gaf name. I'm Nirkia in the game.
Is there a way to see the stats of your main starting weapon to compare it to the weapons in the shop? It's annoying to not know what I'm buying or being able to compare.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Ah so you're Lonestar.. lol I should have used my gaf name. I'm Nirkia in the game.

Yeah, not great with names, so to carry on any conversation back to here (or wherever) I usually use some form of this name, across most games.


This game is pretty damn amazing and addictive. I have only played for a day and felt pretty useless in general. I died A Lot!.

I created a 2nd character on Connery as TR. Added a bunch of you guys, sorry if it was quite random.

Apart from the tutorial videos on the website and totalbiscuits video are there any other videos or tutorials I should look at?


We thank you for your service. :)

But here's the deal: I really don't know what you are talking about in the paragraph above. So it's a bit hard to pitch in and help. What's an outfit squad? For that matter, what exactly are outfits, and squads? How would I go about finding and/or joining any of those things? Waypoints? I know how to set my personal waypoint. Is there another kind? Squad beacons? WTH are those? I've seen orange and green smoke occasionally, but I don't know what their significance is. Are those beacons? What is their function?

Basically, I feel like I'm beginning to get a handle on the run-around-and-shoot-stuff mechanics, but I don't have the foggiest idea how any of the organizational stuff works. I do I become a "GAFer"? How do I determine whether there is another GAFer online? How do I figure out if yhese GAFers are grouped in some way? How would I join such a grouping? What is the etiquette for joining any of these groups? Do I have to apply, or contact a certain person first? How is this contact made? Is there an in-game messaging system? Once in one of these hypothetical groups, how does further communication, voice and otherwise, happen?

As you can see, I don't even know what I don't know... It seems like this game would be a lot more fun if I could find someone who can speak, or maybe even cooperate with me. It very frustrating not to know what to do next.

I guess I should have clarified ... My earlier post was really directed to people in the mattherson Vanu GAF outfit (which is called GAF, that's our tag and outfit name), and it was in response to some complaints things aren't always happening in the GAF outfit (no outfit squad running when people log on, or worse yet nobody on at all). We're trying though, through recruitment in game as well as running joint ops with another outfit (ender31 and his crew).

in regards to your questions Ding, I'd be happy to craft a much bigger in depth reply as lately I've been eating breathing and even dreaming planetside 2. I'm at extended family though for Xmas ... I'll have alot more time tomorrow.

suffice to say it, read the OP and watch some of the vids in the first post. Planetside is about as "hardcore" an fps you can get (compared to pretty much everything else out there) in terms of being very confusing at the start. There are multiple contacts and outfits (clan/guild) mentioned in the OP that will happily take you in/invite you. I'm the outfit leader of GAF on Mattherson Vanu and if you run with us we'll squad you up in our platoons and explain on the go.

my previous post wasn't directed at you, it was more just a comment to other guys in the mattherson GAF outfit regarding some things we need to do to keep ourselves self sustaining.

edit: press p in game to join random squads


Yeah, sent the friend invite (to a few recent additions on the excel sheet in the OP) but took a break a couple hours ago. Can't send an outfit invite without you being online, it seems.
I got that invite, oh, about an hour ago. I accepted, and I think I'm in an outfit now, or something. I checked and it looked like you and two other people were online. My apologies for not trying to make further contact this evening. I was mostly just getting my new joystick plugged in and some of the aircraft keybinds figured out. (It seems to work great, BTW)

Let's see, I saw something in the outfit's description about there being a webpage with more info. Next time I'm on, I'll investigate that to see if there's more info available there about voice chat and such. (The game does have it's own built-in voice system, right? Is it crappy? Why do folks use Team Speak or whatever? Just because they play lots of games and want a consistent experience?)

Oh, when I select the "Squad" button I see a list of about a dozen squads. One of them is called "GAF, PA, and friends", or something like that. Is that a thing I should be aware of? Is that sort of a temporary assemblage of (GAF outfit?) people that happen to be on at the moment?

Sixghost, thanks for the info on outfits, squads, (platoons) and some of the things that squads can do. Those squad beacons sound great. Almost like cheating. Is that the colored smoke that I've seen a few times?

I'm not sure I want "to take the game very seriously", at least not to the point where it stops being fun. Then again, a bit of structure would very likely add to the fun, and might reduce the "unreliable gunner" syndrome I'm encountering right now.


I really want to try to get into this game, but I can't seem to. It just runs terribly no matter what I do with the settings. I have read the stuff in the OP and have to assume that my CPU is limiting me quite a bit.

It also crashes every time I exit (Steam copy). Plus, every time I try to validate the integrity, it finds at least 1 file it says needed to be reacquired. So I can't tell if it's my PC or a bad Steam installation.


Oh, when I select the "Squad" button I see a list of about a dozen squads. One of them is called "GAF, PA, and friends", or something like that. Is that a thing I should be aware of? Is that sort of a temporary assemblage of (GAF outfit?) people that happen to be on at the moment?

Sixghost, thanks for the info on outfits, squads, (platoons) and some of the things that squads can do. Those squad beacons sound great. Almost like cheating. Is that the colored smoke that I've seen a few times .

GAF and friends is the usual tag I use to label our outfit squad. As we only have 5 or 6 of us on at any one time, we squad up together and then open the squad to anyone to join. We also platoon up with another outfit that also runs a squad nightly. This gives us a solid group of 15 - 20 guys to run organized attacks, while at the same time growing the platoon to 48 people over the night.

the colored smoke you see is a squad leader cert ability. Its useful for leading the zerg (those not in your platoon) as well as your own squad as well. Everyone in your faction can see smoke beacons, only your squad mates and platoon can see squad/platoon waypoints.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
There are times where I'd like for someone to drop a preset squad on a specific point. I.E. On Indar, there's these high canyon walls overlooking a tech plant. Which loves to spawn tons of armor and planes. To drop a squad of nothing but Lockon Rockets HA's, AA Maxes, engineers and a medic, could bring the pain.

But yeah, a designed squad, with job roles planned out for the situation.


I got that invite, oh, about an hour ago. I accepted, and I think I'm in an outfit now, or something. I checked and it looked like you and two other people were online. My apologies for not trying to make further contact this evening. I was mostly just getting my new joystick plugged in and some of the aircraft keybinds figured out. (It seems to work great, BTW)

Let's see, I saw something in the outfit's description about there being a webpage with more info. Next time I'm on, I'll investigate that to see if there's more info available there about voice chat and such. (The game does have it's own built-in voice system, right? Is it crappy? Why do folks use Team Speak or whatever? Just because they play lots of games and want a consistent experience?)

Oh, when I select the "Squad" button I see a list of about a dozen squads. One of them is called "GAF, PA, and friends", or something like that. Is that a thing I should be aware of? Is that sort of a temporary assemblage of (GAF outfit?) people that happen to be on at the moment?

Sixghost, thanks for the info on outfits, squads, (platoons) and some of the things that squads can do. Those squad beacons sound great. Almost like cheating. Is that the colored smoke that I've seen a few times?

I'm not sure I want "to take the game very seriously", at least not to the point where it stops being fun. Then again, a bit of structure would very likely add to the fun, and might reduce the "unreliable gunner" syndrome I'm encountering right now.
It gets grating sometimes, like when you've got someone inexperienced leading ops and they waste 20 minutes of everyones time moving from planet to planet or constantly changing orders. But some of the craziest shit I've ever seen in a video game has been a direct result of playing with huge organized outfits. My first night, we organized a MAX crash, which is when all 100 or so people in the outfit regrouped in a spawn room, switched to a MAX(the ultra heavy unit), and all attack sprinted out of the spawn room at once to break a stalemate. Another time we did that same thing, but we loaded up 7 or 8 galaxies with 12 guys each, all MAXes and dropped on top of the Crown to try and crack it. I've seen huge ass armor fights that lasted for almost 30 minutes, with tanks and planes everywhere. Being in a bigger outfit just ups the scale of everything.

Even if you don't end up liking it, being a part of something like that gives you a much better understanding of how the game works. Also, it gives you a great place to ask tons of questions if you are still learning how to play.


This game is pretty polarizing. You'll either love it or hate depending on how you play it. If you go in there, make friends, join squad, join an outfit, and become a part of their community, you'll absolutely love it because you'll witness the most epic battles in online gaming. A good leader, whether it be a squad leader, platoon leader, or outfit leader even, will make the game a lot more enjoyable for you by guiding you to right areas of the map and show you how to capture them and what's important. They'll also be responsible for some of the biggest skirmishes in the game and they can decide to either engage in huge battles or play small-ball and capture bases behind enemy lines with ease but you won't see much action.

Now if you play the game solo or rely on random squads which are hit or miss, then the game will be completely different for you. You'll be running around always dying wondering what the hell could be fun about this game, but ALL OF US HAVE SAID THAT at some point. The more you learn from good squads and platoons, the more it makes sense and then the game just magically clicks overnight and it's now amazing.

The key is enduring the learning curve and trying to find people to play with. Otherwise, you'll be frustrated trying to capture bases alone or dying aimlessly. When the game does click, you'll get addicted.

This game isn't for everyone, but it's so dynamic and supports so many different types of playstyles that it should be easy to find something you enjoy doing. The fact that people actually physically care for their faction over the others and join in on the joking about rivalries and such says a lot, because we're hooked to the game enough to care about something as stupid as having faction loyalties. No other shooter can say that because no other game emphasizes different sides anymore. It's a true asymmetrical and dynamic game.
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