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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I'll be voting for him, but I dont expect him to be any different than Nelson.
If his tenure in the Senate is any indication, he'll vote more liberally, but raise a bigger stink than Nelson does when he's against something.

He's actually one of the 14 senators who voted against DOMA when it first came up in 96.



The data clearly shows that substituting natural gas for coal will have a substantial greenhouse benefit under almost any set of reasonable assumptions. Methane emissions must be five times larger than they currently appear to be before gas substitution for coal becomes detrimental from a global warming perspective on any time scale. The advantage of natural gas applies whether it comes from a shale gas well or a conventional gas well. [Read the rest in a pdf here.]



Passing metallic gas
I generally don't pay much attention to professional trolls like Ann Coulter and Limbaugh, but Limbaugh, but conservatives are going way too far attacking the college student who was denied a spot at the contraception hearing:

Limbaugh: Student Denied Spot At Contraception Hearing Says "She Must Be Paid To Have Sex," So She's A "Slut" And "Prostitute"

Regular Fox Guest Bill Donohue Calls Student Advocating For Contraception Coverage A "Little Brat"

Godspeed you crazy bastards. Lets see how far the coveted vote of old white men gets you.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Interesting, for the record I'm for coal over natural gas fracking.
The criticism from the Liz Cheney's on the right with regard to Iran are so pathetic. The administration and it's allies are doing exactly the right thing with Iran. The sanctions are crippling their economy and currency, their nuclear sites are being attacked with extremely sophisticated computer viruses, their nuclear scientists are being assassinated ; EVERYTHING that can be done short of war is being done. This "weakness" argument is exclusively for idiots.


I know, but as it stands now natural gas fracking needs to be shelved until a better technique is devised.
I would like to see a comprehensive scientific study that evaluate the two.
Neither is all that great, but we might as well go with the less harmful.

Bah, that sounds hard, let's just go with the industry who lobbied hardest.


Looks like the Paulites are taking Ricky out of context. The kinds of Tea Partiers he's talking about are the extreme libertarian types within it, not Tea Partiers as a whole (whom Rick was probaby pandering to in the same speech). Santorum and others (Huckabee, etc) who primarily appeal to the social issues wing of the Republican Party have been saying for some time that the rising embrace of libertarian Republicans (Ron Paul et al.) is a threat to the party's nature. They (Santorum&co) want Big Government authority when it concerns your body and your bedroom, and at least some noticeable level of social spending so they can say that they are good Christians. This is completely in opposition to Paulites (who will still say they want that authority vested in the states!).

Mike M

Nick N
All I hear is Hans Zimmer.

PPP: Romney has the lead in the polling for Saturday's caucuses in Washington, but Santorum has tended to outperform his caucus polling, so you never know. Of course, Ron Paul supporters will claim they won anyway.

Tempted to go caucus, but I'd probably be sniffed out as a dirty liberal and run out of town.
The fact of the matter is no one in the Republican party wants to see this delegate math game be decided at the convention. Can you imagine the splintering that would happen if someone won the Primary populist vote (no matter how small the lead was) but didn't win due to the delegates switching at convention? If you think the system is screwed up now, just wait till a small group of voters ends up deciding a race that was voted on by millions. No matter who ends up taking the nomination, no one would see that person as the legitimate winner.

Go to the Ron Paul thread. That's literally the strategy they think will enable Paul to take the nomination.


The crap going into drinking water alone scares the crap out of me.

The worst part is that companies will ruin the drinking water, then tax payers have to clean it. So much for "cheap" energy. Fossil fuels typically just pass the cost of environmental repair to taxpayers creating an artificially low price in the market, making fossil fuels look cheaper than they really are.

Even so, power plants more efficiently use fuel than cars do. If it was an oil power plant, it would be far more efficient than refining gasoline and burning it in relatively low efficiency car engines.


Unconfirmed Member

Santorum or Khamenei?

Even so, power plants more efficiently use fuel than cars do. If it was an oil power plant, it would be far more efficient than refining gasoline and burning it in relatively low efficiency car engines.

Even if the plant is hyper efficient transmission over power lines is not. Its horrendous the energy loss during transmission.


I generally don't pay much attention to professional trolls like Ann Coulter and Limbaugh, but Limbaugh, but conservatives are going way too far attacking the college student who was denied a spot at the contraception hearing:

Limbaugh: Student Denied Spot At Contraception Hearing Says "She Must Be Paid To Have Sex," So She's A "Slut" And "Prostitute"

Regular Fox Guest Bill Donohue Calls Student Advocating For Contraception Coverage A "Little Brat"

Shit like this is so saddening.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member

Santorum Will Refocus On Economic Message

Too little, Too late.

Everyone see you as the religious nut you are. His advisors failed him by not getting him off that religious zealotry much, much sooner.

That is going to work, perfectly. He will present himself as a steward feeding coal into the engine of the economy and no registered republicans will give a fuck about anything he said regarding contraception or women in the military or how he questioned Obama's faith.

I do not see how anybody could have kept up with the primaries until now and still think that voters are capable of retaining information for longer than a week. The polls change so drastically and so quickly, it's clear that voters are pretty much undecided until right before they physically vote.

Especially, as he was the most "republican" in his religious/moral positions. Mitt Romney plus his superpacs know without a doubt, that attacking Santorum on social issues will hurt Romney more than it will hurt Santorum.

Romney is crying into his root beer right now. The idea of Santorum surging back, on "real" issues, is everything he dreads.


Santorum's total reversal on his view of the Tea Party screams desperation. They won't forget it. He burned himself out on trying to be the model social conservative when he should have been staying on point about the economy.
The Prime minister of our 'closest ally' suggests that the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is working for Iran because he said something he didn't like, and... crickets. Our politicians? They fall in line to echo Netanyahu and act like slimy traitors. How fucking patriotic. 'Support our troops', right?

So yes Netanyahu is a snake, and US politicians falling over themselves to kiss his ass at the expense of this country are even worse snakes.

Netanyahu could stand before Congress and make that statement, and Republicans would give him a standing ovation.
The sheriff will say:

"I cannot concude whether the certificate is real or not. Further investigation needed."

Because he wants a certain result obviously - and if he doesn't get it, he'll just investigate it more until he's right! And it keeps his teacrappers happy.
Any predictions for Super Tuesday?

  • Alaska - Mitt
  • Georgia - Newt
  • Idaho - Mitt
  • Massachusetts - Mitt
  • North Dakota - Rick
  • Ohio - Rick
  • Oklahoma - Rick
  • Tennessee - Rick
  • Vermont - Mitt
  • Virginia - Mitt


Clearly there's no great love of him on my end but it's sad to see anybody go that young. Hopefully his family is doing ok.


Mitt's going to spend double the money he did in Michigan and close that gap. Plus, over half the voters in Ohio are still undecided.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Jesus, what are natural causes at age 43?

it was a heart attack. I hope his family is ok. And if there's a positive things to say about him its that he tried to advance gay rights within the GOP. But listening to Hannity's phoned in eulogy, which was, naturally full of lies and horsehit, made me gag.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I think the short excerpt I read from that Andrew Sullivan article on Netanyahu is ridiculously over the top. Netanyahu didn't call an American general an Iranian agent, he said his comments were serving Iranian interests because they could lessen the pressure on Iran to start complying with the NPT again while the int'l community exerts pressure via diplomacy and sanctions. Or am I missing something?
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