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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Casey has always been pro-life, and is up for re-election this year so he gets a pass.

I could see a situation here where Reid gets the votes he needs to keep it from passing, and lets the "vulnerable" senators (like casey) safely vote against it.

edit: I realize this isn't an abortion issue per se, but it's being framed very similarly in the media- with religious groups "for" and "pro women's groups" against.
Absolutely not.
OMG. Mittens is fucking awesome. Here he is defending his comments on the ponchos people were wearing the other day:

:lol :lol

I must admit I find it hilarious that liberals are trying to turn this into a thing. Seems like Romney's disinterest in NASCAR nearly matches liberals' disinterest in it. It's like it's 2004 all over again, just the roles are reversed in terms of who is accusing who of being out of touch with the common white man
I must admit I find it hilarious that liberals are trying to turn this into a thing. Seems like Romney's disinterest in NASCAR nearly matches liberals' disinterest in it. It's like it's 2004 all over again, just the roles are reversed in terms of who is accusing who of being out of touch with the common white man
Is it not clear that what's amusing is Romney's attempts to pretend that he's interested in NASCAR?

I thought that was pretty clear.


It's funny because I keep getting Romney confused with Kerry.
It's basically the same thing. Party envisions the attributes of a winning candidate, applies them to someone.

Only in this case, there's no one to get out of the way and let him be the nominee.
Holy shit the Media Matters feed exploded with videos of Rush talking about that Fluke woman. All of them have some pretty heinous titles.
US judge forwards racist email about Obama

A federal judge acknowledged forwarding a racially charged email about President Barack Obama, saying he isn't a racist and apologizing while adding that he sent it "because it's anti-Obama."

"I apologize to anybody who is offended by it, and I can obviously understand why people would be offended," Richard Cebull, the chief U.S. district judge in Montana, said in comments reported by the Great Falls Tribune newspaper on Wednesday.
In his email to six friends, Cebull writes: "Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine."

The forwarded content states: "A little boy said to his mother; 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?' His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark!'"
A federal judge acknowledged forwarding a racially charged email about President Barack Obama, saying he isn't a racist and apologizing while adding that he sent it "because it's anti-Obama."

Sums up the whole republican party. As long as it's 'anti-Obama', it's fair game.

Fucking Despicable.
That's typical of the kind of stuff that gets forwarded around those conservative email chains.

Glad to see he's making sure not to lose the 'garbage-bags-as-raincoats' demographic.

He loves raincoats. And not just the garbage bag ponchos that people wear at nascar, but also the yellow ones that fisherman wear on fishing boats that dot the nation's coastlines.

This comment sums it up best:

Holy tin foil conspiracy theory Batman ... found the basement dwellers!

Used to be you all were the odd duck sitting at the end of the bar that everyone quietly avoided as you spewed your nonsense.

Heaven help us that you figured out how to find the Interwebz and now here you all are thinking your delusions are real because you connected with the end of the barfly from the next town over .. and the next ...

Roy Blunt won't give up lol

Unperturbed after Senate Democrats blocked their effort to let employer health plans refuse to cover birth control and other preventive services, Republican leaders are vowing to keep up the fight after the vote. And Democrats are more than happy to let them — all the way up until the November elections.

“This fight is not over,” said Senate GOP Conference Vice Chair Roy Blunt (R-MO), the author of the amendment that was tabled 51-48 on Thursday. “I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers of Congress to protect the rights that make our nation great.”

Though many Republicans would like to give the issue a rest, fearing voter backlash, the GOP can’t easily soft-peddle in this culture war conflagration. And that was clear today on both sides of the Capitol.


This is utterly amazing.
It will only be amazing if the Democrats don't drop the messaging ball and don't let the Republicans paint this as a religious freedom issue - probably through the tried and true tactic of repeating it enough that the public starts buying it, while the Democrats sit back saying nothing coordinated in response.


Roy Blunt won't give up lol

Hah. You know the more politically savvy Republicans like McConnell are going nuts right about now. I think we'll somewhat of a schism form before too long; the GOP in large part agrees with the amendment but they sure don't want that to be a focus as the election nears.


Seriously? It's an old racist joke often used to insult people of mixed heritage...
Maybe you're right, I can see how it can be seen as saying that "mixed race kids = slutty mother".
But I still think that such jokes can be said by non-racist people who are just going for crude humor.

But I'm sure that the fact that I first heard this joke about hair color influence the way I see it.
Maybe you're right, I can see how it can be seen as saying that "mixed race kids = slutty mother".
But I still think that such jokes can be said by non-racist people who are just going for crude humor.

But I'm sure that the fact that I first heard this joke about hair color influence the way I see it.

But it goes beyond "slutty mother" and instead insinuates the mother slept with animals
Man, does it say something bad about our political system when something as horrible as the Blunt amendment gets 48 votes in the Senate...

Nate Silver puts Democrats at 80% to pick up Snowe's seat in Maine; no comments on how liberal the senator is likely to be, but hopefully that's covered in the follow-up article.

The problem with that is that I'd be kind of surprised if there isn't a major independent candidate like Angus King or Eliot Cutler, but he says that that 80% is an estimate for a two-person race only.
Man, does it say something bad about our political system when something as horrible as the Blunt amendment gets 48 votes in the Senate...

The problem with that is that I'd be kind of surprised if there isn't a major independent candidate like Angus King or Eliot Cutler, but he says that that 80% is an estimate for a two-person race only.

I think it says more horrible things about the electorate than it does about the system.
Hah. You know the more politically savvy Republicans like McConnell are going nuts right about now. I think we'll somewhat of a schism form before too long; the GOP in large part agrees with the amendment but they sure don't want that to be a focus as the election nears.

They have to know they're hurting their chances in November. Right?
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