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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Here you go. Q4 revised from 2.8% to 3.0%. Expectation was it would remain unchanged.

Related, in February Chicago manufacturing ramped up big time:

Anecdotal Evidence from chicago coming in.
Started a Job in late 2010. This is the busiest it has ever been. We started working production 6-6 monday through saturday. unfortunately or business does not support new hirings since production is held back my manufacturing spaces and training. A well versed pressmen is expensive and hard come by but the job pays mid to high twenty dollars an hour.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's kind of amazing that they represent the cream of the crop.

They aren't the cream of the Republican crop, there are many others who would be better candidates than the four who are still in it. They are just the only crop that is running this time around. For example, if Gov Christie from NJ had run then you would be seeing a whole different kind of 2012 primary, most likely a much better one.


They aren't the cream of the Republican crop, there are many others who would be better candidates than the four who are still in it. They are just the only crop that is running this time around. For example, if Gov Christie from NJ had run then you would be seeing a whole different kind of 2012 primary, most likely a much better one.

Yeah, none of the 4 running are what most GOP would consider their best choices. Its just smart people know that if they tried to run against Obama they face a bigger risk of being defeated then if they wait 4 years for a more even playing field. Huntsman tried to run but was easily defeated by the crazy train early on

A more honest/worthwhile GOP Primary would be Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Huntsman, Chris Christie and Mitch Daniels
Yeah, none of the 4 running are what most GOP would consider their best choices. Its just smart people know that if they tried to run against Obama they face a bigger risk of being defeated then if they wait 4 years for a more even playing field. Huntsman tried to run but was easily defeated by the crazy train early on

A more honest/worthwhile GOP Primary would be Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Huntsman, Chris Christie and Mitch Daniels

Jeb Bush wouldn't run because his name is still politically toxic. maaaaaaaybe in 4 years.

Chris Christie just got elected. Running for president 2 years into his first governor's position wouldn't be a smart move, and christie knows this.

Rubio ALSO Just got elected...last year! again, running for president 1 year (or less, he would have had to start campaigning a year ago) in to your first senate term looks bad to the people that voted you in. Obama pulled it off with 3 years in the senate before resigning his position, but that guy was the exception, not the rule.

Huntsman's campaign is dead in the water, because of the whole "working for the obama administration" thing. The base doesn't look too kindly on it and there has never been any kind of enthusiasm for him.

Mitch Daniels is the only legitimate contender in that list.


Mitch Daniels is a bowl of oatmeal. Zzzzzz

I wouldn't rule out Huckabee in 2016. He's building a strong brand on talk radio/cable news, seems scandal-free and will be a lock in all the Southern states. Plus, the Republicans like guys that have already went through the wringer one time.

The only caveat is that he could be making so much money by that time, he won't have the desire to put himself through it again.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mitch Daniels is a bowl of oatmeal. Zzzzzz

I wouldn't rule out Huckabee in 2016. He's building a strong brand on talk radio/cable news, seems scandal-free and will be a lock in all the Southern states. Plus, the Republicans like guys that have already went through the wringer one time.

The only caveat is that he could be making so much money by that time, he won't have the desire to put himself through it again.

Yes, I agree.
So I guess Fox News has become so brazen with their whole "parrot the GOP's daily talking points" thing that they're starting to even admit to it on air like it's nothing. (sorry if old)



Jeb Bush wouldn't run because his name is still politically toxic. maaaaaaaybe in 4 years.

Chris Christie just got elected. Running for president 2 years into his first governor's position wouldn't be a smart move, and christie knows this.

Rubio ALSO Just got elected...last year! again, running for president 1 year (or less, he would have had to start campaigning a year ago) in to your first senate term looks bad to the people that voted you in. Obama pulled it off with 3 years in the senate before resigning his position, but that guy was the exception, not the rule.

Huntsman's campaign is dead in the water, because of the whole "working for the obama administration" thing. The base doesn't look too kindly on it and there has never been any kind of enthusiasm for him.

Mitch Daniels is the only legitimate contender in that list.

Compared to the 4 we got now, even with their newness they would not do any worse (well Jeb Bush might but at least he would motivate his base)


Mitch Daniels is a bowl of oatmeal. Zzzzzz

I wouldn't rule out Huckabee in 2016. He's building a strong brand on talk radio/cable news, seems scandal-free and will be a lock in all the Southern states. Plus, the Republicans like guys that have already went through the wringer one time.

The only caveat is that he could be making so much money by that time, he won't have the desire to put himself through it again.

Its not a big scandal, but Huckabee does have that pardoning issue. He pardoned a prisoner in his state that had a lot more years to go and very little reason to be pardoned early and the guy later killed in cold blood 4 cops up here in Washington State. When that incident happened most thought Huckabees political career was over and we haven't heard a peep from him since other then to register opinions on certain political issues on Fox.
Yeah, only a fool would run for president after winning his first major statewide election.

I'm not saying it CAN'T happen- if Obama and the Democratic party were in the same position as Bush was (that being, literally any democrat who came out of the primary was taking the white house) then it might be worth the risk.

That's not the case here.

In addition, Christie BARELY won his election over Corzine, who might have been the least popular governor in recent memory. It wasn't political skill or charming personality that got him into office.
Its not a big scandal, but Huckabee does have that pardoning issue. He pardoned a prisoner in his state that had a lot more years to go and very little reason to be pardoned early and the guy later killed in cold blood 4 cops up here in Washington State. When that incident happened most thought Huckabees political career was over and we haven't heard a peep from him since other then to register opinions on certain political issues on Fox.

Sorry but that's a big scandal, he basically killed four cops like he pulled the trigger himself. Politically.
Its not a big scandal, but Huckabee does have that pardoning issue. He pardoned a prisoner in his state that had a lot more years to go and very little reason to be pardoned early and the guy later killed in cold blood 4 cops up here in Washington State. When that incident happened most thought Huckabees political career was over and we haven't heard a peep from him since other then to register opinions on certain political issues on Fox.

huckabee always struck me as a guy who (like sarah palin) was in it more to promote his brand, than to actually start a legitimate run for national office.
Christie wouldn't even help win NJ for Romney if he were the VP.

Which is why Bob McDonnell makes far more sense. He's a popular governor from a swing state with tea party credentials. Plus Virginia only allows governors to serve one term so it makes perfect sense from McDonnell's perspective; he has nothing to lose. Unlike Christie who needs to turn NJ around first
Which is why Bob McDonnell makes far more sense. He's a popular governor from a swing state with tea party credentials. Plus Virginia only allows governors to serve one term so it makes perfect sense from McDonnell's perspective; he has nothing to lose. Unlike Christie who needs to turn NJ around first
I wonder how the Virginian vaginal ultrasound fiasco played out with his favorability with the right. Is he now too 'soft' on abortions or was the bill with that provision dropped still tough enough for him to up his cred?
I was under the impression the NDAA had to be drawn up and passed again every year.
This is the best summary I've seen of what the NDAA does and doesn't do. It's a good read.

Anyway, former Democratic Governor Baldacci is collecting signatures for a Senate race. He's joined by Pingree and Michaud. It looks like it's going to be an exciting primary for Maine. I hope Pingree wins for the simple fact that we need as many women in the Senate as reasonable.
This is the best summary I've seen of what the NDAA does and doesn't do. It's a good read.

Anyway, former Democratic Governor Baldacci is collecting signatures for a Senate race. He's joined by Pingree and Michaud. It looks like it's going to be an exciting primary for Maine. I hope Pingree wins for the simple fact that we need as many women in the Senate as reasonable.

I've seen most of those explanations elsewhere, but the part I'm curious about is the one that refers to it as the bill that authorizes military spending only for fiscal 2012.

since every year we need a NEW NDAA, do the provisions that PD is concerned about need to be re-written in for say, 2013, 2014, 2015, etc to take effect in subsequent years- or do those provisions carry over indefinitely until a new section is written that contradicts it?
This is the best summary I've seen of what the NDAA does and doesn't do. It's a good read.

Anyway, former Democratic Governor Baldacci is collecting signatures for a Senate race. He's joined by Pingree and Michaud. It looks like it's going to be an exciting primary for Maine. I hope Pingree wins for the simple fact that we need as many women in the Senate as reasonable.
Honestly, dunno why Michaud is going for it. From what I heard he's got a lot of skeletons in his closet and a pro-life record, so I doubt that'll do him much favors in the primary.

Kerrey made it official for NE.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Mitch Daniels is also very short and was Bush's budget guy. You know, the guy who estimated the Iraq war would cost $60b. Even his recent right-swing on unions won't save him in a primary imo.

Assuming NJ turns around alongside the rest of the economy by 2015, it'll be Christie's race to lose.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wow. That makes me sick looking at it, both for the truthfulness and the depiction of slurry going happily into those elephant's mouths.


Apologies if this has already been discussed, but is there any indication of how the 2016 Democratic field looking to shape up? Hopefully we can get a good contest.


The dying breed:

Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee (I) told WPRI-TV that when he was a Republican U.S. Senator he ate lunch each week with four other GOP moderates: Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, Jim Jeffords of Vermont and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. They referred to themselves as "the Mod Squad."

"In 2001, Jeffords left the party to caucus with the Democrats. In 2006, Chafee lost his seat to Sheldon Whitehouse after a primary challenge from the right. In 2009, Specter switched parties and went on to lose his first Democratic primary. And on Tuesday, Snowe shocked Washington by announcing her retirement... The last remaining member is Collins, who was re-elected in 2008."


-- /// --

Ben Bernake urges Congress to do something about the triggers:

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned Congress it risked taking the nation over a "massive fiscal cliff" at the end of the year, The Hill reports.

He warned expiring tax cuts and spending cuts set to be triggered at the end of the year could hurt the economic recovery.

Said Bernanke: "All those things are hitting on the same day, basically. It's quite a big event."

Apologies if this has already been discussed, but is there any indication of how the 2016 Democratic field looking to shape up? Hopefully we can get a good contest.

According to Chuck Todd, Andrew Cuomo is setting himself up for 2016. After that you have Mark Warner, and the 500 lb gorilla that is Hillary Clinton.
Mitch Daniels is also very short and was Bush's budget guy. You know, the guy who estimated the Iraq war would cost $60b. Even his recent right-swing on unions won't save him in a primary imo.

Assuming NJ turns around alongside the rest of the economy by 2015, it'll be Christie's race to lose.
Every race is the Republicans' to lose.
Christie and Jeb and sitting it out for more probable 2016,

they both know that 2012 is toxic and wasted so they are not gonna jump in.

like people said; Christie doesn't want to be a Palin


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"Santorum claiming a Michigan tie"
WASHINGTON – Rick Santorum’s campaign is claiming a tie – not conceding a loss – in Michigan’s Republican presidential primary. Whether that’s true remains to be seen.

Mitt Romney won the popular vote in the state by a 3-percentage-point margin, but Santorum’s campaign is talking about the delegate count: And it’s true – the most recent tally of votes in the state’s new 14 congressional districts shows a 7-7 split between Santorum and Romney. The primary was set up to award two delegates to the winner in each of the new districts.

Santorum senior strategist John Brabender on Wednesday said it is also his understanding that two delegates to be awarded on a statewide basis will be split – which, if true, would mean a 15-15 split in the available delegates between the candidates.

But it’s unclear where Brabender is getting his information and the state Republican Party, meanwhile, says it’s still counting votes for each of the 14 congressional distiricts.

“The race has been moved up to a tie on delegates,” Brabender said, adding later, “For this to end up a tie can only be seen as a disaster for Mitt Romney.”


So they split the delegates?
Interesting viewpoint from Andrew Sullivan today:

Obama's Most Dangerous GOP Opponent: Netanyahu

Andrew Sullivan said:

I don't think you can understand the Republican strategy for this election without factoring in a key GOP player, Benjamin Netanyahu. He already has core members of the US Congress siding openly with him against the US president and the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman - like McCain, Lieberman and Butters. Netanyahu's war would be designed to rile up not only his own neo-fascist base, but also encourage American evangelical voters to turn out against Obama, the "anti-Christ", while other Greater Israel fanatics, like Sheldon Adelson, keep bankrolling as many Greater Israel GOP nominees as they can. A global war which polarizes America and the world is exactly what Netanyahu wants. And it is exactly what the GOP needs to cut through Obama's foreign policy advantage in this election. Because it is only through war, crisis and polarization that extremists can mobilize the emotions that keep them in power. They need war to win.

Here's a prediction. Netanyahu, in league and concert with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, will make his move to get rid of Obama soon. And he will be more lethal to this president than any of his domestic foes.

Full article here

Any thoughts PoliGaf?
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