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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Which is why I'm confident Obama will not be re-elected

The recovery is too weak, and there are too many potential land mines for democrats. Today the house put us steps closer to another govt shut down, gas prices are still ridiculous, Iran/Israel are a major problem, etc.

As UE rises again I expect people to turn on Obama. He's had his four years and didn't get it done - at least, that's what most voters will argue

i hope you never leave poligaf, oh man
I also severely dislike his groveling to Israel at every opportunity, but that's like a built-in feature with every President. Other things I'm cool with.

Yet according to his critics he despises Israel, has betrayed them, thrown them under the bus, and would have no problem if they were wiped off the face of the map. In fact, he secret wants Iran to do just that.

The Israeli lobby is one of the worst and dangerous forces in US politics. Obama isn't grovelling quite enough, and he's an enemy to Israel unless he gets his tongue even further up their ass. It's quite a pathetic situation, because for any President or would be President, doing the right thing and having a truly objective view of the situation (ie. telling Israel to go fuck itself instead of trying to spit on/embarrass the US at every turn and strong arm them into wars while not willing to have a shred of compromise) would be complete political suicide.
Which is why I'm confident Obama will not be re-elected

The recovery is too weak, and there are too many potential land mines for democrats. Today the house put us steps closer to another govt shut down, gas prices are still ridiculous, Iran/Israel are a major problem, etc.

As UE rises again I expect people to turn on Obama. He's had his four years and didn't get it done - at least, that's what most voters will argue

Weren't you an ardent Hillary supporter, confident that Obama would never get elected for President? All the way until the results were announced you were trolling about how he would never win. Shows how much your 'confidence' is worth. Incredible you're still willing to make such confident, asinine claims while being so wrong in the past. Also, what does 'Iran/Israel' problem mean? Obama created those problems? Your entire post is nonsensical.
Meanwhile, they are resorting to *snicker* calling a Harvard Law Professor radical and a simple hug an endorsement of radicalism.

Obama also said he was good-looking and charming. Obama has the gay.

Utopia, you need to learn the personalities in Poli-GAF. You get way too wound up over guys like PD and TA.
Weren't you an ardent Hillary supporter, confident that Obama would never get elected for President? Shows how much your 'confidence' is worth. Incredible you're still willing to make such confident, asinine claims while being so wrong in the past. Also, what does 'Iran/Israel' problem mean? Obama created those problems? Your entire post is nonsensical.
Don't be daft. If Israel goes to war with Iran it will be bad for the United States; that doesn't mean Obama is creating the problem any more than he'd be creating a blowup of the eurozone.
Which is why I'm confident Obama will not be re-elected

The recovery is too weak, and there are too many potential land mines for democrats. Today the house put us steps closer to another govt shut down, gas prices are still ridiculous, Iran/Israel are a major problem, etc.

As UE rises again I expect people to turn on Obama. He's had his four years and didn't get it done - at least, that's what most voters will argue

When has Israel NOT been fighting with someone? Was Obama supposed to solve a 50 year issue that no one else could before him?

The recovery is not great . . . but take a look around. Our recovery is better than Europe and Japan. If the recovery weakens, gas prices will go down thus at least eliminating that issue. (And gas is also higher in Europe.)

If we go back to 9+% UE then he could be in trouble. But if things just meander along as is, which ever weak candidate the GOP chooses probably won't be able to provide a convincing case as to why they would do better. Their proposals can generally be summed up as "Let's make things just like they were during the Bush administration when we had that 2008 meltdown! Oh, and let's start another war!" Good luck with that, GOP.

We could sure use some companies taking advantage of the low natural gas prices . . . hopefully various aluminum smelters, petro-chemical makers, & fertilizer makers expand operatings in the USA


Vice President Portman?

Some time after 11:30 p.m., a Romney aide walked by to exult, and turned to a reporter seated nearby.

“You want to write a story?” he asked. “Story is, the difference in Ohio: Senator Rob Portman.”

Portman, the former budget director for President George W. Bush, endorsed Romney in January, but he really threw himself into the campaign in its final weeks, emerging as the former Massachusetts governor’s highest profile Ohio surrogate. In a state where Republicans are notoriously fractious, and where GOP Gov. John Kasich is still digging out from the wreckage of an anti-union ballot measure last year, Portman gave Romney the promise of a popular, untainted local ally.

In a way it makes sense. Any chance for Romney to win means winning states like Ohio. But, Portman isn't exactly a household name even in the state where he is Senator.
Don't be daft. If Israel goes to war with Iran it will be bad for the United States; that doesn't mean Obama is creating the problem any more than he'd be creating a blowup of the eurozone.

This. I in no way am blaming Obama for Iran/Israel, or gas prices for that matter. I'm merely pointing out these are problems that will hurt his re-election chances, just as they would have hurt McCain's if he were president now.

If I had to bet I'd say dems lose the WH and senate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Lol. I had forgotten how salty and bitter Hillary people were. Truly the worst losers in recent political history - and they have a HUGE blind spot about her Clinton baggage and MidEast policy problems. Don't get me wrong - she is an astonishingly accomplished person and I would have voted for her enthusiastically had she gotten the nom. But she didn't and its all slowly working out for the best.

Move on.
Lol. I had forgotten how salty and bitter Hillary people were. Truly the worst losers in recent political history - and they have a HUGE blind spot about her Clinton baggage and MidEast policy problems. Don't get me wrong - she is an astonishingly accomplished person and I would have voted for her enthusiastically had she gotten the nom. But she didn't and its all slowly working out for the best.

Move on.
You can really only be one; salt counteracts bitterness. If you want to smooth out your coffee, for example, put a tiny bit of salt in the grounds,


Looks like the GOP with renege on the debt limit deal


Dems Irate As GOP Set To Break Debt Limit Deal
Signs mounted Thursday that House Republican leaders, under pressure from their conservative members, will submit a budget that calls for cutting federal programs beneath the levels they agreed to in the bipartisan August debt limit. Democrats warned that violating the agreement could spark a government shutdown fight later this year.

Forcing a government shutdown just before the Nov election? Are the GOP suicidal?
I'm a little surprised by that. Granted, they haven't had a field of inspiring candidates. However, I thought the hatred of Obama was strong enough to drive some enthusiasm. I guess not. I guess a lot of people have just gotten used to him and the crappy GOP candidates don't inspire people enough to boot him out. Maybe all of Obama's cross-aisle efforts were not in vain. Although he hasn't gotten people to like him, he has diffused the hatred it seems.

I certainly wouldn't have guessed that based on my anecdotal experience. Maybe among the more moderate end of the party, but the base seems to dislike Obama as much as they ever have.

How useful is primary turnout for gauging enthusiasm anyway? I'd suspect there are many conservatives who are indifferent enough to the current crop of candidates that they don't care who wins the primary, but will still be "enthusiastic" to vote against Obama in the general.


Looks like the GOP with renege on the debt limit deal


Dems Irate As GOP Set To Break Debt Limit Deal

Forcing a government shutdown just before the Nov election? Are the GOP suicidal?

Quite the opposite. The throttle the debt dance last summer put on the economy hit Obama hard. They are probably hoping for a sequel. I've been wondering for months what they would do since there were no apparant options.


I've often decried gerrymandering and how it can rob people of real choice. Making them apathetic to politics in general and further dividing this country into polarization. I've frequently used Rich Iott and Joe the Plumber as prime examples of the kinds of candidates that gets passed off as an option due to this.

OH-2 comes to my attention today. It's a district that lies just outside of Cincy, alongside the Ohio/Kentucky border. It was historically pretty even until it was redrawn in 1980 and then redrawn again last year. It is now a district that has been solidly (unfairly) Republican for three decades.

What is the effect of having a district so uncompetitive? Well, the Democrats of this district elected William R. Smith to run in November. Why is that bad? Because he is a candidate that has never made an appearance, never raised a dollar to campaign and has never even met the regional chairman of the Democrat party. When the media tried to contact him after he won, he didn't return phone calls. Instead he had his mother tell the media that he will be back home by the weekend.

So, that's the choice people will have in the Fall. The Republican and the Invisible Candidate.


I've often decried gerrymandering and how it can rob people of real choice. Making them apathetic to politics in general and further dividing this country into polarization. I've frequently used Rich Iott and Joe the Plumber as prime examples of the kinds of candidates that gets passed off as an option due to this.

OH-2 comes to my attention today. It's a district that lies just outside of Cincy, alongside the Ohio/Kentucky border. It was historically pretty even until it was redrawn in 1980 and then redrawn again last year. It is now a district that has been solidly (unfairly) Republican for three decades.

What is the effect of having a district so uncompetitive? Well, the Democrats of this district elected William R. Smith to run in November. Why is that bad? Because he is a candidate that has never made an appearance, never raised a dollar to campaign and has never even met the regional chairman of the Democrat party. When the media tried to contact him after he won, he didn't return phone calls. Instead he had his mother tell the media that he will be back home by the weekend.

So, that's the choice people will have in the Fall. The Republican and the Invisible Candidate.

Oh Fuuuuuuuu....that's my district...


I've often decried gerrymandering and how it can rob people of real choice. Making them apathetic to politics in general and further dividing this country into polarization. I've frequently used Rich Iott and Joe the Plumber as prime examples of the kinds of candidates that gets passed off as an option due to this.

OH-2 comes to my attention today. It's a district that lies just outside of Cincy, alongside the Ohio/Kentucky border. It was historically pretty even until it was redrawn in 1980 and then redrawn again last year. It is now a district that has been solidly (unfairly) Republican for three decades.

What is the effect of having a district so uncompetitive? Well, the Democrats of this district elected William R. Smith to run in November. Why is that bad? Because he is a candidate that has never made an appearance, never raised a dollar to campaign and has never even met the regional chairman of the Democrat party. When the media tried to contact him after he won, he didn't return phone calls. Instead he had his mother tell the media that he will be back home by the weekend.

So, that's the choice people will have in the Fall. The Republican and the Invisible Candidate.
And it goes beyond that, those districts don't even get good candidates from the "ruling" party.
They're either unelectable idiots who are owed a favor or rising stars looking to score an easy win on their way to bigger and better things.
Either way, the people of that district are getting shafted from both sides.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


yeah, not racist or misogynist at all



Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
You can get better than 2:1 on the Repubs winning in fall. Get on that PhoenixDark. Payoff will probably go down after Romney clinches.


Quite the opposite. The throttle the debt dance last summer put on the economy hit Obama hard. They are probably hoping for a sequel. I've been wondering for months what they would do since there were no apparant options.

That might be smart if they had not just come off the super win that was going all in against women

This close to a Presidential Election where registered Democrats do outnumber Republicans in many states, this is suicide.

Especially with members of Congress up for re-election it would not be smart to have ads that say "they wanted to shut down the government twice, what will they do with another term"
gcubed said:
they need to do something. When only yourself and PD think you are going to win, you're in trouble.

Someone needs to hire PD, he is doing a better job presenting a case for the GOP (even as a farce) then any of the actual candidates lol
This. I in no way am blaming Obama for Iran/Israel, or gas prices for that matter. I'm merely pointing out these are problems that will hurt his re-election chances, just as they would have hurt McCain's if he were president now.

If I had to bet I'd say dems lose the WH and senate.

Luckily for you, you won't make that bet. Because you'll lose it. You did the same concern-trolling last election, claiming how Obama would never win ad-nauseum. I believe most Americans will come to the conclusion that whatever clown running against Obama is alot less likely to remedy these issues, and doesn't really have real, rational ideas/solutions. But I always see you take the 'contrarian' side on every issue, so not really sure if you believe anything you say, or if you've chosen that to be your internet persona, which is my guess.
Luckily for you, you won't make that bet. Because you'll lose it. You did the same concern-trolling last election, claiming how Obama would never win ad-nauseum. I believe most Americans will come to the conclusion that whatever clown running against Obama is alot less likely to remedy these issues, and doesn't really have real, rational ideas/solutions. But I always see you take the 'contrarian' side on every issue, so not really sure if you believe anything you say, or if you've chosen that to be your internet persona, which is my guess.

I already made the bet
This false equivalency between thinking Obama won't win the primary in 2008 and coming to terms with the fact that there is still a big chance for obama to lose in 2012 is getting annoying.

It's not concern trolling when Obama needs the recovery to keep going at the same rate it has for the past few months.
Just saw the Obama documentary trailer, can't wait <3

Really hope the economy keeps on going up, even if slowly.

Quite the opposite. The throttle the debt dance last summer put on the economy hit Obama hard. They are probably hoping for a sequel. I've been wondering for months what they would do since there were no apparant options.

Yup, and Obama actually came out pretty bruised from all that.

If there is any reason things could be different this time around they are:
1. Republicans are renegading on a passed law/agreement
2. Economy is improving and Obama's approval is on the rise
You have absolutely no skin in the game and nothing to lose if you're wrong. That's not called making a bet.

What is allowed in terms of a bet?

I mean, if Obama won I'd probably be happy enough about that news to not care if I was banned for a month. I'd be too busy rubbing the news in my conservative friend's face.


lacks enthusiasm.
Quite the opposite. The throttle the debt dance last summer put on the economy hit Obama hard. They are probably hoping for a sequel. I've been wondering for months what they would do since there were no apparant options.

I would argue it cost them dearly in public opinion and finally made a lot of people realize that the GOP has no interest in working with Democrats and was willing to throw the country under the bus just to make Obama look bad by any means possible.

If they want to try that again, fine by me.


I would argue it cost them dearly in public opinion and finally made a lot of people realize that the GOP has no interest in working with Democrats and was willing to throw the country under the bus just to make Obama look bad by any means possible.

If they want to try that again, fine by me.

Yeah its a suicide bet. Could it work in making Obama lose the WH? Possible, but personally I find it unlikely. You know what it will really do? Put congress once again in the limelight as the unbearable stain on our government and make it that much more likely for the Republicans to lose the house. They really are going all or nothing on Obama when they should be backing off regenerating their forces, this is not a fight they will come out ahead.


I would argue it cost them dearly in public opinion and finally made a lot of people realize that the GOP has no interest in working with Democrats and was willing to throw the country under the bus just to make Obama look bad by any means possible.

If they want to try that again, fine by me.
As the GOP found out in Clinton's first term, the public is much less tolerant to these shenanigans during a recovery.
Quite the opposite. The throttle the debt dance last summer put on the economy hit Obama hard. They are probably hoping for a sequel. I've been wondering for months what they would do since there were no apparant options.

It did hit Obama hard, but it's undeniable that it hurt the republicans more.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Super PAC at work. Just got an anti-Santorum robocall on my landline from the Romney campaign (pretty sophisticated, had actual audio of Santorum saying something disapproving of the Tea Party) and have an anti-Santorum banner ad on GAF.


yeah, not racist or misogynist at all



I'm still annoyed by the whole "expect you to pay for it" meme as implying that there is government money somehow involved. There isn't. This is all private medical insurance.

But if by "expect you to pay for it" means part of your premiums pay for their birth control . . . do they really want to go down that route? Do Republicans not have sex? Is that what they officially are now? The anti-sex party? Or is it just because they are old and no longer have sex such that it is an age war?

And do they really want to go down the "I don't do your X behavior so why do you expect me to pay for it" route? How about the rest of us not have to pay for all the diabetes and heart attacks of fat old shits like Rush Limbaugh?

And don't they want to reduce abortions? Covering birth control costs is probably the best thing you can do to reduce abortions.

Very strange fight they've decided to start.
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