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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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So the Breitbart video was the speech Obama gave at that gathering in 1991, apparently it had "black" juicy bits edited out. PBS posted the full video hence.


I haven't seen it yet. Busy with work, if someone gets a chance enlighten us.

Six and a half minutes in the video cuts to Obama already speaking. He starts off talking about how some black law students had organized an orientation for first year students, and that one of the people who spoke there was Professor Bell. At that orientation Bell didn't lecture, but engaged the students. Obama then goes on to joke about the professor getting by on his good looks and charm. Video cuts again and Obama introduces the professor.

There is NOTHING in this video

According to Breitbart.com they take issue with Obama saying "Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell”, which is the line Obama used to introduce the professor. They are trying to make professor Bell, Jeremiah Wright 2.0


There’s far more coming on Derrick Bell. This is just the beginning. And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate.

What a fucking joke
Six and a half minutes in the video cuts to Obama already speaking. He starts off talking about how some black law students had organized an orientation for first year students, and that one of the people who spoke there was Professor Bell. At that orientation Bell didn't lecture, but engaged the students. Obama then goes on to joke about the professor getting by on his good looks and charm. Video cuts again and Obama introduces the professor.

There is NOTHING here

Found this too:

Apparently something else now next week. wtf lol


Six and a half minutes in the video cuts to Obama already speaking. He starts off talking about how some black law students had organized an orientation for first year students, and that one of the people who spoke there was Professor Bell. At that orientation Bell didn't lecture, but engaged the students. Obama then goes on to joke about the professor getting by on his good looks and charm. Video cuts again and Obama introduces the professor.

There is NOTHING in this video

According to Breitbart.com they take issue with Obama saying "Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell”, which is the line Obama used to introduce the professor. They are trying to make professor Bell Jeremiah Wright 2.0

According to Breitbart.com:

What a fucking joke

also that tenured professor sounds like David Liebe Hart
Only reason why they released it today and not before election is to cover Limbaugh's big fat puss-filled ass. It's a non-starter.

By the way, does Santorum have any viable path left for enough electoral votes to secure GOP nomination?


Only reason why they released it today and not before election is to cover Limbaugh's big fat puss-filled ass. It's a non-starter.

By the way, does Santorum have any viable path left for enough electoral votes to secure GOP nomination?

As long as Newt drops out soon, yes.


I don't think even American voters are stupid enough to fall for this pathetic attempt to fabricate evidence of Obama being radical. He's been President for 4 years, what you see is what you get. Also, all the good dirt would've surfaced in 2008 if there was anything to find, which there apparently isn't.
I don't think even American voters are stupid enough to fall for this pathetic attempt to fabricate evidence of Obama being radical. He's been President for 4 years, what you see is what you get. Also, all the good dirt would've surfaced in 2008 if there was anything to find, which there apparently isn't.

Kenyan, Muslim, Birthers, etc.

There is a certain segment of population that is.
This Bell stuff is absolutely pathetic. Outrage over Obama handing the mic and hugging a Harvard professor? That protest was one of the catalysts for liberal and conservative law students to make Obama president of the HLR. It was shown in 2008 by PBS; the idea that they edited out Obama hugging this man is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

This is disgusting, desperate racial politics at its worse. I think an argument can be made that Wright and some others were stories worth covering. THIS is a joke. To make matters worse, this nonsense failed in 08. How the hell do they expect it to work now?
This Bell stuff is absolutely pathetic. Outrage over Obama handing the mic and hugging a Harvard professor? That protest was one of the catalysts for liberal and conservative law students to make Obama president of the HLR. It was shown in 2008 by PBS; the idea that they edited out Obama hugging this man is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

This is disgusting, desperate racial politics at its worse. I think an argument can be made that Wright and some others were stories worth covering. THIS is a joke. To make matters worse, this nonsense failed in 08. How the hell do they expect it to work now?

Obama Derangement Syndrome


This Bell stuff is absolutely pathetic. Outrage over Obama handing the mic and hugging a Harvard professor? That protest was one of the catalysts for liberal and conservative law students to make Obama president of the HLR. It was shown in 2008 by PBS; the idea that they edited out Obama hugging this man is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.

This is disgusting, desperate racial politics at its worse. I think an argument can be made that Wright and some others were stories worth covering. THIS is a joke. To make matters worse, this nonsense failed in 08. How the hell do they expect it to work now?

I generally don't speak ill of the dead, but it's definitely vintage Breitbart.


Junior Member

Gotta love American politics.


WTF? That video's supposed to be bad?

I suppose it would be bad to the same party that invited White Supremecists to CPAC to do a panel titled “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

Edit: Oh, they think it's awful because Bell was a radical that wrote a zany racial story

WTF? That video's supposed to be bad?

I suppose it would be bad to the same party that invited White Supremecists to CPAC to do a panel titled “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

Edit: Oh, they think it's awful because Bell was a radical that wrote a zany racial story


So their new spin is that Obama is a radical because his college professor wrote (in their own words) a "fictional essay". Keep digging guys, the guy who collected Obama's trash back in Chicago might have been a member of the KKK.


In fairness, Reagan didn't say that in reference to the Taliban.

He was referring to the Contras.
True, but he did dedicate a shuttle launch to them.

Though to be completely honest, he was talking about the Afghan people in general, and when you consider that they were occupied by the soviets at the time and that no one knew anything about that country in the US, you really can't fault Reagan personally on that (though it does speaks volumes of the ongoing stupidity which is American foreign policy post WWII*). Any American president would've said things along the same lines.

* Technically, post Marshal Plan.

He should've been impeached for the Iran Contra affair.
just for the hell of it, in that new campaign documentary Obama is releasing they should put the part in with Obama hugging Bell just to fuck with fox news,heh


LOL how disconnected are the Republicans, I mean the man has been President for 4 years and the US is still here.

You try this narrative against a unknown to put fear into the electorate of the unknown, not the President of the United States ha ha ha

I wonder how long till we hear the 2008 rumblings of reparations and enslaved whites lol


Wow, I'm the person responsible for digitizing that Obama and Derrick Bell tape! It's been interesting coming into work this morning to see all the buzz, it's usually pretty quiet.
Frontline has put the entire tape online with a nicely written statement explaining everything.

What's interesting is that the actual news story doesn't really feature Obama at all, it's all in the b-roll. This would explain why some people think the video is edited, but in reality our camera person that day just didn't think it was interesting enough to keep the camera running on a young Obama at the time. He was just getting some b-roll. I wish Fox News would have called me, I could have set them straight.
People call all the time looking to license this footage (and Frontline did use it in 2008 on a couple programs) but we usually tell them it's b-roll that jumps back and forth and isn't that special. It's interesting people were making a big deal about the "edits".
Wow, I'm the person responsible for digitizing that Obama and Derrick Bell tape! It's been interesting coming into work this morning to see all the buzz, it's usually pretty quiet.
Frontline has put the entire tape online with a nicely written statement explaining everything.

What's interesting is that the actual news story doesn't really feature Obama at all, it's all in the b-roll. This would explain why some people think the video is edited, but in reality our camera person that day just didn't think it was interesting enough to keep the camera running on a young Obama at the time. He was just getting some b-roll. I wish Fox News would have called me, I could have set them straight.People call all the time looking to license this footage (and Frontline did use it in 2008 on a couple programs) but we usually tell them it's b-roll that jumps back and forth and isn't that special. It's interesting people were making a big deal about the "edits".
You say that as if FOX has any interest in being set straight.

The end is nigh ...?
Isn't he polling decently in the south? I hadn't looked at any of the data.


TA, sorry I haven't been around to enjoy the insanity of the last several months with regards to our bet. While you're definitely still most likely to win, I know I didn't see pretty much anything from Hermain Cain takes the lead and onwards happening, which was I suppose the appeal of betting on the entire field vs Mitt. Curious as to how you feel about it (the strength of Romney's initial position, etc.) looking back.

At this point, I'm basically just enjoying the madness (like everyone else I imagine). While's it's intuitively appealing to think Gingrich leaving will solidify the Anti-Romney vote, I can also see the case that it's been the variety of anti-Romney pivots which has frustrated Mitt as much as anything else. Giving him a single target for the negative advertising destructo-ray may actually cause things to wind up more quickly.


TA, sorry I haven't been around to enjoy the insanity of the last several months ... Curious as to how you feel about it (the strength of Romney's initial position, etc.) looking back.

My bet was solely made on two certainties: 1) Republicans (historically) value experience (Ford '76, Dole '96) and electability (Bush '92, McCain '08) over all else. They will even set aside their problems with RINO'ism and morality of a candidate if he is experienced and electable enough. They also overwhelmingly favor someone that has run before (GWB, Goldwater being the notable exceptions).

I was also betting on Palin getting in the race so she could buy a new wardrobe. She would suck up a chunk of the Fox News/Tea Party votes and keep Mitt afloat in the South.

I got very nervous once Gingrich got his initial surge. He was killing Mitt in the debates, had more experience in Washington and had superior name recognition. On paper, he was the perfect foil to stop Romney. But he soon imploded like he always does.


Incorporated into the JOBS Act are six bills, four of which have already passed through the House with over 400 votes each, but have failed to be introduced in the Democratic-held Senate."

I have a feeling this is just the beginning. The real battle happens in the Senate and will the House approve of the bill (through committee) the Senate sends back?

It's an election year, something will get done.
President Bartlett on anti-Obama liberals

Sheen dismissed the complaint from the left that Obama has failed to match the intense umbrage of his Republican opponents. “People say he ought to start getting mad and start yelling at these people,” Sheen said. “He didn’t get here by showing an angry man; this is a very important job. The whole world is watching every move, listening to nuance that he breathes in public.”

The actor pointed his finger squarely at Republicans for Obama's problems, arguing that they have been an unprecedentedly obstructionist congress, especially since the 2010 mid-term elections.

“It’s been fighting tooth and nail to get anything on the table with these morons,” Sheen groused, adding that the GOP is being directed by the Tea Party, which he called “the professional against-ers who are really to be identified as radical extremists who have no agenda and no purpose.”

“It does not shift the balance of reality. You can listen to any one of those four nominees talk about the [economic] situation and none of them is really in touch with what the hell people are facing, you know? They keep knocking the president, and yet they can’t find any fault with him regarding the specifics of the programs that he’s initiated in opposition to them.”

“Who the hell is going to be able to really believe anything Romney says when he stands next to someone who comes from a place and stands for it and risks his life to achieve it? You know, Obama rarely raises his voice, but he rises to every occasion

“Of course, he’s going to win. When he gets Romney one on one then you’ll see the quality of the man, where he comes from, what he stands for and where he wants to take us. Romney’s got a big wallet and a lot of campaign rhetoric, but what’s he going to stand on when he stands next to Obama and debates?”

Besides, Sheen said, progressives can also take heart that Occupy Wall Street has halted the rightward swing after the mid-terms and set Obama up to knock the pins down during the election.

“I cannot begin to tell you how encouraging and refreshing the Occupy Movement is to us old-timers, because it came about from a totally new, unconnected generation to us. It came of its own volition, dealing with its own issues. This message that, ‘we are divided in a lot of very fundamental ways. There’s the 1 percent and the 99.’ That is on the agenda now. That cannot be erased.

“It’s like you cannot un-ring the bell. They rang the bell on Wall Street, if you will, and that clang reverberated around the world.”


Even when they're generally contemptible people?

I didn't really word that well. His legacy is pretty clear, I just didn't want to make it seem like I was dancing on his grave.
So house is set to pass Obama's Jobs bill. Is it the same one he was urging in the SOTU?

I need to read up on it, but IIRC, they carved out a couple small tax-related parts they liked and bolted a bunch of stuff Obama is opposed to onto it. That was what I heard was going on a month ago, I haven't read about the bill as it finally emerged. But if the House GOP is going to pass it, odds are slim it bears any resemblance to Obama's bill.
I need to read up on it, but IIRC, they carved out a couple small tax-related parts they liked and bolted a bunch of stuff Obama is opposed to onto it. That was what I heard was going on a month ago, I haven't read about the bill as it finally emerged. But if the House GOP is going to pass it, odds are slim it bears any resemblance to Obama's bill.
Any relation to this? I'm confused with all the jobs bills lately
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