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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
More ranting on it . .

Newt, if you are going to try to claim the science/technology high-ground, at least get your science/technology correct. Peak oil does NOT mean "about to run out" at all. In fact, it more generally means that we still have about half the oil left. Peak oil refers to the production rate, and explicitly NOT the reserves.

Shut up, commie! Newt's got the REAL scienticians on his side!
Just finished watching the doc

Obama supporters will love it
Detractors will hate it

Some people who were supporters but are on the fence now might realize and come around


Just finished watching the doc

Obama supporters will love it
Detractors will hate it

Some people who were supporters but are on the fence now might realize and come around

I think supporters will like it, and detractors won't bother watching it.

It was pretty well done, better than I expected. Clearly a 17-minute campaign commercial, but more subdued and somber than I expected. Probably the right tone - we're out of the fire but not yet in the clear.


I was really disappointed with the mini-doc. Maybe had unrealistic expectations, but was expecting something a bit more substantive. 16 minutes doesn't give much of a chance to go into detail (promos had already covered like 25% of it). Basically it seemed like the target audience was people with an extremely short attention span who literally can't remember anything that happened between 2008 and 2012.
I was really disappointed with the mini-doc. Maybe had unrealistic expectations, but was expecting something a bit more substantive. 16 minutes doesn't give much of a chance to go into detail (promos had already covered like 25% of it). Basically it seemed like the target audience was people with an extremely short attention span who literally can't remember anything that happened between 2008 and 2012.

You mean your average American voter?
I was really disappointed with the mini-doc. Maybe had unrealistic expectations, but was expecting something a bit more substantive. 16 minutes doesn't give much of a chance to go into detail (promos had already covered like 25% of it). Basically it seemed like the target audience was people with an extremely short attention span who literally can't remember anything that happened between 2008 and 2012.

So like 95% of the American public
I think supporters will like it, and detractors won't bother watching it.

It was pretty well done, better than I expected. Clearly a 17-minute campaign commercial, but more subdued and somber than I expected. Probably the right tone - we're out of the fire but not yet in the clear.

Pretty much. Although I must say I could have used without being reminded Obama hired Summers and Timmy Boy to fix the economy


Eh. I liked it. It's a nice little break down of what he's done in office. If you agreed with what he's done then vote for him. If you didn't agree, then don't vote for him. It's that simple.
It is actually old news resurfacing. He had this position since the start but no one gave a shit about him back then.

But it will funny if this is the thing that does him in . . . OK, to bad-mouth college, JFK, birth-control . . . . BUT DON'T YOU DARE TAKE OUR PORN!

It is actually old news resurfacing. He had this position since the start but no one gave a shit about him back then.

But it will funny if this is the thing that does him in . . . OK, to bad-mouth college, JFK, birth-control . . . . BUT DON'T YOU DARE TAKE OUR PORN!


Ahh, ok. First I've heard of it. Glad it's making the rounds again.
After taking a pass on criticizing conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for calling a Georgetown University student a prostitute, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney used strong terms to condemn Thursday remarks by liberal talk-show host/comedian Bill Maher, who used vulgar language to describe Sarah Palin.

In an appearance on the Sean Hannity radio show, Romney said, “Frankly, what Bill Maher said, and I finally read the transcripts, I was offended, outraged that a person would say that on TV and would not have been called on the carpet before now and not apologized for it. To have the Obama campaign retain a million dollars from Bill Maher, it is simply outrageous. I don’t condone that kind of language and particularly in a public setting, a TV setting.… It’s just gone way beyond the pale.”

Somebody needs to explain to Richy Rich that everyone doesn't get every TV channel. They actually have to pay extra and choose to get HBO. It is not regular TV, Mitt.

He also needs to understand comedy but I think that is a bit too much to ask of his AI programmers.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
17 minutes only? Fuckin lame, they shouldn't have even bothered to be honest.

Pretty much. Although I must say I could have used without being reminded Obama hired Summers and Timmy Boy to fix the economy

Well in fairness, Timmy boy was a Bush appointee.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Somebody needs to explain to Richy Rich that everyone doesn't get every TV channel. They actually have to pay extra and choose to get HBO. It is not regular TV, Mitt.

He also needs to understand comedy but I think that is a bit too much to ask of his AI programmers.

The whole comparing Rush to Bill Maher thing is retarded for a multitude, of reasons, not least of which is the implication that because Maher said a bad thing once or twice, that it somehow absolves EVERYTHING Rush has said.


You should have the right to hire someone for $1/hr in a horrible labor market. However, you should NOT have the right to check out some Sasha Gray videos online.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
How would you even explain Newt Gingrich to people who are not too familiar with American politics?

"Uh..he's the guy that nobody really wants who is just screwing over the most conservative candidate, therefore making conservatives have to settle with somebody they're not that excited about who still has no chance against the incumbent who they really don't want. And he promises $2.50/gallon gas and a moon base."

I would imagine non-Americans have a hard time believing that he was ever a serious politician.


Just saw this on the today show

Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill also makes it easier for Arizona employers to fire a woman for using birth control to prevent pregnancy despite the employer's moral objection.

Under current law, health plans in Arizona that cover other prescription medications must also cover contraception. House Bill 2625, which the state House of Representatives passed earlier this month and the Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed on Monday, repeals that law and allows any employer to refuse to cover contraception that will be used "for contraceptive, abortifacient, abortion or sterilization purposes." If a woman wants the cost of her contraception covered, she has to "submit a claim" to her employer providing evidence of a medical condition, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, that can be treated with birth control.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I'm trying to articulate this in a non-inflammatory way.

Arizona's state legislature is the worst in the country. I've always thought Albany was bad from an institutional perspective, but the sheer number of crazy coming out of Arizona's House these past few years is mindblowing.
I saw this earlier today. Frankly, nothing Bill Maher said was as vile as what Rush said, aside from "cunt".
I think it's ridiculous that the word "cunt" is considered offensive over and above most other insults. It makes no sense.

And how does this coincide with a "keep government out of our lives" mantra?
Rick Santorum is an authoritarian conservative who has mistaken himself for a libertarian conservative. It's a pretty common problem.

Plainly unconstitutional, laughably invasive--I wouldn't even bother to feel anything about it.

My original response was one of outrage and contempt...sheer blood-rage...but then I stopped myself, and I thought.

So, now I ask, wouldn't this violate HIPAA laws/requirements to protect a persons medical records? On those grounds a state law could not supersede a federal law, so this is clearly destined for overturn (assuming it passes, but hey, this is AZ we're talking about)...I'm looking at you Jan Brewer!
The Republican party is becoming really incoherent. If you told me back in late 2009 that they were going to nominate a guy that implemented universal healthcare with an individual mandate in his state, then I would have called you crazy. I mean this is the main thing that started the Tea Party. They got upset that the Democrats tried to change the health system. And now they have someone who has done something similar as their flag barer? So short sighted. And after the conservative walk back from the individual mandate, what is their solution to out of control growth in healthcare costs? You can be mad all you want at ACA, but how are you going to fix it. We will hit a wall eventually if you leave the problem to fester. Just incredibly short sighted.

Also, this focus on the white male/older voter demographic is dumb. If you are losing minorities by 4:1 ratio and you are picking a fight that turns off women voters, then you are begging to lose. I mean the ads write themselves. I'm sure they can tally up votes not only on contraception, but the Fair Pay Act and now this Domestic Violence Act. Sure you could win the white male vote by 70%, but if you lose women by 60%, then you have achieve nothing.

When Romney gets the nomination, he needs to get off these social issues asap. The only message they need to hit is economic. Stay away from healthcare and foreign policy because let's face it; Romney will not do anything different on the foreign policy point than what is currently going on. He knows a war with Iran will doom his economic plans with a spike in oil prices. At least I hope he isn't stupid. He needs to keep the spot light off himself and constantly on the President. Only way he wins. Attack, attack, attack. Doing gafs and anything else leads to a lost.

Also a safe VP pick. Maybe someone from the South that is religious. I don't know if Rick Perry would be good, but he sure brings some good qualities and lots of money. He has already been vetted, but his debate skills are really poor. But he only has to do one. And if Sarah Palin can do it, surely an Aggie can (Texas people will get the joke.) But the VP definitely needs to be religious and come from the South or Midwest because those are the areas Romney is losing.

Edit: Also I haven't seen Besada in a long time. Always enjoyed his posts. He has been around you know. I wonder if he knows that we have been moved to Community.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The whole comparing Rush to Bill Maher thing is retarded for a multitude, of reasons, not least of which is the implication that because Maher said a bad thing once or twice, that it somehow absolves EVERYTHING Rush has said.

I think it's hilarious that people pretend that Maher has the same level of audience, reach and impact that Limbaugh has. It's not even remotely comparable.
High Level Iran Official offers permanent human monitoring of Nuclear Activities
Fucking do it.
The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists.

Edit: Also I haven't seen Besada in a long time. Always enjoyed his posts. He has been around you know. I wonder if he knows that we have been moved to Community.
He popped in a couple of months ago to say he was taking a break, I think.
I think it's hilarious that people pretend that Maher has the same level of audience, reach and impact that Limbaugh has. It's not even remotely comparable.

Whenever a conservative does or says something stupid or offensive and is taking heat for it, rightwingers immediately go into defense mode and look for something they can use to claim hypocrisy. No critical thinking is involved in this process.
There is no doubt in my mind that Romney gives no fucks about contraception. He cares as long as he doesn't have the nomination. When he wins, I expect him to never mention it again unless someone asks him about it.


Mitt seems to have a relatively comfortable lead in Illinois. Two new polls have him winning outside their respective margin of error.
The United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists.
Another witless policy, mind you.
I'm trying to articulate this in a non-inflammatory way.

Arizona's state legislature is the worst in the country. I've always thought Albany was bad from an institutional perspective, but the sheer number of crazy coming out of Arizona's House these past few years is mindblowing.
Please, don't employ such incendiary rhetoric.
The GOP supermajority in Wisconsin is over, the Senate chamber is now 16-16 after one of the recall targets (Pam Galloway) resigned today.

Moreover, the recall election on Galloway's seat is still going ahead as planned, but the GOP will have to put up a new candidate in her place. This takes away one advantage they had, that as an incumbent, Galloway would have a headstart in fundraising over her Democratic opponent.

Clearly, those pie-in-the-sky Democrats had nothing to gain by recalling Walker and the other senators. None. Nope!

ChoklitReign said:
NPR's It's All Politics has 41-47 in a new Obama approval rating poll. I missed who it was and want to know why it would be so low.
Probably the CBS News/NY Times poll. Since then, Pew had his approvals at 50-41, Reuter/Ipsos at 50-48, Bloomberg at 48-47, Fox News at 47-45, and National Journal at 51% (no disapproval that I can see). ABC had him below water at 46-50 but I believe they're the only other polling outfit to show a negative result.
The GOP supermajority in Wisconsin is over, the Senate chamber is now 16-16 after one of the recall targets (Pam Galloway) resigned today.

Moreover, the recall election on Galloway's seat is still going ahead as planned, but the GOP will have to put up a new candidate in her place. This takes away one advantage they had, that as an incumbent, Galloway would have a headstart in fundraising over her Democratic opponent.

Clearly, those pie-in-the-sky Democrats had nothing to gain by recalling Walker and the other senators. None. Nope!

Wake me up when they have a decent candidate who can beat Walker; the fact that the election won't be held in November dooms the mission.
Wake me up when they have a decent candidate who can beat Walker; the fact that the election won't be held in November dooms the mission.
Barrett and Falk are both decent candidates. Not Feingold-level, but enough to get the job done. If Barrett runs it's a toss-up at worst.

I don't even know how you can call the mission a failure. If they beat Walker, they have the governor's mansion. If they lose to Walker but pick off a Senate seat, they have a Senate majority, Walker turns into Christie and is still vulnerable in 2014 (I have to imagine there are several independents and even Democrats who disagree with recalls on principle).

The only way Democrats lose is the unlikely scenario where they don't pick up any Senate seats and lose against Walker. I say that's unlikely because 3 of the 4 Senate seats being targeted now are bluer than all but one of the seats they targeted last year - and they picked up two, then.

You hardly need Obama 2012 to rile up Democrats in Wisconsin. They got one million signatures. They've already matched Barrett's total in 2010.

ed: Forgot to mention. Walker's record on jobs has been horrid. Only state in the midwest to LOSE jobs in 2011. From a guy who promised a net gain of 250,000 for his first term and then focused on unimportant bullshit like collective bargaining and voter ID, he's going to be a tough sell.


Barrett and Falk are both decent candidates. Not Feingold-level, but enough to get the job done. If Barrett runs it's a toss-up at worst.

I don't even know how you can call the mission a failure. If they beat Walker, they have the governor's mansion. If they lose to Walker but pick off a Senate seat, they have a Senate majority, Walker turns into Christie and is still vulnerable in 2014 (I have to imagine there are several independents and even Democrats who disagree with recalls on principle).

The only way Democrats lose is the unlikely scenario where they don't pick up any Senate seats and lose against Walker. I say that's unlikely because 3 of the 4 Senate seats being targeted now are bluer than all but one of the seats they targeted last year - and they picked up two, then.

You hardly need Obama 2012 to rile up Democrats in Wisconsin. They got one million signatures. They've already matched Barrett's total in 2010.

ed: Forgot to mention. Walker's record on jobs has been horrid. Only state in the midwest to LOSE jobs in 2011. From a guy who promised a net gain of 250,000 for his first term and then focused on unimportant bullshit like collective bargaining and voter ID, he's going to be a tough sell.

Not to mention you have Walker himself, who has the ability to turn on the asshole gene at will
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