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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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PPP Goodness coming this weekend.

3 polls coming up this weekend:

-Monthly national poll (primary and general election for President)

-Illinois Republican poll (standard questions we ask on all our GOP surveys)

-Massachusetts poll (Senate and Presidential race)

Mass. Poll will be interesting. We have seen the race move back towards Brown. Plus, always fun to see how much Obama beats Romney by in his home state (no his home state is not fucking Michigan).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
There is no doubt in my mind that Romney gives no fucks about contraception. He cares as long as he doesn't have the nomination. When he wins, I expect him to never mention it again unless someone asks him about it.

If he wins, Republicans would likely win the Senate and keep the House, thus they would control the whole government. What kinds of laws do you think will be passed?


Apropos to yesterday's debate on Obama and gay rights, Greg Sargent posted on the looming battle at the Democratic Convention over the inclusion of gay marriage in the Party's platform. I'm inclined to think they'll include it, but I wonder if they'll push Obama. If the Party were to include marriage equality in its platform, it would be a fairly momentous decision. I pray it doesn't happen as it would hasten the demise of American families.
If he wins, Republicans would likely win the Senate and keep the House, thus they would control the whole government. What kinds of laws do you think will be passed?
I think he meant win the Republican nomination. And if that is the intended context, I'd agree with him. 'm certain Romney understands that's a losing issue in the general election.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

You can look for yourself. What kinds of bills do you think would be passed?

Paul Ryan budget, defunding Planned Parenthood, Repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Just three off the top of my head.





They have also passed bills that undermine the EPA, defunding public radio, all kinds of anti-women crap, etc. Just off the top of my head, but I guess elrechazao thinks I haven't been paying attention to what they have done.

By the way, I'm watching tv, and every commercial break there are at least two Romney commercials (Illinois). It's quite irritating.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
You implied that things that seem to concern you would be passed, not me. I was asking what those might be. How would I look for unnamed things that you might think would happen?

No, I implied that things that concern Ghost_protocol would be passed. You are just being facetious. I also assume that you are smart enough to know what types of things I was implying and were just trying to play a stupid game of gotcha!


Mass. Poll will be interesting. We have seen the race move back towards Brown. Plus, always fun to see how much Obama beats Romney by in his home state (no his home state is not fucking Michigan).
Does anyone have a sense of what is going on in Mass? I've seen the misc polls suggesting that things are trending back to Brown but basically no commentary on why this would be happening given the earlier trends towards Warren. Brown starting to campaign aggressively, Warren's earlier bounce wearing off, shift back to incumbent as economy improves, etc?
So why isn't there much talk about Romney wanting to completely finish planned parenthood? Konex pulls it's funding and gets shat on by the entire universe, while Romney gets a pass for wanting to shut down planned parenthood? I don't understand.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gotcha? ok...

I think it's obvious what you were doing. My comment to Ghost was not that out there either. If he is worried about what the Republican candidates are saying right now, what kinds of bills would I be alluding to? If you seriously are having trouble with this simple inference, I don't know what to say.
I think it's obvious what you were doing. My comment to Ghost was not that out there either. If he is worried about what the Republican candidates are saying right now, what kinds of bills would I be alluding to?

That's what I was asking, because I don't know what you're particularly concerned about. How is that a gotcha? Do you have a persecution complex or something? Geezuz

So why isn't there much talk about Romney wanting to completely finish planned parenthood? Konex pulls it's funding and gets shat on by the entire universe, while Romney gets a pass for wanting to shut down planned parenthood? I don't understand.

Because republican candidates campaigning against planned parenthood is dog bites man?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
That's what I was asking, because I don't know what you're particularly concerned about. How is that a gotcha? Do you have a persecution complex or something? Geezuz

lol, yeah. Playing oblivious? Like I edited in above. If you seriously have trouble with the simple inference I was making, I don't know what to say.
lol, yeah. Playing oblivious? Like I edited in above. If you seriously have trouble with the simple inference I was making, I don't know what to say.

I'm curious, why is it so hard to tell me what bills you expect republicans to pass and Romney to sign? And why do you think it's some big trap to answer this simple question?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm curious, why is it so hard to tell me what bills you expect republicans to pass and Romney to sign? And why do you think it's some big trap to answer this simple question?

.... I answered that question a while ago. I even had direct links to some of the bills passed by the House. It's on this very page. What exactly are you getting at? I answered it as soon as you asked.

Why can't you answer the question? What kinds of bills do you expect to be passed by a Republican controlled government in this current climate?
.... I answered that question a while ago. I even had direct links to some of the bills passed by the House. It's on this very page. What exactly are you getting at? I answered it as soon as you asked.

Ok, I saw that post and thought it was the other guy, not you. My fault.

To answer your added question - I have no idea what they would actually pass if in power. Introducing troll bills that pander to your base and that you know will not pass when you control only one house and the president isn't in your party isn't necessarily representative of what a theoretical republican congress might pass with a republican president, so who knows.
Because republican candidates campaigning against planned parenthood is dog bites man?

Yes, it really is. The very party that created the funding for Planned Parenthood has gone full retard and is now destroying it.
Title X was approved in 1970, championed on the Hill by former President and then-Congressman George H.W. Bush and signed into law by Richard Nixon.

“We need to make population and family planning household words.” Bush said in 1969 when the legislation was being debated. "We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter."

So why isn't there much talk about Romney wanting to completely finish planned parenthood? Konex pulls it's funding and gets shat on by the entire universe, while Romney gets a pass for wanting to shut down planned parenthood? I don't understand.
Perhaps Santorum is getting all the attention . . . people wanna focus on him now to keep things interesting while we will have months to study Romney after this is over. This might actually give Romney a false sense of security on that position, it might come back and bite him in the general election.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ok, I saw that post and thought it was the other guy, not you. My fault.

To answer your added question - I have no idea what they would actually pass if in power. Introducing troll bills that pander to your base and that you know will not pass when you control only one house and the president isn't in your party isn't necessarily representative of what a theoretical republican congress might pass with a republican president, so who knows.

You say they are troll bills, but Republicans in control of state legislatures have not been passing troll bills since 2010. What assurance does anyone have that everything is just rhetoric and nothing more?


Perhaps Santorum is getting all the attention . . . people wanna focus on him now to keep things interesting while we will have months to study Romney after this is over. This might actually give Romney a false sense of security on that position, it might come back and bite him in the general election.

It totally will, the longer he holds this opinion to counter Santorum the more Obama will hammer him on it in the General

Romney is not seeing how hard its going to be to shift to the middle after spending at least 2-3 months fully engaged in crazy land

Its never really been an issue in the past because they usually only have to pander to the right for a few weeks, but against Santorum he has to go full in

In this video generation there is going to be a ton of Romney video saying the most damning things for a voter in the middle, and the only way to get out of it is to admit you were pandering which just ruins your credibility
Sigh. So after two weeks of me defending Bill Maher for the whole retarded false equivalency shit, he goes ahead and makes one of his own:


How is that a false equivalency? The red neck video showed a group of people dependent on government yet unwilling to acknowledge it. This video shows people solely dependent on government who aren't ashamed. It's not a strict 1:1 but the overall point makes sense, especially in terms of HBO's initial hesitation to show it and the audience's silent reaction to it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How is that a false equivalency? The red neck video showed a group of people dependent on government yet unwilling to acknowledge it. This video shows people solely dependent on government who aren't ashamed. It's not a strict 1:1 but the overall point makes sense, especially in terms of HBO's initial hesitation to show it and the audience's silent reaction to it.

The reason it's not appropriate is that when they pointed out that liberals can rightfully mock the guy in Mississippi who was railing against food stamps while living on food stamps. Whereas in this video, no liberal here (or in most places I'd imagine) would try and defend those black guys leeching off the system.
The reason it's not appropriate is that when they pointed out that liberals can rightfully mock the guy in Mississippi who was railing against food stamps while living on food stamps. Whereas in this video, no liberal here (or in most places I'd imagine) would try and defend those black guys leeching off the system.

The point is not that liberals won't defend the leeching in the video (although to be fair there are plenty of liberals who believe welfare shouldn't be reformed, should basically be free money hand outs, etc). The point of that juxtaposition was how differently people react to certain stereotypes. A conservative might view the black video with a mixture of anger and humor, while reacting negatively to the red neck video - while liberals might have the opposite reaction to both videos.

As Pelosi said, HBO - which allows Maher to pretty much do and say what he wants - didn't think that video could be aired on television. Maher himself was uncomfortable about showing it. I think that's a legitimate argument, even if conservatives often argue it poorly in terms of reverse racism, or the "oppressed Christian" argument.


War on Porn



You say they are troll bills, but Republicans in control of state legislatures have not been passing troll bills since 2010. What assurance does anyone have that everything is just rhetoric and nothing more?
They could be troll bills, sure. Although, I think they'd pass most of them given the chance. Regardless, I'm not intrepid enough to take the chance.
War on Porn

Look at that milky skin.

How is that a false equivalency? The red neck video showed a group of people dependent on government yet unwilling to acknowledge it. This video shows people solely dependent on government who aren't ashamed. It's not a strict 1:1 but the overall point makes sense, especially in terms of HBO's initial hesitation to show it and the audience's silent reaction to it.

Both of the videos strike me as masturbation by a privileged daughter of America's political elite. They are both puerile as fuck and act as simple reinforcements of stereotypes. I don't think it's possible for anybody to learn anything from either of them.

Also, anybody who says "Why should my tax dollars be going to you?" does not understand the monetary system. Moreover, that is a fundamentally conservative critique (based on a misunderstanding of the monetary system). Given that Pelosi was approaching this video as a conservative, I find it odd that Maher would claim the video was coming from liberals. Pelosi approached this as a conservative, so she ought to be considered one. (And I do consider her to be conservative.)
Sigh. So after two weeks of me defending Bill Maher for the whole retarded false equivalency shit, he goes ahead and makes one of his own:

Pelosi asked surprisingly tough questions, like “When was the last time you actually worked?” and “Why should my tax dollars be going to you?”


What's so tough about those questions? Haven't seen the video, but if liberals want some shock footage that makes their case look bad, they should leave it to professionals like Howard Stern.
Agreed, Empty Vessel. She made a shitty video for last week's show and decided to follow it up with another one for this week's show. It literally is a 'two wrongs don't make a right' situation.

It's pretty interesting to hear someone with the last name Pelosi talk about able bodied people who won't work. Geez, I wonder if maybe she has anything working in her favor that the average poor person doesn't when it comes to seeking employment?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Agreed, Empty Vessel. She made a shitty video for last week's show and decided to follow it up with another one for this week's show. It literally is a 'two wrongs don't make a right' situation.

It's pretty interesting to hear someone with the last name Pelosi talk about able bodied people who won't work. Geez, I wonder if maybe she has anything working in her favor that the average poor person doesn't when it comes to seeking employment?

Nobody was talking that way when it was just showing the Mississippians.
Yes, it really is. The very party that created the funding for Planned Parenthood has gone full retard and is now destroying it.
Title X was approved in 1970, championed on the Hill by former President and then-Congressman George H.W. Bush and signed into law by Richard Nixon.

“We need to make population and family planning household words.” Bush said in 1969 when the legislation was being debated. "We need to take sensationalism out of this topic so that it can no longer be used by militants who have no real knowledge of the voluntary nature of the program but, rather are using it as a political steppingstone. If family planning is anything, it is a public health matter."

Perhaps Santorum is getting all the attention . . . people wanna focus on him now to keep things interesting while we will have months to study Romney after this is over. This might actually give Romney a false sense of security on that position, it might come back and bite him in the general election.
Didn't know HW championed planned parenthood. My respect for the guy increases every time I learn something about him. He wanted family planning to become a household term, and it did. Apple couldn't have fallen further from the tree.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Hence my point, and Pelosi's point on acceptance of stereotypes based on political beliefs

This is something I have talked about constantly. You believe what you want, no matter what. I would love to run a fact checking website a la politifact, but for the news media, but it would do no good. People who listen to the Mark Levins and Monica Crowleys of the world wouldn't read the site, or would think it was biased and wrong, or, worst of all, would incorporate the cognitive dissonance that I so loathe and keep on listening.

The ability to block out opposing viewpoints is astounding and frightening.
On Maher's last video:

They showed five welfare recipients. Two of them being poster child freeloaders as one didn't want a job and the other didn't work for half a decade. The other made a comment how it was nearly impossible to find a job being black and having a criminal background. One woman said she's voting for Obama to keep her welfare (doesn't describe her situation).

Either way what do you expect when you go into a welfare office (as most who get government aid prefer to do it through mail) where a bunch of people are lined up early to get in or go to Deep South, Mississippi were people all drive with confederate flags hanging from their trucks equipped with truck nuts and "The South will Rise Again!" painted on their back window?

This is something I have talked about constantly. You believe what you want, no matter what. I would love to run a fact checking website a la politifact, but for the news media, but it would do no good. People who listen to the Mark Levins and Monica Crowleys of the world wouldn't read the site, or would think it was biased and wrong, or, worst of all, would incorporate the cognitive dissonance that I so loathe and keep on listening.

The ability to block out opposing viewpoints is astounding and frightening.

Honestly even Poltifacts isn't 100% accurate. Especially if you go by their truth rating.

But yeah its pointless. Just watch the O'Reily Factor, listen to Limbaugh, or watch Capitalism: A Love Story and you'll quickly realize that facts aren't something people enjoy.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
On Maher's last video:
Honestly even Poltifacts isn't 100% accurate. Especially if you go by their truth rating.

But yeah its pointless. Just watch the O'Reily Factor, listen to Limbaugh, or watch Capitalism: A Love Story and you'll quickly realize that facts aren't something people enjoy.

Are you insinuating that prestigious institutions like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore are not good representatives of the truth?
Are you insinuating that prestigious institutions like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore are not good representatives of the truth?

Possibly. I mean I have doubts that America will find itself in mass starvations and go into anarchy ala Mad Max or that the average college student spends $100,000 in student loans and most people support Communism.
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