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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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re-upped it to a site that works here


and holy fuck.

Would remove from car and throw on ground, perhaps far away.

Fucking assholes.
My roommate was watching some video where the host claimed that Bloomberg put out numbers today that put Romney above Obama. Anyone know anything about this?


The Texas Representative might also be enticed, says campaign chairman Jesse Benton, by the prospect of serving as a presidential adviser, a Cabinet position for someone in his orbit or “perhaps a vice presidency.”
Not for himself, but rather his son. Rand Paul, the junior senator from Kentucky and a Tea Party icon, is expected to launch his own White House bid in 2016. Being on the ticket now – or even being mentioned for it – would be a helpful step. Says one Paul adviser: “If you’re talking about putting Rand on the ticket, of course that would be worth delivering our people to Romney.”

A deal between Paul and Romney to put Rand on the ticket would be interesting. What could Rand bring to the table? Obviously it would shore up the conservative vote, but what else?
May have been posted but no time to read.

Many in the liberal media around the country has refused to run this weeks funny.


Apparently, reality is too offensive for the sensitive readers.


So the pending release of the Obama for America flick today has got me thinking about the infomercial the campaign aired in 08 and how it focused on miscellaneous American Stories. It seems an almost overwhelmingly obvious option for the campaign to do something similar, but with people who's lives have been affected by policy over the last three years. Call it "what change means" or some shit and then throw in:

1) Mother who is so happy she was able to get insurance after being denied
2) Soldier so happy to be home from Iraq and that bin Laden is dead
3) Auto worker who is so happy that Obama saved his job
4) Student who is saving money on loans or is thrilled about the CFPB and was steered away from wall street or...well, I don't know, something financial here I guess

This is at least sort of what I am expecting tonight, but I'd be pretty amazed if stuff like this isn't already being planned similar to the 08 thing, because it basically writes itself.


Fortunately for Romney, this isn't the sort of mistake that he can be hammered on except by local MS newspapers and liberal (literally) media outlets; Obama correcting this point would probably be construed as an elitist besmirching of southern governance, such as is it is.

And that kind of sucks, because the rest of his gaffs were really kind of pointless and mostly just funny. I mean saying he has friends that own Nascar and NFL teams doesn't really say anything about his governance. It's just funny. If he were actually speaking the truth and not pandering so hard that it's crazy, this would be something that would show he doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to actual governance. It's too bad he probably can't get called on it as much.
GOP Congressman to propose Millionaire surtax:

Crawford will propose the additional tax— expected to be north of 2.5 percent — on individual income over $1 million as part of a broader fiscal responsibility package.
“He’s watched the Gangs of Six and 100 and deficit commissions, as well as leadership’s budget and tax plan, and he feels there will never be a deal that will pass the Senate without a revenue component,” a Crawford aide said, describing the legislation without attribution because it has not yet been officially announced.

According to a source close to the Arkansan, the lawmaker “feels that if were going to make any progress in addressing the deficit and the debt eventually, then we need to find compromise.”
That guy is doing good.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/74042.html#ixzz1pDgXmikq
A deal between Paul and Romney to put Rand on the ticket would be interesting. What could Rand bring to the table? Obviously it would shore up the conservative vote, but what else?

I think the idea is that would bring in some of the paulites to Romney? I think the longterm effect would be more to discredit Rand to the paulites than to bring them onto the romney train.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Arguably being unwilling to wholly denounce any and all instances in which separate but equal treatment for gays persists is a species of apathy.

Naw not really.

Apathy - is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical and/or physical life.

I wouldn't even say he's in the same planet of the word apathy when it comes to gay rights. Why does getting rid of DADT and the speechs he's made before and after it for its repeal not matter anymore?
My roommate was watching some video where the host claimed that Bloomberg put out numbers today that put Romney above Obama. Anyone know anything about this?

that host is either blatantly making shit up or intentionally misreading their number re: independents, because the Bloomberg/Selzer poll they'd be talking about has Obama and Romney tied (and I've got a couple concerns about the sampling on this one)


As I have iterated, it was painfully obvious reconciliation was a pipe dream. And that's irrespective of Karzai's furtive attempt to sabotage negotiations between the U.S. and the Taliban.
Karzai said he wants the U.S. out by the end of the year.
Karzai is patently blustering. Our presence is clearly in his interest. Of course, Karzai's not eminently bright. That's actually one of the innumerable problems plaguing Afghanistan. So perhaps he genuinely wants us to withdraw.
damn, the license plate isn't in view (wondering what state it plate was from)
He's from Texas, yes?



I'm okay with this, if only because they stop dancing around the issue and say they dislike him because he's a "nigger". Better than hiding behind socialist or fascist or Muslim.

Exactly, if you are going to be racist then be racist. At least if you say the N word it just makes you look like a bigot where the whole Socialist Muslim thing makes you look like a extremely stupid and ignorant bigot


Go, Rick, go!
Elspeth Reeve 312 Views 4:17 PM ET

Rick Santorum is the latest politician to promise to ban online porn, but is it possible? When politicians say they want to ban porn, it's sort of like they've claimed they can fly: most reporters simply point out the promise, as if the absurdity were self-evident. That's how ABC News reported it in July when Michele Bachmann signed a pledge that included an anti-porn plank.

In the case of Rick Santorum, a statement went up on his campaign site on Wednesday pledging a grand crackdown on the "distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier."


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
For fucking fuck's sake, if they're gonna go that far, why even try to hide it so thinly...the word is 'renege' Why not just come out and say "I hain't votin' fer the nigra" and get it over...


also the ducks and the Benelli play right into the whole "clinging to their guns and religion" thing...

fuck again...just because...

"Don't renege" doesn't even make sense. Where do you even find a sticker like that?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Arguably being unwilling to wholly denounce any and all instances in which separate but equal treatment for gays persists is a species of apathy.

Obama has done more to advance Gay rights than any other president. Not saying that he couldn't be better, and I understand putting pressure on him, but to get so mad at him that you will not vote over this issue is a bit baffling.


"Don't renege" doesn't even make sense. Where do you even find a sticker like that?

Are you asking where can you find a racist sticker? If so I point you to many places south of Virginia. I remember when I went south on I95 in the late 90's I saw some choice bumper sticks and flags in SC and GA and then again in Texas around 2000. They actually had little statues of old white men beating and dragging a black person with the plaque the South will rise again
Gingrich: "they don't believe the Wright Brothers invented flying, they don't believe Edison invented electric light, and they don't believe we're about to invent the next generation of interesting things"

The Left doesn't believe in progression and science.


the Left fears energy independence and rejects new technology:
Liberals have this desire to ration, to regulate, to control and the possibility that we could actually produce enough energy that we did not need the Middle East is something that most liberals just look at with fear because it suddenly means that you and I could be free
WTF? Lol. President Jimmy Carter(democrat) installed tons of solar panels around the white house in fear of another oil crisis like what his presidency experienced. The next president, Ronald Reagan, removed all of the solar panels and cut back on such ideas.

This is almost as bad as when Romney said that the trickle down theory was Obama's failed idea.


Sidhe / PikPok
Go, Rick, go!

"Government shouldn't interfere with or tell us how to live our lives. Except for marriage rights, reproduction rights, what media we can and can't consume, what language I must speak, and who we can and can't have sex with."

"Don't renege" doesn't even make sense. Where do you even find a sticker like that?

Places like Zazzle allow you to create bumper stickers or tshirts like that easily.

Gingrich: "they don't believe the Wright Brothers invented flying, they don't believe Edison invented electric light, and they don't believe we're about to invent the next generation of interesting things"

The Left doesn't believe in progression and science.


Really Newt? Really? Scientists are one of the GOP's worst demographics . . . 6%!

Is he trying to do Rovian "Attack their strength" politics? Because he really sucks at it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
There have been a lot of terrible politicians over the course of time that have done unusual things.

That said, I have never seen a campaign more unusual than Gingrich's. I honestly have no clue what in the world he's trying to do. It seems like he's coming up with a new direction each week.


There have been a lot of terrible politicians over the course of time that have done unusual things.

That said, I have never seen a campaign more unusual than Gingrich's. I honestly have no clue what in the world he's trying to do. It seems like he's coming up with a new direction each week.

He is merely trying to stay relevant, it does not matter what crazy shit he says.

When all is said and done he will sell more books and be the guy against the "liberal media"

Similar to how Palin politically is dumb as a brick but yet she is seen now almost as a power image in the GOP
Gingrich: "they don't believe the Wright Brothers invented flying, they don't believe Edison invented electric light, and they don't believe we're about to invent the next generation of interesting things"

The Left doesn't believe in progression and science.


More ranting on it . .

Liberals have this desire to ration, to regulate, to control and the possibility that we could actually produce enough energy that we did not need the Middle East is something that most liberals just look at with fear because it suddenly means that you and I could be free, we could buy the kind of car that we want, we'd have a job here at home, the government would be less important. It's a fascinating experience.

The Left has believed for at least forty years now in a concept called Peak Oil that says 'gee, we're about to run out." Well, it turns out that our reserves in the US, because of new technology, which is something that the Left rejects - they don't believe the Wright Brothers invented flying, they don't believe Edison invented electric light, and they don't believe we're about to invent the next generation of interesting things.

Newt, if you are going to try to claim the science/technology high-ground, at least get your science/technology correct. Peak oil does NOT mean "about to run out" at all. In fact, it more generally means that we still have about half the oil left. Peak oil refers to the production rate, and explicitly NOT the reserves.
There have been a lot of terrible politicians over the course of time that have done unusual things.

That said, I have never seen a campaign more unusual than Gingrich's. I honestly have no clue what in the world he's trying to do. It seems like he's coming up with a new direction each week.

It seems to be a mixture of genuine shock that voters have rejected him, mixed with bitter rage over Romney's campaign. Now all he's doing is attempting to ruin the party that rejected him.

Luckily, Adelson seems to be interested in Romney. Maybe he'll stop writing checks and Gingrich will disappear
It seems to be a mixture of genuine shock that voters have rejected him, mixed with bitter rage over Romney's campaign. Now all he's doing is attempting to ruin the party that rejected him.

Luckily, Adelson seems to be interested in Romney. Maybe he'll stop writing checks and Gingrich will disappear

Romney's problem isn't a lack of money to run his campaign. in fact, it may be the exact opposite.

Santorum is starting to get a lot of mileage out of how well he does despite mitt outspending him 5 and 6 times over. More money (from Adelson) isn't going to change this narrative.

edit: I agree though that without those funds, Gingrich's campaign is finished.
It seems to be a mixture of genuine shock that voters have rejected him, mixed with bitter rage over Romney's campaign. Now all he's doing is attempting to ruin the party that rejected him.

Luckily, Adelson seems to be interested in Romney. Maybe he'll stop writing checks and Gingrich will disappear
If Adelson is interested in Romney, he will continue writing checks to Gingrich, whose exit from the race would likely lead the Santorum dominating Romney. (The only test case we've had for this is Missouri, but I think it illustrative nonetheless.)


Newt, if you are going to try to claim the science/technology high-ground, at least get your science/technology correct. Peak oil does NOT mean "about to run out" at all. In fact, it more generally means that we still have about half the oil left. Peak oil refers to the production rate, and explicitly NOT the reserves.

As I understand it, peak oil means the decline of economic growth unless you can increase efficiency or find other energy sources, since energy is one of the most important inputs into the production function. Hence the frantic drive on the part of liberals to do both.
As I understand it, peak oil means the decline of economic growth unless you can increase efficiency or find other energy sources, since energy is one of the most important inputs into the production function. Hence the frantic drive on the part of liberals to do both.
And drill some more to stabilize the oil supply.

And that is exactly what the plan has been:
1) Increase efficiency (increase CAFE standards, more hybrids)
2) find other sources (electric vehicles, public transit, high-speed rail, etc.)
3) Boost the oil supply (open up some more drilling areas, responsible fracking for tight oil, etc.)

Newt seems to think #3 could solve everything. It can't. Not possible. He's just promising bread & circuses that he can't deliver.
Obama Doc out



The Obama campaign’s 17-minute reelection movie, which debuted Thursday night at more than 300 campaign-organized watch parties across the country, is a variation on the philosopher’s theme: I think, therefore I act, and therefore I am strong.

Not sure what effect this documentary will have. Haven't watched it yet, will post my thoughts later.
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