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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Right, but Toobin framed it as a dire and dramatic shift. Honestly, I have no idea who the hell Toobin is outside of he apparently works for CNN. Maybe he is just scaring up interest.

Jeffrey Toobin is the Judge Napolitano of CNN, but without the bluster and Italian.
Right, but Toobin framed it as a dire and dramatic shift. Honestly, I have no idea who the hell Toobin is outside of he apparently works for CNN. Maybe he is just scaring up interest.
He comes off as the biggest tool I've ever seen. The only people I see taking him seriously on my fb feed for example are Republicans... Obviously because he's predicting what they want to hear.
It also seems that the individual mandate is doomed. I mean, Anthony Kennedy spent much of this morning talking about if we strike down the individual mandate, how should we handle the rest of the law?
He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Well this pisses me off.

Last year I went through the trouble to consolidate my Sallie Mae loans and get it transferred to the Federal Student Aid and have my loans serviced through the Department of Education (since all student loans are backed by taxpayer money anyhow).

This morning I receive an email letting me know that my student loans are being transferred back to Sallie Mae.

I made it a point not to use Sallie Mae ever again, and apparently I have no choice in the matter.


That girl in the bunny hat
He comes off as the biggest tool I've ever seen. The only people I see taking him seriously on my fb feed for example are Republicans... Obviously because he's predicting what they want to hear.

He was insufferable yesterday. The anchor asked "well, don't the Justices usually play devil's advocate with their questioning?" "Yes, but they aren't today, because I don't want them to be". *rolleyes*


I made it a point not to use Sallie Mae ever again, and apparently I have no choice in the matter.
Wish I knew what to tell you, but I can empathize. It's easy to feel powerless when it comes to student loans.

Whichever political party takes on the student debt problem is going to benefit themselves hugely in years to come. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it won't be the GOP.
Still pretty confident that the mandate will be upheld, but it's nice to know that if it isn't, the rest of the law would still stand.

Which IMO wouldn't have too much political fallout for Obama - everything that makes the law appealing is the other stuff (the ban on pre-existing conditions, Medicaid expansion, the Medicare donut hole being filled, kids staying on their parents' plans until they're 27)

Obama's debating on whether or not he should finally use that Thunderstone on the proverbial Pikachu that is gay marriage:

The chances that Obama will make such an announcement before the election are looking better than in previous months as the issue receives growing media attention and voters in a handful of states face ballot initiatives this year.

An informed source, who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity, said “active conversations” are taking place between the White House and the campaign about whether Obama should complete his evolution on marriage and that the chances of him making an announcement are about 50-50.
Obama will come out for gay marriage after the election. Book it

Still pretty confident that the mandate will be upheld, but it's nice to know that if it isn't, the rest of the law would still stand.

Which IMO wouldn't have too much political fallout for Obama - everything that makes the law appealing is the other stuff (the ban on pre-existing conditions, Medicaid expansion, the Medicare donut hole being filled, kids staying on their parents' plans until they're 27)

Obama's debating on whether or not he should finally use that Thunderstone on the proverbial Pikachu that is gay marriage:

If the mandate is gutted how does that equal a good thing in terms of costs? Assuming insurance companies are still forced to cover those with pre-existing conditions, costs will go up.
He should, but he doesn't have the spine to, politically.

Agreed, he won't risk re-election to do the right thing. Although one could argue those most concerned about gay marriage (Evangelicals and far right advocates) aren't going to vote for him anyway

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Agreed, he won't risk re-election to do the right thing. Although one could argue those most concerned about gay marriage aren't going to vote for him anyway

Who are they going to vote for? Obama has done more for Gay rights than any other president so far. He has not moved as fast as some have wanted, but it's a bit disingenuous to say he has been spineless. At the end of the day, you have to sometimes be a bit calculated and play the political game in order to actually change things.


Obama will come out for gay marriage after the election. Book it

Yup, as well as a lot of other stuff that will no doubt piss the GOP and the right off because with no 3rd term to fight for its all about legacy.

If Congress had term limits shit might actually get done in this country, since you would have the re-election carrot that stops them for doing their jobs removed
Yup, as well as a lot of other stuff that will no doubt piss the GOP and the right off because with no 3rd term to fight for its all about legacy.

If Congress had term limits shit might actually get done in this country, since you would have the re-election carrot that stops them for doing their jobs removed

Or they'd have a deadline to suck that corporations dick for the awesome retirement job!

Edit: Proper campaign finance reform is first stumbling block to solving the biggest problems with our political system. Not term limits.
Who are they going to vote for? Obama has done more for Gay rights than any other president so far. He has not moved as fast as some have wanted, but it's a bit disingenuous to say he has been spineless. At the end of the day, you have to sometimes be a bit calculated and play the political game in order to actually change things.

I'm referring to anti-gay marriage advocates. The political argument seems to be if Obama (or anyone) comes out in favor of gay marriages, Rove's mythic Christian army will actually vote thus swinging things. I don't buy that argument, especially now: Evangelicals hate Obama to a level where they'll come out in full force regardless.

I don't see gay marriage turning off independents either. They'll be voting based on the economy.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm referring to anti-gay marriage advocates. The political argument seems to be if Obama (or anyone) comes out in favor of gay marriages, Rove's mythic Christian army will actually vote thus swinging things. I don't buy that argument, especially now: Evangelicals hate Obama to a level where they'll come out in full force regardless.

I don't see gay marriage turning off independents either. They'll be voting based on the economy.

Oooooh. Haha, completely misread that.
I'm referring to anti-gay marriage advocates. The political argument seems to be if Obama (or anyone) comes out in favor of gay marriages, Rove's mythic Christian army will actually vote thus swinging things. I don't buy that argument, especially now: Evangelicals hate Obama to a level where they'll come out in full force regardless.

I don't see gay marriage turning off independents either. They'll be voting based on the economy.

Obama isn't coming out for gay marriage because of the black community. Plain and simple. It's not that it would energize Rove's Christian army, its that it might dampen black and Latino community voters which he will need to turn out in mass again to make up for white voters.


Or they'd have a deadline to suck that corporations dick for the awesome retirement job!

Edit: Proper campaign finance reform is first stumbling block to solving the biggest problems with our political system. Not term limits.

Stopping extremist from getting into office is key. Will finance reform really do this though is something I really wonder about. What I think also needs to be done is for it to be made illegal to lie in ads. Have it so you need to provide proof of your claims that you make in an ad that will be viewed the country at large. Not everyone is in a position to actually fact check themselves what is told to them. You can't count on the media to do as many just repeat what is feed to them by politicians in order to keep their access to them. There is no repercussion to lying your ass. Denial of the ad and possibly being charged with fraud should help stop that crap.


Obama isn't coming out for gay marriage because of the black community. Plain and simple. It's not that it would energize Rove's Christian army, its that it might dampen black and Latino community voters which he will need to turn out in mass again to make up for white voters.

Obama isn't coming out for gay marriage because of the black community. Plain and simple. It's not that it would energize Rove's Christian army, its that it might dampen black and Latino community voters which he will need to turn out in mass again to make up for white voters.

I don't believe that. Black people may be opposed to gay marriage, but they won't throw Obama under the bus if he comes out in favor of it. I'm not sure black turnout will be particularly good regardless considering the economy, but Obama will still get 95% of the vote. He'd have to divorce Michelle and marry a white woman to go below 90%


Obama isn't coming out for gay marriage because of the black community. Plain and simple. It's not that it would energize Rove's Christian army, its that it might dampen black and Latino community voters which he will need to turn out in mass again to make up for white voters.

Agree. He'll come out for it after the election, without a doubt.
I don't believe that. Black people may be opposed to gay marriage, but they won't throw Obama under the bus if he comes out in favor of it. I'm not sure black turnout will be particularly good regardless considering the economy, but Obama will still get 95% of the vote. He'd have to divorce Michelle and marry a white woman to go below 90%

I don't think he wants to do anything that might dampen enthusiasm. The election will be decided on the margins and I see him just playing it safe. He'll still get the same share.
I was gonna answer PD, but Ghaleon took care of it <3

Here is the NJ article on the same



California's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage passed in 2008 thanks to overwhelming black support; 70 percent backed it, according to exit polls. Recent gay marriage legislation in Maryland drew opposition from leading Democratic African-American legislators in the state. The same ministers organizing get-out-the-vote efforts in black churches for Obama are also railing against gay marriage.
I don't think he wants to do anything that might dampen enthusiasm. The election will be decided on the margins and I see him just playing it safe. He'll still get the same share.

While I agree that's most likely Obama and his team's assessment of this, I don't agree with it. If enthusiasm is dampened it'll be due to double digit unemployment/underemployment in the black community, and nearly that much in the Hispanic community.


While I agree that's most likely Obama and his team's assessment of this, I don't agree with it. If enthusiasm is dampened it'll be due to double digit unemployment/underemployment in the black community, and nearly that much in the Hispanic community.

I'm not sure I agree, either, but that's my read on their reasoning. A key demographic of voters is opposed, so he won't come out for it until after the election.
Newt Gingrich: Not Ending Campaign, Which Is 'Exactly Why We're Downsizing'

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said on Wednesday he it not quitting the race for his party's nomination even though he has had to lay off staff and funds are low.

"We're staying in, that's exactly why we're downsizing," the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives said on WTOP radio in Washington. "Cash flow is shorter than we'd like it to be so we're doing the appropriate things to be able to campaign."

But the cuts do not signal the end of his presidential bid and he has no plans to drop out of the race, Gingrich said.
"Romney has to earn this. We're not going to give it to him," he said of the former Massachusetts governor.


I'll be honest:

The Progressive Caucus leading off with deficit reduction and spending cuts does not fill me with joy.

I've only read their bullet points, but it seems that's just the political framing. The cuts seem to come from military spending and healthcare savings, while public investment is increased substantially.

Making progress and getting things done is hardly spineless. After his second term gay people will be much better off than they are today.

I actually agree with this. Obama is doing what he can to move rights forward. It would be brave, but perhaps not wise, to come out for full marriage equality before the election. (In a way, he has already done this by directing the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA.) Should it cost him the election, gay rights would undoubtedly be rolled back and progress delayed. I see him as taking the pragmatic approach (as usual).
I've only read their bullet points, but it seems that's just the political framing. The cuts seem to come from military spending and healthcare savings, while public investment is increased substantially.
Oh, I know; I read the rest of it and agree with what it lays out in principle, but I think conceding to conservative framing is giving up half the battle.
I'll be honest:

The Progressive Caucus leading off with deficit reduction and spending cuts does not fill me with joy.
The CPC has been laser-focused on job creation for quite some time now. They were one of the few Democratic groups trying to shift attention back to jobs during the debt ceiling debacle. Following them on Twitter, Facebook, and their statements from individual members, all of their rhetoric is on job creation and reducing inequality in the country.
The CPC has been laser-focused on job creation for quite some time now. They were one of the few Democratic groups trying to shift attention back to jobs during the debt ceiling debacle. Following them on Twitter, Facebook, and their statements from individual members, all of their rhetoric is on job creation and reducing inequality in the country.
See the post immediately preceding yours.

"laser-focused" is such a hackneyed metaphor.


Oh, I know; I read the rest of it and agree with what it lays out in principle, but I think conceding to conservative framing is giving up half the battle.

I don't disagree, though to be fair they also highlight their jobs measures in the same section. Still, they grant the debt 'issue' far too much attention. On the policy merits though, it looks like a great budget.
Well this pisses me off.

Last year I went through the trouble to consolidate my Sallie Mae loans and get it transferred to the Federal Student Aid and have my loans serviced through the Department of Education (since all student loans are backed by taxpayer money anyhow).

This morning I receive an email letting me know that my student loans are being transferred back to Sallie Mae.

I made it a point not to use Sallie Mae ever again, and apparently I have no choice in the matter.

I've paid off about $600 so far with the loan I took out from college. I think my total balance is around $3100.

Why did you want to consolidate your loans and be transferred to the DoE?
From what I've read so far, it looks like the Supreme court might rule in favor of striking down the individual mandate or even the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Kind of sucks but was still worth the shot imo.

Dude Abides

From what I've read so far, it looks like the Supreme court might rule in favor of striking down the individual mandate or even the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Kind of sucks but was still worth the shot imo.

People are trying to read the tea leaves based on oral argument, which is generally a dumb thing to do. Just wait until June.
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