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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Also, what is with psuedo-governmental private corporations and southern sounding double first names? Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae
It think it was just an easier way to refer to the acronyms for the programs.

Sallie Mae - SLMA - Student Loan Marketing Association
Fannie Mae - FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association
Freddie Mac - FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Are all Jay Leno fans republicans, or were they likely screened for this taping? They are cheering like crazy over everything he says.

Leno (and his audience I guess) lean more Republican than all the other late night hosts. He makes way more fun at Obama's expense than the rest.

And to think, I've been defending him all these years for being treated unfairly. :(
Daily Kos is extremely leftist, but I was rolling from this response:

Mitt Romney said:
Romney said he has some connections to Wisconsin.

“One of most humorous I think relates to my father. You may remember my father, George Romney, was president of an automobile company called American Motors … They had a factory in Michigan, and they had a factory in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and another one in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,” said Romney. “And as the president of the company he decided to close the factory in Michigan and move all the production to Wisconsin. Now later he decided to run for governor of Michigan and so you can imagine that having closed the factory and moved all the production to Wisconsin was a very sensitive issue to him, for his campaign.”

Romney said he recalled a parade in which the school band marching with his father’s campaign only knew the Wisconsin fight song, not the Michigan song.

“So every time they would start playing ‘On Wisconsin, on Wisconsin,’ my dad’s political people would jump up and down and try to get them to stop, because they didn’t want people in Michigan to be reminded that my dad had moved production to Wisconsin,” said Romney, laughing.

Kos' response:
Kos said:
"Hello, human Wisconsin voters! I have a humorous anecdote to be related. My father once shut down a factory in Michigan, which was beneficial to the people of your state since you are not from Michigan. Then he ran for governor of Michigan and—you will like this, humans, because it is humorous—during one parade the children in the local marching band only knew how to play a song from your state, Wisconsin, as opposed to the state of Michigan where my father was attempting to gain higher office. This led to some unpleasantries because my father did not wish to bring further attention to his laying off of workers from the state he was now suggesting he lead. Is that not humorous? Yes, screw Michigan, am I right? Now that they have already voted, I can safely say that your state of Wisconsin is a much better state. Your cheese is quite definitely of the correct height. My parental unit was correct in transferring employment opportunities to your state instead of filthy Michigan, where the children do not even know the correct songs."

Edit: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/03/28/1078619/-Mitt-Romney-relates-to-the-locals-again


lacks enthusiasm.
Interesting article, but I'm not sure how convincing it is, or how objective the sources are.

Oil prices seen rising if speculators are limited.

Thoughts from PoliGAF energy experts (speculawyer)?
The report they're basing this on was commissioned by Morgan Stanley. Not exactly confidence-inspiring stuff.

Yup, as well as a lot of other stuff that will no doubt piss the GOP and the right off because with no 3rd term to fight for its all about legacy.

If Congress had term limits shit might actually get done in this country, since you would have the re-election carrot that stops them for doing their jobs removed
No thanks. If Congress had term limits, lobbyist power and influence would increase more than it already is. I don't get to vote for a lobbyist on K street, but I can vote for my representatives in Congress. In principal, there's nothing wrong with a representative being consistently voted in by their constituents. The problem with the system now is how hard it is for challengers to run against incumbents (due to gerrymandering, campaign financing disadvantages, etc). Work on those problems, not term limits.

The thing (well one of the) I find most aggravating about politics today is how successfully the right has managed to turn the half-black guy raised by a single mother in poverty and worked his way up into an out-of-touch "elitist" (God I hate that word) who doesn't know anything about real Americans, when by any objective measure it's this fucking asshole who proves how elitist he is everyday.
No thanks. If Congress had term limits, lobbyist power and influence would increase more than it already is. I don't get to vote for a lobbyist on K street, but I can vote for my representatives in Congress. In principal, there's nothing wrong with a representative being consistently voted in by their constituents. The problem with the system now is how hard it is for challengers to run against incumbents (due to gerrymandering, campaign financing disadvantages, etc). Work on those problems, not term limits.

Excellent point here.


How is this a thing that happened.
Mitt Romney is the worst presidential candidate in modern history. Fuck subtlety. He is god-fucking-awful.

This as much as anything he's said makes it clear how just how thick that bubble is that Romney lives in. He's fondly recalling that time his dad laid off workers in Michigan and then had an awkward moment reminding voters of that fact. How amusing.

We are so, so fucked if this robot gets into office.
This as much as anything he's said makes it clear how just how think that bubble is that Romney lives in. He's fondly recalling that time his dad laid off workers in Michigan and then had an awkward moment reminding voters of that fact. How amusing.

We are so, so fucked if this robot gets into office.

Agreed :(
Luckily the legislators who passed ppaca understand the federalism issues at play:

Rep. Conyers cited the “Good and Welfare Clause” as the source of Congress’s authority [there is no such clause].
Rep. Stark responded, “the federal government can do most anything in this country.”
Rep. Clyburn replied, “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do. How about [you] show me where in the Constitution it prohibits the federal government from doing this?”
Rep. Hare said “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this, to be honest [...] It doesn’t matter to me.” When asked, “Where in the Constitution does it give you the authority …?” He replied, “I don’t know.”
Sen. Akaka said he “not aware” of which Constitutional provision authorizes the healthcare bill.
Sen. Leahy added, “We have plenty of authority. Are you saying there’s no authority?”
Sen. Landrieu told a questioner, “I’ll leave that up to the constitutional lawyers on our staff.”

That romney thing is hilarious. He needs a shock collar that his staffers can use the next time he decides to share anecdotes about closing factories or being best friends with nascar owners.


Unconfirmed Member
It think it was just an easier way to refer to the acronyms for the programs.

Sallie Mae - SLMA - Student Loan Marketing Association
Fannie Mae - FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association
Freddie Mac - FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Ah. Didn't know that thanks.
But I thought electing Republicans would be do wonders for our economy and business:

Even though money for major road and bridge projects is set to run out this weekend, House Republican leaders have struggled all week to round up the votes from recalcitrant conservatives simply to extend it for 90 or even 60 days.

At the same time, House conservatives are pressing to allow the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which has financed business exports since the Depression, to run out of lending authority within weeks.

And a host of routine business tax breaks — from wind energy subsidies to research and development tax credits — cannot be passed because of Republican insistence that they be paid for with spending cuts.

“Free market is not always the same as pro-business,” said Barney Keller, spokesman for the conservative political action committee Club for Growth.

But without Export-Import Bank financing, companies large and small could find themselves struggling to complete contracts with overseas buyers. Those buyers will most likely turn to foreign competitors whose governments have more robust versions of the bank, businesspeople say.

“There’s not a bank in the United States that’s going to loan money to that customer of mine in Argentina to buy my airplane,” said David Ickert, vice president of finance at Air Tractor, which makes crop-dusting and firefighting airplanes in Olney, Tex. “There is not a free-market system that operates like that. It does not exist. We need the Ex-Im Bank, period.”

The bank is financed with a small percentage of each loan it makes to foreign buyers of American exports, producing $3.4 billion in profits for the federal government over the last five years.

“Think about all the winners in this transaction,” he said. “Ex-Im got half a point. Baltimore City steelworkers got extra hours. I got extra profits to meet payroll, and hopefully I got a client who will reorder from me.”


You reap what you sow. I guess we can come up with some build named after JOBS or GROWTH or something. That always works out.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I'm not sure I agree, either, but that's my read on their reasoning. A key demographic of voters is opposed, so he won't come out for it until after the election.
What exactly would Obama be able to do on a federal level for gay marriage? Repealing dadt was logical but I don't think he could get a federal marriage amendment passed through congress, even if it was just limited to civil unions.


Don't know how many regular Krugman readers there are here, or will be when NYtimes limits site visitors to ten articles per month starting in April, but he has a new one up that serves as a basic introduction to the ALEC group that is behind most of the written legislation in state houses across the nation recently. His attention has been almost all on the Europe crisis and gas prices so glad he's taking up other political aspects. It frightens me that politicians are handing in, and actually passing legislation verbatim from the organization, so the more spotlight, media attention and information about them the better.

Lobbyists, Guns and Money;


Well this pisses me off.

Last year I went through the trouble to consolidate my Sallie Mae loans and get it transferred to the Federal Student Aid and have my loans serviced through the Department of Education (since all student loans are backed by taxpayer money anyhow).

This morning I receive an email letting me know that my student loans are being transferred back to Sallie Mae.

I made it a point not to use Sallie Mae ever again, and apparently I have no choice in the matter.

What pisses me off is that, as far as I know, I have no way of consolidating my loans at Sallie Mae with my loans with the government. I just want one low fucking payment not two completely bizarro time scales to pay my things on. My loan situation is crazy and makes me angry just thinking about it.

My government loans will take 15 years to pay off (because I can't choose any higher) and will get progressively higher throughout those 15 years. My Sallie Mae loans will get a bit higher (I think), but will take like 30 years to pay off. Also, the government ones AND the Sallie Mae ones seem to be at like 4 completely different interest rates each. My wife and I pay something around $500 per month, and that's going to go up for a while until it spikes 15 years from now, where I'll have to hold off on killing myself to get over that hump until I pay a bit less for the next 15.

There probably is a way to consolidate these or something, but I tried to do all this shit when I got out of college and spent days on the phone with people telling me they could do absolutely nothing, got frustrated and proceeded to try and think about this literally the least I possibly can because it brings out so much seething rage I can barely think.
CNN Breaking Poll (wat?)

Forget ‘Get America Working,’ Time to Get the GOP Working:

- 37% have a favorable view of Mitt Romney
- 56% have a favorable view of Obama
- 35% have a favorable view of the GOP
- 48% have a favorable view of the Democratic Party
- 56% blame Bush and the GOP for the economy
- 29% blame Obama and the Democrats for the economy

General election matchups: Obama up by double digits: 54% – 43% against Romney; 55% – 42% against Santorum; full results.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

GOP is effed. and they are only going to go harder right, and then I hope America banishes them to the ranks of the Whigs, Bull Moose, and other long-dead parties.

They are embarrassing in the fact that they arent even conservatives, not true Christians in their approach to humanism and leadership, and have no clue how to run government from a financial standpoint. I would have voted for Mitt Romney no questions asked a year ago, but now, I am getting leery of that. The dude is straight weird. I hope all this pandering ends in the GE and he says, sorry psycho GOP-base, I am going to have to be real here and say America needs fairness, I just knew if I were normal during the primaries, you would have voted for a dunce or a sociopath, so I stooped lower than all of them to save you from yourselves.

Then he rips his shirt open to reveal that he is the son of Jor-El or something else equally impressive...

/tears of unreality.
but gas prices

(all that said, I knocked GE polls before for being early. and it's still early. Early-ish, anyway. If Obama stil has a ten-point lead average once Romney is officially or the de facto nominee, then the Rombot is pretty fucked.)


Unconfirmed Member
GOP is effed. and they are only going to go harder right, and then I hope America banishes them to the ranks of the Whigs, Bull Moose, and other long-dead parties.

They are embarrassing in the fact that they arent even conservatives, not true Christians in their approach to humanism and leadership, and have no clue how to run government from a financial standpoint. I would have voted for Mitt Romney no questions asked a year ago, but now, I am getting leery of that. The dude is straight weird. I hope all this pandering ends in the GE and he says, sorry psycho GOP-base, I am going to have to be real here and say America needs fairness, I just knew if I were normal during the primaries, you would have voted for a dunce or a sociopath, so I stooped lower than all of them to save you from yourselves.

Then he rips his shirt open to reveal that he is the son of Jor-El or something else equally impressive...

/tears of unreality.

Are we going to have to lock you out of the cockpit and have poligaf make an emergency landing? lol


The thing (well one of the) I find most aggravating about politics today is how successfully the right has managed to turn the half-black guy raised by a single mother in poverty and worked his way up into an out-of-touch "elitist" (God I hate that word) who doesn't know anything about real Americans, when by any objective measure it's this fucking asshole who proves how elitist he is everyday.

Yeah this is the thing that drives me crazy on a daily basis. Thanks for typing it out like that.
The thing (well one of the) I find most aggravating about politics today is how successfully the right has managed to turn the half-black guy raised by a single mother in poverty and worked his way up into an out-of-touch "elitist" (God I hate that word) who doesn't know anything about real Americans, when by any objective measure it's this fucking asshole who proves how elitist he is everyday.

Remember how that started during the '08 campaign? Worked really well, too, didn't it?


...the McCain camp just threw this supposed insult at Barack Obama: “Only celebrities like Barack Obama . . . demand bottles of an organic brew — Black Forest Berry Honest Tea,” said Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign manager.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

In response, Obama laughed off the swipe at a recent rally in Iowa saying, “I do have to ask my opponent — is that the best you can come up with? Is that what is worthy of the American people?”


Ehhh, kind of agree. I think federalism works well for smaller, less diverse (culturally, socially, spiritually) countries or more focused countries, such as the BDR.

For one of the largest countries on the planet though that tries to project its will on the rest of the world while maintaining some sort of broken federalism at home that only serves to bog the country down in culture wars and guarantee corporate primacy, its pants on head retarded.
I find your position interesting as it contradicts the typical theoretical justifications for federalism. Federalism is intended to institutionally obviate conflict amongst heterogeneous populations. I fail to see how a more concentrated system would benefit large, multinational states-immature states, at least. If there are countries for which federalism is appropriate, it's larger, heterogeneous countries. Now, I'm amenable to the proposition federalism may be outmoded in the U.S. I'd say democracy has been sufficiently normalized that a unitary state would not risk fracturing. But I would not apply that to regimes that have not generated over 200 years of legitimacy.
No thanks. If Congress had term limits, lobbyist power and influence would increase more than it already is. I don't get to vote for a lobbyist on K street, but I can vote for my representatives in Congress. In principal, there's nothing wrong with a representative being consistently voted in by their constituents. The problem with the system now is how hard it is for challengers to run against incumbents (due to gerrymandering, campaign financing disadvantages, etc). Work on those problems, not term limits.
I agree with most of your post. Term limits have unintended consequences which outweigh their purported benefits. And I agree that inequitable campaign financing diminishes competition. Notwithstanding, I disagree with gerrymandering contributing to the incumbency advantage. It's more incidental than causative. This 2006 article from the JOP is a useful introduction.
But I thought electing Republicans would be do wonders for our economy and business:

You reap what you sow. I guess we can come up with some build named after JOBS or GROWTH or something. That always works out.
Not only are they obstructing the provision of public goods, they are attempting to sabotage an agency that actually works in promoting American economic interests. Not that it's perfect, but it is a net gain.
but gas prices

(all that said, I knocked GE polls before for being early. and it's still early. Early-ish, anyway. If Obama stil has a ten-point lead average once Romney is officially or the de facto nominee, then the Rombot is pretty fucked.)

I think there's been a good spread of information on how gas prices cannot be directly affected by a president's policy.
GOP is effed. and they are only going to go harder right, and then I hope America banishes them to the ranks of the Whigs, Bull Moose, and other long-dead parties.

They are embarrassing in the fact that they arent even conservatives, not true Christians in their approach to humanism and leadership, and have no clue how to run government from a financial standpoint. I would have voted for Mitt Romney no questions asked a year ago, but now, I am getting leery of that. The dude is straight weird. I hope all this pandering ends in the GE and he says, sorry psycho GOP-base, I am going to have to be real here and say America needs fairness, I just knew if I were normal during the primaries, you would have voted for a dunce or a sociopath, so I stooped lower than all of them to save you from yourselves.

Then he rips his shirt open to reveal that he is the son of Jor-El or something else equally impressive...

/tears of unreality.
What disturbs me about this post is that it implies that, despite having paid attention for the last several months, you see voting for Mitt as a tenable proposition. I'd rather you did a ToxicAdam and didn't vote at all.


What disturbs me about this post is that it implies that, despite having paid attention for the last several months, you see voting for Mitt as a tenable proposition. I'd rather you did a ToxicAdam and didn't vote at all.

Well he has stated multiple times that Mitt will "flip around" and not act crazy. An assumption I highly disagree with and I think hes finally coming to the realization of what Mitt actually is (A pandering flip flopper with no true values and will go along with any batshit crazy shit put in front of him by republicans).


Agree. He'll come out for it after the election, without a doubt.

I don't think he wants to do anything that might dampen enthusiasm. The election will be decided on the margins and I see him just playing it safe. He'll still get the same share.
I missed this. Obama may be forced to adopt it earlier. If that article I posted a few weeks ago is accurate, gay rights activists are agitating to include marriage equality in the Party's platform. If they maneuver it into the platform, the pressure on Obama will be tremendous.


Well, the GOP knows they've got a problem with young voters. Their solution? The Conservative Teen magazine with such articles as:

"Why Abstinence Works. How It Can Work for You"

"Government Creates Poverty"

"The Hot Air & Cold Facts of Liberal Media Bias"

and best of all,

"Ronald Reagan: Our First Black President?"

Good luck with that...

Edit: Awww, didn't see there was a whole thread on it :(


Well, the GOP knows they've got a problem with young voters. Their solution? The Conservative Teen magazine with such articles as:

"Why Abstinence Works. How It Can Work for You"

"Government Creates Poverty"

"The Hot Air & Cold Facts of Liberal Media Bias"

and best of all,

"Ronald Reagan: Our First Black President?"

Good luck with that...

Edit: Awww, didn't see there was a whole thread on it :(
Are we certain this thing is real?
I know many serious outlets covered it, but man, this feels soooooooo much like a hoax.

Edit: well, Colbert did a bit on it, so I guess that a confirmation.


I missed this. Obama may be forced to adopt it earlier. If that article I posted a few weeks ago is accurate, gay rights activists are agitating to include marriage equality in the Party's platform. If they maneuver it into the platform, the pressure on Obama will be tremendous.

I would like to see that, but I suspect that Obama will step in behind the scenes and put and end to that; as the head of the party his word would carry great weight. I would like to be wrong, however. It would be a breakthrough.


I would like to see that, but I suspect that Obama will step in behind the scenes and put and end to that; as the head of the party his word would carry great weight. I would like to be wrong, however. It would be a breakthrough.
He could, certainly. As the head of the party, he easily possesses the most power. He'll have to calculate whether the backlash is worth the exclusion.

Well, the GOP knows they've got a problem with young voters. Their solution? The Conservative Teen magazine with such articles as:

"Why Abstinence Works. How It Can Work for You"

"Government Creates Poverty"

"The Hot Air & Cold Facts of Liberal Media Bias"

and best of all,

"Ronald Reagan: Our First Black President?"

Good luck with that...

Edit: Awww, didn't see there was a whole thread on it :(
The article on Reagan is splendid. "But the past three years have made one thing clear: Ronald Regan was a far better friend to black Americans than Barack Obama has been." Maybe. Although, I know by one measurement that's erroneous.


One thing that sticks out to me in that CNN/ORC poll is that approval of the Democratic Party is actually positive, at 48/45. Contrast to the GOP's 35/58. That could bode very well for the generic House ballot.

Although, in 2010, Democrats had slightly better favorables than Republicans, but still in the shitter. There seems to be a pretty broad phenomenon amongst conservatives that they like to say "I hate Republicans AND Democrats!" to sound non-partisan, but vote straight ticket anyway.

Well, if I follow cartoon logic, he shouldn't do it! FIND A BETTER METAPHOR!
Obama's playing Pokemon Yellow version, which in this analogy corresponds to the black community. He has to decide if it's worth it to trade over to Red/Blue versions and evolve it that way, and by that I mean if it's worth stronger LGBT turnout (who will vote for him anyway) over depressing black turnout somewhat (who will vote for him anyway).

Probably wouldn't sway any significant amount of votes, but it might energize certain pockets of voters for and against him. And even then. Eh. Probably not.

If he's a shoo-in for re-election then he'd probably do it before. And given who his opponent is...


"Let me tell you a hilarious story, so my dad lays off these guys..."


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Are we going to have to lock you out of the cockpit and have poligaf make an emergency landing? lol

Yes, dammit!

What disturbs me about this post is that it implies that, despite having paid attention for the last several months, you see voting for Mitt as a tenable proposition. I'd rather you did a ToxicAdam and didn't vote at all.

I was hoping beyond hope that it was all an act. I was hoping that him having been a bishop in the church would have made him realize about poverty, the needs of the common man, and how to relate to people, but that is looking less likely than me picking up an errant winning Mega Millions ticket on the ground. I was also hoping that he would maintain some centrist positions from his governorship and propose budgets and positions that are actually tenable. Instead, he panders to lowest common denominator. The dude went Ivy League, but is offering plans that would further deepen the deficit, rally against ACA without offering a plan that would fix healthcare in the country (Public option!), and so on. How the hell does a dunce like this graduate from any institute of higher learning? He must know how to delegate like crazy or I cannot see how he was such a mastermind of venture capitalism and ran a pretty good state in Massachusetts. I have pretty much given up all hope and will probably not vote in the presidential election.

Beat me to it. Now he's getting leery?

I still argue that he would be a far better president than he has campaigned to be, but then again, a trained ape with positions chosen by children would probably make more sense than what he is running on right now.

Well he has stated multiple times that Mitt will "flip around" and not act crazy. An assumption I highly disagree with and I think hes finally coming to the realization of what Mitt actually is (A pandering flip flopper with no true values and will go along with any batshit crazy shit put in front of him by republicans).

I was wishing upon a star... :(
Interesting article, but I'm not sure how convincing it is, or how objective the sources are.

Oil prices seen rising if speculators are limited.

Thoughts from PoliGAF energy experts (speculawyer)?
Not objective at all. IHS CERA is the handmaiden of the oil industry. And Morgan Stanley paying for report makes it even worse.

Those guys love the speculation and the price increases it brings. MS makes commissions, oil companies make bigger profits, oil companies reward their pals at IHS CERA.

Speculation does increase prices a bit . . . but they also decrease prices sometimes too when markets crash. But speculation is part of a free market. The main driver of high energy prices is the fact that production has largely been flat since 2005 (slight uptick lately) while much of the developing world (China, India, etc.) keeps increasing their demand for oil. We are in a zero sum game with oil these days . . . the more the Chinese use, the less we use.

The best solution is to push hard for public transportation, higher MPG cars, hybrids, electric cars, etc. But that is not popular message.

Obama should go for the grand bargain . . . open up ANWR but get a good royalty rate and use that money for subsidizing public transportation, EV tax-credits, etc. We are gonna drill it up eventually so why not do it now when we could get something good out of it?

Obama will come out for gay marriage after the election. Book it.
Who cares what he thinks about gay marriage? It is not really a Federal issue, it is up to the states. He is already against DOMA.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I've paid off about $600 so far with the loan I took out from college. I think my total balance is around $3100.

Why did you want to consolidate your loans and be transferred to the DoE?

Because fuck Sallie Mae, that's why.


Also, what is with psuedo-governmental private corporations and southern sounding double first names? Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae

Fuck it sideways, I say.

I do not understand why we need to outsource the student loan program to a private management firm and have all of the loans guaranteed by taxpayer money. Essentially, Sallie Mae makes pure profit off of being a shitty loan servicing company.


I still argue that he would be a far better president than he has campaigned to be, but then again, a trained ape with positions chosen by children would probably make more sense than what he is running on right now.
I'll say that I think Romney is a competent executive. It's one of the few reasons I think he's superior to the Republican alternatives. I don't think he would fuck up the bureaucracy like Gingrich or Santorum would. And it's apparent he understands why a collective mechanism is essential for a properly functioning health care system. Yet it's now anathema to the GOP. And he's went along with them. If he were not presently appealing to the reactionary lowest common denominator, I wouldn't be as concerned about a Republican victory. But with the current state of the GOP, no.
I was hoping beyond hope that it was all an act. I was hoping that him having been a bishop in the church would have made him realize about poverty, the needs of the common man, and how to relate to people, but that is looking less likely than me picking up an errant winning Mega Millions ticket on the ground. I was also hoping that he would maintain some centrist positions from his governorship and propose budgets and positions that are actually tenable. Instead, he panders to lowest common denominator. The dude went Ivy League, but is offering plans that would further deepen the deficit, rally against ACA without offering a plan that would fix healthcare in the country (Public option!), and so on. How the hell does a dunce like this graduate from any institute of higher learning? He must know how to delegate like crazy or I cannot see how he was such a mastermind of venture capitalism and ran a pretty good state in Massachusetts. I have pretty much given up all hope and will probably not vote in the presidential election.

You're thinking of Papa Romney, who back in the 60s was pro civil-rights and blasted both Big Labor and Big Business for having too much sway in politics in both parties. He didn't win the nomination because he came out as harshly anti-Vietnam and Nixon and Co. tore him to shreds over it.

Mitt is not at all like his father.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You're thinking of Papa Romney, who back in the 60s was pro civil-rights and blasted both Big Labor and Big Business for having too much sway in politics in both parties. He didn't win the nomination because he came out as harshly anti-Vietnam and Nixon and Co. tore him to shreds over it.

Mitt is not at all like his father.

In this climate, George Romney would be running a third party candidacy. I understand why Mitt panders with how absolutely stupid 30-40% of the population has become (or always has been), but I would like to think that courage could still win an election, and that would include courage to stand up to stupidity.
I still argue that he would be a far better president than he has campaigned to be, but then again, a trained ape with positions chosen by children would probably make more sense than what he is running on right now.
Well . . . don't worry . . . just a few more delegates and he can push the reset button. Shake up that etch-a-sketch. He'll have a different campaign.


After the announcement that HW Bush was going to endorse him, Romney has secured Rubio's endorsement. Although its mostly the agglomeration of endorsements which is most important, Rubio's is fairly significant. I think only DeMint's would be more influential.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio endorses Mitt Romney

By Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times
March 28, 2012, 7:35 p.m.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida joined a growing chorus of Republican leaders on Wednesday in endorsing GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, saying Romney is going to be the party nominee and Republicans need to get behind him to avoid an ugly convention fight that will harm their ability to take on President Obama.

"I don't have a problem with primaries, but I think we're at a stage now where at least two of the candidates have openly admitted the only way they're going to be able to win the nomination is to have a floor fight in Tampa in August," Rubio told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "I don't think there's anything good about that. I mean there is no way anyone can convince me that having a floor fight at the convention in Tampa in August is a recipe for victory in November. On the contrary, I think it's a recipe for disaster" that would deliver Obama a reelection victory.

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