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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Mike M

Nick N
Paul Ryan accuses Generals of lying to Congress about their support for Obama's Budget


Remember, if a Democrat this did, they would be accused of treason. And not just by Fox News.

Is there a single extant flattering picture of this toolbag? Every photo I see of him fills me with the desire to punch him in the face. He just looks like such the consummate douche nozzle.

Or maybe I'm just experiencing the long slow degradation into partisan hackery...


Depressing Chart Dept: Things are looking up!

So exactly what I said. Politics and exterior issues slowed down the recovery. That line on the graph would be half as wide if the debt ceiling shit never was an issue.
So exactly what I said. Politics and exterior issues slowed down the recovery. That line on the graph would be half as wide if the debt ceiling shit never was an issue.

Maybe not half as wide, but we'd likely be much closer to crossing +0% (maybe near -3.0% instead of near -3.8%) of "peak employment" again without that specific bit of political grandstanding (notice how the 2007 line stalls between 40-44 months)

I wasn't referring to universal coverage. But more so their healthcare structure in general.
The words "private" and "privatize" each appear in that article exactly once. There's minimal discussion of privatizing services.

Daemmrich says some reforms in various countries may be converging toward shared solutions. "More and more countries are putting rules on pharmaceutical pricing," he says.

"The second area of convergence is to set up formal bodies like [Britain's] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, or NICE, to set policies for reimbursement," Daemmrich adds.

"In Britain, for example, a new bio-tech drug that extends a person's life on average one or two months, but costs $25,000, would not be reimbursed," he says, adding that Germany put a similar measure in place.
What about any of those reforms is privatization? Either you didn't read it or you don't know what privatization means--which is it?


I dunno. A lot of people are still convinced the Affordable Care Act is terribad, and all this controversy over insurance and contraception mandates ain't helping.

Actually the contraception fight (and the new abortion fights in the states) has been damaging the Republicans far, far more then the Democrats.

I also just want to say that the arguments used against the ACA the past week are so vapid and devoid of reasonable thought that it makes me just...profoundly sad. What has become of the Supreme Court? I use to think so highly of the institution...
Actually the contraception fight (and the new abortion fights in the states) has been damaging the Republicans far, far more then the Democrats.

I also just want to say that the arguments used against the ACA the past week are so vapid and devoid of reasonable thought that it makes me just...profoundly sad. What has become of the Supreme Court? I use to think so highly of the institution...
Partisan hackery happened. It's a lot like the Senate; it's a great idea until the people that make it up decide to start being dicks.
Looks like Nikki Haley (Gov-R-SC) might be indicted by DOJ for Tax Fraud this/next week.


wait wait wait . . . . She's a Sikh? And she won in South Carolina?

Yesterday, Palmetto Public Record exclusively reported that the Internal Revenue Service has been investigating since March of 2011 the Sikh worship center run by Gov. Haley’s father. At least five lawsuits have been filed against the Sikh Society of South Carolina since 2010, alleging that the group bilked contractors out of nearly $130,000 for the construction of a new temple.

Gov. Haley is reported to have managed the temple’s finances as late as 2003, and our sources believe any indictment would center on what happened to the missing money.

Washington (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a Democratic measure championed by President Barack Obama to end tax breaks for the major oil companies.

The procedural vote of 51-47, which failed to reach the needed threshold of 60 in favor, killed the measure, which was given little chance of eventually winning approval in the Republican-controlled House. Four Democrats opposed the bill while one Republican supported it.

Obama and Democrats had pushed it in an attempt to gain political advantage as rising gas prices continue to hurt and anger American voters in an election year.
In remarks shortly before the Senate voted, Obama said the nation will be watching to see where Congress stands on the issue.

"With record profits and rising production, I'm not worried about the big oil companies," Obama said in the White House Rose Garden. "... I think it's time they got by without more help from taxpayers, who are having a tough enough time paying their bills and filling up their tanks."

Look at this way . . . the GOP just gave the Dems a whole slew of great campaign commercials. $4/gallon gasoline, massive profits for oil companies . . . but GOP wants to keep subsidizing big oil. Yeah, run on that in the fall, GOP.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Look at this way . . . the GOP just gave the Dems a whole slew of great campaign commercials. $4/gallon gasoline, massive profits for oil companies . . . but GOP wants to keep subsidizing big oil. Yeah, run on that in the fall, GOP.

I seriously can't believe that 60 votes is now basically needed to get anything done in the Senate. It's insane that it has become the norm.
States most likely to reject evolution, global warming, women's / minority / gay rights, religious freedom, gun control, contain the most hate groups, and people that are still fighting the Civil War:


Just kidding. It's a map of the most religious states.

What do you mean just kidding? I'm sure those are all highly correlated except maybe gun control

Damn it . . . who's responsible for dragging California into average? Must be the central valley . . . or all those Catholic latinos. We screwed up a left coast sweep.


Professional Schmuck
I had a terrifyingly terrible/pessimistic/catastrophic thought just now, but for the sake of conversation, it ends with the thought of Joe Biden running for President vs. the field.

I'm pretty fucking certain, if for whatever reason it were to happen, Joe Biden could beat anybody, especially Romney, in the 2012 election. You?
I had a terrifyingly terrible/pessimistic/catastrophic thought just now, but for the sake of conversation, it ends with the thought of Joe Biden running for President vs. the field.

I'm pretty fucking certain, if for whatever reason it were to happen, Joe Biden could beat anybody, especially Romney, in the 2012 election. You?

Yeah, Biden could probably beat me since he has more experience in politics. But I think I could put up a good fight.


I had a terrifyingly terrible/pessimistic/catastrophic thought just now, but for the sake of conversation, it ends with the thought of Joe Biden running for President vs. the field.

I'm pretty fucking certain, if for whatever reason it were to happen, Joe Biden could beat anybody, especially Romney, in the 2012 election. You?

If President Obama were assassinated and Biden was the nominee, there is no way he would loose. No one would be able to say anything negative about him or the late President.
Look at this way . . . the GOP just gave the Dems a whole slew of great campaign commercials. $4/gallon gasoline, massive profits for oil companies . . . but GOP wants to keep subsidizing big oil. Yeah, run on that in the fall, GOP.

I sometimes wonder if the GOP is even aware of the grave their digging for themselves.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
If President Obama were assassinated and Biden was the nominee, there is no way he would loose. No one would be able to say anything negative about him or the late President.
I don't see why Obama's name would be untouchable.

You'd probably see Rush or someone open the backdoor with a snide remark and then eventually everyone else would join in. I mean we just had a super-Catholic candidate bashing JFK a few weeks ago. Even if that was a long time ago, I don't think there's any real limits on criticizing a recently dead president in the current political atmosphere.
Look at this way . . . the GOP just gave the Dems a whole slew of great campaign commercials. $4/gallon gasoline, massive profits for oil companies . . . but GOP wants to keep subsidizing big oil. Yeah, run on that in the fall, GOP.


It's pretty hilarious the Republicans are all "HEY, LOOK. WE ARE SHILLS FOR BIG OIL."

I mean, the democrats are shills for corporations and certain things too, but they aren't so exposed about it. Repubs stamp this on their forehead.

It's pretty hilarious the Republicans are all "HEY, LOOK. WE ARE SHILLS FOR BIG OIL."

I mean, the democrats are shills for corporations and certain things too, but they aren't so exposed about it. Repubs stamp this on their forehead.
Sad thing is, even with them being blatantly Pro-Corporation, their base is too fucking retarded to see through it


I don't see why Obama's name would be untouchable.

You'd probably see Rush or someone open the backdoor with a snide remark and then eventually everyone else would join in. I mean we just had a super-Catholic candidate bashing JFK a few weeks ago. Even if that was a long time ago, I don't think there's any real limits on criticizing a recently dead president in the current political atmosphere.

Wouldn't happen, and if it did it could only work against them. The 30% of the nation that wouldn't mind are going to vote Republican no matter what, and the independents would mostly be disgusted.

Gotdamn! He almost said it. Wow, that coupled with his 'bla..h people' near-gaffe is really showing his true..um..colors. The bright side is that if some reporter asks him about it, he will get another opportunity to cuss on camera.

I can't see the video, what happens?
"We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like, the anti-war goverment nig..uh..America was a source for division around the world..."
I hate Santorum as much or more then anyone, and I have worked for years to keep people like him away from the White House. But...I really don't think there is enough there to make that jump that people seem to be making.

I'm no Santorum fan but come on, it's quite a reach to suggest he almost called Obama that

I wouldn't say quite a reach but I just can't imagine where else he was heading with that sentence, especially since he pivots and alters the flow of his point significantly.


Could be. Question is, what else could he possibly be saying there, "government neg-otiator" ?

Doesn't matter anyways, this will probably spread like wildfire.

I don't see how that word there would make sense either. He didn't have to be saying a word that even starts with an n, it was (probably) a verbal flub.
I wouldn't say quite a reach but I just can't imagine where else he was heading with that sentence, especially since he pivots and alters the flow of his point significantly.

Pretty much this. There is literally no other way I could see where his train of thought going. San's a closet racist.
Could be. Question is, what else could he possibly be saying there, "government neg-otiator" ?

Doesn't matter anyways, this will probably spread like wildfire.

Yeah, I don't know if he started to say N-word. I've never viewed Santorum as racist but I guess it is possible. He is just more of a total religious nut-bag.

But there is no point in bashing him at this point, his campaign is dead.
Yeah, I don't know if he started to say N-word. I've never viewed Santorum as racist but I guess it is possible. He is just more of a total religious nut-bag.

But there is no point in bashing him at this point, his campaign is dead.

I disagree. There is always point in bashing him.
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