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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Government nig...

the fact that he lost his train of thought there and had to quickly start next point, makes me think he did have that word come to his mind.


Halfway through an hour-long discussion, Santorum slips and calls the President the N-word.

i was thinking he was actually trying to insert the idea that Obama was a 'government negotiator', i.e. negotiates with terrorists states, and it just came out as awkwardly as it did and he abandoned ship.

i'll choose to believe the best case scenario here. I really don't think he was going to say the other word.


Dude stopped mid sentence and garbled out nonsense...it was the N word.

"The new racism is to deny racism" - Bill Maher

Btw did everyone see Zimmerman's dad on Fox talk about how he's appalled at all the hate coming from Obama, The Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP?

That's racism - when all throughout the entire nation people of all colors are calling for the arrest of your son and the story is playing on everywhere...for you to signal out African American people/organizations is racist and an attempt to reinforce the racist stereo-types of African-Americans as angry or vitriolic.

Just because people don't run around yelling the N-word to completion or wearing KKK grabs doesn't make them not racist.
Come on people, do you really think Santorum would almost drop an N bomb in the middle of a speech? Even he is not that stupid. Honestly when I saw it the first time I didn't even get it until I read some more posts. I think some people are reaching here.

And I hate Santorum.


Nerd maybe?

"We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like, the anti-war goverment ni...ckelback...Never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing, tired of living like a blind man, I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling and this is how you remind me of how I really am, It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken For handing you A heart worth breaking And I've been wrong I've been down Into the bottom of every bottle These five words in my head Scream Are we having fun yet? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no no, yeah, yeah, yeah, no no"
Government nig...


Well, one thing we know is he will quickly drop out after this next set of primaries. Rick Santorum is possibly the worst candidate of all time:

-Big spending "conservative"


"We know the candidate Barack Obama what he was like, the anti-war goverment ni...ckelback...Never made it as a wise man, I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing, tired of living like a blind man, I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling and this is how you remind me of how I really am, It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken For handing you A heart worth breaking And I've been wrong I've been down Into the bottom of every bottle These five words in my head Scream Are we having fun yet? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no no, yeah, yeah, yeah, no no"

Rick Santorum is a Nickelback fan. Makes sense.


Well, one thing we know is he will quickly drop out after this next set of primaries. Rick Santorum is possibly the worst candidate of all time:

-Big spending "conservative"

Take out racist and you have Romney and Gingrich as well. Actually, leave in the racist part for Gingrich.

edit: And add me to the list saying he probably wasn't saying that. The sentence doesn't make sense with it, and I think it's more likely he just had a verbal flub.


Well, one thing we know is he will quickly drop out after this next set of primaries. Rick Santorum is possibly the worst candidate of all time:

-Big spending "conservative"

Er, those seem like pretty good voter-gathering qualities if you plan to run Republican.
Well, one thing we know is he will quickly drop out after this next set of primaries. Rick Santorum is possibly the worst candidate of all time:

-Big spending "conservative"

considering the rest of the GOP field, that's not saying much


At world's end: Artists reveal stunning post-apocalyptic images of cities around the globe

Saw this posted on Drudge. I'm fascinated at how right-wingers are convinced the world is ending soon. Spent some time last weekend a friend's family party -- his conservative uncle started off a sentence with "so let's say we make it through the end of the year..."

What happens if the world ends, but it's because of global warming? Hmm...

wait, to be an artist all you need to do is use your computer to take people out of photos?
A person who could be referred to as

House N
Field N
Plantation N

Is known to republicans as the food stamp president. Food stamps are government cheese

Government N

Is not a stretch


I'm fascinated at how right-wingers are convinced the world is ending soon. Spent some time last weekend a friend's family party -- his conservative uncle started off a sentence with "so let's say we make it through the end of the year..."
It's easier to get people motivated if you paint the other option as Armageddon.
I mean, how many people are you going to get working for free for you if you say "vote for me, otherwise the top marginal tax rate will rise by %3".

Liberals do it as well.
A person who could be referred to as

House N
Field N
Plantation N

Is known to republicans as the food stamp president. Food stamps are government cheese

Government N

Is not a stretch
What a weird thing to say.


There are a lot of reasons for people to dish on Santorum.

This isn't one of them, it was obviously a slip of the tongue when he was trying to say negotiator.
So WI recall is June. Any new polls? Who is running against him

Can't link on my iPod but TPM had some recents polls with Walker leading every contender. I seriously doubt he will lose. It would have been a slam dunk win for Dems in November but June? I'm not convinced


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Did they increase the spacing between tabs on Community/OT? Because now it makes visual sense to me and it didn't yesterday.
The words "private" and "privatize" each appear in that article exactly once. There's minimal discussion of privatizing services.

What about any of those reforms is privatization? Either you didn't read it or you don't know what privatization means--which is it?

...? I never said they were privatizing anything. It was a joke. A marked one too.
Is Europe looking into privatizing their healthcare?

Okay maybe to not that extent, but is healthcare really that big of a problem there?

My question was has healthcare been getting messy there recently?
So WI recall is June. Any new polls? Who is running against him
A recent poll had Walker leading the two main challengers (Milwaukee mayor/2010 nominee Tom Barrett, Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk) by small margins (2 and 4 points respectively), but PPP had Barrett and Falk leading. It's pretty much a toss-up race but I think Dems will pull it out, simply because they have more motivation to get out and vote than Republicans do. (I imagine independents are tuning out of this one)

Sen. Harkin proposed a jobs bill today that looks pretty good. Among other things it raises the minimum wage to 9.80/hr and ties it to inflation. If Democrats keep the Senate and win the House, this should definitely be a priority for them (maybe they could roll it into American Jobs Act).

Fucking racist prick. Are you SERIOUS?

ed: Check the rest of this woman's facebook page. She's completely batshit insane.
Chairman Bernanke on how the Fed creates money (discussing quantitative easing):

Now, you might ask the question, well, the Fed is going out and buying 2 trillion dollars of securities – how did we pay for that? And the answer is that we paid for those securities by crediting the bank accounts of the people who sold them to us, and those accounts, at the banks, showed up as reserves that the banks would hold with the Fed. So the Fed is a bank for the banks. Banks can hold deposit accounts with the Fed, essentially, and those are called reserve accounts. And so as the purchases of securities occurred, the way we paid for them was basically by increasing the amount of reserves that banks had in their accounts with the Fed.

So you can see this, here, this is the liabilities side of the Fed’s balance sheet. Of course, assets and liabilities (including capital) have to be equal. So the liabilities side had also to rise near 3 trillion dollars, as you can see.

Now, take a look first, as you look at this, take a look first at the light blue line at the bottom. The light blue line at the bottom is currency – Federal Reserve notes in circulation. Sometimes you hear that the Fed is printing money in order to pay for the securities we acquire. And I’ve talked about that in some, you know, in giving some conceptual examples. But as a literal fact, the Fed is not printing money to acquire these securities, and you can see it from the balance sheet here, the light blue line is basically flat. The amount of currency in circulation has not been affected by these activities.

What has been affected is the purple area. Those are reserve balances. Those are that accounts that banks, commercial banks, hold with the Fed, and they are assets of the banking system and they are liabilities of the Fed, and that’s basically how we paid for those securities. And so, the banking system has a large quantity of these reserves, but they are electronic entries at the Fed. They basically just sit there. They’re not in circulation. They’re not part of any broad measure of the money supply. They’re part of what’s called the monetary base, but again, they’re not, they certainly aren’t cash.

Then there are other liabilities including Treasury accounts and a variety of other things that the Fed does – we act as the fiscal agent of the Treasury. But the two main items, you can see, are the notes in circulation and the reserves held by the banks.​

MMT analysis:

So ask yourself this question: If the Federal Reserve can create trillions of dollars with a single keystroke, and the Fed is the government’s bank, then why does President Obama claim we’ve “run out” of money? Why have Democrats and so-called progressives supported job-killing budget cuts in the name of “shared sacrifice”? Why are we throwing away the equivalent of $9.8 billion in lost output every single day? Why don’t we do something about our $2.2 trillion infrastructure deficit, 25 million underemployed and unemployed Americans, 100 million Americans in or very near poverty, and so on?​


A recent poll had Walker leading the two main challengers (Milwaukee mayor/2010 nominee Tom Barrett, Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk) by small margins (2 and 4 points respectively), but PPP had Barrett and Falk leading. It's pretty much a toss-up race but I think Dems will pull it out, simply because they have more motivation to get out and vote than Republicans do. (I imagine independents are tuning out of this one)

Sen. Harkin proposed a jobs bill today that looks pretty good. Among other things it raises the minimum wage to 9.80/hr and ties it to inflation. If Democrats keep the Senate and win the House, this should definitely be a priority for them (maybe they could roll it into American Jobs Act).

As much as I want minimum wage to go up, I don't think its a good idea to have it jump that high so quickly in the middle of a recovery. The only way I'd like to see such a law passed is if it was phased for 2-3 years before hitting that wage point, and maybe using direct government subsidies to payroll wages to fill the gap so it doesn't immediately make corporation and smaller businesses (And I'm talking real smaller businesses like small retail stores, grocery stores etc.) that might have depended on keeping certain workers wages low to this point from overwhelming the system. Basically give them a chance to adjust so the initial fallout is less. The good thing about doing it on the federal level is that the playing field is even, but that doesn't change the fact that some companies bottom line will be negatively effected by it and it might force companies to fire some workers because they are suddenly too expensive. For instance the company I work for keeps some employees near minimum wage but they supplement their earnings with full healthcare benefits and often times a place to live so they don't have rental fees to worry about. The amount of overall wages when put those benefits together is far above minimum wage but gross income is a different story.
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