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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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And the circus continues

Wisconsin Recall Gets Messy As Union Slams Barrett

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett officially jumped into the recall against Republican Gov. Scott Walker — and is already battling attacks from his left ahead of the Democratic primary by the state public employee unions, who are accusing him of having cozied up to Walker himself.

Barrett, who was previously the Democratic nominee against Walker in 2010, has fought with the unions on a variety of city government issues. In the recall campaign, AFSCME and the teachers union WEAC have endorsed former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, who launched her campaign in January soon after the state Democrats’ recall petitions were officially turned in.

Now, AFSCME has been e-mailing and linking to a YouTube video, which it says it did not produce, using edited audio of comments by Barrett at a forum last year. The forum was hosted by Milwaukee conservative talk radio host Charlie Sykes, and was held in March 2011, at a time when the state’s 14 Democratic state senators had fled the state in an effort to block budget quorum on Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-public employee union legislation.

In the audio, Barrett is depicted saying that the collective bargaining changes could be passed by stripping them out of the budget repair bill, and passing them on a simple majority quorum as specific non-budgetary legislation. This tactic was being widely speculated about at the time, and ultimately was indeed used to pass the bill two days after Barrett’s comments.

The video also uses audio of Barrett saying the phrase, “and the bill will pass, and the bill should pass.”

So when Barrett wins the nomination, unions will...stay home? Support him tepidly?
And the circus continues


So when Barrett wins the nomination, unions will...stay home? Support him tepidly?
Not to be that guy but the unions would be complete fools not to line up behind Barrett if he gets the nom.

If they want to support a more pro-labor candidate in the primary, sure (as I know Barrett's relationship with unions has been a little cold), but they'd better be there for the general.


Not to be that guy but the unions would be complete fools not to line up behind Barrett if he gets the nom.

If they want to support a more pro-labor candidate in the primary, sure (as I know Barrett's relationship with unions has been a little cold), but they'd better be there for the general.

Yeah the unions likely will back him if he gets the nod. I think it's kind of stupid for them to attack him this badly now, though. I know at least a few union people that are pretty fed up with the political process as it is, and were kind of angry at the whole recall to begin with. They thought it wasn't necessary and they were resigned to the other side winning. Some of them would probably still go vote even though they dislike the whole thing, just to get a chance at their side, but if they have unions screaming about how bad "their guy" is beforehand I'm not sure they will anymore. That's just my amateur assessment anyway.

Also, speaking of the recall my dad informed me that he has a giant 5 ft by 6 ft pro Walker sign in his yard, lit up at night and everything... Yeah...

He also made a commented about me signing the recall. I was like "you don't know that," and kind of joked with him. But he did know it, since apparently the recall petitions are online in a searchable database now. So he searched up pretty much everyone he knows. On the good side, though, he wasn't angry about me signing it. He did say at least I was paying attention to politics.


And the circus continues


So when Barrett wins the nomination, unions will...stay home? Support him tepidly?
I know shit and all about that guy, but I see nothing wrong with unions getting involved in the primary (in the ridiculous context which is our campaign finance laws).

Edit: yeah, I'm not overly persuaded by that video. I don't necessarily agree with him (and again, I'm not informed enough about Wisconsin politics to form a firm opinion on this) but I know many pro-labor people who opposed the senators' move.


Way to stay on message GOP lol
Cantor comment potentially undercuts Romney attack line
By Kristen Welker

After today’s bipartisan signing ceremony for the JOBS Act at the White House, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor made brief remarks that may raise some eyebrows in both Chicago and Boston.

Cantor told reporters, "We have a very difficult economic situation still. The president said today that he’s always believed that it’s the private sector that is the job generator in this country. I agree with him, and I think most Americans agree with him."

The remarks could be seen as inadvertently undercutting one of Mitt Romney’s attack lines against the president.

At a campaign appearance in Appleton, Wisconsin last Friday, Romney told the crowd: “In Barack Obama’s government-centered society, the government must do more because the economy is doomed to do less. When you attack business and vilify success, you will have less business and less success.”

In his victory speech in Wisconsin on Tuesday, Romney also added: "When the president attacks business and when his policies make it more difficult for businesses to grow and prosper, he is also attacking the very communities he wanted to help."

Of course, it's important to note that Cantor sponsored the legislation that Obama signed into law today, so that could partly explain his comments today.

Yet Cantor is among a number of top Republicans to endorse Romney in recent weeks as he has emerged as the most likely nominee.
So, no discussion here of the Republicans declaring war on caterpillars?

I'm surprised at you, GAF.

I cringed at the people of accusing them of comparing women to caterpillars . . . what a stupid line of attack. But they do have a serious gender problem . . . all of their own making.

ANyone see the Maddow bit on the Michigan state government basically breaking their own rules in passing all their legislation? That is pretty fucked up. Can someone declare all those laws as invalid since they did not properly pass them? Crazy separation of powers issues. Constitutional crisis imminent.
Obama takes a second to think about what he's going to say before saying it.



By the way, I think Obamacare is going to be upheld by virtue of Obama's tone. I figure he's privy to their initial vote (held on Friday) and thought processes. He wouldn't be talking tough if it blows up in his face come June. Still betting on a 6-3 vote to uphold, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas opposed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, should I stay up for job numbers?

Is it wrong to feel giddy about this sort of thing? Same way I felt about NPDs...until the magic was lost, that is. :(

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Since the 60's, science has shown that DDT actually wasn't destroying the bald eagle eggs. There are actually legit arguments being made for unbanning it since it is still the safest, most effective form of mosquito control.

If it gets ubanned, there would probably be rules against using it for agriculture or grass lawns or anything. It's a last chance type of pesticide because of how effective it is so you don't want bugs to get used to as they slowly were decades ago.
Obama takes a second to think about what he's going to say before saying it.



By the way, I think Obamacare is going to be upheld by virtue of Obama's tone. I figure he's privy to their initial vote (held on Friday) and thought processes. He wouldn't be talking tough if it blows up in his face come June. Still betting on a 6-3 vote to uphold, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas opposed.

Sounded more like a desperate, nearly unprofessional lunge in response to the upcoming death of the achievement of his first term. Obama certainly knows the government sort of botched their defense of the law. He's pre-emptively laying the groundwork for running against the court
ANyone see the Maddow bit on the Michigan state government basically breaking their own rules in passing all their legislation? That is pretty fucked up. Can someone declare all those laws as invalid since they did not properly pass them? Crazy separation of powers issues. Constitutional crisis imminent.

Yeah, this one right?

Though is it designated to only be used for emergencies or just when a "super majority" of the house agrees with it?

The quote she links to doesn't specify that its only for emergencies, just that the law could go into immediate effect if it has a 2/3rds vote.


Guys, should I stay up for job numbers?
I think it's time for you to take a long hard look at yourself and re-evaluate the life choices you made.

Since the 60's, science has shown that DDT actually wasn't destroying the bald eagle eggs. There are actually legit arguments being made for unbanning it since it is still the safest, most effective form of mosquito control.

If it gets unmanned, there would probably be rules against using it for agriculture or grass lawns or anything. It's a last chance type of pesticide because of how effective it is so you don't want bugs to get used to as they slowly were decades ago.
Yeah, the WHO cleared it for indoor use in '06.
You know, sometime the lobbyists are right.
Sounded more like a desperate, nearly unprofessional lunge in response to the upcoming death of the achievement of his first term. Obama certainly knows the government sort of botched their defense of the law. He's pre-emptively laying the groundwork for running against the court
Well, one thing's for sure.

No matter what happens to the healthcare law, it's bad news for Obama!


So, no discussion here of the Republicans declaring war on caterpillars?

I'm surprised at you, GAF.

“I find it offensive that the Democratic National Committee is using a term like that to describe policy differences,” said Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. “It’s not only bad, but it’s downright pathetic they would use a term like ‘war’ when there are millions of Americans who actually have engaged in a real war. To use a term like that borders on unpatriotic.”



LOL @ McConnell telling Obama to "back off" from his SCOTUS commentary.
It's funny that he thinks anything that he says actually matters. He's a troll - no more, no less.


Polling confirms most Americans think Republicans made deal with the devil...replaced their humane soul with a KKK garb...News at 11


LOL @ McConnell telling Obama to "back off" from his SCOTUS commentary.
It's funny that he thinks anything that he says actually matters. He's a troll - no more, no less.
He should. We don't need the president waging a war on the SCOTUS. Also, the best outcome of Obama's remarks was the laughable overreaction from a Fifth Circuit judge who wanted AG Holder to affirm Obama's acceptance of judicial review. Then, conservatives rallied around him. Remember, though, judicial activism is decimating America.
Priebus is terrible. Whenever he gets tough questioning he starts attacking the host and he's quite nasty about it.

WTF happened? The Dems are generally shit.

But the GOP has fallen apart. They are old and irrelevant. The young ones are theocratic nuts.

The GOP needs to fade away or reform itself. The Dems will fuck-up badly w/o credible competition.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
That maddow video about the michigan house...what the fuck.

If what is shown is true, that the House Speaker is ignoring the votes and making it up, there just has to be a law that would put him in jail. He deserves it.

they probably already passed a law to not allow that to happen


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

And like fucking clockwork:

"For another, if Republicans have moved to the right on health care, it's also true that Obama has moved to the left. He strenuously opposed a mandate forcing people to obtain health insurance until he won office and changed his mind."

The fact-check goes on to rebuke Obama for accusing Republicans of wanting to toss out lots of economic regulations (something Republicans want to do) by pointing out that Romney himself doesn't want to literally eliminate every federal regulation—only a lot of them, including the Dodd–Frank Wall Street reform package, which was designed to prevent a repeat of the practices that led to the 2008 crash. But Obama didn't actually say Romney wanted to eliminate all federal regulations—only a lot of them.


Why do we have such a worthless press corps.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Just trying to make myself pleasantly surprised, folks!

Edit: so you decided to stay up then? *popcorn*

Looks like it! But I'm super tired and I have no popcorn. :(


Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 120,000 in March, and the unemployment
rate was little changed at 8.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
reported today. Employment rose in manufacturing, food services and drinking
places, and health care, but was down in retail trade.

The civilian labor force participation rate (63.8 percent) and the
employment-population ratio (58.5 percent) were little changed in March.

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes
referred to as involuntary part-time workers) fell from 8.1 to 7.7 million
over the month.

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for January was revised from
+284,000 to +275,000, and the change for February was revised from +227,000
to +240,000.​


The job gain is below every single pre-release reading: ADP, weekly UI gains, PMI and Fed surveys, they works. Very, very strange.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Goddamn it, I gave up my beauty sleep for THIS shit? No, we're not having any of that, damn it.

Hey guys, let's burn down the Commerce department so this never happens again!


120K? What the hell happened?

What's odd is there was no pre-release data feeding into it. In past disappointing reports, there were generally warning signs. But the UI claims had continued to drop over last month steadily. The Fed manufacturing surveys pointed to solid growth. The manufacturing and non-manufacturing ISM readings both showed faster hiring in March. ADP showed over 200k jobs added. Usually when there's a surprise bad report there's something we can look back on and say, ah, that was the clue. This time the BLS number ran against literally everything. It is bewildering.

Diablos can take some solace in the unemployment rate falling, at least.

Edit: pointed out on twitter:

Wow, huge drop in U-6, broader measure of unemployment, down to 14.5% from 14.9%. Best news in lousy report.
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