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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I'd be all about the federal government stepping in and finally getting a high speed rail system built.


That and, I dunno, give us all healthcare.

Too many states involved.

But I do believe its what the country needs.
Neither if the economy continues to chug along. If it doesn't, Michigan might turn, but there's no way Massachusetts will be competitive.

Exactly. Romney is in the same predicament that Santorum is in considering Pennsylvania (except Santorum is for the primary :lol.)
Nope, not with Romney's comments about the auto bailout.
Depends on the stagnation on the economy. I could be wrong, but based on the Republican primary results, not many people were much affected by his comments. I know that's just the Republican primary, but I haven't seen much in the way of any polling to suggest one way or the other.


What will be Romneys 'state' in the general election? Michigan? Massachusetts?

It's like Obama. He has Hawaii and Illinois as his home. One the state he grew up in, one the state he made a political career in. Romney has the same dual home state sort of thing goin on with MI and MA.


Depends on the stagnation on the economy. I could be wrong, but based on the Republican primary results, not many people were much affected by his comments. I know that's just the Republican primary, but I haven't seen much in the way of any polling to suggest one way or the other.

Now project those comments on the general election electorate. Different strokes, different folks.
It's like Obama. He has Hawaii and Illinois as his home. One the state he grew up in, one the state he made a political career in. Romney has the same dual home state sort of thing goin on with MI and MA.

My response was to point out that Romney has a pretty good chance of not carrying his "home" states in the general election, after it was pointed out that Santorum wouldn't carry his.
It's like Obama. He has Hawaii and Illinois as his home. One the state he grew up in, one the state he made a political career in. Romney has the same dual home state sort of thing goin on with MI and MA.

With the exception being that Obama has both of those states on lock.
It's like Obama. He has Hawaii and Illinois as his home. One the state he grew up in, one the state he made a political career in. Romney has the same dual home state sort of thing goin on with MI and MA.

This post says "insert birther joke here"

x/11.7 = 13/3.6 -> 42.25. You need to buy 29.25 more fedoras. Everyone does.
It's only a matter of time until we see that mandate.
High Speed Rail has almost nothing to do with a decent public transit system. Buses, Subways and Light Rail do.

The point of the facetious act was that much of the government doesn't give a damn about transit system (light or high) period. And many of the people don't want it (or think they don't). I don't So such a thing happening in the not so distant future is just wishful thinking to my eyes.

I guess I shouldn't have put "public" in there, but considering the context of the post I wasn't really too much for analyzing the specifics.


Junior Member
So did Gingrich troll Romney or Santorum?

I'm thinking its Santorum.

If Gingrich stayed in the primaries to hurt Romney, he's a damn idiot.

Mike M

Nick N
So did Gingrich troll Romney or Santorum?

I'm thinking its Santorum.

If Gingrich stayed in the primaries to hurt Romney, he's a damn idiot.

Repeated polling has shown that Romney was the second choice of most Gingrich supporters, him getting out sooner would have just wrapped it up for Santorum that much sooner.


Santorum's a jaundiced turd that won't flush.
Pennsylvanian confabs in North Virginia with conservative leaders.

Talks about the path forward, with Gingrich's future on the agenda, including a possible unity effort to stop Romney.

Santo source, responding to speculation: "He is NOT dropping out before Pennsylvania."

GOP source adds Santo and Newt have met face-to-face at least twice in the last few weeks and have also had some VERY long phone calls recently.

Read more: http://thepage.time.com/2012/04/05/santo-meets-with-leaders-of-the-right/#ixzz1rD3plNg0
Leave it to Scalia to sum up everything wrong with the current insurance system in one sentence... and use it as a DEFENSE
I know. Totally perverse nonsense.


Depends on the stagnation on the economy. I could be wrong, but based on the Republican primary results, not many people were much affected by his comments. I know that's just the Republican primary, but I haven't seen much in the way of any polling to suggest one way or the other.

No it really doesn't. The auto industry is recovering and that is all that matters in Michigan

Romney will not win there, unless the bottom falls out in the next few months which I highly doubt.

Also you are using the Republican Primary (which come on it was against 2 loons and Romney did not exactly win convincingly), not many GOP voters were upset with his comments but the GE is more about independents in that state.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

200k+ were added in February, March and April last year. And over 200k were added this most recent December, January and February - March would make 4 months in a row. I think they meant the last time we had four months in a row of 200+ was 13 years ago. In which case, they'd be right, it was September 1999 to January 2000. I bet we hear the "best streak in 13 years" a few times starting tomorrow.

At any rate, two additional data points today.

Challenger's tracking of layoff announcements dropped.

Weekly jobless claims dropped to a new low:

I'm expecting a +185,000 job report tomorrow with UE at 8.6%. The numbers say that I should be wrong and we should be closer to 250,000 but I just feel like we will be slightly surprised tomorrow morning.
Depends on the stagnation on the economy. I could be wrong, but based on the Republican primary results, not many people were much affected by his comments. I know that's just the Republican primary, but I haven't seen much in the way of any polling to suggest one way or the other.

Republican primary voters had no problem with his comments, but that doesn't reflect the opinions of moderates or independents here - basically everyone except some bitter republicans agree the bailout worked. Even Synder supported it, and still does. IIRC one of Romney's prominent Michigan surrogates admitted the government was the only solution at the time, and there were no private firms willing to step in (including Bains Capitol)


Hopefully the UE rate drops tomorrow, just so I can hear the RW try to spin it.

My favorite is when they simultaneously take credit for the good news while blaming Obama for it not being better.

It seems like it might drop, but of course there's the possibility it starts ticking up or remains stagnant.

I'm expecting it to stay flat, as last month. Folks coming back into the job market ticking up the participation rate, but not in droves.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
When was the last time a presidential candidate lost his state? Because he would have lost PA if he got the nomination. No one in this state likes this asshole

I really wanted Santorum to get the nomination. He would have lost his own state, Florida, and South Carolina but still been up against Obama. It is funny how far he's gotten with how bad his chances were.
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