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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Can we all agree that the Republican Party is merely a Nationalist Party?

- Very socially conservative
- Hates public funding as it gives money to brown people
- Loves investing in military not matter what the cost
- Loves spreading our "ideals" around the world
- Obsessed with their far-right politics and views
I can understand this, I guess. I almost think abortion is the one key thing that keeps my dad in the republican corner of the ring. I think it's such a deplorable thing to him that he contorts his entire worldview around that fact, and seems to think that those that can be in "favor" (however much democrats actually are in favor of abortion, mind you) of it can't possibly be right on anything at all.

I knew people like this existed. It has long been a theory of mine that abortion is a big issue that gets people to vote against their own main interests. And it can be so powerful that people will modify their views on other issues because obviously those evil people who allow abortion to persist must be wrong about all those other issues.

It is amazing how it has largely been a 'settled' issue for some 40 years now but it is still a very contentious issue.
Grad school poligaf....

Do those of you going to rgad school in the fall have a decision deadline of today?

Its almost 4am and I still dont know where to go.

Im between UCLA, Rutgers and Penn. Program is Masters in City and Regional Planning, focus on transportation.

Why must the deadline be so soon? Why are life changing decisions so scary?
Can we all agree that the Republican Party is merely a Nationalist Party?

- Very socially conservative
- Hates public funding as it gives money to brown people
- Loves investing in military not matter what the cost
- Loves spreading our "ideals" around the world
- Obsessed with their far-right politics and views

Sure, if we can agree that the democratic party is merely a stalinist party by using equally childish and specious caricatures of their policies!
Out of curiosity, is something like Intrade a decent barometer for political stuff?
Not particularly. The theory is that people who put money down have more incentive to be right, but from what I've seen of Intrade vs. National polling, it seems much more like a reaction market than it does s prediction one.

I knew you would, I am sorry, we cannot be friends. :( Hate begins now!
This explains everything. Speaking the language of the ghetto has made you soft on brown people.

Grad school poligaf....

Do those of you going to rgad school in the fall have a decision deadline of today?

Its almost 4am and I still dont know where to go.

Im between UCLA, Rutgers and Penn. Program is Masters in City and Regional Planning, focus on transportation.

Why must the deadline be so soon? Why are life changing decisions so scary?
Yeah, I picked Syracuse. Did you have a chance to visit all of them? Assuming they all cost about the same, go to the highest ranked school, or be vain and go Ivy.


I knew people like this existed. It has long been a theory of mine that abortion is a big issue that gets people to vote against their own main interests. And it can be so powerful that people will modify their views on other issues because obviously those evil people who allow abortion to persist must be wrong about all those other issues.

It is amazing how it has largely been a 'settled' issue for some 40 years now but it is still a very contentious issue.

I don't really know this for sure. It's just a theory of mine, really. I think there are quite a few factors in why my dad is so far to the right, but I think abortion may have been one of the key wedge issues early on. The fervor which he called democrats "baby killers" for a long time was kind of a clue. But I can't really be sure it was the cause or if it was another issue that was kind of blown out of proportion that he fell in line with. I do think that if it weren't an issue at all it'd be a lot easier to convince him certain portions of his beliefs are a little misguided.


What? You are a social conservative who wants to restrict abortion rights. This is the very definition of a big-C (authoritarian) conservative.

Purely on the level when talking about abortion, it's a philosophical distinction between protecting (unborn) rights and restricting (female) rights. Not necessarily an authoritarian/libertarian distinction. Depends on what rights you're talking about.
I'd be wary about the vain approach when it comes to Ivies and grad school.

Sometimes the Ivies do carry clunkers of a grad program in certain fields of study.


Purely on the level when talking about abortion, it's a philosophical distinction between protecting (unborn) rights and restricting (female) rights. Not necessarily an authoritarian/libertarian distinction. Depends on what rights you're talking about.

Whether protecting or restricting, it's an interventionist position.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
What? You are a social conservative who wants to restrict abortion rights. This is the very definition of a big-C (authoritarian) conservative.

Whether protecting or restricting, it's an interventionist position.

I am actually a stark-raving mad liberal because I am for the legalization of drugs.

It is so easy to label people based on one position, isn't it?

I am for the limiting of abortion to very narrow circumstances because I am for protecting the rights of the unborn and I think it is a disgusting practice. It is the reason why I think people who harm their babies via drinking and drugs while pregnant are some of the most disgusting people, as well.


Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.


Romney's campaign is the epitome of 1 step forward 2 steps back.

It's not the campaign's fault. When a candidate apparently has ZERO convictions or guiding principles, it's dangerous to try to score cheap political points cos in the age of youtube, you'll usually end up looking stupid. The late-night shows will be all over this lol


Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

the level of discourse for political discussion on facebook is a simple "you're stupid" reply.


Is this really still a thing?
Hey, I'm fucking old, it's about time I started using terribly dated slang (I think it was a finger slip, I can't remember, but I don't think I ever used 'mang' non ironically).
I knew you would, I am sorry, we cannot be friends. :( Hate begins now!
I knew the culture war will be fought over Blood Simple.
That whole abortion thing was just a prelude.
I'm kinda surprised to see someone hate that movie that much. I can get not liking it, but this is a bit unusual, even as a semi joke.

Purely on the level when talking about abortion, it's a philosophical distinction between protecting (unborn) rights and restricting (female) rights. Not necessarily an authoritarian/libertarian distinction. Depends on what rights you're talking about.
I think it's mostly about when an unborn baby becomes a person.
The vast majority of the people will oppose aborting the baby a day before birth and are okay with morning after pills.

And in my mind, it's a scientific question as much as it is a philosophical or a religious one.


For Facebook fights, remember that you aren't arguing to convince that sort of person. You're arguing to convince onlookers.
This is the bad approach for a dialog, and it's this way of thinking that devolve so many internet discussions into talking point shouting matches.

If that person cannot be persuaded, disengage.
There are better ways to bring people to your side than shouting at someone you disagree with.

Edit: I'm not saying that I never engage in futile arguments with boneheaded people, my post history will prove otherwise, but I do it for me, because I'm enjoying such nonsense, not to persuade the onlookers.


Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

So he needs to create jobs and not go on vacation to not be a communist. Got it.

Honestly, I don't think men should have a strong position on abortion. We're not the ones who get pregnant.

I think this. I also think huge numbers of men are 'pro-life' until they or their son knocks up someone on a fling. Then they happy it remains safe & legal. Abortion is one of those things that people often look down on . . . until they are in the situation.
Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

It seems like, to me, that ever since Obama was elected anyone and everyone thought they were an expert on politics and started posting bullshit based on complete ignorance every now and then.
This is the bad approach for a dialog, and it's this way of thinking that devolve so many internet discussions into talking point shouting matches.

If that person cannot be persuaded, disengage.
There are better ways to bring people to your side than shouting at someone you disagree with.

Edit: I'm not saying that I never engage in futile arguments with boneheaded people, my post history will prove otherwise, but I do it for me, because I'm enjoying such nonsense, not to persuade the onlookers.

I don't engage in shouting matches. I calmly lay out my reasoning and provide sources to prove it. It's worked before.

If the other person types in a way that makes them look like a buffoon, that's a grave of their own digging. It also makes my argument look stronger.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ridiculous false equalavency. That Romney quote is in line with traditional conservative views on welfare - except for the liberal idea of funding child care to make it easier for mothers.

Romney doesn't think that taking care of small children is equivalent to a full time job. I do not see a false equivalence here.


It seems like, to me, that ever since Obama was elected anyone and everyone thought they were an expert on politics and started posting bullshit based on complete ignorance every now and then.

Its always been that way, 2000-2008 it was people posting bullshit to attack and defend Bush.

Only reason you probably notice it is because the people who dislike Obama REALLLLLLLLY dislike Obama lol


Ridiculous false equalavency. That Romney quote is in line with traditional conservative views on welfare - except for the liberal idea of funding child care to make it easier for mothers.

“I wanted to increase the work requirement,” said Romney in New Hampshire. “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless.’ And I said, ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’”
No false equivalency here. Just pure hypocrisy.
Ridiculous false equalavency. That Romney quote is in line with traditional conservative views on welfare - except for the liberal idea of funding child care to make it easier for mothers.

I don't think it's a false equivalency. If raising a child is dignified work, why doesn't it "count" for welfare purposes? Why does a mother need to work outside the house, doing something other than child rearing, to find "dignity"? Ironically, if that woman got a job at a nursery raising other people's kids, that would count. Mitt wants to have it both ways. The reality is that his older statement is just political posturing. The bit about women needing dignified work is a pretextual argument for, ultimately, giving employers more bargaining power against labor, which is Mitt's end game.
I understand your perspective and respect it, but I'd fight tooth and nail to preserve the rights of my wife and daughters (and women in general). I don't use the term often, but I find the idea that people want to legislate control over their bodies simply offensive. Not wanting to side track; I think we feel equally about the issue, just in opposite directions.

I think we agree on about 80% of issues, though. I keep reading your posts going, wait, you keep saying you're a Republican...:p

He and I share a lot of the same perspectives. I am a Christian and even though I'm against gay marriage and abortions due to personal and religious beliefs I will not force my views on anyone. As much something may offend me I know that everyone has the freedom of choice. When that's taken away, people will follow the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law anyway(see any state legalized religion). It's all about faith in the end. My view is that everyone will have the deal with the consequences of his/her decisions in life. But I digress. This is as far as I go with religion on poligaf because nothing good normally comes from delving too deep into the topic here.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He and I share a lot of the same perspectives. I am a Christian and even though I'm against gay marriage and abortions due to personal and religious beliefs I will not force my views on anyone. As much something may offend me I know that everyone has the freedom of choice. When that's taken away, people will follow the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law anyway(see any state legalized religion). It's all about faith in the end. My view is that everyone will have the deal with the consequences of his/her decisions in life. But I digress. This is as far as I go with religion on poligaf because nothing good normally comes from delving too deep into the topic here.

In other words, you're -for lack of a better term - a fake Christian? Gotcha.
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