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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Not accurate, and not called for.

I'm guessing it's just due a lack of understanding. Reading the bible you would see that Jesus never forced his beliefs on anyone but instead taught about holy living and the consequences for choosing that live apart from that [New Testament, different covenant]. Under the old covenant there were strict guidelines for holy living, there was no option. The problem was, if you read Romans is that many did not apply faith to The Law and so became legalistic and religious. Instead, they followed the letter of The Law while adding their own traditions. In fact Jesus even called out many on actually breaking The Law in lieu of their traditions.


It was a reference to a certain radio show shock jock who once said that soldiers who vote democrat were "phony soldiers".


Come on guys, after y'all have known me, I should be given a LITTLE credit. :p

There have been a number of those sort of posts lately, which entirely depend on some reference to shift an insulting or apparently serious post into something less serious. I think it's fair to say that if you think you might have to come in for cleanup duty later, it should be clarified in the original post, such as by linking to what you just referenced. You can't rely on reputation alone. :p
Saw this on facebook:

I don't think I've ever laughed at something so simple. It's brilliant!
Foster Fries told that joke at CPAC.

In other words, you're -for lack of a better term - a fake Christian? Gotcha.
You could just have linked to the relevant clip in the post. Not everyone keeps track of every single ridiculous thing that emerges from conservative media.

Ridiculous false equalavency. That Romney quote is in line with traditional conservative views on welfare - except for the liberal idea of funding child care to make it easier for mothers.
How on earth is that a false equivalency? His wife and his campaign have just gone to bat on the idea that homemaking is real work, and this is video of him expressing the opposite view.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
There have been a number of those sort of posts lately, which entirely depend on some reference to shift an insulting or apparently serious post into something less serious. I think it's fair to say that if you think you might have to come in for cleanup duty later, it should be clarified in the original post, such as by linking to what you just referenced. You can't rely on reputation alone. :p

Fair enough!

And I'd like to apologize to Maximum30 for any accidental perceived insult.


In the latest episode of what the hell my dad believe for some reason... He relayed a story of an altercation he had today. He saw a guy with a company truck and michigan plates with a recall walker sign, so he started yelling what gives and stuff. Guy claimed he lived here but my dad doesn't care. He said it proves there's out of state unions in this fight, and he took a picture that he's going to send to talk radio hosts. What doesn't make sense about that is that Walker is getting millions upon millions from out of state billionaires. He's making money in record fashion and about half is from out of state, yet his supporters still buy the "out of state money is out to get me, and that's why this is happening" arguments hook line and sinker. Crazy...
I'm guessing it's just due a lack of understanding. Reading the bible you would see that Jesus never forced his beliefs on anyone but instead taught about holy living and the consequences for choosing that live apart from that [New Testament, different covenant]. Under the old covenant there were strict guidelines for holy living, there was no option. The problem was, if you read Romans is that many did not apply faith to The Law and so became legalistic and religious. Instead, they followed the letter of The Law while adding their own traditions. In fact Jesus even called out many on actually breaking The Law in lieu of their traditions.

And Jesus never said a word about homosexuals or abortion. Not a word. So people just find other words in the Bible to support what they feel is right (what they've been told by some preacher is right).
In the latest episode of what the hell my dad believe for some reason... He relayed a story of an altercation he had today. He saw a guy with a company truck and michigan plates with a recall walker sign, so he started yelling what gives and stuff. Guy claimed he lived here but my dad doesn't care. He said it proves there's out of state unions in this fight, and he took a picture that he's going to send to talk radio hosts. What doesn't make sense about that is that Walker is getting millions upon millions from out of state billionaires. He's making money in record fashion and about half is from out of state, yet his supporters still buy the "out of state money is out to get me, and that's why this is happening" arguments hook line and sinker. Crazy...

Does your admit that Walker is getting lots of out-of-state money? And if so, does he admit that he is being hypocritical with the complaint?


Remember, we can't withdraw as it would imperil our progress. And I hope policymakers have finally abandoned the risible pipe dream of political reconciliation extricating us.

By Kevin Sieff, Javed Hamdard and Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL — Insurgents attacked cities across eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, including three prominent targets in Kabul, in a rare coordinated attack spanning some of the country’s most important urban centers. The Taliban called the effort the beginning of its spring offensive.

By evening, as the attacks were still ongoing, at least 14 police officers and nine civilians had been wounded, according to the Interior Ministry.

“This is a message that our spring offensive has begun,” said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, who said the primary targets were western military and diplomatic installations.

In central Kabul, insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades and rifles from an unfinished eight-story commercial building. From their perch, at least four men fired in the direction of the German Embassy and NATO’s military headquarters, both of which were just a few hundred yards from the attackers.

Less than an hour after the attack began, Afghan commandos and their NATO trainers entered the building that the insurgents were firing from. There were two large blast holes visible in the facade of the Kabul Star Hotel, frequented by westerners and wealthy Afghans, located just across the street from where the insurgents were firing. Seven hours later, after sunset, gunfire was still being exchanged.

A few miles away, another group of insurgents occupied a building across from the Afghan parliament, as well as another unfinished construction site, from which they targeted nearby Western military installations.



And Jesus never said a word about homosexuals or abortion. Not a word. So people just find other words in the Bible to support what they feel is right (what they've been told by some preacher is right).
The Bible (old and new testament) just doesn't mention abortion.
But if one would like to base its position on verse, it would be significantly easier to find support for abortion in the Bible than opposition.


Does your admit that Walker is getting lots of out-of-state money? And if so, does he admit that he is being hypocritical with the complaint?

I didn't get into it with him today, since he was up helping me with my car. Didn't want to piss him off. And I'm just discouraged from debating him anyway since last time I brought up good points on things he just retorted with "you're just parroting the latest talking points," as if that's proof that they're wrong or something. I'm sure he knows about the out of state money and likely doesn care since unions are just thugs out to protect the lazy and fuck over companies by demanding ridiculous things.


Junior Member
So if raising children is full time job, and is the "hardest job in the world", will conservatives stop attacking welfare mothers raising their children as "lazy parasites"?


So if raising children is full time job, and is the "hardest job in the world", will conservatives stop attacking welfare mothers raising their children as "lazy parasites"?
It all stems from moralizing poverty.
Too many people in this country thinks that laziness and immoral behavior are the main causes of poverty.
Some people (most notably, Max Weber) claim this sentiment has religious roots (not going to get into this discussion, at least not today).


Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

Don't forget to point out the explosion in debt under Reagan and Bush 2. The fact bush spent more time on vacation then JFK spent as president. If your friend continues to argue about communism point out the ideas and policies of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

You should have used the argument about how corporate profits are at an all time high, while tax rates at an all time low under socialist Obama.


You are a rarity in American politics.

So you are pro-life? To the extent that Rick Santorum is, or, say... Bob Casey?

I don't think he is that rare. A lot of people who are religious, socially conservative, can have differing views on economics and other issues.

I feel like I am similar, in that I am religious and personally against a lot of social liberal policies. But I never think my view should be the only view or law.

But I am extremely liberal when it comes to economics and foreign policies.


I am actually a stark-raving mad liberal because I am for the legalization of drugs.

It is so easy to label people based on one position, isn't it?

I am for the limiting of abortion to very narrow circumstances because I am for protecting the rights of the unborn and I think it is a disgusting practice. It is the reason why I think people who harm their babies via drinking and drugs while pregnant are some of the most disgusting people, as well.

You're the one who said it was your defining position; the one that makes you a republican contrary to all logic and good sense. You can gnash your teeth as much as you want, but you can't say you're not a big-C (authoritarian) conservative... Which you did. It's okay to be an authoritarian conservative, but at least own it.
That would be great if men had any pre birth rights whatsoever

Because it would end up being a nightmare of slippery slopes. The custody battle involving baby mama/dada dramas are horrible as it is with high amount of fathers not paying. Not to mention the government forcing someone do to something with their body against their will? WTF?

It takes two and the long term result of a pregnancy will have ramifications beyond the mother.

Who's to say that pregnancy always happens with two people who know one another. The arguments of aborition almost never involved "what about the father's say!" and usually focus on "morals".


Because it would end up being a nightmare of slippery slopes. The custody battle involving baby mama/dada dramas are horrible as it is with high amount of fathers not paying. Not to mention the government forcing someone do to something with their body against their will? WTF?

Who's to say that pregnancy always happens with two people who know one another. The arguments of aborition almost never involved "what about the father's say!" and usually focus on "morals".

oh no, i understand it would be, just commenting on how "it takes two to tango" but only one has any say. Anyway, its not a road i want to go down in this thread


Who's to say that pregnancy always happens with two people who know one another. The arguments of aborition almost never involved "what about the father's say!" and usually focus on "morals".

No one's to say. I think it's rather reasonable to take it on a case by case basis. Is it reasonable to remove all agency from the acknowledged father because he doesn't have to incubate the child?
No one's to say. I think it's rather reasonable to take it on a case by case basis. Is it reasonable to remove all agency from the acknowledged father because he doesn't have to incubate the child?

I would agree but to be fair preganancy is an incredibly painful, risky, and long term minor body damaging process. Its not as if the baby comes out of the vagina and that's it. It effects the birth giver a lot more than the husband.


I would agree but to be fair preganancy is an incredibly painful, risky, and long term minor body damaging process. Its not as if the baby comes out of the vagina and that's it. It effects the birth giver a lot more than the husband.

From a physical standpoint, certainly.

To be clear, I'm pretty much neutral to this issue; just trying to get a rational bearing of the topic. Gotta start somewhere.
This bald hypocrisy has existed for decades. So, no. Also, women on welfare are probably abusing it.

Well it is not necessarily hypocritical. He could come right out and say "Look, if you have the money to support your household with a single income and the wife stays home to take care of the kids, what she does is real work. But if you don't have the money for that, you need to get out into the labor force and earn money to pay for the rent & food for you and your kid. OK!?!?"

But I somehow doubt he is going to do that.
I don't think he is that rare. A lot of people who are religious, socially conservative, can have differing views on economics and other issues.

I feel like I am similar, in that I am religious and personally against a lot of social liberal policies. But I never think my view should be the only view or law.

But I am extremely liberal when it comes to economics and foreign policies.
That is so refreshing when people feel that way. None of us really KNOWS the full truth of the worth so let other people live they way the feel to be in alignment with the real truth.

And when people start whining about how they are 'oppressed' because of their religion . . . well shut up and stop whining. Look at the Amish. They are crazy backward primitive fundamentalists. But liberals ever fuck with them? No! Everyone loves the Amish. Because the Amish don't fuck with the liberals. Just live the way you want to live and let others do the same.


Unconfirmed Member
Grad school poligaf....

Do those of you going to rgad school in the fall have a decision deadline of today?

Its almost 4am and I still dont know where to go.

Im between UCLA, Rutgers and Penn. Program is Masters in City and Regional Planning, focus on transportation.

Why must the deadline be so soon? Why are life changing decisions so scary?

I only got into one of the schools I applied to so it was a no brainer.

That said there is a high likely hood I may not go because of changes this school is making to out of state tuition policies. Trying to get a non resident fee waiver but it's probably a non starter.



The Ron Paul for President thread has taken a Birther turn, with even a mention of impending Race War.
Only rich moms work hard. Everyone should know that.

Seriously though its so freaking annoying that everyone BLASTED Rosen and yet we won't here a peep out of the media about this. Ann works hard! but poor moms need to work for DIGNITY.

Well, they probably had to work hard to land the rich husband since, presumably, there would be more women after said rich man. The woman who does land the rich man is objectively worth more than those who end up in poverty/with a poor man. The poor women need to step their game up so they can become a 'have' instead of a 'soon to have'. The market has spoken.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Dear god why do I try to argue with people on Facebook. Someone called Obama a communist and I called them out on it, even giving example of how his governing cannot be compared to communism, and he responds with this.

"He's bankrupted the country he's tried to but I 13 BILLION on troop health care and honestly he has spent millions of US dollars on his vacations so I say how does he have any CLASS? He uses our tax dollars on these vacations = (moneyless) And anyone who can even think of screwing over the men and women whos fighting for our country and someone who is taking more jobs then making them does not need to be in office"

I responded with an long-winded post explaining the many ways he makes no sense, but I realize that you'll never get anywhere with someone who can't even form a sentence.

This is exactly why I don't have a Facebook account.

For one, I have very ideologically dissimilar circles of friends but more importantly, if you're going to argue with somebody over charged political/moral issues than you need to do it face-to-face to let the discussion be fluid enough for people to actually listen and change their opinions.

Or you need to have the anonymity to be able say that you just think they're being a total idiot and aren't worth arguing with.


Professional Schmuck
^ all of that is dumb. FB is just a wallet replacement for your kid's/mom's/family pictures, old friends, and for self promotion. If you're not on there it's because you don't need those things, not because you're afraid of a pointless argument with someone equally uneducated.

Only rich moms work hard. Everyone should know that.

Seriously though its so freaking annoying that everyone BLASTED Rosen and yet we won't here a peep out of the media about this. Ann works hard! but poor moms need to work for DIGNITY.

Settle down. It was making the rounds early Sunday morning. They're saving it for a good news cycle.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
^ all of that is dumb. FB is just a wallet replacement for your kid's/mom's/family pictures, old friends, and for self promotion. If you're not on there it's because you don't need those things, not because you're afraid of a pointless argument with someone equally uneducated.
That's all true.

But my friends are always arguing about politics and religion on Facebook. And I'm absolutely certain that if somebody says something totally stupid, I wouldn't be able to resist arguing against them.
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