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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The Cryptarch's Bane
I missed this before. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sarcastically shocked.

This bit really makes me feel like I'm going to explode :'(
Because the Florida law requires that applicants who pass the test be reimbursed for the cost, an average of $30, the cost to the state was $118,140. This is more than would have been paid out in benefits to the people who failed the test, Mr. Newton said.


It's amazing how much people are downplaying this aspect of the run this time around. Especially if HCR gets shot down by the Supreme Court, what is Obama going to point to? Now he can play the "We're getting X amount of people health insurance" card and if that goes away, he doesn't have a lot to point to that resonates with the American voting public.

Hell, he's already on his third iteration of justifying the Buffet Rule - can't even stick to a coherent argument on that.

Not a lot that resonates? He killed Bin Laden, there have been 20 months of positive consecutive job growth, his opponent wants to end medicare and use the money to cut his and his friends taxes. you act like he is toothless tiger.
Is that survey saying that they don't poll anyone with a landline? and their demographics looked a bit low on the age scale, as well. I may be off.
The first question is just asking cell phone-only respondents if they have a landline in addition to their cell phone.

I think the idea is that because the cellphone-only sample skews differently (more D) than landline respondents, they were more interested in them. As opposed to people with both a cellphone and a landline.

Democrats lead by 2 on their generic ballot, also. They probably need a 5 point margin though to win a decent majority.

Atilac said:
Not a lot that resonates? He killed Bin Laden, there have been 20 months of positive consecutive job growth, his opponent wants to end medicare and use the money to cut his and his friends taxes. you act like he is toothless tiger.
Legitimately surprised that I forgot about Bin Laden's death. That's going to be everywhere in the GE, as well as ending the war in Iraq.

I'll admit if HCR is overturned it'd be a blow to Obama's record, but I still don't think it will be, and SCOTUS' reputation would take a huge hit.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The first question is just asking cell phone-only respondents if they have a landline in addition to their cell phone.

I think the idea is that because the cellphone-only sample skews differently (more D) than landline respondents, they were more interested in them. As opposed to people with both a cellphone and a landline.

Democrats lead by 2 on their generic ballot, also. They probably need a 5 point margin though.

hmmm, definitely seems to be skewed them. The ideal poll would include both numbers, not just cell phone users. I am not saying that in reality Obama is not in reality leading, but it might not be by as much as this poll shows.


Hell, that soundbite they played on Colbert the other night of Romney answering a question about who is funnier between him and Obama was painful to listen to.

Speaking about the who's funnier thing, what was really painful was the Daily Show bit where at the end of it all they even found a clip of him saying that he never deliberately tries to be funny. Even on completely stupid topics Mitt is on both sides of the issue! Kudos to the Daily Show for finding that, because that was truly hilarious.


for a number of reasons - the near total collapse of political civility/discourse and respecting opposing points of view, my see-saw health issues, disappointment with Obama, etc - i've been completely removed from this election cycle and thread. i see the same with a surprisingly large number of my friends, who before volunteered or outright worked for Obama's election campaign the last cycle.

i never thought i'd become so disillusioned with Washington and the state of the country by age 31. i still read and listen to my usual sources to remain engaged, but the passion is gone. going through my RSS and podcast feeds feels like a rote exercise at this point.

how do i get the 2008 mojo back? :/

At this point you can't really have passion about completely changing the system. You just have to know we'll get there eventually (hopefully). You've got to take it one step at a time. Your passion should more come from (to take a page from the Republican doom and gloom handbook) trying to claw our way out from the precipice of oblivion. I'm passionate about this election because for the love of god I do not want to see what's going to happen to our country with a Romney presidency. I don't want to slip further down that chasm than we already are.

I mean to me it's easy to be disillusioned by things like the Buffett rule, where we're fighting tooth and nail for something that doesn't even go nearly far enough. It's easy to think man this is stupid. We should be past this crap. But if you stop fighting and stop voting for the side that's at least closer to you, then you lose even that battle.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
At this point you can't really have passion about completely changing the system. You just have to know we'll get there eventually (hopefully). You've got to take it one step at a time. Your passion should more come from (to take a page from the Republican doom and gloom handbook) trying to claw our way out from the precipice of oblivion. I'm passionate about this election because for the love of god I do not want to see what's going to happen to our country with a Romney presidency. I don't want to slip further down that chasm than we already are.

I mean to me it's easy to be disillusioned by things like the Buffett rule, where we're fighting tooth and nail for something that doesn't even go nearly far enough. It's easy to think man this is stupid. We should be past this crap. But if you stop fighting and stop voting for the side that's at least closer to you, then you lose even that battle.

A Romney president with a Dem controlled House and Senate would be better than a split congress with continued GOP interference + Obama in the White House.


Legitimately surprised that I forgot about Bin Laden's death. That's going to be everywhere in the GE, as well as ending the war in Iraq.

In honesty the Iraq war and Romney's (And the 'at large' Republican platform I might add) stance on the issue is reason enough for me to vote for Obama. I don't even like how he has handled some of our foreign diplomacy and stuff like the war in Afghanistan but its so very much better then alternative its scary. Foreign policy is one of the few places Romney hasn't flip flopped into oblivion and its all the wrong side of foreign policy for me. Romney's stance on Iraq during the primaries was so far right it actually turned off a majority of the Republican electorate and yet he kept doubling down on it.


A Romney president with a Dem controlled House and Senate would be better than a split congress with continued GOP interference + Obama in the White House.

I'm not going to disagree with this at all. But I doubt we'll be getting a Dem controlled house and senate any time soon.

Actually, upon thinking about it that would be better, but that still leaves the Supreme Court appointments. Aren't we expecting 1 or 2 of them to possibly happen in the next presidency? In that case I'd much rather have an Obama appointed justice than a Romney appointed one, especially after some of the latest SC decisions...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
There was a poll released a day or two ago that showed Michelle Obama with a 70%+ approval rating. I'm honestly shocked about that. Not that she doesn't deserve it, she's pretty harmless overall, but Obama (Barry) couldn't break past 54% when he killed fucking Bin Laden!

A Romney president with a Dem controlled House and Senate would be better than a split congress with continued GOP interference + Obama in the White House.

Yeah, but having Tea baggers commit mass suicide over realizing that Jesus turned his back on them by having Obama re-elected would be a lot more amusing.
Is this really a true thing though? That's crazy if so, and if true he's right, Rosens comments were fine, and possibly not even far enough. If you've never had to fucking work you absolutely can't be Mitts adviser on what the average woman goes through... Jesus...

I also just can't even imagine never having to have an outside job in my life. That's just insane.

It also proves just how some republican shitty framin works, since even I seemed to be arguing this issue on their terms afterwards... Holy shit

Really? You believe that Rosen what implying that she should work WHILE raising 5 kids? (which I'm sure many do and have done). No. She was stating that she never worked a day in her life even before that, which is a fair point. I've held around 15-20 jobs and I'm probably half her age. To pretend someone like her who has never held one knows fuck-all about what it is to work is ludicrous, and it's clear this kind of person can have no real empathy, connection, or understanding about any issues related to someone who holds a job. And no, raising kids while being a millionaire in plush surroundings isn't an equivalent.


Really? You believe that Rosen what implying that she should work WHILE raising 5 kids? (which I'm sure many do and have done). No. She was stating that she never worked a day in her life even before that, which is a fair point. I've held around 15-20 jobs and I'm probably half her age. To pretend someone like her who has never held one knows fuck-all about what it is to work is ludicrous, and it's clear this kind of person can have no real empathy, connection, or understanding about any issues related to someone who holds a job. And no, raising kids while being a millionaire in plush surroundings isn't an equivalent.

I didn't think that Rosen was implying that she should work while raising 5 kids, no. I thought Rosen was just saying that she can't be Mitt's adviser on what an average mother goes through when the average mother around the country most certainly does have to try and juggle working and raising a family. I thought that was the critique, that her situation was so different than the average person's that she couldn't really advise based on that. And if Rosen meant that she'd be correct, but I guess that isn't what was stated. I guess I fell for the Republican framing and kept the talk simply about raising kids while working or not. Sure I was still on the other side, against them, but I was talking about the issue in the way they wanted to talk about the issue. Now to find out she actually does know fuck all about work altogether, that's freaking crazy. She can't be anyone's adviser on the average of fucking anyone. The average person can't even imagine a life without having to work a job right now much less ever. Argh, that's just... wow
I didn't think that Rosen was implying that she should work while raising 5 kids, no. I thought Rosen was just saying that she can't be Mitt's adviser on what an average mother goes through when the average mother around the country most certainly does have to try and juggle working and raising a family. I thought that was the critique, that her situation was so different than the average person's that she couldn't really advise based on that. And if Rosen meant that she'd be correct, but I guess that isn't what was stated. I guess I fell for the Republican framing and kept the talk simply about raising kids while working or not. Sure I was still on the other side, against them, but I was talking about the issue in the way they wanted to talk about the issue. Now to find out she actually does know fuck all about work altogether, that's freaking crazy. She can't be anyone's adviser on the average of fucking anyone. The average person can't even imagine a life without having to work a job right now much less ever. Argh, that's just... wow

It came out of Romney stating in an interview that he knows and is in touch about Women's issues as his Wife keeps him in the loop.
Gov Schweitzer had this to say:
While discussing swing states, Schweitzer said Romney would have a “tall order to position Hispanics to vote for him,” and I replied that was mildly ironic since Mitt’s father was born in Mexico, giving the clan a nominal claim to being Hispanic. Schweitzer replied that it is “kinda ironic given that his family came from a polygamy commune in Mexico, but then he’d have to talk about his family coming from a polygamy commune in Mexico, given the gender discrepancy.” Women, he said, are “not great fans of polygamy, 86 percent were not great fans of polygamy. I am not alleging by any stretch that Romney is a polygamist and approves of [the] polygamy lifestyle, but his father was born into [a] polygamy commune in Mexico.
Poor form, dude.


It came out of Romney stating in an interview that he knows and is in touch about Women's issues as his Wife keeps him in the loop.

I knew this.

How is that poor form? I think it's logical to say that Romney would have a hard time bringing up his family's past in Mexico, because that would also bring up the polygamist past of his religion and ancestry. Even though he doesn't subscribe to that sort of thing (and his dad didn't), that still makes certain people rather paranoid. I don't think that guy's attacking him on it, just saying that he might have to bring those things up and dance around it somehow.

Isn't it interesting how there are/were more questions about Obama's religious and how religious he is or not, whether he visited Church every Sunday, which Church he visited than Romney in the media.

I think both should be out of bounds. But Romney's ties to the Mormon Church seem to be more out of bounds than questions raised about Obama. Mormonism has its own set of controversies.


I'm really amazed at how Rosen's comments got taken so far out of context. Rosen is a working mom for crying out loud, and the right made it sound like she was totally against any form of motherhood. Rosen's original comments could have obviously been stated more carefully, but it was a perfectly valid point that she made. Disgusts me to see it spun so far and have the misinformation be so wide spread and accepted. Wolf Blitzer et al should apologize for dragging her through the mud.


Isn't it interesting how there are/were more questions about Obama's religious and how religious he is or not, whether he visited Church every Sunday, which Church he visited than Romney in the media.

I think both should be out of bounds. But Romney's ties to the Mormon Church seem to be more out of bounds than questions raised about Obama. Mormonism has its own set of controversies.
It's because Obama is black and has foreign heritage. To the right wing bigots and racists, Romney is still seen as a true american who might as well be christian -- 'one of us' etc.

Same reason Romney can ban assault rifles and still get NRA support (though I think Democrat/Republican partisanship plays into that, too).
You know how your grandma puts a five dollar bill in the cards she sends for you birthday and all the holidays and stuff?

Well, now you know how Mitt got rich. He had, like, twenty grandmas.
It's because Obama is black and has foreign heritage. To the right wing bigots and racists, Romney is still seen as a true american who might as well be christian -- 'one of us' etc.

Same reason Romney can ban assault rifles and still get NRA support (though I think Democrat/Republican partisanship plays into that, too).

Imagine if Obama held a fund raiser + Michelle's birthday party at the house of someone who questioned a Republican president's citizenship.
Obama sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks sat in.


It looks like Obama's going bald.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In measuring key attributes and qualities, Obama also enjoys significant leads on being easygoing and likeable (54 percent to 18 percent); on caring about average people (52 percent to 22 percent); on dealing with issues of concern to women (49 percent to 21 percent); and on looking out for the middle class (48 percent to 27 percent).

Holy shit, a 28 point difference!

By a 40-34 percent margin, respondents believe Romney would be better when it comes to having good ideas for improving the economy.


And Romney also edges Obama on changing "business as usual" in Washington.

DOUBLE wtf??


PPP polled VP picks:

Obama-Biden: 48%
Romney-Bush: 47%

Obama-Biden: 47%
Romney-Christie: 47%

Obama-Biden: 48%
Romney-Rubio: 43%

Obama-Biden: 48%
Romney-Huckabee: 46%

Obama-Biden: 50%
Romney-Palin: 43%

Obama-Biden: 48%
Romney-Paul: 44%

Obama-Biden: 48%
Romney-Ryan: 43%


Christie might if he thinks Obama's vulnerable enough.

Romney is not going to pick someone who overshadows him, Christie would confuse who is running for President because he is a bigger personality then Mittens the Robot

They are not going to commit 2008 all over again and put someone on the ticket who takes away from the top
NBC poll:

Looking inside these numbers, the president holds an advantage with African Americans (90 percent to 4 percent), Latinos (69 percent to 22 percent) voters ages 18-34 (60 percent to 34 percent) and women (53 percent to 41 percent).



The Cryptarch's Bane
I want to meet one of the 6 percent of African Americans who couldn't decide on that one. They must be fairly interesting people.
Romney is not going to pick someone who overshadows him, Christie would confuse who is running for President because he is a bigger personality then Mittens the Robot

They are not going to commit 2008 all over again and put someone on the ticket who takes away from the top

I was basically going to say the same thing. Christie is just too big of a personality


Romney/Christie would be a legit threat to Obama if Romney picks him. He'd be smart to seriously think about putting him on the ticket.


Romney is not going to pick someone who overshadows him, Christie would confuse who is running for President because he is a bigger personality then Mittens the Robot

They are not going to commit 2008 all over again and put someone on the ticket who takes away from the top

Romney would sell all his children into slavery if it meant he got to be president. I don't think being overshadowed in the election (and then Christie sitting on his fat ass for 4-8 years in the background) is going to matter to him even a little bit. Palin was only really a problem because she's amazingly stupid and a constant embarrassment. If she was smart and capable, I doubt McCain would have cared either if she overshadowed him for a while.


If those percentages hold like that across the board, Romney will have a very tough time. of course it is possible Romney expands his lead among White Men further to make up for them.

It'd be interesting if this election turned into literally being white men vs everyone else that lives in this country.


It'd be interesting if this election turned into literally being white men vs everyone else that lives in this country.

It would be interesting because white men would lose

Romney would sell all his children into slavery if it meant he got to be president. I don't think being overshadowed in the election (and then Christie sitting on his fat ass for 4-8 years in the background) is going to matter to him even a little bit. Palin was only really a problem because she's amazingly stupid and a constant embarrassment. If she was smart and capable, I doubt McCain would have cared either if she overshadowed him for a while.

I still don't see it, Christie is loud and obnoxious. He says too many damaging things that an already close electorate may disagree with.

Romney has enough problems relating on his own, he won't want to offend people with his running mate at the same time.

Christie is very much a Presidential candidate, I cannot see him or Jeb Bush being the types that just take the VP slot quietly

Romney's political playbook is tell people what they want to hear and pander, I can't for the life of me seeing Christie adhere to that. It would end up just like McCain/Palin. You can't have that different of a personality gap and make it work imho
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