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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Taxpayer savings also come in deterring those drug users who would otherwise apply for cash assistance but now think twice because of the law, some argued.

They could actually frame this as helping to get people off drugs, as they would give them up so they could qualify for assistance. But, of course, they just maintain the stance that they prefer their drugs.
“We had to stop allowing tax dollars for anybody to buy drugs with,” said State Representative Jimmie T. Smith, a Republican who sponsored the bill last year.

Time to start drug testing all homeowners! Wait, that conjures up the image of a white person in my head, never mind.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
They could actually frame this as helping to get people off drugs, as they would give them up so they could qualify for assistance. But, of course, they just maintain the stance that they prefer their drugs.

I think that a lot of conservatives view criminals and people who are poor as people who are fundamentally flawed by nature (as opposed to everyone else), whereas there's a more grey view of people on the american left, that someone can be fundamentally flawed through illness or no fault of their own, but that perfectly good people can also do badthings given the right circumstances, or fall upon hard times.

It's why there's such a disconnect on issues like welfare, criminal justice, and gun control. Maybe even things like abortion and taxes.
WASHINGTON -- The American labor market showed further signs of weakening as the number of workers filing jobless claims went back up to their highest level in nearly three months.

The Labor Department said Thursday that there were 386,000 first-time claims for unemployment benefits last week. Although that was down 2,000 from the prior week, filings for that first week of April were revised sharply higher. And that bumped up the more reliable four-week moving average to 374,750 -- the most since late January.

Labor Department officials didn't explain what led to the unexpectedly big upward adjustments in the data for early April, but the recent reversal of improving claims data lines up with other reports from business groups and the government that suggest a loss of some momentum in the job market.

Employers nationwide added 120,000 net new jobs in March, only about half of the preceding three months. Although jobless claims are more an indication of layoffs than hiring, Thursday's report nonetheless will factor into a somewhat lower projection for job growth in April and possibly later this spring as well.

"The string of disappointing data releases continues this morning with a higher than expected claims report," Steven Ricchiuto, chief economist at Mizuho Securities, said in a note to clients. As such, he said, April's job gains are likely to be between 125,000 and 175,000 -- numbers that aren't likely to bring down the unemployment rate or build a lot of confidence in the economy.

Here we go again

Republican House Speaker John Boehner charged that President Barack Obama's re-election strategy will be to "pull out every bogeyman they can" to scare voters and distract them from economic issues. The speaker made the remarks in a CBS News interview aired Wednesday.

Couldn't handle the irony, quit reading after the 1st paragraph. Unreal. I have to remind myself that people who say this shit with a straight face are real, live human beings. Fucking scumbag.
It goes both ways. Romney is seen as fiscally smart and a good executive. He can point to his time as a missionary or bishop as times when he connected on levels with the common man that Obama surely touts as a community organizer.

Average people do not connect with religious missions, especially ones that go on for 3 years in France.
It goes both ways. Romney is seen as fiscally smart and a good executive. He can point to his time as a missionary or bishop as times when he connected on levels with the common man that Obama surely touts as a community organizer.

It comes off as petty, and an attack on wealth. Romney makes no apologies for being rich, and if voters have a problem with it they'll reach that conclusion on their own.

With the economy getting worse, Romney will look better and better as a penny pinching economy fixer - while Obama will appear to be ineffective as the economy stagnates once again.
It comes off as petty, and an attack on wealth. Romney makes no apologies for being rich, and if voters have a problem with it they'll reach that conclusion on their own.

With the economy getting worse, Romney will look better and better as a penny pinching economy fixer - while Obama will appear to be ineffective as the economy stagnates once again.

Don't you get tired of your chronic, non-stop, incessant doomsday concern trolling? Do you talk like this with people in real life too? It's fucking depressing. It's literally in all of your posts.
It comes off as petty, and an attack on wealth. Romney makes no apologies for being rich, and if voters have a problem with it they'll reach that conclusion on their own.

With the economy getting worse, Romney will look better and better as a penny pinching economy fixer - while Obama will appear to be ineffective as the economy stagnates once again.

Except for the fact that nothing in his entire history suggests that he is that, don't let that get in the way of your rant though
It comes off as petty, and an attack on wealth. Romney makes no apologies for being rich, and if voters have a problem with it they'll reach that conclusion on their own.

With the economy getting worse, Romney will look better and better as a penny pinching economy fixer - while Obama will appear to be ineffective as the economy stagnates once again.
The only way you could have come to this conclusion is by staring raptly at the cover of his book, because his desperate attempts to portray himself as an everyman thoroughly contradict that assertion.


Don't you get tired of your chronic, non-stop, incessant doomsday concern trolling? Do you talk like this with people in real life too? It's fucking depressing. It's literally in all of your posts.

He's trolling and has admited as much in the past. His posts arent worth getting worked up over.
He's trolling and has admited as much in the past. His posts arent worth getting worked up over.
PD basically posts the worst news stories with doom and gloom, so in the unlikely event of Obama losing he can say well I told ya so and start blaming shit. Deep down he wants Obama to win. One bad week and "economy is getting worse".
An attack would not be indicative of irrationality. Rather, it would be a product of uncertainty, opacity, and a predisposition to view actions as minatory. Actors may intend to act rationally, but they are bounded by cognitive biases and imperfect information. In this instance, Iran and Israel are already predisposed to antagonism because of a historical legacy which has engendered distrust. This only exacerbates the uncertainty inherent to international relations. Moreover, the lack of transparency and dialog compounds the distrust. Iran's an authoritarian state which is inherently opaque. And Israel has an atypical proclivity for obfuscation among democracies. Further, Israel and Iran do not communicate. And this paucity of communication only amplifies the opacity of the relationship. This is a prime environment for a seemingly innocuous occurrence to escalate promptly without warning. Although, I concur an attack is unlikely as the costs are probably prohibitive enough to constrain Israel. Thankfully.

Yeah, the main reason I mentioned that both states are rational actors are that both realize that the costs of an attack by either side would quickly escalate to a prohibitive level - one of the few elements of the conflict between them that is certain, and as such they've tended to be dissuaded from actually embarking on any kind of rollback action.

It also cannot be ignored that some of the elements in Israel's government pushing for a pre-emptive strike - particularly Yisrael Beiteinu's leader and Israel's UN representative - have dialed down or outright ended their calls for military escalation in the past month and a half in light of the fact that Obama concluded talks with Netanyahu (on exactly that) in early March. International pressure, particularly from us, may well keep Israel from waging war until such a war would be irrelevant to the 2012 election.
Don't you get tired of your chronic, non-stop, incessant doomsday concern trolling? Do you talk like this with people in real life too? It's fucking depressing. It's literally in all of your posts.

I don't mind it, if only because every single one of the posts in every Obama '08 thread on Something Awful was exactly like this.
PD basically posts the worst news stories with doom and gloom, so in the unlikely event of Obama losing he can say well I told ya so and start blaming shit. Deep down he wants Obama to win. One bad week and "economy is getting worse".

How is it doom and gloom/spin? April is almost over and we're already seeing signs that the "recovery" is stagnating. Which is pretty similar to what happened last year, minus the Japan situation.

Romney is already beginning to stabilize in various polls, especially as he gets re-introduced to the public (by the media) over the next few weeks and months.
How is it doom and gloom/spin? April is almost over and we're already seeing signs that the "recovery" is stagnating. Which is pretty similar to what happened last year, minus the Japan situation.

Romney is already beginning to stabilize in various polls, especially as he gets re-introduced to the public (by the media) over the next few weeks and months.

Let me put this in another way. Have you posted any positive news story regarding Obama administration/polls where Obama is leading? Don't say others do it so you don't.


Obama sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks sat in.



How is it doom and gloom/spin? April is almost over and we're already seeing signs that the "recovery" is stagnating. Which is pretty similar to what happened last year, minus the Japan situation.

Romney is already beginning to stabilize in various polls, especially as he gets re-introduced to the public (by the media) over the next few weeks and months.

1) It's still a long ways until the election. Literally nothing is worth getting worked up about at this point.

2) There is not enough data to freak out about yet in any case. Jobless claims are at their highest level in three months! *looks back three months to the December jobs report* +223,000. Oh. Something to keep an eye on over the next few months.

3) It's still a long ways until the election. Literally nothing is worth getting worked up about at this point.
So Ted Nugent said a horrible, hateful, violent thing. Again.

The only funny part about this is that Romney actively pursued Nugent's endorsement, even after Nugent said this stuff about both Obama and Clinton last election. Will it get even a 10th of the Rosen coverage? lol

The sad thing is there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Rosen said, and the contrived backlash was nauseating. It's a fair point to point out that someone who hasn't worked a day in their life should not be giving out their opinions and what-not about the economy or the working class. Also, did Romney's wife come out of her mother's womb with 5 kids? I like how the discussion is 'ATTACKING MOTHER OF 5'. Did she not have a life before popping out kids? Why did she not work a single day of her life before that? Its an extremely valid point. You can decide to not work a single day in your life, and pop out as many kids as you want, but that doesnt mean you cant be called out on pretending to know a single fucking thing about what it is to actually have to work, maintain a job, and worry about money. Anne Romney has not the faintest clue of what any of that means, so when it comes to this subject she can keep her mouth shut instead of insulting everyone.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The sad thing is there is absolutely nothing wrong with what Rosen said, and the contrived backlash was nauseating. It's a fair point to point out that someone who hasn't worked a day in their life should not be giving out their opinions and what-not about the economy or the working class. Also, did Romney's wife come out of her mother's womb with 5 kids? I like how the discussion is 'ATTACKING MOTHER OF 5'. Did she not have a life before popping out kids? Why did she not work a single day of her life before that? Its an extremely valid point. You can decide to not work a single day in your life, and pop out as many kids as you want, but that doesnt mean you cant be called out on pretending to know a single fucking thing about what it is to actually have to work, maintain a job, and worry about money. Anne Romney has not the faintest clue of what any of that means, so when it comes to this subject she can keep her mouth shut instead of insulting everyone.
None of that stuff matters. You're right of course, but this is a general election campaign, not a nationwide expression of contrasting truths. It was too easy (that is to say, basically effortless) to spin what Rosen said into attacking stay-at-home moms, and she should have seen it coming miles away.


how do you think he'll do in a debate against romney?

He'll fall apart without his precious teleprompter.

In all seriousness, doped up Rick Perry and Rick Santorum made Romney sweat during republican debates with pretty weak stuff. Romney doesn't handle being backed into a corner well. Obama is going to be calling him out on things that other republicans wouldn't, so I'm hoping we see him get pretty flustered.
Mitt Romney is slightly above Bush tier but still below McCain tier when it comes to being a GOP presidential candidate. Including debating skills and on the spot answers.



Fork 'em, Sparky!
Mitt Romney is slightly above Bush tier but still below McCain tier when it comes to being a GOP presidential candidate. Including debating skills and on the spot answers.


Ehh, just by virtue of not being a disheveled octogenarian (joking, but not by much), he is going to do better than McCain. Bush was actually considered a good speaker before the election in 2000. I remember newspapers and talking heads noting that he had a good deliberate, folksy way about him. It wasn't until he had a few flubs and gaffes that he started to show off more of his goofball, semi-competent public speakerness.

Re: Obama attacking Mitt on things that the others wouldn't, did you not watch the debates? He was called a vulture capitalist, out of touch elitist, and so on. I don't know what Obama will attack him with that will necessarily be worse than what he was attacked with prior, just different.


He'll fall apart without his precious teleprompter.

In all seriousness, doped up Rick Perry and Rick Santorum made Romney sweat during republican debates with pretty weak stuff. Romney doesn't handle being backed into a corner well. Obama is going to be calling him out on things that other republicans wouldn't, so I'm hoping we see him get pretty flustered.

Romney's an odd mixed bag. At times, like you said, he was tripped up by people like Santorum. But others, though, especially when a lot was on the line and he needed a great comeback, he absolutely smeared the floor with Gingrich.


Romney's an odd mixed bag. At times, like you said, he was tripped up by people like Santorum. But others, though, especially when a lot was on the line and he needed a great comeback, he absolutely smeared the floor with Gingrich.

True. Gingrich is a pretty easy target, though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PD just likes going against the popular opinion on this forum. Every single thing he posts is founded on confirmation bias. Nothing more.
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