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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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PPP did some Hispanic only polls:

With Marco Rubio on ticket Romney would still lose Florida Hispanics 51-44:

With Susana Martinez on ticket Romney would still lose New Mexico Hispanics 65-28

With Brian Sandoval on ticket Romney would still lose Nevada Hispanics 64-27"

The reason why Romney's not doing quite as abysmal with Hispanics in Florida is that Cubans actually like him (and Republicans in general). Every other group of Hispanics there hates him like in the rest of the states.


The Cryptarch's Bane
PPP did some Hispanic only polls:

With Marco Rubio on ticket Romney would still lose Florida Hispanics 51-44:

With Susana Martinez on ticket Romney would still lose New Mexico Hispanics 65-28

With Brian Sandoval on ticket Romney would still lose Nevada Hispanics 64-27"

The reason why Romney's not doing quite as abysmal with Hispanics in Florida is that Cubans actually like him (and Republicans in general). Every other group of Hispanics there hates him like in the rest of the states.
Those are brutal...
i never thought i'd become so disillusioned with Washington and the state of the country by age 31. i still read and listen to my usual sources to remain engaged, but the passion is gone. going through my RSS and podcast feeds feels like a rote exercise at this point.

how do i get the 2008 mojo back? :/

I would suggest that you consider getting involved in and organizing around substantive issues rather than particular people and electoral politics. It's harder in many respects, and you can still become disillusioned, but at least you are not turning an individual into a cause. Issue advocacy and organization is what happens between elections, and matters much more to actual policy outcomes than whether specific candidates get elected. It's the kind of organizing that can prevent politicians from, e.g., giving away Medicare drug price negotiation in backroom deals. That was made possible by the lack of political organization around that issue. If people had been organized and engaged around that issue, Obama would not have struck that particular bargain. Politicians will always be looking for the path of least resistance. It's our job not to let them take it by ... well, being the resistance.


I didn't realize Black Ops 2 and Halo 4 were coming out on election day.

There goes the young adult male vote.

On the bright side, it'll be far easier to target the young adult male vote on that day. All you have to do is hang out at gamestops and convince/remind them to go over to the polling place and vote. They're already out and (presumably) in a car, so why not?


PPP did some Hispanic only polls:

With Marco Rubio on ticket Romney would still lose Florida Hispanics 51-44:

With Susana Martinez on ticket Romney would still lose New Mexico Hispanics 65-28

With Brian Sandoval on ticket Romney would still lose Nevada Hispanics 64-27"

The reason why Romney's not doing quite as abysmal with Hispanics in Florida is that Cubans actually like him (and Republicans in general). Every other group of Hispanics there hates him like in the rest of the states.
Wow those are pretty brutal.

I'm gonna call it: Romney chooses Christie as his VP. It honestly won't matter if he chooses an Hispanic.
Wow those are pretty brutal.

I'm gonna call it: Romney chooses Christie as his VP. It honestly won't matter if he chooses an Hispanic.

It will be either Christie, Ryan or Portman

In some important news, information out about Rubio's version of the DREAM Act:


GOP anti-immigrant groups already opposed to it. Will be interesting to see Romney's position on it, I am going to BET he will support it.
And for some more news that should Alarm Dem Donors Rove groups raised 100 million dollars EOD.

That means, this year alone, in 2012 they have raised 49 million dollars.


They should put a QR code that unlocks extra maps on those "I voted" stickers. Might be a small black market for those things.

Actually, most recent polling has Obama not performing that well among young voters. Though, that could change with a match up against Romney set.


In some important news, information out about Rubio's version of the DREAM Act:


GOP anti-immigrant groups already opposed to it. Will be interesting to see Romney's position on it, I am going to BET he will support it.

I really, really hate that Rubio is calling it the same thing. "Oh, you know that thing that Hispanic voters love? Well, I'm going to rip out huge chunks of it and then call it my own."
It will be either Christie, Ryan or Portman

In some important news, information out about Rubio's version of the DREAM Act:


GOP anti-immigrant groups already opposed to it. Will be interesting to see Romney's position on it, I am going to BET he will support it.

If Romney can't even support Rubio's bandaid DREAM Act, something is very wrong

Worse yet, if he doesn't support it how can he ask Rubio to join the ticket? That would be quite awkward


If Romney can't even support Rubio's bandaid DREAM Act, something is very wrong

Worse yet, if he doesn't support it how can he ask Rubio to join the ticket? That would be quite awkward

It should be interesting. Romney probably rightly believes that courting Hispanics is a lost cause in this election so he may not want to alienate his White Asshole vote even with a shitty plan like Rubio's.

And if those PPP polls weren't an outlier, then neither Romney or Rubio would want each other in any case.
It'd be interesting if this election turned into literally being white men vs everyone else that lives in this country.

Well, I guess it sort of was that way in 2008.

But as a white man . . . what the fuck? Stop embarrassing me, white men. Stop voting for anti-science loons.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Steve M. makes a good point about the Romney right winger paradox, when it comes to the press:

Mitt Romney will deliver the commencement address at the evangelical Christian university led by Jerry Falwell, Jr., Liberty University said in a Thursday post to their website.

The school, located in Lynchburg, Virginia, will host the likely GOP nominee for their May 12 graduation....

The press will continue to be obtuse about this. Paradoxically, this and every other example of Romney kissing up to the far right is going to described in the press as a sign that Romney shouldn't be regarded as a real right-winger. To you and me, he's pledging his allegiance to the far right and Christian right (don't expect any Sister Souljah moments in the commencement address); to the press -- or at least this is how I assume the reports will go -- his presence at the school will be treated as a sign of how much ground he has to make up to win the loyalty of the fundies. And when he picks a fundy-friendly running mate, that will be treated as a sign of how much ground he has to make up with the fundies. And when he fails to modify any of the far-right positions he took on social issues in the primaries, that will be treated as a sign ... etc., etc., ad nauseam. Everything he does to become just like one of them will be deemed a sign that he's not one of them. He really might have to win the White House and nominate the Supreme Court justices who overturn Roe before the press starts to say, Gee, ya know, maybe he really wasn't just doing all that outreach just for show.


Also, Liberty University is in a city called Lynchburg. Seriously.
I had a "economic major" say to me Obama is a Communist. I asked him to give me a qualitative analysis on why Obama is a Communist, and he just said I was brainwashed.
Isn't it interesting how there are/were more questions about Obama's religious and how religious he is or not, whether he visited Church every Sunday, which Church he visited than Romney in the media.

I think both should be out of bounds. But Romney's ties to the Mormon Church seem to be more out of bounds than questions raised about Obama. Mormonism has its own set of controversies.

The campaign is still young . . . it could come up.

But I agree . . . I doubt it will be (or should be) a big deal.
I had a "economic major" say to me Obama is a Communist. I asked him to give me a qualitative analysis on why Obama is a Communist, and he just said I was brainwashed.

Ironically, I'd say the reverse is true. What was the tax rate under Ford . . . was he a commie? What was the tax rate under Nixon . . . was he a commie? What was the tax rate under Eisenhower . . . was he a commie?

Obviously, they must ALL BE COMMIES! Or maybe 'economic major' has been brainwashed since he doesn't seem to in touch with reality.


And for some more news that should Alarm Dem Donors Rove groups raised 100 million dollars EOD.

That means, this year alone, in 2012 they have raised 49 million dollars.


Actually, most recent polling has Obama not performing that well among young voters. Though, that could change with a match up against Romney set.

Why should any of that be alarming? You act as if Obama's groups have not raised anything when the last 2 months the groups outside of Obama's main campaign have raised over 24m so that was $50m in 2 months not counting Obama's own fundraising

Rove can always raise money, it did not help the GOP in 2008 and unless Rove funds Romney's organizational get out the vote it won't help much here

the GOP voters are set in who they want to vote for, wasting money bombarding the airwaves won't do much for them. And with Romney losing most other groups (Minorities, Women, Youth) I don't really see where the money goes

Unless they are really bank of middle-old age white men to unanimously vote GOP


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My future waifu, S.E. Cupp is sadly being a tad dumber than usual:

Progressives like Hilary Rosen, who lambasted Ann Romney on economic issues for being a stay-at-home mom, would presumably prefer women to be dependent on the state for health care and housing .

But by marrying wealthy, Ann made a truly empowering decision that allowed her the freedom to do whatever she wanted. And she did it, by all accounts, without sacrificing the really important stuff, marrying someone she loved.

And what a catch she found in Mitt Romney, a good, churchgoing guy who worked hard to achieve huge success.

But don’t hold your breath for the choruses of “You go, girl!” from the feminists. Apparently, picking a good provider is only okay in political mates, not domestic ones.


Sigh. Alas, there's only so much one can tolerate just cause one has red hair and sexy librarian glasses.

Okay, fine I'd still hit it. But the point stands.
My future waifu, S.E. Cupp is sadly being a tad dumber than usual:

Sigh. Alas, there's only so much one can tolerate just cause one has red hair and sexy librarian glasses.

Okay, fine I'd still hit it. But the point stands.

One of the stupidest fucking things I've ever read. Feminists should be 'celebrating' what a 'truly empowering' decision Anne made by 'marrying into wealth'? How fucking amazingly embarrassing. These people say this shit with a straight face? So it's either marrying into extreme wealth, or being 'dependant on the state'. Nothing in between, nope. Probably the most anti-feminist and anti-women notion I've ever heard.
I had a "economic major" say to me Obama is a Communist. I asked him to give me a qualitative analysis on why Obama is a Communist, and he just said I was brainwashed.

Anytime communism is brought up in regards to America, I start to wonder if it demeans what other actual people had to endure in communists regimes throughout history. I mean raising taxes a fraction of your income so that society as whole can have their healthcare covered is somehow on the same level as living in the USSR or North Korea? People have really lost perspective of what they are talking about. I am also sure that there are a ton of people throughout the world that would want the oppression that the US has been offering its citizens since 2008.


lacks enthusiasm.
A Romney president with a Dem controlled House and Senate would be better than a split congress with continued GOP interference + Obama in the White House.
I don't see how a Romney win is accompanied by Dems flipping the House and maintaining the Senate. A Romney victory, at the least, should go along with Republicans keeping the House. I don't think your hypothetical is very likely.
Congress is worthless especially the Senate. 40 > 60. The only good thing about the Senate is you can't gerrymander those districts. Obama is needed as President for not only Supreme Court picks, but also he can get a better deal at the table than Romney vs Democratic Congress would. Democrats in Congress would be quicker to sell out than Obama who would not have any terms left. No way a Republican Congress and Senate can overturn a veto. Good luck getting 67 senators to agree with anything.
My future waifu, S.E. Cupp is sadly being a tad dumber than usual:


Sigh. Alas, there's only so much one can tolerate just cause one has red hair and sexy librarian glasses.

Okay, fine I'd still hit it. But the point stands.

Holy shit, the last two paragraphs are the worst:

In fact, her excellent choice of a mate makes her uniquely qualified to talk about the most important economic issue that real women confront: How am I going to support myself and my future family?

The feminists may wish otherwise, but little girls want stability and security, not state-sponsored welfare. For choosing a life partner who could give her that, Ann Romney is a great role model.

So when Ann Romney confronted "the most important economic issue that real women confront", her decision was to marry into a wealthy family. Boy, I bet that was a difficult decision. Why don't all women do that? Oh sorry girls, you couldn't land a rich guy? Go get a job!! While your out there working to support your family and then go home and be a good mother, remember that S.E. Cupp thinks that Ann Romney is a role model because she married right. That was seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
I had a "economic major" say to me Obama is a Communist. I asked him to give me a qualitative analysis on why Obama is a Communist, and he just said I was brainwashed.

I had an economic major argue about me of how private schools would be better than public schools. Its because private schools give faculty more incentive to work and have people actually want the job. If its a public school nobody will want to work their and productivity would be in a record low. The evidence? Because public stuff is bad.
Congress is worthless especially the Senate. 40 > 60. The only good thing about the Senate is you can't gerrymander those districts. Obama is needed as President for not only Supreme Court picks, but also he can get a better deal at the table than Romney vs Democratic Congress would. Democrats in Congress would be quicker to sell out than Obama who would not have any terms left. No way a Republican Congress and Senate can overturn a veto. Good luck getting 67 senators to agree with anything.
The Senate also matters for court picks.

There's generally a coalition of Democrats and Republicans alike who will vote for the President's nominee, no matter how terrible, on principle. Democrats controlling the Senate greatly helps that.



The kicker:
With new surveys showing a tightening general election contest since Romney emerged as the all-but-certain Republican nominee last week, he and the president are honing their messages. The dry-wall-inspired dust-up highlighted a central question voters will hear debated through the campaign: Is Obama to blame for the slow economic recovery?

The Ohio factory closed in June 2008, seven months before Obama took office and during an 18-month recession that didn’t officially end until June 2009. Ohio’s economy has been improving for more than a year, adding 91,100 jobs from December 2010 through February 2012, the fourth highest in the U.S. during that time, data show.

Since Obama took office in January 2009, unemployment has fallen in Ohio from 8.6 percent to 7.6 percent February.

Ohio ranked seventh among all states in its economic recovery in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared with the previous year, according to the Bloomberg Economic Evaluation of States.
Romney has plenty of ammo to critique Obama on the economy, but he sure can't seem to figure out how to fire it.
Romney has plenty of ammo to critique Obama on the economy, but he sure can't seem to figure out how to fire it.

Remember this fiasco?


For an expert businessman, Romney sure does surround him with people that fuck simple shit up.


RCP Average for Ohio is Obama +6.7. If Obama can keep up this kind of a lead in Ohio then Romney might as well go home.


Yup. Florida arguably is a better target for Romney.

Interestingly, both have very unpopular GOP governors, which will help Obama a lot.

Bad thing for Romney is he literally has no path to 270 without Ohio. None of the main democrat states are flipping and the democrats have added more states to the "Safe dem" list over the last few cycles. Plus states that haven't been in play for decades with democrats like Virginia and North Carolina are toss ups.
Yup. Florida arguably is a better target for Romney.

Interestingly, both have very unpopular GOP governors, which will help Obama a lot.

A big story here is that suburbia is pissed off at Kasich for redistributing their school levy money to the poorer schools who need help (which is the right thing to do). Kasich actually hasn't been too much of a prick these days. Issue 5 hit home for him.


I would be shocked if Christie leaves Jersey.


How come?

the state is recovering relatively well, he has decent approval numbers that are only going up (in a deep blue state). He has nothing to gain from joining a losing ticket. If he had no interest in actually jumping into the primary i dont see him having any interest in playing second fiddle to a dullard. He'll walk away with the nomination in 2016


aka andydumi
I missed this before. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sarcastically shocked.

This bit really makes me feel like I'm going to explode :'(

One argument though is that its also a stigma removing approach.

Because the public at large sees people on welfare as drug users who use their food stamps to buy weed, this type of thing tries removes that stigma. Even though its a cost. Whether its worth it or working, we won't know but for a few years down the road.

Other states are trying to pass similar laws, though tweaked. Here in TN the law as proposed would put the cost on the applicants with no reimbursment, but its also limited testing to those who have been charged/arrested/convicted in a drug related crime in the past 5 years or if there is a reason to suspect drug use. That approach is expected to save only a few hundred thousand, but again it can remove that stigma. Whether it passes, who knows.
One argument though is that its also a stigma removing approach.

Because the public at large sees people on welfare as drug users who use their food stamps to buy weed, this type of thing tries removes that stigma. Even though its a cost. Whether its worth it or working, we won't know but for a few years down the road.

Other states are trying to pass similar laws, though tweaked. Here in TN the law as proposed would put the cost on the applicants with no reimbursment, but its also limited testing to those who have been charged/arrested/convicted in a drug related crime in the past 5 years or if there is a reason to suspect drug use. That approach is expected to save only a few hundred thousand, but again it can remove that stigma. Whether it passes, who knows.
It seems more like you're describing the position than you are arguing in it's favor, but I have to say:

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

"Having money trouble? Need assistance? Pee into this cup; you're probably using drugs. Oh, you're not? Enjoy your benefits!"

Stigma-removing, my ass.


aka andydumi
It seems more like you're describing the position than you are arguing in it's favor, but I have to say:

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

"Having money trouble? Need assistance? Pee into this cup; you're probably using drugs. Oh, you're not? Enjoy your benefits!"

Stigma-removing, my ass.

I am not arguing either way.

But from what I understand, over time, the idea is to remove the stigma associated in the public at large and media with welfare recipients. It may or may not work, it depends on how widespread these types of laws are and if they last long enough to change the public's perception. I think if they show a hint of working the next step will be similar legislation for all types of aid, including unemployment.


Given Obama's problems with white male blue collar workers, Ohio will be a toss up. Especially with Portman on the ticket.

Those problems are already reflected in the polling aggregate, which has Obama ahead. Something else needs to change.

It's worth mentioning that the GOP is spending more on the Ohio Senate race than on any other in the country, and I suspect the same will become true for the state overall. They know if they can't take out Brown and can't win the state, the Senate nor the White House is theirs.


Those problems are already reflected in the polling aggregate, which has Obama ahead. Something else needs to change.

It's worth mentioning that the GOP is spending more on the Ohio Senate race than on any other in the country, and I suspect the same will become true for the state overall. They know if they can't take out Brown and can't win the state, the Senate nor the White House is theirs.

So it really is the reverse of the 2004 campaign, except unlike that one Romney (Kerry) does not have the luxury of needing to 'just' win Ohio, he needs to win that one to have a 'chance'. And that's the story of it, there is still a chance Romney might win and we know they will try their damnedest to, but they really, really have an uphill battle against a group that is already well seasoned and has ground level infrastructure of historic proportions. They literally need everything to go just right for them to win and I'm just not seeing it happen. Will it be closer then it is now? Almost certainly, this country is too polarized to keep the voting spread from getting so large in one corner, but Romney's ACTUAL chances of winning electorally are actually pretty slim given the shifting demographics in the so called 'swing' states. Romney would honestly be better off trying to snag normally blue states in the northeast then he will have in catching some of these previously swing states. In fact he might have a better chance at snagging Washington then he would Ohio.
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