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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Being a rich asshole, that is exactly in line with what we already believe Romney to be today. Being a rich asshole and a bully, well is that hard to believe? Hell no. He was the typical rich jerk bully in school, that was normal behavior for him. His response was telling. Everything we know about him paints the picture clearly. It affirms what we already think of him today. It is relevant.

It's not simply 'this happened in the past', 'that happened in the past', same difference, out of bounds, who cares.
That seem like quite a stretch to me.
Like I said, I did much worse than cut some dude's hair.
It's nothing to be proud of, but I hope people don't judge me as a person on the things I did when I was a teenager.

Plus I'm not really sure about the connection between being rich and being a bully.
I grew up in a fucking commune, everyone was equally rich.
That didn't help the nerds.

There are many good reasons to attack Romney, I don't think we should be wasting time on silly stuff like that.
That seem like quite a stretch to me.
Like I said, I did much worse than cut some dude's hair.
It's nothing to be proud of, but I hope people don't judge me as a person on the things I did when I was a teenager.

Plus I'm not really sure about the connection between being rich and being a bully.
I grew up in a fucking commune, everyone was equally rich.
That didn't help the nerds.

There are many good reasons to attack Romney, I don't think we should be wasting time on silly stuff like that.

Yes, but are you a soulless, ice cold automaton now?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
sometimes i wonder if he can unhinge his jaw and consume an infant whole

Except my comment is not out of the realm of possibility. The way he reacts to some things and some of his past actions and stories have made me wonder. There are degrees to the disorder, just like any disorder, and things are not really like they are presented in movies. Anyway, you can't really diagnose someone without actually sitting down and evaluating them, but, as i stated, he has made me wonder.


Yes, but are you a soulless, ice cold automaton now?
I honestly don't think it's particularly useful to engage a presidential election on that level.

Welcome to the carnival of stupid.
As the saying goes - don't wrestle a pig, you both end up covered with shit, but the pig likes it.

Romney's weakness is his policies, he should be nailed on that.


Read the whole passage... Sounds like Obama and the girl were being bullied, and he reacted poorly. Lol, clearly the same thing! Are republicans really that incapable of understanding the differences between some of these equivalences they attempt to find?

He basically just turned to a bully when being bullied, a me too man who can't think for himself and succumbs to peer pressure.

Is this the man you want with his finger on the big red button?


Read the whole passage... Sounds like Obama and the girl were being bullied, and he reacted poorly. Lol, clearly the same thing! Are republicans really that incapable of understanding the differences between some of these equivalences they attempt to find?

Most Republicans are just that stupid.


Passing metallic gas
Except my comment is not out of the realm of possibility. The way he reacts to some things and some of his past actions and stories have made me wonder. There are degrees to the disorder, just like any disorder, and things are not really like they are presented in movies. Anyway, you can't really diagnose someone with actually sitting down and evaluating them, but, as i stated, he has made me wonder.

It wouldn't surprise me. He's pretty damn wooden, even for a guy made out of wood. He looks so uncomfortable whenever he has to shake a hand or have anyone in his personal bubble.
She may be a beautiful, intelligent PAWG, but I cannot stand Meghan McCain's quasi-beltway opinions

Meghan McCain: Obama Plays It Safe With Gay Marriage Endorsement


Let’s not kid ourselves about the work left to be done. Gay marriage is still an unpopular issue in many places in America, and 30 states have amendments in their constitution banning it. Instead of putting his power and support behind legislation that would make gay marriage legal, Obama merely voiced his opinion in an interview. It’s not really leadership so much as finally copping publicly to something he believed privately. Is that enough for the gay community and supporters of gay marriage in America? Only time will tell. I, for one, am dissatisfied with half steps. I hoped for a leap from our president.

What the fuck? You can basically hear the twists and turns she contorts into in order to produce this crap
Let’s not kid ourselves about the work left to be done. Gay marriage is still an unpopular issue in many places in America, and 30 states have amendments in their constitution banning it. Instead of putting his power and support behind legislation that would make gay marriage legal, Obama merely voiced his opinion in an interview. It’s not really leadership so much as finally copping publicly to something he believed privately. Is that enough for the gay community and supporters of gay marriage in America? Only time will tell. I, for one, am dissatisfied with half steps. I hoped for a leap from our president.

So what did your dad do about gay marriage?

I mean he is the only reason you are relevant at all.


Read the whole passage... Sounds like Obama and the girl were being bullied, and he reacted poorly. Lol, clearly the same thing! Are republicans really that incapable of understanding the differences between some of these equivalences they attempt to find?
And Obama was a child in elementary school. Romney was in high school. Big age gap there. A 17 year old should damn well know not to bully a gay kid. A young elementary school kid being afriaid people think a girl is his girlfriend? Oh Red State.


Again, I was one that said the attack on Romney about this bullying thing was kind of silly, but actually hearing his reaction to it is kind of weird. Why the hell is he laughing about it so much? I could see laughing about something that's so out of character as to be absurd, but laughing hysterically and admitting that you went too far with your pranks seems a little weird to me...
Again, I was one that said the attack on Romney about this bullying thing was kind of silly, but actually hearing his reaction to it is kind of weird. Why the hell is he laughing about it so much? I could see laughing about something that's so out of character as to be absurd, but laughing hysterically and admitting that you went too far with your pranks seems a little weird to me...

Another classmate and friend describes the incident. For Romney to say he doesn't remember it at all and laugh it off is a bold faced lie (he is though pretty good at lying)


“It’s a haunting memory. I think it was for everybody that spoke up about it… because when you see somebody who is simply different taken down that way and is terrified and you see that look in their eye you never forget it. And that was what we all walked away with,” said Phillip Maxwell, who is now an attorney and still considers Romney an old friend.
“I saw it with my own eyes,” said Maxwell, of the anecdote first reported by the Washington Post. Maxwell said Romney held the scissors helping to cut the hair of a student, John Lauber, who was presumed to be gay and who had long hair. “It was a hack job… clumps of hair taken off.”

Maxwell said he held the boy’s arm and leg, describing he and his friends as a “pack of dogs.”

Asked if Lauber was targeted because he was gay, as reported by the Post, Maxwell said, “We didn’t know that word in those days… but there were other words that were used. We weren’t ignorant, we just didn’t use the current names for things.


Passing metallic gas
Again, I was one that said the attack on Romney about this bullying thing was kind of silly, but actually hearing his reaction to it is kind of weird. Why the hell is he laughing about it so much? I could see laughing about something that's so out of character as to be absurd, but laughing hysterically and admitting that you went too far with your pranks seems a little weird to me...

And Romney's awkward demeanor gets the spot light put on it. His robotic disposition makes Al Gore look like a yoga master.


So I'm watching fox news, the Obama campaign is genius.

They actually got these assholes to talk about actual issues like healthcare in an attempt to move away from the gay marriage issue.

They are literally making these guys expose themselves.
It's pretty obvious someone on the right is going to go so far out of bounds in an attempt to out-outrage his (or her) colleagues that Romney will be forced to respond
It's pretty obvious someone on the right is going to go so far out of bounds in an attempt to out-outrage his (or her) colleagues that Romney will be forced to respond

Don't you think that would have happened already?

I think the polls are savvy enough to not do anything like that. Rush either has not flown off the handle or is high on drugs.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
So I'm watching fox news, the Obama campaign is genius.

They actually got these assholes to talk about actual issues like healthcare in an attempt to move away from the gay marriage issue.

They are literally making these guys expose themselves.

I'm not sure how much credit we should give the Obama campaign: it does feel like the timing of Obama's announcement was forced on him slightly, unless they were planning for Biden's remark to seemingly create the pressure it did, in which case I'm pretty sure they have Christopher Nolan on their planning staff.
Don't you think that would have happened already?

I think the polls are savvy enough to not do anything like that. Rush either has not flown off the handle or is high on drugs.

It's only been two days, there's plenty of time for someone to go crazy. Next week we should start getting polls showing people don't care about Obama's position, and that alone should cause some on the far right to explode.


I'm not sure how much credit we should give the Obama campaign: it does feel like the timing of Obama's announcement was forced on him slightly, unless they were planning for Biden's remark to seemingly create the pressure it did, in which case I'm pretty sure they have Christopher Nolan on their planning staff.

I think their timing got messed up, but I think the end goal was the same. Pull out indefensible positions to lay as a ground work so there are no distractions further down the line.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's only been two days, there's plenty of time for someone to go crazy. Next week we should start getting polls showing people don't care about Obama's position, and that alone should cause some on the far right to explode.

That's already the reaction from the TV talking heads. Just futile rage because people are either happy, or don't give a shit. The base of course is flipping out, but they're in such a constant state of quasi-racist flipout that it's impossible to see the difference.
oh hey, the House GOP just voted to eliminate the American Community Survey

can someone remind me how long it's going to take me to emigrate

I worked for the US Census in 2010 and oh man, there were plenty of people who were clearly paranoid about it. What a shame that a political party fed that paranoia on purpose, just out of spite for all things Obama. We had to be briefed on what to say in response to questions of whether we were "working directly out of the White House." Yes, the census is run by the government - but this happens every 10 years, it's nothing unprecedented or new.

Chalk it up as another thing all presidents do that conservatives don't think Obama is authorized or qualified to do. I wonder why
I worked for the US Census in 2010 and oh man, there were plenty of people who were clearly paranoid about it. What a shame that a political party fed that paranoia on purpose, just out of spite for all things Obama. We had to be briefed on what to say in response to questions of whether we were "working directly out of the White House." Yes, the census is run by the government - but this happens every 10 years, it's nothing unprecedented or new.

Chalk it up as another thing all presidents do that conservatives don't think Obama is authorized or qualified to do. I wonder why

That's BS PD. Do you really need a primer on this?


Jared Bernstein on the amount of spending necessary to keep those lost government jobs and drop UE by that point:

Q: Re my post on how absent all those state and local layoffs, the unemployment rate could be a point lower: How much additional stimulus would have been required from the Federal government to the States in order to have kept those layoffs from occurring? How much GDP has been lost as a result of the decrease in employment? Are these not the benefits and costs of “austerity”?

A: Rough estimates, a point of unemployment equals around two points of GDP, or about $300 billion. That’s about what we had for fiscal relief in the Recovery Act, and it worked well—probably among the most efficient components of the act. With a multiplier of 1.5—that’s my guess for state fiscal relief right now, we could get there with $200 billion (200*1.5=300).

But the costs of stimulus are actually a lot lower than that right now, because the Federal gov’t can borrow at very cheap rates, and in generating more growth, help to spin off more future revenue to pay down this debt later.

How cheap? DeLong and Summers argue that under current conditions, “fiscal policies may reduce long-run debt-financing burdens.” That’s a little Laffer-curvy for me, but if you factor in the long run losses from all the slack we end up with by sitting on our hands when real interest rates are negative, they’re surely more right than wrong.​


Does anyone really buy the story that Biden 'forced the hand' of Obama to make his announcement? Biden says off the cuff stuff all the time, usually about trivial stuff, but sometimes about important things like our role in Afghanistan.

I thought it was pretty clearly a trial balloon to gauge reaction.

--- // ---

'Real American' Michelle Bachmann is a dual-citizen? Whaaa?

But maybe not for much longer. The Minnesota congresswoman asked the Swiss government Thursday to revoke her double citizenship, which she acquired upon marrying her husband in 1978. Bachmann didn’t tell voters about her dual nationality when she ran for Congress or president of the United States.

Though Bachmann says the disclosure is a “non-story,” she wants Americans to know that she is proud to be a U.S. citizen. —ARK



Stimulus spending is down?
Is it as simply as that?
Does anyone really buy the story that Biden 'forced the hand' of Obama to make his announcement? Biden says off the cuff stuff all the time, usually about trivial stuff, but sometimes about important things like our role in Afghanistan.

I thought it was pretty clearly a trial balloon to gauge reaction.

I don't, it was orchestrated. I agree there's no way Biden would let that slip.
Can someone explain to me the importance of the surplus in revenue since 40 something odd months ago?

I'm sure some will say it's a positive talking point about deficit reduction. The reality is that it is bad news for the economy and probably for Obama's election chances. Although, given that it's April and tax payment time, I suspect there's always a spike in government receipts vs. expenditures for that month and that the reason April's receipts haven't exceeded expenditures since 2008 is a product of the stimulus spending that has been occurring over the last four years that atypically raised government spending over this period (and which has now unfortunately come to an end).

Jared Bernstein on the amount of spending necessary to keep those lost government jobs and drop UE by that point:

Q: Re my post on how absent all those state and local layoffs, the unemployment rate could be a point lower: How much additional stimulus would have been required from the Federal government to the States in order to have kept those layoffs from occurring? How much GDP has been lost as a result of the decrease in employment? Are these not the benefits and costs of “austerity”?

A: Rough estimates, a point of unemployment equals around two points of GDP, or about $300 billion. That’s about what we had for fiscal relief in the Recovery Act, and it worked well—probably among the most efficient components of the act. With a multiplier of 1.5—that’s my guess for state fiscal relief right now, we could get there with $200 billion (200*1.5=300).

But the costs of stimulus are actually a lot lower than that right now, because the Federal gov’t can borrow at very cheap rates, and in generating more growth, help to spin off more future revenue to pay down this debt later.

How cheap? DeLong and Summers argue that under current conditions, “fiscal policies may reduce long-run debt-financing burdens.” That’s a little Laffer-curvy for me, but if you factor in the long run losses from all the slack we end up with by sitting on our hands when real interest rates are negative, they’re surely more right than wrong.​

I like Bernstein, but this is mostly nonsense. The government doesn't borrow money. It gives the appearance of borrowing due to bookkeeping rules that Congress imposes, but it doesn't actually do it. It just operates a bank for no real discernible reason other than Congress makes it.
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