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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Of course, polls are bullshit too. Especially this far out from the election.

Look, if I were a media company/polling arm ... and I took three polls in the same weekend about the election. Two came back with pretty much the same information I had last time I polled, but the third one came back with the underdog candidate making up some ground ... which one do you think I am going to run with? Which becomes the sexier story?

Money and eyeballs drive their decision making. You're going to see many different 'swings' back and forth over the next 3 months with these numbers. But the fundamentals of why Romney cannot win will always be there.

I agree that you shouldn't base the final prediction on polls this far out. But it is good to see what way things are moving, that is why fav/unfav numbers for both, Approval numbers for Obama matter more than the actual voting number. It is also why saying Romney has already lost the race is crazy.



My portfolio was looking pretty good at one point, now it's fucked.

Can't be too bad, the markets are back to about where they were at the start of the year. I invest the same amount every month, at the same time every month, so I figure I just get to buy more shares for a while. Which is what I want since I'm working an income strategy.
mia love from utah? mormon x2 ticket would be awesome

She has said that if elected to Congress, she would “join the Congressional Black Caucus and try to take that thing apart from the inside out” and has described the Caucus as “"It’s demagoguery. They sit there and ignite emotions and ignite racism when there isn’t, They use their positions to instill fear. Hope and change is turned into fear and blame. Fear that everybody is going lose everything and blaming Congress for everything instead of taking responsibility."

So, she's a Haitian-American who was born in Brooklyn, moved to Connecticut where she graduated from Hartford University and met her future husband who was an LDS missionary from Utah in Connecticut. She joins the LDS church, marries and has kids with her husband. She then becomes a councilwoman, mayor, and is now running for a Utah congressional seat.

I see. Well I don't know if there's an active Europocalypse thread on GAF, but from what I understand june 17th is going to be a big day. I wonder how a collapse would affect EURO 2012.


Did you guys read the actual article on Breitshit? ''We're not saying he was born in Kenya, and he obviously wasn't, BUT LOOK A SQUIRREL!'' This shit is disgusting. They know this is going to end up in chain emails and that's their only objective in bringing this out. The whole vetting shit is fucking offensive. How easily people are allowed to change history is maddening.

You talking about this article?


Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."
The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.
It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.
Obama’s biography in the booklet is as follows (image and text below):

Can't be too bad, the markets are back to about where they were at the start of the year. I invest the same amount every month, at the same time every month, so I figure I just get to buy more shares for a while. Which is what I want since I'm working an income strategy.

Mine is very small, and when I start out 2 years back made some very bad investments. It was being help up by Citibank and DVAX stocks, which took big hits recently. MS is one bright spot though.


Professional Schmuck
Of course, polls are bullshit too. Especially this far out from the election.

Look, if I were a media company/polling arm ... and I took three polls in the same weekend about the election. Two came back with pretty much the same information I had last time I polled, but the third one came back with the underdog candidate making up some ground ... which one do you think I am going to run with? Which becomes the sexier story?

Money and eyeballs drive their decision making. You're going to see many different 'swings' back and forth over the next 3 months with these numbers. But the fundamentals of why Romney cannot win will always be there.

This man gets it.

Have you said this before, TA, or are you jumping on the bandwagon I started last summer (that Romney is the obvious nominee and he can't possibly win)?


LOL@the comments - "so could this be one of the many reasons why Mr. Breitbart was murdered?"

There is no end to this nonsense.

It is an interesting factoid that the media overlooked, though. If you're a young man just trying to get a career off the ground, you have to assume that you would read that bio at some point. Like the article says - maybe the publisher was just presenting him that way for some reason, though I don't see how it's any more compelling than being born in Hawaii with an American mother and Kenyan father and living in Indonesia.
It is an interesting factoid that the media overlooked, though. If you're a young man just trying to get a career off the ground, you have to assume that you would read that bio at some point. Like the article says - maybe the publisher was just presenting him that way for some reason, though I don't see how it's any more compelling than being born in Hawaii with an American mother and Kenyan father and living in Indonesia.

Well, dude was just trying to sell a book back then, not running for office. But of course, it falls under some grand diabolical Manchurian Candidate theory in the Breitbart realm.
It is an interesting factoid that the media overlooked, though. If you're a young man just trying to get a career off the ground, you have to assume that you would read that bio at some point. Like the article says - maybe the publisher was just presenting him that way for some reason, though I don't see how it's any more compelling than being born in Hawaii with an American mother and Kenyan father and living in Indonesia.

"Not saying I doubt him or anything, but this does look kind of suspicious."


No Kosmo, it is not interesting. The whole thing is beyond pathetic at this point.

I will grant you that the birther nonsense was pathetic and, at the time, backed by absolutely nothing. Those opposing birthers would basically say "Look, there was a birth announcement in the Hawaii papers, nowhere does it say he was born in Kenya, this is just stupid speculation" and they were right.

Well, now there is something from 20 years ago that says he was born there - and if it was just made up to try and sell books, there's no problem with the publisher coming out and saying that.
I will grant you that the birther nonsense was pathetic and, at the time, backed by absolutely nothing. Those opposing birthers would basically say "Look, there was a birth announcement in the Hawaii papers, nowhere does it say he was born in Kenya, this is just stupid speculation" and they were right.

Well, now there is something from 20 years ago that says he was born there - and if it was just made up to try and sell books, there's no problem with the publisher coming out and saying that.

And if it was a mistake on the publisher based off of a quick discussion on Obamas history? Can you please tell me where this bio is relevant in any concievable way?
I will grant you that the birther nonsense was pathetic and, at the time, backed by absolutely nothing. Those opposing birthers would basically say "Look, there was a birth announcement in the Hawaii papers, nowhere does it say he was born in Kenya, this is just stupid speculation" and they were right.

Well, now there is something from 20 years ago that says he was born there - and if it was just made up to try and sell books, there's no problem with the publisher coming out and saying that.

This is entertainment for fools. Is this the kind of stuff that interests you?


However, the woman who wrote Obama's biography in the pamphlet said Thursday that she had misidentified Obama's place of birth.

"This was nothing more than a fact-checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time," Miriam Goderich, who worked for the literary agency Acton & Dystel, told Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii."


And if it was a mistake on the publisher based off of a quick discussion on Obamas history? Can you please tell me where this bio is relevant in any concievable way?

Only in that I think it would have been corrected by Obama and/or his representatives by 2007 when it was still being used.
Only in that I think it would have been corrected by Obama and/or his representatives by 2007 when it was still being used.

Something nobody gave a flying fuck about until this small story in breitbart? Please. PLus the book was never published. This is so ridiculous.
Arizona Secretary of State threatens to keep Obama off the ballot


Bennett said he was following the lead of the state’s eccentric Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a fellow Republican who ordered an investigation into the president’s birth certificate last year and concluded the document released by the White House is a forgery. Bennett said he is now trying to get verification from state officials in Hawaii that the certificate is authentic.


Have you said this before, TA, or are you jumping on the bandwagon I started last summer (that Romney is the obvious nominee and he can't possibly win)?

I've always said that Romney is the nominee (even did an avatar bet with Gruco last year), but wasn't sure about the general election.

It wasn't until the winter when I began to play around with the electoral vote count that I saw Obama's advantage. Coupled with how the economy became structurally stronger and OWS changed the national discussion on wealth and taxes. It became pretty apparent that Romney was STD (sent to die).

I think it's going to be closer than 2008, but only slightly.


Romney's already lost, so they may as well go out with a screaming explosion of racism and hatred.
Don't get cocky now. Obama has a tough fight ahead of him, it foolish to think otherwise. With the uncertainty of the global markets and the GOP no doubt attempting to manufacture some debt drama in Congress, Obama could end up being in some big trouble.

The black people I know have basically responded by

1. "He had to, the gay militia forced his hand"
2. "I don't agree but he's still my president"
3. "Fuck that shit"

Also, looks like birthers just got some more ammo. Good luck with that.

Fuck Arizona.
It is an interesting factoid that the media overlooked, though. If you're a young man just trying to get a career off the ground, you have to assume that you would read that bio at some point. Like the article says - maybe the publisher was just presenting him that way for some reason, though I don't see how it's any more compelling than being born in Hawaii with an American mother and Kenyan father and living in Indonesia.

Interesting how? In that it doesn't relate to anything that has happen in the last decade? Or that it has no meaning on Obama's job performance for the last four years? Please tell us how this story says something about how Obama would do his job. Also why would he in 2007 have to go back and find any mistakes made about his birthplace? What purpose would that server?
Arizona Secretary of State threatens to keep Obama off the ballot


“I’m not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was,” Bennett said on the show. “But my responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking.”

Same old song and dance from these spineless knuckleheads.

I will enjoy every negative ad out of the Obama campaign. Obama's not going to lose, but regardless of the outcome, this campaign is going to bloody them for all of their bullshit.


Mine is very small, and when I start out 2 years back made some very bad investments. It was being help up by Citibank and DVAX stocks, which took big hits recently. MS is one bright spot though.

Ah, got it. I do mutual funds exclusively, having given up picking stocks nearly a decade ago. (Aside from company stock.) So I really just look at how the markets overall are moving.

Arizona: :lol what a cesspool.


Interesting how? In that it doesn't relate to anything that has happen in the last decade? Or that it has no meaning on Obama's job performance for the last four years? Please tell us how this story says something about how Obama would do his job. Also why would he in 2007 have to go back and find any mistakes made about his birthplace? What purpose would that server?

Interesting in that the argument used against the birthers was that their line of thinking was completely made up and had not even a shred of corroboration anywhere in reality. And in fact, there is a document from Obama's own publisher saying he was born in Kenya (editorial mistake, an attempt at marketing, or whatever).


Interesting in that the argument used against the birthers was that their line of thinking was completely made up and had not even a shred of corroboration anywhere in reality. And in fact, there is a document from Obama's own publisher saying he was born in Kenya (editorial mistake, an attempt at marketing, or whatever).

So a new fuckup that was just recently discovered is now retroactive to stupid thoughts expressed in the past? Birthers had their own clearly stated set of evidence they were using back then. We already know why they were idiots.
Chait - http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/05/romneys-smart-unsentimental-strategy.html

I agree with Chait here

Nobody knows how the economy will perform between now and November, and on top of that, there’s a fair amount of disagreement among election models as to how fast a rate of growth is required. But he is right that Romney has exactly one strategy for winning: being the out party during an economic crisis.

So...Let's hope for some amazing job numbers going forward!


Professional Schmuck
I've always said that Romney is the nominee (even did an avatar bet with Gruco last year), but wasn't sure about the general election.

It wasn't until the winter when I began to play around with the electoral vote count that I saw Obama's advantage. Coupled with how the economy became structurally stronger and OWS changed the national discussion on wealth and taxes. It became pretty apparent that Romney was STD (sent to die).

I think it's going to be closer than 2008, but only slightly.

All fair points.

I think it might be equal or worst to 2008, based on my reading of teabagger lack of enthusiasm, the coming realization (and discussion) of what being a mormon means, an up-swinging economy, and terrible, horrendous, no-good message by Romney's camp at the worst possible time (less taxes on the wealthy, wall street is always right, and a general flip-floppiness that Americans despise).
Interesting in that the argument used against the birthers was that their line of thinking was completely made up and had not even a shred of corroboration anywhere in reality. And in fact, there is a document from Obama's own publisher saying he was born in Kenya (editorial mistake, an attempt at marketing, or whatever).

It's worth noting that you also found Vince Foster's death to be "interesting" due to the Clinton connection/motive


Fork 'em, Sparky!
All fair points.

I think it might be equal or worst to 2008, based on my reading of teabagger lack of enthusiasm, the coming realization (and discussion) of what being a mormon means, an up-swinging economy, and terrible, horrendous, no-good message by Romney's camp at the worst possible time (less taxes on the wealthy, wall street is always right, and a general flip-floppiness that Americans despise).

The Mormon thing should really be a non-issue, as there many many politicians, actors, musicians, authors and so on that are Mormon nationwide.

Being Mormon is the new Gay.
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