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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Yeah, can't believe they are reaching into the distant past like that. Next thing you know they'll start bringing up how Barry acted in high school.

If Romney's scissor antics had been brought up and discussed at length by national media four years ago your example might be analogous.

edit: Beaten like Romney on November 6!
My point is that this is the retarded season. Everyone in every campaign is going to throw bullshit against the wall and see what sticks. Saying things like "omg this is all they have lol they fucked" in May is moronic.

If they are still only chipping away at nonsense in August then it is appropriate to laugh. At this point though, the thing is kind of out of Romney's hands. He just has to try and stay out of trouble and hope external factors sink Obama.

The thing is, it's only May, and the fringe of the party is already worried about Romney not being strong enough to do the dirty work, just like McCain. There is so much money and political hatred out there against Obama, I don't believe Romney is going to be able to contain it.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
This lit agent thing is funny in the same way that the Elizabeth Warren thing is funny. If he was formerly using his status as a foreign-born person to look better or gain advancement, that is both sad and funny. Like Warren stating she was a minority and being called by Fordham Law Review's First Woman of Color.

Funny stuff, not damning, or possibly even purposeful (especially by Obama in that picture), but funny all the same.
I seriously can't believe how unhinged you have to be to write for Breitbart.com. A few weeks ago they seriously thought showing a video of Obama very articularly and amicably introducing Derrick Bell was going to turn the people against him. Now they think an erroneous biography (that they admit is erroneous!) iis going to do the same.
Romney: "I'm Not Sure What I Said, But I Stand By It"

Speaking at a campaign event in Jacksonville, Florida, Mitt Romney said even though he doesn’t remember invoking Rev. Jeremiah Wright on Sean Hannity’s show back in February, he stands by his comments.

“I’m not sure what I said, but I stand by it whatever it was,” Romney said.

Earlier today Mitt Romney said he “repudiate” a plan to attack President Obama by hyping his connection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, in an interview with the conservative news site Townhall. Romney said he would like to focus on the economy instead.

Perfect campaign!

Must be hard remembering all those flip-flops.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Man, fuck. Just when I thought I had finally settled this birther crap with my Dad, this shows up.

Tell your dad that the state of hawaii says obama was born there. Why does he oppose the states' rights to distribute birth certificates? Does he hate freedom? WHY DOES HE HATE FREEDOM?


Man what the f*ck? How in the hell does the percent of blacks approving same sex marriage go up 25% (or 11 percentage points) solely due to Obama stating his opinion on the matter.

Jesus Christ man black people really really look up to and listen to Obama on key matters. That's unbelievable.

I think more black celebrities are coming out in favor so people are changing their tune. Didn't Jay-Z just come out in favor of it last week? That probably had some effect.
Did you guys read the actual article on Breitshit? ''We're not saying he was born in Kenya, and he obviously wasn't, BUT LOOK A SQUIRREL!'' This shit is disgusting. They know this is going to end up in chain emails and that's their only objective in bringing this out. The whole vetting shit is fucking offensive. How easily people are allowed to change history is maddening.


Did you guys read the actual article on Breitshit? ''We're not saying he was born in Kenya, and he obviously wasn't, BUT LOOK A SQUIRREL!'' This shit is disgusting. They know this is going to end up in chain emails and that's their only objective in bringing this out. The whole vetting shit is fucking offensive. How easily people are allowed to change history is maddening.

Its a net negative plan for them, so why get upset? I'm actually happy they are going back to this shit, it slowly slides them back into the joke category




I find it humorous that the Urinal used the default excel chart.
Its a net negative plan for them, so why get upset? I'm actually happy they are going back to this shit, it slowly slides them back into the joke category
It might be a net negative for them, I hope so, but it makes people distrust government/Democrats even more for absolutely no reason. The media shouldn't play a game of make the voter fucking stupid, because it's going to ruin the country. It's fucking scary to me how stupid a large group of people in the US are and the kind of shit they believe....


I wish them godspeed with more birther stories.

Romney could possibly beat "Barack Obama" in November, but this guy:


is undefeatable.


Why is the GOP going back to 2008 stuff? It didn't work before, so why do they think it will work now? Wright? Birtherism? This will just galvanize black turnout.


Junior Member
Why is the GOP going back to 2008 stuff? It didn't work before, so why do they think it will work now? Wright? Birtherism? This will just galvanize black turnout.

Because gas prices have stabilized and unemployment is expected to be below 8% by November.

In short, they got nothing.
A more optimistic take on WI recall, courtesy of Greg Sargent:

Tate also insisted that all is forgiven between Wisconsin Dems and the DNC, after I reported earlier this week that local Dems were furious about the DNC’s foot-dragging in the face of their request for $500,000 for its field operation.

“I know we are going to have the resources we need to run a strong effort here,” Tate said, adding that the DNC was fully committed to Walker’s recall. However, he declined to discuss the cash request and wouldn’t specify whether the DNC had agreed to it.

The broader point, though, is that Tate hinted he expects a big influx of funds, which he said would allow Dems to be competitive both on the air and on the ground for the final stretch of the race.

One other thing that could boost Dem chances, however, is the new Wisconsin jobs report, which found that the state lost 6,200 jobs in April — after previous reports that have confirmed that Wisconsin’s job growth is the worst of any state.

While I'm still not sure Barrett can beat the polls, it's good to see the national Democrats are jumping in, after the blame game going around earlier. And I would be inclined to think Walker using a different set of numbers to make himself look better would be seen as an obvious political ploy, especially with these new numbers that have Wisconsin losing even more jobs.

This sticks out as ominous though:

“We feel pretty good about where we’re at now,” Tate said. “The numbers we’re seeing internally show this race tied.”
If only because Feingold kept saying the same thing. Granted, he only lost by four points when the polls said 9, but I'd feel more at ease if they were saying they were ahead.


So Pacquiao came out and said he never quoted Leviticus...he's never even READ Leviticus.

If you're asking why more and more people are accepting Gay Marriage, the reality is that the only people who oppose it are the religious...and most religious people have never actually read the Bible. The more religiously motivated might do Bible Study in passages, but most haven't read it.

As a result, when people come out in favor of Gay Marriage, and reports are presented in the media that confirm that Jesus never spoke against gay marriage...people's opinions begin to change because they don't have a real solid foundation with which to believe certain things.
So Pacquiao came out and said he never quoted Leviticus...he's never even READ Leviticus.

If you're asking why more and more people are accepting Gay Marriage, the reality is that the only people who oppose it are the religious...and most religious people have never actually read the Bible. The more religiously motivated might do Bible Study in passages, but most haven't read it.

As a result, when people come out in favor of Gay Marriage, and reports are presented in the media that confirm that Jesus never spoke against gay marriage...people's opinions begin to change because they don't have a real solid foundation with which to believe certain things.
To me, gay marriage seems to be the one issue where the media is firmly on one side of the debate, save for the right-wing hacks on Fox News (and even then, O'Reilly and Shep Smith support it).

Not even just with Obama's announcement, but the coverage for New York legalizing it was overwhelmingly positive and has been the primary contributor to Cuomo 2016 speculation.


Clive Crook - Obama is Losing


He believes Obama will lose because he has decided to stop trying to work with the Republicans.

Another beltway journalist who doesn't realize or is not willing to admit that Obama is already a centrist President and the Republicans have moved their idea of the center to the right.

My only issue with Obama is one of power. or leadership, or political skill, or however it's best worded. But the fact that the Right has been able to move further and further to the right on his watch and he's had to move along with them is a problem for me.

It's frustrating as all hell that it's been 4 years and we're still debating a tax increase on the rich when the public supports it and his campaign ran on it openly. It's frustrating that we had to get a government mandate instead of a single payer or government option and even that might be struck down.

It's frustrating that we're still caving to the right despite having a majority in the senate and a liberal president.

The country is actually NOT a center-right country. Polling suggests the country supports the Buffet Rule and higher taxes on the wealthy, Polling suggests the country supports social progressive issues and usually does as time goes on, Polling suggests the country blames Bush for the economic collapse more than Obama, Polling suggests people like the individual components of the health care bill and the stimulus package.

The Right is just MUCH BETTER at phrasing debates and playing politics and as a result consistently wins on things that they lack public support in (tax increases and prolonged war being two such examples).

People support religious freedom and tolerance...not Christian laws, people support women's health and equal pay, not the right wing position, people support ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, people support regulation on wall street and the financial sector.


A more optimistic take on WI recall, courtesy of Greg Sargent:

While I'm still not sure Barrett can beat the polls, it's good to see the national Democrats are jumping in, after the blame game going around earlier. And I would be inclined to think Walker using a different set of numbers to make himself look better would be seen as an obvious political ploy, especially with these new numbers that have Wisconsin losing even more jobs.

This sticks out as ominous though:

If only because Feingold kept saying the same thing. Granted, he only lost by four points when the polls said 9, but I'd feel more at ease if they were saying they were ahead.

lol, the Chair of the Democratic Party isn't publicly giving up yet? I am shocked!

Also, bitching about these jobs numbers is laughable. The only thing political about them is the timing. What the state released is the numbers that will be sent to the BLS for auditing and they are exhaustive. They have to be, those are the numbers used to determine unemployment distributions. The numbers the dems are hammering on are monthly polls of 5% of all businesses and have an atrocious reputation for lack of accuracy.


It was those monthly survey numbers that Walker's op ponents have used since last year to criticize him.

The accuracy of the monthly data has been called into question in the past. The monthly estimates, after all, are based on surveys of only 3.5% to 5% of the state's businesses each month and then extrapolated statewide under a mathematical model that's routinely prone to error.

But the inaccuracies were never shown on a scale of 57,200 in a single year.

Inaccurate data

And it brings up an issue that's been reported, but is often overlooked or willfully ignored: The state employment data that triggers each month's partisan eruption is prone to stunning degrees of inaccuracy. It's a fact that even government statisticians don't talk about unless asked. But the common margin of error would astonish anyone who assumes that Wisconsin's monthly unemployment reports are a reliable reflection of the Badger State economy.

An example: On any given month, the margin of error for the net change in Wisconsin employment can be off by 9,340 jobs in either direction, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which compiles the figures for the nation and each of the 50 states.

Using the most recent monthly data - in March, when the data reported an estimated loss of 4,500 jobs in the state - that could either mean a dispiriting loss of 13,840 jobs or a respectable gain of 4,840.

And that range of standard deviations, as the discrepancies are known to the green-eyeshade crowd, is only to achieve a 90% degree of confidence in the numbers. "Ten percent of the time, it's outside of those bounds," meaning they are even more wildly erratic, said Kenneth Robertson, chief of the division of Current Employment Statistics at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The monthly numbers have always been a joke (hence my comment the other day about all jobs numbers being essentially made up). I don't personally have faith in the BLS audited numbers either as I think they miss a whole hell of a lot, but at the very least they are more accurate (and more respected) than the monthly's. If the Dems want to fight Walker by constantly bringing up the fact that the more respected jobs figure is positive, I think that is something his campaign will gladly welcome.


Junior Member
My only issue with Obama is one of power. or leadership, or political skill, or however it's best worded. But the fact that the Right has been able to move further and further to the right on his watch and he's had to move along with them is a problem for me.

It's frustrating as all hell that it's been 4 years and we're still debating a tax increase on the rich when the public supports it and his campaign ran on it openly. It's frustrating that we had to get a government mandate instead of a single payer or government option and even that might be struck down.

It's frustrating that we're still caving to the right despite having a majority in the senate and a liberal president.

The country is actually NOT a center-right country. Polling suggests the country supports the Buffet Rule and higher taxes on the wealthy, Polling suggests the country supports social progressive issues and usually does as time goes on, Polling suggests the country blames Bush for the economic collapse more than Obama, Polling suggests people like the individual components of the health care bill and the stimulus package.

The Right is just MUCH BETTER at phrasing debates and playing politics and as a result consistently wins on things that they lack public support in (tax increases and prolonged war being two such examples).

People support religious freedom and tolerance...not Christian laws, people support women's health and equal pay, not the right wing position, people support ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, people support regulation on wall street and the financial sector.

You can also thank Fox News and Talk Radio. Fox News is pro-conservative and they don't care. Meanwhile, MSNBC and CNN try to bend over backwards to show how "fair" they are to the right-wing point of view.

The last guy who was far left and wasn't afraid to attack the right was Keith Olbermann. However everyone, even progressives, turned on him and booted him out of the industry.

To MSNBC's credit, there's still Maddow and crew. However, they get marginalized by the mainstream media, while O'Reilly, Fox & Friends, Hannity, and those fuckfaces on the Five get a pass.


lol, the Chair of the Democratic Party isn't publicly giving up yet? I am shocked!

Also, bitching about these jobs numbers is laughable. The only thing political about them is the timing. What the state released is the numbers that will be sent to the BLS for auditing and they are exhaustive. They have to be, those are the numbers used to determine unemployment distributions. The numbers the dems are hammering on are monthly polls of 5% of all businesses and have an atrocious reputation for lack of accuracy.


The monthly numbers have always been a joke (hence my comment the other day about all jobs numbers being essentially made up). I don't personally have faith in the BLS audited numbers either as I think they miss a whole hell of a lot, but at the very least they are more accurate (and more respected) than the monthly's. If the Dems want to fight Walker by constantly bringing up the fact that the more respected jobs figure is positive, I think that is something his campaign will gladly welcome.

Really? Arguing against math?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You can also thank Fox News and Talk Radio. Fox News is pro-conservative and they don't care. Meanwhile, MSNBC and CNN try to bend over backwards to show how "fair" they are to the right-wing point of view.

The last guy who was far left and wasn't afraid to attack the right was Keith Olbermann. However everyone, even progressives, turned on him and booted him out of the industry.

To MSNBC's credit, there's still Maddow and crew. However, they get marginalized by the mainstream media, while O'Reilly, Fox & Friends, Hannity, and those fuckfaces on the Five get a pass.

LOL. Olbermann got the boot because he is a jackass. Not because of his views. Apparently his ego is the only problem, as he was the MSNBC ratings king. If you think that MSNBC bends over backwards to appeal to conservatives, you must be nuts.


LOL. Olbermann got the boot because he is a jackass. Not because of his views. Apparently his ego is the only problem, as he was the MSNBC ratings king. If you think that MSNBC bends over backwards to appeal to conservatives, you must be nuts.

CNN only bends over backwards for their hologram overlords.


Junior Member
LOL. Olbermann got the boot because he is a jackass. Not because of his views. Apparently his ego is the only problem, as he was the MSNBC ratings king. If you think that MSNBC bends over backwards to appeal to conservatives, you must be nuts.

Compare how a right winger is treated on Ed Shultz or Maddow to how a left winger is treated on O'Reilly or Hannity.

Hell, MSNBC's entire morning block is pretty conservative via Joe Scarborough. Think Fox News would ever grant a 3 hour time slot to a liberal host?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Compare how a right winger is treated on Ed Shultz or Maddow to how a left winger is treated on O'Reilly or Hannity.

Hell, MSNBC's entier morning block is pretty conservative via Joe Scarborough.

O'Reilly isn't near the boogey-man that people make him out to be on many issues. He is a pompous ass, yes, but I have been surprised at many positions that he takes. Hannity is the devil, though, for sure. The guy is concentrated schmuck.

Scarborough is more level-headed and less conservative than nearly anyone on Fox News, and the rest of the lineup on MSNBC could hardly be called anything less than moderate.
Compare how a right winger is treated on Ed Shultz or Maddow to how a left winger is treated on O'Reilly or Hannity.

Hell, MSNBC's entire morning block is pretty conservative via Joe Scarborough. Think Fox News would ever grant a 3 hour time slot to a liberal host?

I think the point is not that MSNBC is as left as fox is right but rather they are left and don't bend over for the republicans.
Compare how a right winger is treated on Ed Shultz or Maddow to how a left winger is treated on O'Reilly or Hannity.

Hell, MSNBC's entire morning block is pretty conservative via Joe Scarborough. Think Fox News would ever grant a 3 hour time slot to a liberal host?
Joe Scarborough is about as conservative as a blue dog democrat. His brand of conservatism died with Reagan.
btw, Romney is back at 50% favorability per Gallup now. Which makes it seem the Primary effect is gone, and he has been able to re-establish himself. Which is not good news for Obama.

Still a long way to go though
btw, Romney is back at 50% favorability per Gallup now. Which makes it seem the Primary effect is gone, and he has been able to re-establish himself. Which is not good news for Obama.

Still a long way to go though

I totally believe Romney's favorability is rising due to him being the nominee, but hasn't Gallup's numbers been shown to be wonky?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, that fuckhead O'keefe's getting investigated by a grand jury for his newest stunt in NC.

I wonder if any of his friends thought to point out that committing fraud in order to prove fraud exists isn't really the smartest idea in the world.

Reminds me of that South Park episode where the male cop goes undercover as a hooker for several years in order to bust a pimp.

So, you agree it was a Clinton program.

Yes? I never said otherwise. But that's besides the point. Clinton may have signed off on it, but it was Republican policy.
You can also thank Fox News and Talk Radio. Fox News is pro-conservative and they don't care. Meanwhile, MSNBC and CNN try to bend over backwards to show how "fair" they are to the right-wing point of view.

The last guy who was far left and wasn't afraid to attack the right was Keith Olbermann. However everyone, even progressives, turned on him and booted him out of the industry.

Olbermann got the boot because he was unworkable. Just read up on it. He loses a job everywhere he has ever worked.

O'Reilly isn't near the boogey-man that people make him out to be on many issues. He is a pompous ass, yes, but I have been surprised at many positions that he takes. Hannity is the devil, though, for sure. The guy is concentrated schmuck.

Scarborough is more level-headed and less conservative than nearly anyone on Fox News, and the rest of the lineup on MSNBC could hardly be called anything less than moderate.

O'Reily may not be on the levels of say Rush Limbaugh, but he definitely is still unsettling. The claims he makes are still ridiculous.
btw, Romney is back at 50% favorability per Gallup now. Which makes it seem the Primary effect is gone, and he has been able to re-establish himself. Which is not good news for Obama.

Still a long way to go though

Nearly every candidate jumped over 60% in favorability rating after consolidating delegates and becoming the presumptive nominee, except Bill Clinton (mostly due to not enough people knowing him). Romney still ranks pretty low.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
O'reilly, in certain ways can be even dumber than Hannity and Glenn Beck. The man literally doesn't understand the concept of gravity.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
O'reilly, in certain ways can be even dumber than Hannity and Glenn Beck. The man literally doesn't understand the concept of gravity.

It's true, although I am unsure to what degree he was joking or honestly didn't know how to explain gravity. I am not even saying he isn't a really, really, strong-right conservative in many ideals. But to lump him in with Hannity, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and the rest of the psychos on Fox News is somewhat disingenuous. I believe he is for gay marriage, legalizing weed and many other things.
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