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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I don't get Solyndra at all. Wasn't it part of a bigger green energy plan that eventually more than payed itself off?

It's a scandal inasmuch that the republicans are trying to just pin something on Obama. It hits two birds with one stone: green initiative and Obama program.


I don't get Solyndra at all. Wasn't it part of a bigger green energy plan that eventually more than payed itself off?

It was basically an arms race with China but with solar technology. We got outspent. Republicans try to pin it on the President when it was their baby originally.

If it had been solar powered guns then the Republicans probably would have given it a three trillion dollar budget.


As someone who lives in Omaha, I know that people in CB clean off their tables with their tongues. :p

I have talked to a lot of people on this side of the river and not one heard anything about this. Must be a CB thing.

Well that is because you are from Nebraska, the only time any of you guys care what happens in Iowa is when your college football team beats one of ours lol

But in Iowa it was all over the news, even with the corny taglines "Romney leaves a local diner feeling sour, coming up". I agree with what was said earlier, I live near Des Moines and have lived all over and you don't disrespect when someone offers their home/place to you. That is why it was so talked about I think, for a state that is like 90% over the age of 55 the old rules of manners apply.

And LOL at the childish bus thing, Romney is a robot and the rest of his campaign is a bunch of frat guys apparently
So..Egypt just witnessed the most silent and smoothest coup d'etat today. Supreme council court declares Parliament invalid, SCAF says it will command total legislative authority, dissolve the parliament and create a new legislative assembly. That historic election couple of weeks ago? lol

It's amazing that after a year of protests powers that be think they can get away with a move like this.

They're just delaying the inevitable.


Oh god, the comments on the MSNBC article about this are terrible. Some examples:

"Good job Barack Hussein Obama for screwing up the Middle East and N Africa."

"Let these God forsaken countries rot...they hate America, they hate Jesus, and everything we Americans stand for! No more sending our kids over to the middle east to help! We are not wanted over there!!"

"I think the U.S. should keep getting involved in toppling governments, as things are so much better once we leave." - We toppled Mubarak?
It was basically an arms race with China but with solar technology. We got outspent. Republicans try to pin it on the President when it was their baby originally.

If it had been solar powered guns then the Republicans probably would have given it a three trillion dollar budget.

I get really uneasy at times with how successful autocracy has been for China.


I get really uneasy at times with how successful autocracy has been for China.

It really hasnt. They have a MASSIVE corruption problem. This corruption problem also contributed to a massive real estate bubble that should pop eventually (lot of empty buildings) since local officials were giving the go-ahead to private and govt real estate projects that made them wealthy and looked good.

Banking system is messed up too since their state-businesses get access to a bunch of cheap loans while the little guys have to go to loan sharks.

Not to mention the huge demographic issues that are going to screw china over in the future
It really hasnt. They have a MASSIVE corruption problem. This corruption problem also contributed to a massive real estate bubble that should pop eventually (lot of empty buildings) since local officials were giving the go-ahead to private and govt real estate projects that made them wealthy and looked good.

Banking system is messed up too since their state-businesses get access to a bunch of cheap loans while the little guys have to go to loan sharks.

Not to mention the huge demographic issues that are going to screw china over in the future

This is why I fucking LOL at people who think China will overtake the US.


I don't get Solyndra at all. Wasn't it part of a bigger green energy plan that eventually more than payed itself off?
Nobody gets it. I mean you see kosmo (republicans) constantly bitching about it yet they don't lift a finger when big energy gets billions in subsidies. I'd love to see them bitch about that.
I get really uneasy at times with how successful autocracy has been for China.
They're growing, but that's because they have a GDP less than half of ours despite having four times as many people. Their growth rate (about 3x the U.S. average) seems impressive only if you leave those facts out. And their rate was .7% less than Turkmenistan's last year. Uh, do we have to watch out for Turkmenistan now too?
They're growing, but that's because they have a GDP less than half of ours despite having four times as many people. Their growth rate (about 3x the U.S. average) seems impressive only if you leave those facts out. And their rate was .7% less than Turkmenistan's last year. Uh, do we have to watch out for Turkmenistan now too?

Turkmenistan doesn't have a fourth of the world's population..


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
That is the key difference in ideology, though.

Democrats believe the state is responsible for the welfare of the people, should take care of everyone's needs, etc.

Republicans believe that people, communities, and families should be responsible for the people's welfare and that government in an unnecessary and intrusive organization in people's lives. Hardline conservatives believe that Government should only serve to do what is delineated in the constitution. regulate commerce, military, etc. Republicans are stuck on King George as if government will always be an enemy to the people and to freedom. Which I can agree with many times (especially in the age of warrantless search and seizure, drones, etc) but on an overarching sense I do not.

I think that Romney believes he would be an efficient and successful president, I doubt he just wants to do it just to do it. True believer and all that

LOL. No, no, no, no, no, no, just no.

If our right wingers were made up of more libertarians, the bolded portions would have been true, but they're not. The Republicans who run the country are their own little breed. Usually consisting of the worst aspects of almost every ideology imagineable. These current crop of Republicans don't "fear the state" because it may do something oppressive, it fears it because it may do something helpful. These are the same fuckheads who hate universal healthcare because it's supposedly something that dicatorships strive for, but support things like torture, indefinite detainment, black sites, killing someone without a trial, etc., which bizarrely enough, in their minds, are qualities that DON'T share similarities with dictatorships.

It's like Chief Wiggum said in The Simpsons: The law is powerless to help you, but not to punish you.
About Solyndra:

What's rather frustrating about this is that this is how VC and large businesses work in general. You make many investments in an array of businesses and projects, with the idea that either a) many will succeed at a mild profit or b) a few will succeed with high profits.

The difference is that the government will get horribly chewed out over one poor investment, but businesses can hide theirs, for the the most part.


It's a scandal inasmuch that the republicans are trying to just pin something on Obama. It hits two birds with one stone: green initiative and Obama program.

...a program that was looked at objectively under Bush and determined to not be financially sound.


...a program that was looked at objectively under Bush and determined to not be financially sound.

FALSE...lol politifact lol
House Republicans investigating Solyndra have claimed that the Bush administration ultimately rejected the Solyndra loan, but that's not quite the case. Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and news media point out that Bush energy officials wanted to get the loan closed on their way out the door — it was listed as the first of their "three highest priorities through January 15." (Obama took office Jan. 20, 2009.) But the Energy Department's credit committee held things up for more analysis.

"The number of issues unresolved makes a recommendation for approval premature at this time. Therefore, the committee, without prejudice, remands the project to the LGPO [Loan Guarantee Program Office] for further development of information," the committee said.

It noted Solyndra's project "appears to have merit." But the clock had run out.

That didn't keep Bush from touting the loan guarantee program on his way out of office. On Jan. 6, 2009, in remarks on conservation and the environment from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, he said, "We dedicated more than $18 billion to developing clean and efficient technologies like biofuels, advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, solar and wind power, and clean, safe nuclear power. We're providing more than $40 billion in loan guarantees to put these technologies to use."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Btw, why hasn't anybody mentioned Obama's speech today?

Guess he really is doomed if even Poligaf didn't notice.


Btw, why hasn't anybody mentioned Obama's speech today?

Guess he really is doomed if even Poligaf didn't notice.

We're too busy dooming and glooming.

I'm glad that he's getting more proactive about addressing the economy, but I'm annoyed with Romney attempting to undercut with his shallow counter speeches. But that's the game.

I just want to see these guys finally butt heads during the debates. I'm sure Obama is looking forward to it as well. Honestly, can you imagine coming face to face with a guy who wants your job, and is willing to lie and humiliate you in front of the general public to get it?


EPA issues new soot regulations

The new rule is a political hot potato, and Democrats tried to delay its issue until after the election. However, a lawsuit forced their hand.

The new rule would set the maximum allowable standard for soot at range of 12 to 13 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The current annual standard is 15 micrograms per cubic meter.

Been the constant theme of the Democrats. Keep punting off making laws in fear of this years election. Good to see some states force their hand.

Still a long way to go.


Been the constant theme of the Democrats. Keep punting off making laws in fear of this years election. Good to see some states force their hand.

Still a long way to go.
Yeah, it's been nothing but poison pills and stunt legislation, which is why most democracies limit the campaign period.
Obviously, that can only work with public financing, but we're in dire need for that anyway.


Professional Schmuck
But what about China?

I believe the original premise was that someone was somewhat concerned with how well China was doing, considering it was a mostly state-run economy, implying that they might have finally found the magic balance with market forces where so many other straight command economies fail.

Someone said, correctly, "yeah, but they're actually not that successful. they have a huge problem with corruption and a real estate bubble that everyone can see [prices will collapse], and considering their population, they should be doing much better."

Someone replied, "yeah, but look at that population."

To which everyone replied, "exactly."

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

I already pointed out that this was a 3 year process and Bush attempted to speed it up. Even then the committee rejected the offer without prejudice, and the very same committee accepted the offer later after the application was revamped. If he or any republican actually had evidence that Obama interfered with the process, I am sure we would have actually heard about it. Instead we get some vague emails where some of the committee members express some reservation about the loan. It's retarded.


I already pointed out that this was a 3 year process and Bush attempted to speed it up. Even then the committee rejected the offer without prejudice, and the very same committee accepted the offer later after the application was revamped. If he or any republican actually had evidence that Obama interfered with the process, I am sure we would have actually heard about it. Instead we get some vague emails where some of the committee members express some reservation about the loan. It's retarded.

Yea i saw your previous post. Kosmo won't post anything since all he has is the vague emails/fox news nation bullshit. They already fished everything they could out of it and thats all they could come up with. What a "scandal"
I believe the original premise was that someone was somewhat concerned with how well China was doing, considering it was a mostly state-run economy, implying that they might have finally found the magic balance with market forces where so many other straight command economies fail.

Someone said, correctly, "yeah, but they're actually not that successful. they have a huge problem with corruption and a real estate bubble that everyone can see [prices will collapse], and considering their population, they should be doing much better."

Someone replied, "yeah, but look at that population."

To which everyone replied, "exactly."

Fair point but I don't agree with the bolded. Of course China isn't going to rival the west in standard of living or GDP per capita. A little over half a century ago they were a feudal society stuck in the 19th (possibly even 18th) century. The country has been rapidly developing and comparing them to India, who gained independence around the same time, you can see the staggering difference between the two.

Also China is not a straight command economy. It has very mild command economy elements.


Fair point but I don't agree with the bolded. Of course China isn't going to rival the west in standard of living or GDP per capita. A little over half a century ago they were a feudal society stuck in the 19th (possibly even 18th) century. The country has been rapidly developing and comparing them to India, who gained independence around the same time, you can see the staggering difference between the two.

Also China is not a straight command economy. It has very mild command economy elements.

China hasnt been a feudal society since like 200 BC and definitely hasnt since like 900 AD

As for China's growth rate, Ive read that China (as well as India and others) basically need a 7%+ growth rate if they want start getting their population out of poverty. A 2-5% growth rate simply wont cut it (dont know if i totally buy this). Plus, id imagine that super high growth rates are easier to achieve for BRIC countries rather than fully developed ones.


He touched on that too. He's done exactly what people though was absurd by allowing congress to expose themselves for being incompetent petty "Nobama" twats.


Professional Schmuck
Fair point but I don't agree with the bolded. Of course China isn't going to rival the west in standard of living or GDP per capita. A little over half a century ago they were a feudal society stuck in the 19th (possibly even 18th) century. The country has been rapidly developing and comparing them to India, who gained independence around the same time, you can see the staggering difference between the two.

Also China is not a straight command economy. It has very mild command economy elements.

Right, which is why I said ....found the magic balance with market forces where so many other straight command economies fail. ADR, but you're not reading very well today.


Professional Schmuck
Right. I see absolutely nothing that changes anything day to day, much less in a few weeks. This is all long-view ground work for the big reveal, which I have no doubt will be extremely disappointing.


Professional Schmuck
Please don't! I agree it's silly. Either China is a giant potential menace with a billion people, or China is teetering on the edge of financial ruin with a billion people. Most likely both, and they're not mutually exclusive.

Let's talk about how Obama can spend less money, lose his signature legislative success in the SC, and oversee an awfully weak economic recovery (regardless of whose fault that caused it or how impossible it was to do more) and how he'll still get reelected because the Republican party is just that bad.


I really wonder who Romney is going to pick for VP nominee.

Every single person I think of just makes it look all so... strange. He isn't meant for anyone.


I really wonder who Romney is going to pick for VP nominee.

Every single person I think of just makes it look all so... strange. He isn't meant for anyone.

Try thinking like someone who believes in limited government, fiscal conservatism, personal responsibility - when you do, a few people come to mind.


That is the key difference in ideology, though.

Democrats believe the state is responsible for the welfare of the people, should take care of everyone's needs, etc.

Republicans believe that people, communities, and families should be responsible for the people's welfare and that government in an unnecessary and intrusive organization in people's lives. Hardline conservatives believe that Government should only serve to do what is delineated in the constitution. regulate commerce, military, etc. Republicans are stuck on King George as if government will always be an enemy to the people and to freedom. Which I can agree with many times (especially in the age of warrantless search and seizure, drones, etc) but on an overarching sense I do not.

I think that Romney believes he would be an efficient and successful president, I doubt he just wants to do it just to do it. True believer and all that

Very well said - except that I would say that Republicans believe Government is necessary, but just to a much more limited extent (defense, infrastructure, commerce). Clearly Both Obama and Romney want whats best for the country. Discussion here would be so much more engaging and enlightening if there weren't so many blind partisans...
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