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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cain would have. Race is less of a problem than beliefs. If a Hispanic ran on a sensible immigration policy he wouldn't make it. If a Hispanic firebrand with far right positions on everything ran, he'd do well and republicans would believe he could win the Hispanic vote. Conservatives often view issues of race and gender in simplistic ways. Putting Palin on the ticket will win female votes, Cain would win black votes, Rubio will win Hispanic votes, etc

Rubio will not win shit outside of Cuban Americans. You do not understand hispanics, don't try to speak for us. K thanks.


Rubio will not win shit outside of Cuban Americans. You do not understand hispanics, don't try to speak for us. K thanks.

I think he was speaking for the way a lot of GOPers think, not his own way. You got trolled by PD actually not even trolling.

And yeah, the disdain for Cubans amongst many latin americans I know is palpable. I think it's because of their "easier" immigration.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I think he was speaking for the way a lot of GOPers think, not his own way. You got trolled by PD actually not even trolling.

And yeah, the disdain for Cubans amongst many latin americans I know is palpable. I think it's because of their "easier" immigration.

Haha. I'm drunk. I only read the last few words. Ooops :x


Romney charming those of us in Iowa, LOL @ everyone who thinks he will win this state. He is already majorly disliked and incidents like this will just keep that going

It was all over the local news tonight

Dianne Bauer opened up her cafe to Mitt Romney and his campaign for a small round table discussion Friday morning before his speech at Bayliss Park.

This isn't the first politician that has asked Bauer to use the Main Street Cafe in downtown Council Bluffs.

"With Rick Perry he made a point of stopping in the kitchen before he ever went to the other side to address the public and the media to thank us and introduce himself to us," said Bauer. "That's what I thought we would get here, just normal. This was all out, like you'd think Obama was here."

Bauer's issues with the campaigns staffers started the night before when they started staging the cafe for the event.

She described many of their demeanors as "arrogant".

She says her cafe was not treated with the respect it deserved.

"Stuff got broke. My table cloths they just got ripped off, wadded up and thrown in the back room,"

She says the boom truck she allowed the campaign to borrow to gain access to the roof now has an 8-inch gouge in it that she'll have to take the time to repair.

The campaign told her to send them an itemized list of anything that was broken, and they would pay for it, but Bauer says that won't fix everything.

"My dad's picture, an emblem my dad gave me, it got broke. Those aren't things you can replace,"

Bauer says she never even got to meet the candidate she closed half of her restaurant down for.

"Every time we tried to go out or look, secret service was right there," she said.

She was complaining about the event to a friend when reporters overheard her and posted about it online.

That's when Romney called Bauer himself. She says he explained that it was just a misunderstanding that she did not get to meet him, but the phone call didn't smooth things over for her.

"He responded 'well, I'm sorry your table cloths got ripped off, wadded up and thrown in the back room' and I took it as mocking," she said. "We're the ones he's wanting to get the votes from, you'd think we would have been treated better."

She says the whole experience left her wondering.

"With how he treated me, is that how he's going to treat others? You know, if he gets in office is he going to be that way to us little people?"



Somebody better fuck someone who is not his wife pretty damn soon.
Seriously, those are some lame ass scandals.



Somebody better fuck someone who is not his wife pretty damn soon.
Seriously, those are some lame ass scandals.

I don't think they are meant to be scandals, I think its just highlighting what many people already know, that he and his crew are just asshole douches with no personal skills. That 16% talked about earlier will go into the dislike/unfavorable over the course of this campaign

It will become even more evident now that his only opponent is Obama
Romney charming those of us in Iowa, LOL @ everyone who thinks he will win this state. He is already majorly disliked and incidents like this will just keep that going

It was all over the local news tonight


Holy shit at:

"He responded 'well, I'm sorry your table cloths got ripped off, wadded up and thrown in the back room' and I took it as mocking," she said. "We're the ones he's wanting to get the votes from, you'd think we would have been treated better."
I'm 100% positive that this was Romney genuinely apologizing. But since he doesn't know how to 'talk like normal folk' or talk about mundane everyday stuff like mowing the lawn or taking out garbage, he romney-ed it. LOL


That probably sounds a lot worse than it was because she's just repeating her own quote from earlier. Sadly, I doubt we'll get audio.


Holy shit at:

I'm 100% positive that this was Romney genuinely apologizing. But since he doesn't know how to 'talk like normal folk' or talk about mundane everyday stuff like mowing the lawn or taking out garbage, he romney-ed it. LOL

"You would think that obama was here" LOL

Somebody better fuck someone who is not his wife pretty damn soon.
Seriously, those are some lame ass scandals.

I would agree in terms of stories like the hair cutting thing, but to me stories like this and a multitude of others (him disrespecting some bakery's goods, not knowing what a chocolate donut is, etc) just re-enforce the idea that he's just...odd and out of touch. It's easier for a voter to vote for someone they can identify with, or get a sense of being a good person. Obama's approval ratings are down, but people still like him because he comes off as a decent person. In short, Americans are comfortable with him as president.

Ultimately the election will be about the economy, but I would argue a lot of Romney's weirdness matters even more in that light. He's a super rich guy has no idea what it's like to be regular, or a member of the middle class. The more he displays than in aloof, uncaring "gaffes" the more potent Obama's attacks will become.


I don't think anyone in Washington have been in touch with anyone in the real world in a while.
Romney's problem is that he tries to be someone he's not, and that comes off fake (which it is).

Anyway, I was mostly talking about entertainment value, it's campaign trail shenanigans in June, that's the only way you should look at such stories.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not a huge fan of Dana Milbank, but he was killing it on Martin Bashir's show today. His response for the subject of Romney lamenting people taking their tax dollars overseas was basically: "The government's forcing me to use Swiss bank accounts and the Cayman Islands!"
Isn't it a shame that politicians and talking heads have whored out the word 'freedom' and 'liberty' so much so that I feel gross anytime someone uses it? It's the same kind of willies I get when people use the word synergy or core values in the marketing world.

Even 'god bless america' make me roll my eyes now.

this synergizes well with our core values


Professional Schmuck
Romney's weirdness isn't just that he's out of touch, it's that he's fucking lame and a loser, like the kids that never swore in high school, or never got down and nasty while talking about girls in private ("gee wiz, it's not polite, guys!"), or just ... couldn't fit in. You know the type. Churchy. Nice, and rarely judgmental like a lot of the religious types, but the kind that always accidentally made you feel bad for being trashy.


In a weird way, Romney's persona (his "in sport" comment, the 'dressage' remarks, gosh/golly/gee, general Leave-it-to-Beaverness) belies his insulation from regular, working people. He talks like a man that doesn't listen to the radio, watch TV, or sports ... or to anything to which any of us can relate.


And the problem with it isn't just that he's too nice, or that it's not believable, or even that he's incredibly effeminate -- it's that this is his tell. This is how basically anybody that has electricity in the US would know there's a billionaire in the room. He can't hide it, and though he doesn't try to be snobby, he can't not be!


It's just another reminder of Romney's wealth, that he's never -- ever -- faced hardship, or service to his country, or even spent a moment talking to the thousands upon thousands of people he's laid off.

So in a completely Stepford Wives', uncomfortably robotic way, Romney is the anti-Trump. Where Trump is brash and likable and confident and clearly proud of his wealth, Romney is weak and limp and skim milk and ashamed of his wealth, though he doesn't know how to show it. That's the problem. Who does he inspire? Can you imagine golly-gee guy making the Bin Laden kill call? Can you picture him with Putin or Musharraf or Blair or on the phone trying to get hostages released from North Korea? You think he says "pretty please?"

When he loses, none of this will be the reason, not exactly. But what all of this adds up to is a continually reinforced message that Romney is just a nice, milquetoast result of 50 years of isolation from essentially anything that requires a name-tag or dirt under his fingers that only comes from the kinda wealth that gets things named after you (because you paid for it to be built).

I never thought I'd say this about a Republican, but holy fuck did they nominate the weakest, most effete, richest and most out-of-reality nice guy they could have. And that's saying something, considering the slim/lithe/effete/articulate descriptions of Obama that were passed around however long ago.

Now, the party of Reagan's great Communicator has nominated the exact opposite of what the party, the people, and the nation needs. Income inequality -> nominate the wealthiest. High unemployment -> nominate an out-sourcer. Strongest foreign policy Democrat since uh.. uh... (Truman?) and they nominate Mr. Golly Gee. And at the height of the racist outpouring of hatred and loathing for our President from rural and Southern America, who do they nominate? The only kind of person they hate more than Hollywood Liberals but less than African Americans -- rich north-easterners that quibble with abortion and healthcare and actually understand and accidentally admit to believing in Keynes.

Holy fucking shit, Republicans. If you win, man...if you win. LOL
Cain would have. Race is less of a problem than beliefs. If a Hispanic ran on a sensible immigration policy he wouldn't make it. If a Hispanic firebrand with far right positions on everything ran, he'd do well and republicans would believe he could win the Hispanic vote. Conservatives often view issues of race and gender in simplistic ways. Putting Palin on the ticket will win female votes, Cain would win black votes, Rubio will win Hispanic votes, etc
And the media isn't innocent in this. There was a lot of hoopla in 08 pointing out that black people were only coming out to vote for Obama. While it's true that Obama drove up minority turnout, he could have been a white guy named Billy Bob Johnson (D) and still would have won over 90% of the black vote, just like Clinton, Gore, and Kerry.

It's become so easy to treat everyone as a special interest group. Blacks vote on affirmative action (not really an issue anymore), women vote on birth control (well no shit, I'd vote on birth control), Jews vote on Israel (even though the average Democrat are about as supportive of Israel as the average Republican is, just with less nukes). It's all bullshit, of course, but they've gotta keep the false equivalency, he-said-she-said going.

Edit: That's a good post PL, but if the stories are true about Romney being a bully in high school, I could see him having a far more sinister side to him as well. Maybe a Lucius Malfoy type - born and raised in privilege, climbing up the social ladder by schmoozing up politicians and businessmen, looking down on the undesirables and peasants of the world, and serves a noseless snakelike man with red eyes and a cloak.

The only reason Romney has a chance is because Obama's presiding over a bad economy. If we were at 6% unemployment it'd be Obama in a landslide.
I really wonder if Obama is going to attack Iran in his second term once he doesn't have to face re-election anymore. The comments by Shimon Peres saying he agrees with Obama on Iran and then in turn comparing Iran to Nazi Germany is just ridiculous.


I really wonder if Obama is going to attack Iran in his second term once he doesn't have to face re-election anymore. The comments by Shimon Peres saying he agrees with Obama on Iran and then in turn comparing Iran to Nazi Germany is just ridiculous.

Condoleezza Rice has been talking about attacking Iran for years, i.e.


And plenty of other sources have talked about it.


I don't think it's a matter of "if" but a matter of "when."

If the Obama administration doesn't do it, the next Republican prez will sabre-rattle until we do it/ someone signs the right contracts.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I really wonder if Obama is going to attack Iran in his second term once he doesn't have to face re-election anymore. The comments by Shimon Peres saying he agrees with Obama on Iran and then in turn comparing Iran to Nazi Germany is just ridiculous.

He's either going to launch strikes this summer or never. Right now, Iran and the G5+1 countries are doing rounds of negotiations on enrichment and sanctions.

If they come to an agreement, and then Obama launches an attack 6 months later, that would accomplish very little as far as actually setting back the nuclear program and would also poison any possible future negotiations. Seems totally unlikely when you think about it like that.


Holy shit at:

I'm 100% positive that this was Romney genuinely apologizing. But since he doesn't know how to 'talk like normal folk' or talk about mundane everyday stuff like mowing the lawn or taking out garbage, he romney-ed it. LOL
Hahaha holy shit

John Kerry must feel fucking great right now


Romney's weirdness isn't just that he's out of touch, it's that he's fucking lame and a loser, like the kids that never swore in high school, or never got down and nasty while talking about girls in private ("gee wiz, it's not polite, guys!"), or just ... couldn't fit in. You know the type.

except when he was brutally harassing other kids, you mean, and being leader of the pack with his group of school bullies?

i think the problem with Romney as he is now has always been he has had to transform into someone he is not in order to become president, and so he has a horrible time faking it. And this makes him consistently awkward, as he stumbles upon trying desperately to remember his lines. I don't think Romney actually doesn't know how to be human or anything. I just don't think he knows how to be an ultra conservative Republican candidate.


Holy shit at:

I'm 100% positive that this was Romney genuinely apologizing. But since he doesn't know how to 'talk like normal folk' or talk about mundane everyday stuff like mowing the lawn or taking out garbage, he romney-ed it. LOL

I agree, but do you think Obama would have been able to talk on the issues of 'mowing the lawn' and 'taking out the garbage?'

BO is just as 'out of touch' as Romney is. It's just that BO is better at pandering.


I agree, but do you think Obama would have been able to talk on the issues of 'mowing the lawn' and 'taking out the garbage?'

BO is just as 'out of touch' as Romney is. It's just that BO is better at pandering.

Correct. All politicians are liars and fakers. Romney is a complete upper class spoiled jerk, but Obama isn't much better--he just takes good photos that play that down, i.e. playing sports with his crew. The first Bush was similar, not that any of us here were old enough to remember or vote for him.


Correct. All politicians are liars and fakers. Romney is a complete upper class spoiled jerk, but Obama isn't much better--he just takes good photos that play that down, i.e. playing sports with his crew. The first Bush was similar, not that any of us here were old enough to remember or vote for him.

I was...

Anyhow, this election is going to be about the economy. Nothing more.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I agree, but do you think Obama would have been able to talk on the issues of 'mowing the lawn' and 'taking out the garbage?'

BO is just as 'out of touch' as Romney is. It's just that BO is better at pandering.

Guh? Why do you think that? I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Obama grew up in a middle class family.


I agree, but do you think Obama would have been able to talk on the issues of 'mowing the lawn' and 'taking out the garbage?'

BO is just as 'out of touch' as Romney is. It's just that BO is better at pandering.

The guy that grew up poor, raised by a single parent, did a lot of drugs in highschool/college and spent time as a community organizer is just as out of touch as Romney? Ok.


I was...

Anyhow, this election is going to be about the economy. Nothing more.

Well, as a hot topic, yeah, since people are bored with the current wars and, strangely, Obama's gay marriage endorsement did not garner as much criticism as was expected.

Still, Obama's economy is pretty dismal...maybe he'll kill Bin Laden again.


I agree, but do you think Obama would have been able to talk on the issues of 'mowing the lawn' and 'taking out the garbage?'

BO is just as 'out of touch' as Romney is. It's just that BO is better at pandering.
Obama is not even CLOSE to be as out of touch as romney.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Guh? Why do you think that? I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Obama grew up in a middle class family.

Not only that, but didn't he finish paying off his student loans a bit before becoming president? I know that Republican's have been trying to paint him as some sort of elitists, but its far from the truth.

He was raised in Hawaii by his grandmother, who was a prominent banker, he attended Harvard Law School and Columbia University. Middle Class?

Attending Harvard and Columbia automatically makes you upper class? Wat? I know someone who is dirt poor that just got a full ride to Harvard, I gotta let him know the good news.
But he also went to Punahou high school, which is the most elite college preparatory private high school in Hawaii.
The poor to middle class kids in Honolulu go to Kamehameha Public school.
If I were to just glance at his educational background (including his brief stint at Occidental College) - it would seem like a very elite background.


But he also went to Punahou high school, which is the most elite college preparatory private high school in Hawaii.
The poor to middle class kids in Honolulu go to Kamehameha Public school.
If I were to just glance at his educational background (including his brief stint at Occidental College) - it would seem like a very elite background.
Sounds like romney got robbed on his social skills education. Should have went to school with Obama!
But he also went to Punahou high school, which is the most elite college preparatory private high school in Hawaii.
The poor to middle class kids in Honolulu go to Kamehameha Public school.
If I were to just glance at his educational background (including his brief stint at Occidental College) - it would seem like a very elite background.
I think they took a significant hit accommodation-wise to send him to that school.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
But he also went to Punahou high school, which is the most elite college preparatory private high school in Hawaii.
The poor to middle class kids in Honolulu go to Kamehameha Public school.
If I were to just glance at his educational background (including his brief stint at Occidental College) - it would seem like a very elite background.

Wiki says he had a scholarship for the high school.
Romney's weirdness isn't just that he's out of touch, it's that he's fucking lame and a loser, like the kids that never swore in high school, or never got down and nasty while talking about girls in private ("gee wiz, it's not polite, guys!"), or just ... couldn't fit in. You know the type. Churchy. Nice, and rarely judgmental like a lot of the religious types, but the kind that always accidentally made you feel bad for being trashy.

I don't know, I heard Romney was pretty serious about dudes with mop tops.

Note: most Democrats find Obama engaging and would want to meet him, most Republicans come in here and say, "well he's just as awkward as Romney!" That's telling.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I actually think on a personal level, someone like Romney would be a great acquaintance to have, but he is very awkward trying to constantly push an agenda he likely does not believe in. He reminds me of my friend's father. Business-wise very intelligent and a leader of many, but socially awkward and unaware of expected social mannerisms and mores.

He would probably be like a GWB, should by some miracle he is elected. He would probably not be revered throughout the world, but I am sure he wouldn't get us nuked, either.
You just have to ask each candidate why they want to be president. Obama clearly wanted the position to help people. And this goes in hand with the Democratic ideology of using the state to do that. I'm also sure he likes the prestige of the office. Romney on the other hand wants the office for its sake alone. He doesn't really care about republican ideology.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You just have to ask each candidate why they want to be president. Obama clearly wanted the position to help people. And this goes in hand with the Democratic ideology of using the state to do that. I'm also sure he likes the prestige of the office. Romney on the other hand wants the office for its sake alone. He doesn't really care about republican ideology.

That is the key difference in ideology, though.

Democrats believe the state is responsible for the welfare of the people, should take care of everyone's needs, etc.

Republicans believe that people, communities, and families should be responsible for the people's welfare and that government in an unnecessary and intrusive organization in people's lives. Hardline conservatives believe that Government should only serve to do what is delineated in the constitution. regulate commerce, military, etc. Republicans are stuck on King George as if government will always be an enemy to the people and to freedom. Which I can agree with many times (especially in the age of warrantless search and seizure, drones, etc) but on an overarching sense I do not.

I think that Romney believes he would be an efficient and successful president, I doubt he just wants to do it just to do it. True believer and all that
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