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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
"Things could have been better" is a pretty rough election strategy.

They are doubling, trippling down on the 'Obama wants us to end up like Greece' strategy. Ignoring the fact that Greece is fucked because it has no tax revenues and is slashing services and infrastructure. Which is actually the stated Republican plan.
Well . . . I guess it is really happened now. The right knee-jerk response to oppose anything Obama does has come to them opposing tax-cuts just because Obama suggested them.

On “Inside Washington” Saturday, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer offered a contrarian view on the bipartisan agreement expected to allow for the extension of payroll tax cuts. An agreement many are hailing as the way Washington ought to work all the time.

That agreement would extend the payroll tax holiday through the end of the year, but cost the federal government an estimated $100 billion.

According to Krauthammer, there is no economic benefit in doing that.

“This tells you how bad our politics have become,” Krauthammer said. “Everybody here is so delighted that we finally have a bipartisan agreement and are celebrating it. Over what? … We have just added $100 billion [to a $16 trillion debt for]… a payroll tax cut that every economist will tell you will not have any influence on the creation of jobs or helping our economy. It is temporary and it will have no effect.”

Maybe if Obama comes out against Single Payer then Krauthammer will champion the cause?

So will Krauthammer come out for allowing the explicitly temporary Bush tax cuts expire? Or do tax-cuts only work if they are given to the rich?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well . . . I guess it is really happened now. The right knee-jerk response to oppose anything Obama does has come to them opposing tax-cuts just because Obama suggested them.

Maybe if Obama comes out against Single Payer then Krauthammer will champion the cause?

So will Krauthammer come out for allowing the explicitly temporary Bush tax cuts expire? Or do tax-cuts only work if they are given to the rich?

Republican party has always couched a rich-focused tax policy in a tax cuts for everyone blanket. But now they have a base that has gone so far full-retard, that they can nakedly state their previously veiled agenda and the mouth breathing fucktards that follow them, will cheer it on. All the way to a social security free old age.


They are doubling, trippling down on the 'Obama wants us to end up like Greece' strategy. Ignoring the fact that Greece is fucked because it has no tax revenues and is slashing services and infrastructure. Which is actually the stated Republican plan.

Aye. They also see the austerity death spiral there and know it would do wonders for their electoral chances. McConnell must still be furious the stimulus bill passed.
So when is Santorum going to actually crash out for the masses? This week?

His lift has already proven more durable than the past GOP two-week wonders. Still, if he does poorly in the primaries on the 28th, I think he will fall pretty quickly. If he does okay, he'll be around for a long time.
Unlikely, with a projected population of around a hundred million by 2050, they would be 'tier 3' at best, insofar as influence and power can be measured in tiers like that. I also like how Japan is not even mentioned but South Korea, with half the projected population, is. Nor is Indonesia. Nor is Pakistan.
20 years ago, maybe. Today Turkey is the only country in Europe not drowning in debt and in need of a bailout. They're the biggest NATO force, and the population has deep military tradition like US. Their constitution is fully secular. Fareed Zakaria:
My first guest was arguably the man of the week at the United Nations. The man everyone wanted to meet, everyone wanted to talk to the powerbroker. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey and that country's most powerful leader since Kamal Ataturk.

This year alone, President Obama has spoken to Erdogan nine times. No other head of state can claim to have gotten more attention. Turkey has historically straddled the east and west, Islam and Christianity. Now Erdogan is looking toward a new set of alliances.

Joining the EU is no longer a big priority. Israel is no longer a close friend and the long time alliance with America no longer dominates his thinking. Erdogan is all too aware that these policies are boosting his standing as a populist hero in the Middle East.

You may not like everything he has to say, you may not agree with it, but listen because his voice may be the voice of the new Middle East economically dynamic, politically confident, geopolitically savvy.

This graph is clearly not true because Obama and his environazis stopped all oil and gas drilling. The $4/gallon gas is proof of that. So don't try and trick me.

Of course the reality is yes, energy has been a big winner . . . refined petroleum has actually become a major export for the USA right now. Of course, that is pretty sad statistic in a way because it says that we can't afford the gas we are refining. And worse, in articles all over the place, this story is being massively misinterpreted as "the USA is a net oil exporter now!" . . . that is massively wrong. Our crude imports have dropped but they have dropped from 2/3s imported crude to around 1/2 imported crude.

Well, hopefully we can kill one old canard . . . the old complaint of "Gas prices are high because those dirty hippies won't allow new refineries to be built anywhere!" That falsehood should be blatantly apparent now considering that we are now using our excess refining capacity to import oil, refine it, and export the refined product. The reality is that existing refineries were hugely upgraded to handle more refining capacity since that was cheaper than building new refineries. But I bet the "dirty hippies won't let us build refineries" canard returns this summer as gas prices go up. It is hard to kill falsehoods that have been pounded into people's skulls.

He has to shut up and hold on through the AZ debate so that he can win Michigan and critically wound Romney as a candidate.
Then he can flame out as spectacularly as he wishes.

Yeah, I was really hoping that Santorum was going to win Michigan. But I think his approval ratings are crashing right now due to all the birth control nonsense (and partly due to the some Romney SuperPAC mudslinging). We'll have to see what is going on in the upcoming poll numbers but I predict a drop in Santorum's approval numbers. All he had to do was act like be belonged in the 20th century. But he went all 18th century on us.


Rodent Whores
This graph is clearly not true because Obama and his environazis stopped all oil and gas drilling. The $4/gallon gas is proof of that. So don't try and trick me.

Oil and gas employment rose thanks to the Obama's administration's policies.

Oil and gas employment rose despite the Obama's administration's policies.

Oil and gas employment isn't really affected that much by the Obama's administration's policies.

Which statement do you think most people believe? Now that I think about it I'm not so sure anymore myself. (This post isn't really a reply to your post specifically; your post just made me think about it).


I really hope Santorum wins Ohio and Michigan, and that Gingrich bails out and supports Santorum.

Obama vs Santorum would be super fun to watch.


Good gravy, this guy is ridiculous. What a phenomenon it is that the "not romney" sentiment is so strong that a big government, socially intrusive, economically illiterate guy like Santorum is elevated by Republicans. It's a bit ironic, yet ironically, it also makes sense. And it is wholly depressing and pathetic.

Saint Orum is becoming his own worst enemy. His issues with birth control aren't enough. Now there is Obama's phony theology, abolishing education because that's the parents job (he home schools) and to add insult to injury to women, he now says prenatal care should not be provided by insurance companies. What's next the babies??

It's comical. But I have a feeling he's pretty close to falling on his face. He should heed Boehner's advice to his Congressmen and tone it down.

He's hurting his party and I wouldn't be surprised if I hear voices from the right begin to call him out on his issues forcefully soon.


20 years ago, maybe. Today Turkey is the only country in Europe not drowning in debt and in need of a bailout. They're the biggest NATO force, and the population has deep military tradition like US. Their constitution is fully secular. Fareed Zakaria:
Yes. Turkey's in a strong fiscal position relative to other major European powers. And, yes, they have engendered some political stability after they removed oppositional elements within the armed forces. Again, reasons to be bullish on Turkey's trajectory. Although, I'm not sure the parameters you use to qualify Turkey as the "biggest" NATO force; they certainly do not surpass the U.S. Nevertheless, they don't possess the capacity to achieve "tier 1" status; I presume tier 1 is reserved for the most powerful states.
Paul swept yesterdays Maine caucuses.

Like in Iowa, Romney was announced the winner before actually winning.

Town of Clinton (Kennebec Co.): Paul 4, Romney 2
Eight towns in Hancock County: Paul 41, Santorum 17, Romney 16, Gingrich 9
Washington County: Paul 163, Romney 80, Santorum 57, Gingrich 4, Undecided 2
Eastbrook (separate caucus in Hancock Co.): Paul 19, Santorum 8, Romney 7, Gingrich 0
So the future will be a bunch of superpowers?


Tier 1: USA, Western Europe, China
Tier 2: Russia, India, Brazil
Tier 3:Iran, United or just South Korea, Turkey

Also while things have gotten done in coalition, the US clearly has a lot more power than I think you give it credit for.

Russia not in Tier 1? Really? Come on now.


20 years ago, maybe. Today Turkey is the only country in Europe not drowning in debt and in need of a bailout. They're the biggest NATO force, and the population has deep military tradition like US. Their constitution is fully secular. Fareed Zakaria:

So these one hundred million Turks are going to drive an economy that can compete with a China of 1.4 billion or even a US economy of four hundred million?
Paul swept yesterdays Maine caucuses.

Like in Iowa, Romney was announced the winner before actually winning.

Town of Clinton (Kennebec Co.): Paul 4, Romney 2
Eight towns in Hancock County: Paul 41, Santorum 17, Romney 16, Gingrich 9
Washington County: Paul 163, Romney 80, Santorum 57, Gingrich 4, Undecided 2
Eastbrook (separate caucus in Hancock Co.): Paul 19, Santorum 8, Romney 7, Gingrich 0
Um, Romney still won. Just not by as much.


Russia not in Tier 1? Really? Come on now.


Right now it's

Tier 1: U.S.
Tier 2: Russia, China
Tier 3: India, UK, Turkey

Israel, South Korea, France, Germany, and a few others are either in Tier 3 or the one below it.

Over the next few decades, I'd expect the U.S. and China to equalize somewhat, but they'll be in a class by themselves. If Europe is considered as a single military force, they'd be on that level, but I don't see that happening.



Right now it's

Tier 1: U.S.
Tier 2: Russia, China
Tier 3: India, UK, Turkey

Israel, South Korea, France, Germany, and a few others are either in Tier 3 or the one below it.

Over the next few decades, I'd expect the U.S. and China to equalize somewhat, but they'll be in a class by themselves. If Europe is considered as a single military force, they'd be on that level, but I don't see that happening.

Right now, France and Germany certainly are far more influential than Turkey. That will inevitably change in the coming decades, but for now, that's how it is.
Paul swept yesterdays Maine caucuses.

Like in Iowa, Romney was announced the winner before actually winning.

Town of Clinton (Kennebec Co.): Paul 4, Romney 2
Eight towns in Hancock County: Paul 41, Santorum 17, Romney 16, Gingrich 9
Washington County: Paul 163, Romney 80, Santorum 57, Gingrich 4, Undecided 2
Eastbrook (separate caucus in Hancock Co.): Paul 19, Santorum 8, Romney 7, Gingrich 0

Yeah it doesn't look like it changed anything . . . just narrowed Romney's margin of victory a little bit. So much of the the great tide of votes that could push Ron Paul over the top. It would have been really funny if the result switched.
Damn Santorum. Shut up for a few days

Apparently he can't help himself. He thinks he surged because of his views. He surged because Gingrich flamed-out and Santorum was the last non-Romney standing. All he had to do was act like an average person for a few days but he couldn't pull it off.
Apparently he can't help himself.

No, he really can't.

Santorum: Obama's worldview upside-down

Santorum commented in Ohio Saturday that the president believes in "some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology."

Asked to clarify his statements on CBS News' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Santorum said that he was referring not to the president's faith but to environmentalism.

"Well, I was talking about the radical environmentalists," he told Schieffer. "That's what I was talking about: Energy, this idea that man is here to serve the Earth, as opposed to husband its resources and be good stewards of the Earth.
Unlikely, with a projected population of around a hundred million by 2050, they would be 'tier 3' at best, insofar as influence and power can be measured in tiers like that. I also like how Japan is not even mentioned but South Korea, with half the projected population, is. Nor is Indonesia. Nor is Pakistan.

Japan? Scheduled to lose a third of their population. Though I admit that I overlooked Korea's population decline.

Indonesia? Too poor. And going nowhere from what I understand.

Pakistan? I have doubts.

Russia not in Tier 1? Really? Come on now.

Russia's aging population would kill them.

I'm talking about the not so distant future.

Over the next few decades, I'd expect the U.S. and China to equalize somewhat, but they'll be in a class by themselves. If Europe is considered as a single military force, they'd be on that level, but I don't see that happening.

I don't even know what China can be defined as.

Communist with strong free market elements?

Autocracy Capitalist?


I don't even know what China can be defined as.

Communist with strong free market elements?

Autocracy Capitalist?

I was strictly referring to their military. I don't expect them to surpass us at any point in the foreseeable future, especially considering that we have 11 carrier battle groups, while they have a total of one aircraft carrier which is currently under construction. Nevertheless, I'd expect them to get closer to parity over the next few decades.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
China is going to have to dump trillions into caring for its aging/waning populace by 2050. That will definitely put an immense strain on their economy, but as long as the world uses it as the communal labor force, they will definitely be top tier. America is going to be demoted if they don't start worrying about infrastructure, health care and budgets.

When a fair portion of your yearly budget goes to merely paying down interest on debt already incurred, you know you are leaving little else for what really needs to be done.
Saw a bunch of anti-Santorum ads while watching NBA games today, and they weren't PAC ads either; straight up attack ads from Romney's campaign.

Also saw a panel on a local news station featuring a Santorum and Romney surrogate going at it, while the democrat surrogate laughed his ass off.

Seems like the auto bailout argument was not whether it was successful, but whether government should interfere with the private market. What a tortured argument, given the results of the bailout.


Saw a bunch of anti-Santorum ads while watching NBA games today, and they weren't PAC ads either; straight up attack ads from Romney's campaign.

Also saw a panel on a local news station featuring a Santorum and Romney surrogate going at it, while the democrat surrogate laughed his ass off.

Seems like the auto bailout argument was not whether it was successful, but whether government should interfere with the private market. What a tortured argument, given the results of the bailout.

It's even more tortured when it's brought up that the private market wasn't capable of stepping in, coming during the midst of the financial crisis as it did. The option just wasn't there, so the government was the last resort. But that's too much nuance for the kind of shitbrained stuff going on in this election.


Wonkblog has a good article up on what Empty Vessel has been arguing for a while now.

“Modern Monetary Theory” was coined by Bill Mitchell, an Australian economist and prominent proponent, but its roots are much older. The term is a reference to John Maynard Keynes, the founder of modern macroeconomics. In “A Treatise on Money,” Keynes asserted that “all modern States” have had the ability to decide what is money and what is not for at least 4,000 years.

This claim, that money is a “creature of the state,” is central to the theory. In a “fiat money” system like the one in place in the United States, all money is ultimately created by the government, which prints it and puts it into circulation. Consequently, the thinking goes, the government can never run out of money. It can always make more.

This doesn’t mean that taxes are unnecessary. Taxes, in fact, are key to making the whole system work. The need to pay taxes compels people to use the currency printed by the government. Taxes are also sometimes necessary to prevent the economy from overheating. If consumer demand outpaces the supply of available goods, prices will jump, resulting in inflation (where prices rise even as buying power falls). In this case, taxes can tamp down spending and keep prices low.

But if the theory is correct, there is no reason the amount of money the government takes in needs to match up with the amount it spends. Indeed, its followers call for massive tax cuts and deficit spending during recessions.
It's even more tortured when it's brought up that the private market wasn't capable of stepping in, coming during the midst of the financial crisis as it did. The option just wasn't there, so the government was the last resort. But that's too much nuance for the kind of shitbrained stuff going on in this election.

Here is how I would conduct an interview with Mr Romney:

-If a company like GM is going under, and they have so much value (brand etc) what would a private company, someone like Bain do?
R-Take it over and restructure it for pete's sake!
-Excellent. And you were saying that as a businessman, you would make a great president because you would run this country as a business would be run?
-And since a business would take over a company like GM and restructure it, and you would run the government as a business, than you would do exactly what Obama did, correct?
-R- :O


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Here is how I would conduct an interview with Mr Romney:

-If a company like GM is going under, and they have so much value (brand etc) what would a private company, someone like Bain do?
R-Take it over and restructure it for pete's sake!
-Excellent. And you were saying that as a businessman, you would make a great president because you would run this country as a business would be run?
-And since a business would take over a company like GM and restructure it, and you would run the government as a business, than you would do exactly what Obama did, correct?
-R- :O

They're way ahead of you. The two concurrent theories, often from the same mouth are that it didn't work. The bailout didn't work. GM and Chrysler survived by making better cars. But again, often from the same mouths, if it did work, it was accounted wrong and should have had the money moved around differently. This is literally the party line. Even from Michigan's own GOP chairman, who is a fucktard, btw.
Team Romney aint letting no Santorum surge in MI happen:


Michigan: Santorum 37, Romney 33, Paul 15, Gingrich 10:

Santorum's fav numbers in MI have barely changed in past week...race getting closer because voters there warming up to Mitt

Romney bailout stance not a problem for him- 34% more likely to vote for anti-bailout candidate, 27% less likely

36% of voters in Michigan might still change their minds, so a still wide variety of potential outcomes

Romney has chopped 11 points off Santorum's Michigan lead in the last week
They're way ahead of you. The two concurrent theories, often from the same mouth are that it didn't work. The bailout didn't work. GM and Chrysler survived by making better cars. But again, often from the same mouths, if it did work, it was accounted wrong and should have had the money moved around differently. This is literally the party line. Even from Michigan's own GOP chairman, who is a fucktard, btw.

GM was making good cars for years before the bailout, but no one was giving them a look until the government gave it the stamp of approval

Chrysler had half assed cars due to The stewardship of a shitstain peer ofnbain capital. A mild refresh of their lineup led to a sales explosion

I can't wait for general election debates on this
Any serious republican has to be concerned about Romney here. He has shown a complete inability to beat anyone unless he heavily floods the market with negative ads; Citizen's United is literally the only reason he's not bailing out his own campaign with personal cash right now.

Santorum was going to fall eventually, it was a matter of time given the money situation. I still think he can squeak out a win considering Michigan primary voters will be pretty right wing. But I'd give the edge to Romney. He has the ground game and establishment support here.

IMO Santorum should have gone all-in for Michigan, just as Gingrich did for SC. He should have attempted to convince Friess to give him $5m for PAC ads because this is all or nothing. If Santorum loses he'll still have a place in the race, but we'll be even closer to Romney taking the nomination. If he wins Michigan he throws everything out of whack for the party, and just might force a new candidate to enter the race.

Gingrich will be fighting over the south with Santorum on Super Tuesday while Romney can focus on the other states.
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