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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Santorum Spokesperson Refers To Obama's 'Radical Islamic Policies'

Rick Santorum spokesperson Allison Stewart slipped up on MSNBC Monday afternoon when talking about President Obama's environmental policies. Instead, she called them Obama's "radical Islamic policies."



Fork 'em, Sparky!
Some notes about the show:

- No swearing.

- Thus I have to change the show's name. Can't be KickASS Political Podcast.

- Talking can only last six minutes MAX and then I HAVE to play a song...(I'll see if I can wiggle around this.

- Still trying to see if I can do stuff via Skype to have some Gaffers on (I will fight for this)

- Is playing 12-1pm...the busiest time for the cafeteria (which is where the show will be playing on campus).

Easy: just mix in the latest hipster song, or have guests pick a song. It would be a fun way of getting people to come on.


I think after this cycle is done, we'll see a serious push to correct citizens united and get rid of superpacs.

I've been saying that all that needs to happen is for Dems in 2012 to hold the Senate and retake the House thanks to specifically targeted superPAC money. Citizens United themselves will go back to the SCOTUS and beg for it to be reversed.

Could be, but the difference maker will be the Ron Paul support. We have hardcore Paul support among the college students and "Wild West" Libertarians and hardcore Romney support among the massive Mormon population.

So if Paul does well, Romney wins in a walk. If Paul is marginalized, then Santorum has a chance to make it close, but likely still not win.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I'll just leave this here. Santorum says global warming is just politics, science on the side of more oil/energy production. Really Rick?


Well, the issue is more complicated than just that fact that it has warmed over the past 30 years (even if it has cooled for the past few, as well)

Not saying he isn't clinically retarded, but the issue isn't so cut and dry either way.
The payroll tax package that Congress passed on Friday accelerated the timeline for another battle over the debt ceiling.

Last summer’s bitter clash over the debt limit took the nation to the brink of default, resulting in the first-ever downgrade of U.S. securities.

The debt-ceiling agreement lawmakers approved in August established a cooling-off period, with enough borrowing to see the country through until after the November election.

But a sequel to the debt-ceiling drama could be coming to Washington sooner than planned, thanks to the billions of dollars in deficit spending in the payroll tax agreement.

I called it. Gotta wonder if this is part of the reason republicans caved.


I'd argue that the GOP wouldn't be that stupid to put up a fight akin to what we experienced last August during a lead up to the election but we're talking about the GOP here so...

Yep, I think if they were to try this again it would fit right in with Obama's winning narrative that the GOP in congress with their near single-digit approval rating wants to be obstructionists for the hell of it. I don't think it would be as successful this time around.


Worth it just for the title of the article.

This can't be an accident.
Yep, I think if they were to try this again it would fit right in with Obama's winning narrative that the GOP in congress with their near single-digit approval rating wants to be obstructionists for the hell of it. I don't think it would be as successful this time around.

This can't be an accident.

I'd argue it wasn't successful last time either. I'd argue it was the beginning of the public as a whole recognizing the GOP as being obstructionists and focused solely on serving the extreme wing of the part which is the Tea Party. The world as a whole recognized it too. Throw in the improving economy and the pay roll tax and it's been a recipe for possible disaster for the GOP.
I honestly don't understand how Newt is staying in the race. I don't mean financially because even though its getting tight he's still being supported by a big funder via SuperPAC. But surely he see's the numbers. He's not winning. People aren't going to choose him nationally over Santorum and Romney.
Anyone running for president is already a person with a huge ego. But with Newt Gingrich, multiply that factor by 5X or so.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I know it's the economy stupid, and Obama's reelection completely depends on it, but I really hope this blows up in their face. Hopefully people see this shit coming up right before the election as the Republicans attempting to fuck the economy in order to win the White House.


Honestly, I don't see how it can be anything but bad for the GOP.
I saw an early Texas poll that has Santorum up by 30 points over Romney. The primary is still likely 90 days away, but that's still a pretty significant baseline.

So basically, even Texas hates Rick Perry now? (Well, I guess Newt did come in 2nd in that poll.)


"I have no question Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative reformer, the ability to rally and captivate the conservative movement, the courage to tell those Washington interests to take a hike if it’s what is in the best interests of the country."
-Governor Rick Perry
I'll just leave this here. Santorum says global warming is just politics, science on the side of more oil/energy production. Really Rick?

He also
-Calls for the teaching of creationism in public schools
-Continues repeating the long debunked nonexistent link between abortion & cancer
-Opposes stem cell research

He is a religious fundamentalist. How could he possibly believe in climate change? god wouldn't do THAT to US. He is so out there that he is like caricature of the GOP doofus.
Assuming the WH's response will be nearly as dumb as last year's, the GOP could do effective short term damage. Enough to slow down any growth for October at least, which could work to their benefit.

It seems that the Dems have learned a bit since last year. Also, Obama has been on the offense of recent and I don't see that changing with the election approaching. No way does he and the Dem's allow the GOP to control the messaging.


I know it's the economy stupid, and Obama's reelection completely depends on it, but I really hope this blows up in their face. Hopefully people see this shit coming up right before the election as the Republicans attempting to fuck the economy in order to win the White House.


The time of it is so stupid for the GOP, they have gotten used to pushing around Obama but Campaign Obama is not the same as President Obama.

I would not be surprised if he literally did a campaign add that called them the obstructionist congress and used the numerous stupid interviews they give to do them in


Assuming the WH's response will be nearly as dumb as last year's, the GOP could do effective short term damage. Enough to slow down any growth for October at least, which could work to their benefit.

No in the election year man, Obama has never played around this close. If you watched his two previous campaigns you would see whats coming.


Obama has learned from his mistakes during this fiasco last year. He and the dems have been on the ball with messaging and I don't see them falling into the exact same thing again this year when they have so much momentum right now.


The time of it is so stupid for the GOP, they have gotten used to pushing around Obama but Campaign Obama is not the same as President Obama.

I would not be surprised if he literally did a campaign add that called them the obstructionist congress and used the numerous stupid interviews they give to do them in

Yeah campaign Obama is different then president Obama. They really, really don't want to make this a campaign issue. Even though Obama got dragged through the mud his opponents still had a net lose from last years debacle and its still going to fresh in the minds of the public by the time this comes back around. The last thing they want to do is remind people of what happened last year, its going to torch a lot of republican seats in the house that might be still be competitive by October.


It appears Michigan has truly converged. We Ask America's latest poll, conducted yesterday, estimates Romney and Santorum are tied. As I recall, they have hitherto been fairly accurate. This week should be intense with a fairly substantial quantity of undecided voters.

  • Mitt Romney – 29%
  • Rick Santorum – 29%
  • Ron Paul – 12%
  • Newt Gingrich – 10%
  • Undecided – 20%
China is going to have to dump trillions into caring for its aging/waning populace by 2050. That will definitely put an immense strain on their economy, but as long as the world uses it as the communal labor force, they will definitely be top tier. America is going to be demoted if they don't start worrying about infrastructure, health care and budgets.

When a fair portion of your yearly budget goes to merely paying down interest on debt already incurred, you know you are leaving little else for what really needs to be done.
True. China's ascent is fraught with difficulties, although the aging of the population is not a uniquely Chinese problem. Political reform is another significant hurdle China must address. While the institutional pillar of the CCP produces a more stable political system than Russia's for example, it remains inherently unstable. They lack constitutionally prescribed methods for succession or removal of incompetent/corrupt rulers. I'm not suggesting the system is likely to crumble. But it could throttle development.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It appears Michigan has truly converged. We Ask America's latest poll, conducted yesterday, estimates Romney and Santorum are tied. As I recall, they have hitherto been fairly accurate. This week should be intense with a fairly substantial quantity of undecided voters.

  • Mitt Romney – 29%
  • Rick Santorum – 29%
  • Ron Paul – 12%
  • Newt Gingrich – 10%
  • Undecided – 20%
True. China's ascent is fraught with difficulties, although the aging of the population is not a uniquely Chinese problem. Political reform is another significant hurdle China must address. While the institutional pillar of the CCP produces a more stable political system than Russia's for example, it remains inherently unstable. They lack constitutionally prescribed methods for succession or removal of incompetent/corrupt rulers. I'm not suggesting the system is likely to crumble. But it could throttle development.

I esteem your analysis for its variety of detail and its breadth of verbiage.

I do agree, though. It is far better run than anyone probably could have assumed 50 years ago, but that might be in part due to the government being able to crack down any protests or opposition with quickness, while flexing enough muscle on a worldwide scale to prevent any do-gooders from speaking up about human rights violations, patent and IP theft, and other things that really just make China look like the playground bully that everyone is forced to socialize with by their moms.
It appears Michigan has truly converged. We Ask America's latest poll, conducted yesterday, estimates Romney and Santorum are tied. As I recall, they have hitherto been fairly accurate. This week should be intense with a fairly substantial quantity of undecided voters.

  • Mitt Romney – 29%
    [*] Rick Santorum – 29%
  • Ron Paul – 12%
  • Newt Gingrich – 10%
  • Undecided – 20%

FUCK! I knew it. Santorum can't help but torpedo himself with piety stuff. The guy is running for Pope not president.
I can't help but think back to a few months ago, the Cantor interview on 60 Minutes when his handler interrupted from off camera when Leslie Stahl confronted Cantor about the GOP's unwillingness to compromise- that Reagan compromised with Democrats and raised taxes.

It was one of those moments. Once we get to the GE, we'll start to see that reasonable people have been taking notes, and they will vote.



I called it. Gotta wonder if this is part of the reason republicans caved.

Did you read the rest of it?

The Center now projects the government will hit the debt limit in January, rather than in the early spring, as had been estimated before the payroll package was approved.

The president’s fiscal 2013 budget proposal, released Monday, projected the government’s debt level would reach $16.33 trillion by Sept. 30, only $60 billion under the cap.

But Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told lawmakers Thursday he doesn’t expect to hit the debt limit until “quite late … significantly after the end of the fiscal year.”

Geithner’s estimate suggested that a vote to raise the limit could wait until after the election, and his timeline was not altered by the payroll tax deal, as the Treasury had previously assumed the tax cut would be extended for the remainder of 2012.

Usual caveats about unexpected shocks to the economy aside, I'm not concerned about it. I do think it might have been part of the calculus, but the politics were so sharply against them, I suspect that was the primary reason.


Glad to see this happening in Richmond today. Unfortunately, I don't live there anymore, so I didn't know about it, but glad to see it happening. I think the GOP has possibly miscalculated how "under the radar" all of this anti-woman legislation was going to be. Here's hoping it helps out Tim Kaine and ruins any chance of McConnell rising to any kind of stature (or even worse, AG Cuccinelli) in the national sphere.

Hundreds at Capitol for women's rights rally
I miss riding the Cain Train.

Gingrich, Cain campaign together in Georgia

Asked by reporters in Suwanee, Ga., what cabinet position Cain would hold in a Gingrich administration, the former speaker shied away from naming a specific job.

Cain, however, took control of the answer himself.

“My ideal job with a Speaker Newt Gingrich as president of the United States is to be a senior adviser not in charge of anything,” Cain said. “That's what I would want to do in a Gingrich administration.”


FUCK! I knew it. Santorum can't help but torpedo himself with piety stuff. The guy is running for Pope not president.
Yeah. He performed terribly this past week. While I think the kerfuffle over contraceptives initially bolstered him with strong conservatives, it proved too enticing for him to conceal his extreme social conservatism. He went full reactionary and reminded everyone he was a nut.
I esteem your analysis for its variety of detail and its breadth of verbiage.

I do agree, though. It is far better run than anyone probably could have assumed 50 years ago, but that might be in part due to the government being able to crack down any protests or opposition with quickness, while flexing enough muscle on a worldwide scale to prevent any do-gooders from speaking up about human rights violations, patent and IP theft, and other things that really just make China look like the playground bully that everyone is forced to socialize with by their moms.
Thank you. I esteem your effort.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Is there anything that Santorum can do to get back some of his momentum? He's not going to shut up about birth control and I'd imagine the upcoming debated will lose him more voters.
Is there anything that Santorum can do to get back some of his momentum? He's not going to shut up about birth control and I'd imagine the upcoming debated will lose him more voters.

He has shat the bed nearly every day over the last week. From contraception to women in the military to prenatal screening...and now a Hitler comparison. He literally can't help himself, it's pretty funny. I doubt he was going to beat Romney anyway, but he would have had a better chance if he could just turn the crazy off every now and then.


You would have to think that SOMEONE on Santorum's adviser team could tell him to not be such a fucking nut to keep his momentum going. He had ALL the momentum and all he had to do was not be crazy. Currently its just slip up after slip up.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You would have to think that SOMEONE on Santorum's adviser team could tell him to not be such a fucking nut to keep his momentum going. He had ALL the momentum and all he had to do was not be crazy. Currently its just slip up after slip up.

Ego, ego, ego. Presidential candidates think they are right and they are great. Why else would Romney's campaign can the dude that made him look good in the last debate right afterwards?


He has shat the bed nearly every day over the last week. From contraception to women in the military to prenatal screening...and now a Hitler comparison. He literally can't help himself, it's pretty funny. I doubt he was going to beat Romney anyway, but he would have had a better chance if he could just turn the crazy off every now and then.
Jesus. He's woefully inarticulate, too.
“…. our closest ally Britain was being bombed and leveled, when Japan was spreading its cancer through Southeast Asia, and America sat from 1940 when France fell to December of 1941, and did almost nothing. Why? Because we’re a hopeful people. We think, ‘Well, you know, it’ll get better. Yeah, he’s not, I mean, he’s a nice guy. I mean, it won’t be as near as bad as what we think. I mean, you know, this will be OK. I mean, you know, yeah, maybe he’s not the best guy.’ After a while you found out some things about this guy over in Europe, but he’s not so good of a guy after all. But you know what, why do we need to be involved. we’ll just take care of our own problems. Just get our families off to work and our kids off to school and we’ll be OK. That’s sort of the optimistic spirit of America. But sometimes. Sometimes it’s not OK.>”



Santorum is a "true believer". Him toning down the religious/piety stuff--especially when he probably thinks it's what got him this far in the first place--was unrealistic.
Some notes about the show:

- No swearing.

- Thus I have to change the show's name. Can't be KickASS Political Podcast.

- Talking can only last six minutes MAX and then I HAVE to play a song...(I'll see if I can wiggle around this.

- Still trying to see if I can do stuff via Skype to have some Gaffers on (I will fight for this)

- Is playing 12-1pm...the busiest time for the cafeteria (which is where the show will be playing on campus).

Looks good. I'm down for this, but only on Fridays I suppose. It's the only day I can work from home.
Santorum is a "true believer". Him toning down the religious/piety stuff--especially when he probably thinks it's what got him this far in the first place--was unrealistic.
I think he tried to tone it down a little. The news agencies all go back to that same "One think I'm not afraid to talk about is the dangers of contraception . . . " clip over and over again. He hasn't really said anything new that was that anti-birth control. And I can see the 'do not force Catholic institutions to buy birth control' as just keeping them separate.

But yeah, he really believes in the stuff and he has had all week to stick his foot in his mouth and has proudly done so. He is going to have sweater-vest wearing ass handed to him by the Romney machine.

Newt has been promising $2.50/gallon gas this week but everyone is ignoring him. Which they should.


Junior Member
I think Santorum may have blown this one. His special brand of crazy was known to the politically inclined, but not the public at large. He may be too crazy even for conservative voters.


Ego, ego, ego. Presidential candidates think they are right and they are great. Why else would Romney's campaign can the dude that made him look good in the last debate right afterwards?

I guess its only comical for the rest of us to watch them torpedo their own ships.

I think the next debate will really be interesting. Romney without his debate guy. Santorum with hes craziness unleashed. I think Gingrich has a REALLY good chance at making a comeback especially if Santorum continues down the path he has taken.


Jesus. He's woefully inarticulate, too.
Not to mention clueless about history.
The US didn't jump into WWII not because FDR thought Hitler might turn out okay, but because isolationism was strong in congress (most prominently in the neutrality acts of the late 30s) and in the voting public.
Also, the US didn't exactly sat on sidelines until pearl harbor.
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