Props to Martha Radditz for doing such a great job. She had a spine, asked questions, had superior control over the clock, wasn't afraid to end a topic. This is the way moderation should be in a debate at this level.
As I predicted, Biden put Ryan in his place like the smug little twit he is. This was quite nice after last week's disaster. Seriously, Biden is a pro debater. He says stupid things when he's on the stump. When he's engaged in a conversation? Forget it, you'll get eaten alive. Joe has decades of experience with this kind of thing. He'd make an amazing President, sadly he's a bit old now. He's kinda in the pockets of the RIAA/MPAA, and that pisses me off, but I'll save that for another discussion.
Hopefully this curb-stomping boosts Democratic morale and some swing voters were giving a damn. I don't care what the polls say, when you've got everyone from Laura Ingraham to Rove whining about it you know Biden won.
re: polling, I always figured FL and NC would fall into the abyss, but I'm not liking the firewall starting to weaken already. CO is a big part of that so if it's starting to fade, hopefully IA/NV/NM/OH stay afloat. New Hampshire is scaring me a bit. VA is also looking like a big question mark at the moment. Meh. A lot of this could have been avoided, or at least would have ended with far less bleeding.