still so pissed at Obama. He really shat the bed at the debate. Everyone has done their job except him when it matters. Ugh.
Guys I told you last night the trackers had to move up for Romney today because of the math. The trackers took out the last very good polling day before the debate factored into their numbers.
Guys I told you last night the trackers had to move up for Romney today because of the math. The trackers took out the last very good polling day before the debate factored into their numbers.
Debate Transcript said:BIDEN: And I love my friend here. I — I'm not allowed to show letters but go on our website, he sent me two letters saying, "By the way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of Wisconsin?" We sent millions of dollars. You know...
RADDATZ: You did ask for stimulus money, correct?
BIDEN: Sure he did. By the way...
RYAN: On two occasions we — we — we advocated for constituents who were applying for grants. That's what we do. We do that for all constituents who are...
BIDEN: I love that. I love that. This was such a bad program and he writes me a letter saying — writes the Department of Energy a letter saying, "The reason we need this stimulus, it will create growth and jobs." His words. And now he's sitting here looking at me.
The first polls the after the debate were good for Obama. Gallup and ras. unchanged or went up last Thurs. Rand went up. It was on Saturday we saw movement (friday polling)I thought today's polls are the first to exclude last Thursday which was a big day for Romney.
Fuuuuuuuck. The LV model for Mitt is almost at 50. No no. Can't have this.Gallup LV 49-47 R+1
Gallup RV 48-46 O
Obama Approval 50-44 (-3)
Wait, wasn't everyone saying by today Romney's bounce should have faded?Monday then I guess is when we'll see the results of the decline Romney had after the debate and the day after. That should start to factor in any increase, if there was one from the VP debate. If Obama does well then we should be okay or at least back to where we were pre-debate with Romney perhaps a bit higher (do to republicans not being considered undecided anymore) but with Obama still higher.
The first polls the after the debate were good for Obama. Gallup and ras. unchanged or went up last Thurs. Rand went up. It was on Saturday we saw movement (friday polling)
Wait, wasn't everyone saying by today Romney's bounce should have faded?
Nate is also making the case that it's probably a bit wrong to assume that's going to happen, it seems.
Me too. Now it's Monday.Wait, I was sure that the consensus was that Thursday and Friday right after the debate were the strong Romney days while the weekend saw Obama improve. I am positive that was what people on this board were saying.
Wait, I was sure that the consensus was that Thursday and Friday right after the debate were the strong Romney days while the weekend saw Obama improve. I am positive that was what people on this board were saying.
The case that Mr. Romney’s bounce is evaporating after his debate last week in Denver continues to look a bit thin. The tracking polls aren’t perfect by any means. Some are better than others, but they are a below-average group of polls on the whole. But they do provide useful information about the day-to-day trend in the race, and so far they haven’t shown the sort of reversal that Democrats might have hoped for.
The first debate was over a week ago, I can't imagine Obama getting saved by some weekend magic this time. I think the polling overall suggests Mitt's performance put him right back in the game, and then some.Silver
I'll wait until Monday before pushing the point; by then it'll be pretty much undeniable whether Romney changed the projection of the race long term, or whether this was just a very long bump. But right now Romney is near 50% in Gallup, mere weeks from election. That's not irrelevant
The Florida poll, which was conducted by Mason-Dixon, a good polling firm, showed Mr. Romney with a lead and was a helpful reminder of this. Mr. Obama probably does not trail in Florida by seven points. Some other polls published this week showed him with a small lead there. But there is reason to think that he has become the underdog, since Mr. Obama led in Florida by two or three points before the debates and because Mr. Romneys bounce since then has been a little larger than that. In fact, the FiveThirtyEight forecast had flipped to calling Mr. Romney a slight favorite in Florida a couple of days ago.
The first polls the after the debate were good for Obama. Gallup and ras. unchanged or went up last Thurs. Rand went up. It was on Saturday we saw movement (friday polling)
It would be so odd to see this election become a battle, since it has been a forgone conclusion for so long, I haven't really thought of it.
Regardless, until Romney goes back in time and makes sure the title of his op-ed resembles something closer to "Managed Bankruptcy is Best for Detroit" instead of "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt", Ohio will not be in play.
If it were within 2 or 3 points, maybe I would start sweating, but naahhhhh.
So I asked my girlfriend last night "why Is Romney running for president?".
She's conservative but voted for Kerry and Obama last elections. She is leaning toward Romney but isn't committed. She was a poli sci major turned nurse major in college.
She couldn't answer the question... I think a lot a of people if asked that question will draws blanks too.
So what do you guys think? Why is Romney running for President?
So what do you guys think? Why is Romney running for President?
So I asked my girlfriend last night "why Is Romney running for president?".
She's conservative but voted for Kerry and Obama last elections. She is leaning toward Romney but isn't committed. She was a poli sci major turned nurse major in college.
She couldn't answer the question... I think a lot a of people if asked that question will draws blanks too.
So what do you guys think? Why is Romney running for President?
No. I'm sure last week was good for Romney but it was t as good as the week prior which showed Obama drop that day.Wait, I was sure that the consensus was that Thursday and Friday right after the debate were the strong Romney days while the weekend saw Obama improve. I am positive that was what people on this board were saying.
It's so true. From Clinton to Biden, the Democratic party came out in spades to give Obama a huge advantage coming into the last month of campaigning and look at where we are. It's almost like a bad dream!still so pissed at Obama. He really shat the bed at the debate. Everyone has done their job except him when it matters. Ugh.
Ehh... according to Silver's projections, Ohio is within 2-3 points now.
So what do you guys think? Why is Romney running for President?
Silver again
What the hell? Poll Iowa already, ffs, there's enough pollsters out there perfectly capable of doing it...Nate Silver said:Iowa, in particular, is a crucial state that has been thinly polled all year. (The FiveThirtyEight model, in fact, calculates that Iowa is slightly more essential to the Electoral College than Florida, despite having many fewer electoral votes.) There has been just one poll of Iowa since the debates, and while it gave Mr. Obama the lead, it was an automated poll that probably does not merit too much weight.
Ugh, these national numbers are scary. Hope Obama can eek it out with a map like this in the worst case scenario![IMG][/QUOTE]
Thank you for posting a picture. I can NEVER get the links that people post to work.
To be the first Mormon President.
I forget who it was, but someone said it was the same thing as Kennedy, whose father told him he didn't think Catholics were truly a part of America until they had a president representing them. Now, that's not to say Kennedy had other reasons, but I think that might be Mitt's overriding reason. That's really the only thing I can come up with. There certainly isn't an overarching ideology he abides by that he wishes to follow out, as evidenced by his views changing depending on who he's talking to and which political position he's going for. I don't think he really wants to change anything, for the sake of making it better. I feel like he probably jumped on the healthcare stuff in Massachusetts because it was a historic issue that he could ride into the White House (that frontline documentary kind of played that angle, too). So, even his biggest accomplishment doesn't seem to be done because he wants something better for the American people. It's just because he has ambitions.
No. I'm sure last week was good for Romney but it was t as good as the week prior which showed Obama drop that day.
I checked the numbers last night on Gallup and rand. Gallup stayed put. This indicated it was about the same as the one it replaced.
big movement came the second day. The media narrative drove this more than anything and it took a day to settle in.
If tomorrow Obama doesn't get a bit of a boost at least in RV on gallup then we'll know there's a bit of a problem since last Friday was a big polling day for Romney, and a lead despite the loss of that day would mean he's holding steady in the present. The bigger worry is that once last sunday's polling cycles out Obama will probably see a big single-day drop, since that seemed to be a sort of positive outlier for Obama.
But I think it's safe to say that either way we're going to have problems until the narrative changes, meaning Obama really needs to step up on Tuesday. If CNN is pushing an Obama comeback narrative on wednesday morning then Romney's good press will be erased and national polling will return to a Obama narrow lead. Finally, if Obama can win or tie the foreign policy debate then the election will pretty much be over for Romney.
If Obama loses the next two debates then Romney will take a decisive lead in the polls and it will be all about the ground operations in determining whether Obama can eke out a win.
Silver isn't one to troll himself or his readers. I take him at his word when he makes projections like this. Could he be wrong? Sure. But I sincerely doubt it.I feel like Silver must be laughing as he writes these. I really don't see Wisconsin, Iowa or New Hampshire going red, total gut-call but....
We've got less than a month to go and it's getting closer by the day, if not Mitt getting a slight lead every time a new poll drops. This is far beyond chicken little, there's real cause for concern.I hope this is just chicken little Poli-GAF.
Ugh, these national numbers are scary. Hope Obama can eek it out with a map like this in the worst case scenario!
I feel like Silver must be laughing as he writes these. I really don't see Wisconsin, Iowa or New Hampshire going red, total gut-call but....
A good day for Romney dropped out but it wasn't that good based on the week prior.Hmm..fair enough, though my head hurts trying to determine whether that gain last Friday was more reflective of a good Romney day dropping out.