Obsidian fan
Paul Ryan’s act - that he is a serious, substantive economics wonk - is the kind of self-important and stuffy straight man that is perfect for being taken down a notch for the amusement of viewers.
A good cartoon.
Yeah, PPP did have his lead as relatively modest even when everyone else had Obama pulling away there. A tightening in the PPP poll wouldn't be that drastic of a shift.
I wonder if debating with Kerry is a good idea?
~4 days of constant debate prep. He needs it.
I wonder if debating with Kerry is a good idea?
She won the avatar fan's like meg whitman's campaign in california.
Figures.They said Kerry did great in the prep but Obama just seemed out of it.
They said Kerry did great in the prep but Obama just seemed out of it.
~4 days of constant debate prep. He needs it.
Indeed, voter suppression is a bitch. But the two laws intended to disenfranchise, restrictions on provisional ballots and early voting, were overturned by the 6th. Circuit. Are there other laws I'm missing?
They've been talking about this last minute ad crush for a long time. The timing couldn't be better for them.
I hope it's not that close. Voter suppression is a bitch.
I doubt any sparring partner can imitate Romney. If there's a side on an issue, he's taken it.I wonder if debating with Kerry is a good idea?
Yep. I think it'd be worthwhile to have him sit down with some honest representatives of worried small business owners and others who may disagree with his message. If he could empathize with their worries and connect with them he'd do great come Tuesday.No amount of debate prep can change how you relate to people.
the third one is where it'll be libya for a little while and then a bunch of stuff obama did like winding down iraq, winding down afghanistan, killing bin laden. versus what romney wants to do like ramp things up, unless romney says he doesn't want to increase military presence over there, which he could doIt will be interesting to see the change, the fact its a town hall is already in his benefit.
If any of you have ever seen Romney live he is really awkward when a person does not respond to him in a way he expects (gay veteran, females, etc). Obama can do much better relating to people even if he is not interested. No amount of debate prep can change how you relate to people.
I would worry more about the third debate since that goes back to the same format as the first one and is where Obama needs to have learned any lessons.
Just watched the debate.
Bidden ate that poor kids lunch. GODAMN WHAT AN ASS BEATING.
~4 days of constant debate prep. He needs it.
8 years too late Kerry :|They said Kerry did great in the prep but Obama just seemed out of it.
How much longer until dat PPP, unf
everyone lets make up some polls to cheer Diablos up!
In whose favor?North Carolina 70-30 O
In whose favor?
Todd Akin. said:I've taken a look at both sides of the thing and it seems to me that evolution takes a tremendous amount of faith...To have all of the sudden all the different things that have to be lined up to create something as sophisticated as life, it takes a lot of faith. I don’t see it as even a matter of science because I don’t know that you can prove one or the other."
Texas is Romney 98 Obama -3 A Cow 2
The amount of fuck that is entering my mind is utterly incomprehensible.
Huh? Is this implying Ryan had actual details and Biden had no substance? The fuck debate did I watch then?
Ohio Obama 49 - Romney 46
come at me
Ryan had no/few details (though I do remember zoning out at one point where he was throwing out too many numbers.
Biden blatantly lied about Benghazi and saying he didn't vote for 2 unfunded wars which he indeed voted for.
Partisans are seeing what they wanted to see in that debate.
Good day so far! Football, a seafood festival, and now more football!
If Obama stays at or over 49 in this PPP poll, I'm going to laugh like a loon. I'll be paying much more attention to Obama's number than Romney's.
Romney had a 11k person rally in Ohio today
Romney had a 11k person rally in Ohio today
Bet it looked like a snowstorm.
Bet it looked like a snowstorm.