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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Sidhe / PikPok
Jesus this is a Great political cartoon on youtube called WhyObamaNow that's rising in views over 100k so far. Don't know if this is posted already.


250k views just a few hours later.

Nice, clear, easy to follow message through the mix of speech and infographics combined with a smidgeon of humor.

Edit: sheesh, just refreshed after posting this and the view count is now 337k views.


Junior Member
Wow, at Fox News going full retard on those job numbers. I mean, I know they're biased, but they made no effort to hide it on Friday and Saturday.


Barack Obama: The $1 Billion Candidate
With his latest fundraising haul, Barack Obama will almost certainly set a new campaign finance milestone, becoming America's first $1 billion candidate.

By the end of August, Obama's campaign and affiliated Democratic groups had raised $762 million for his reelection effort, according to the Campaign Finance Institute. Then, on Saturday morning, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina announced that the president and the groups supporting him had raked in a huge amount of money in September: $181 million, the biggest one-month haul of the presidential election. That sum pushes the overall fundraising total for Obama's reelection machine—his campaign and the Democratic affiliates backing him—well past $900 million. Even a modest fundraising month in October means Obama and the Democrats will reach the $1 billion mark.

Obama's September total beat his August haul by $67 million, and it easily outpaces any of the monthly fundraising totals recorded by Mitt Romney's campaign and the affilated GOP groups backing him. The Obama campaign tweeted on Saturday that 1,825,813 donors gave money to reelect Obama last month; 567,044 of those were first-time donors. The average donation in September, Messina said, was $53. "The people and the stories behind these numbers are what make this grass-roots organization so powerful," Messina wrote in an e-mail to supporters. Overall, the Obama campaign said more than 10 million people have donated to reelect the president.

Thats really impressive.

Wow, at Fox News going full retard on those job numbers. I mean, I know they're biased, but they made no effort to hide it on Friday and Saturday.
How are they today?


As a Librul I don't agree that we should have defended Obama this way. Call it what it is on every side. I still mind the guy, and Romney still got bashed. The truth speaks.

I don't think anyone's saying outright lie or anything. Still use the truth, but prioritize what you're talking about. Maybe I'm biased, because my first takeaway from that debate really wasn't "Obama really bit it there." Instead my first thought was "Holy shit Romney lied his ass off with that. I can't even believe how much he lied and flip flopped. Wow." I was speechless and angry about that. So I'm personally just saying make that the lead story. Talk about that.

And, quite honestly, as a liberal that should be what you focus on more than "omg Obama was looking down the entire debate!" Looking down is superficial and ridiculous to hang onto like that. Lying your ass off isn't.


Details on the CO poll
President Obama has a 4-point lead in Colorado, 47 percent to Republican candidate Mitt Romney's 43 percent, in a new live-caller poll of Colorado. Eighty-one percent of likely voters watched the first presidential debate, held on Wednesday in Denver, and 68 percent of those polled said Romney won against only 19 percent who said Obama was victorious.

The numbers showed improvement in Romney's personal rating, but he still faces a big challenge there -- a majority of 51 percent still have an unfavorable few of him, versus 47 percent with a favorable one. The former governor has stuggled on his favorability rating in Colorado thorughout the campaign.


Chris Hayes' show format really is a lot better than the vast majority of shows. Discussions that last more than 2 minutes? People have to elaborate on view points instead of shilling talking points? RIDICULOUS! Switching between that and Crowley's State of the Union show shows a strong contrast.


Chris Hayes' show format really is a lot better than the vast majority of shows. Discussions that last more than 2 minutes? People have to elaborate on view points instead of shilling talking points? RIDICULOUS! Switching between that and Crowley's State of the Union show shows a strong contrast.

Seriously, I'm loving Hayes' show. I really need to force myself to wake up early enough on the weekends to watch it every week. He does a great job moderating, and they get into some great conversations no matter what the view is. Really, some of the best political discussions I've seen on TV.

MHP's show is pretty decent with this, too, but so far I'd say Hayes' is a tad better.


Priebus Dismisses Employment Gains, Says Obama Promised Better
"If you're getting blown out in a football game but you're scoring field goals once a quarter, I mean, you can't point to the three points once a quarter and say, 'hey, look, at least we're scoring some points,'" Priebus said. "We're still getting clobbered. And the fact of the matter is, this president and Joe Biden are getting clobbered on the policies the put in place. They promised we'd be a heck of a lot better off than we are today."


Equate it to a football game. That's why Republicans kill Democrats on the messaging. They speak in terms the average[not that smart] American understands. They'll eat up a line like that

But the Republicans are Kyle Orton.

Free Tebow.

Seriously, I'm loving Hayes' show. I really need to force myself to wake up early enough on the weekends to watch it every week. He does a great job moderating, and they get into some great conversations no matter what the view is. Really, some of the best political discussions I've seen on TV.

Meet the Press should be the Haye's show format, it's depressing how vapid MTP is. :( Get a couple right wingers and left wingers and just run down the talking points on a few segments. Anytime Newt can be on your show, you're not getting a discussion, you're getting a surrogate stump speech.



Good. Like people were saying. The bump was short lived, especially once people came down from whatever high they were on following the debate. Those that were for Obama because of what he stands for or promised or has done or all of the above wouldn't suddenly jump ship after one damn debate. Also the big bird thing and the unemployment numbers are likely going to hurt any additional traction Romney would have gotten. Then there are the ads that can be made from the debate regarding Medicare, etc.

The thing about the Big Bird thing, outside of a good sound bite, is the meaning behind it I think. You can say you are for education but if you are willing to do away with one of the best sources of early education for everyone how can anyone trust anything you say regarding it. PBS has tons of shows that many children watch growing up. Almost all adults have memories of it and its one station everyone that is reasonable can trust to sit their baby or toddlers down in front of. Those who are primary care givers for children, women especially, know this very well. So it's a double hit against Romney when it comes to those that value education highly and women, mothers specifically. The only people that I can think of that think it's really okay to do away with it are those that really have never watched it or took advantage of the channel and it's shows and others like it.

Meet the Press should be the Haye's show format, it's depressing how vapid MTP is. :( Get a couple right wingers and left wingers and just run down the talking points on a few segments. Anytime Newt can be on your show, you're not getting a discussion, you're getting a surrogate stump speech.

That's also because David Gregory is a horrible host. It was a horrible decision to give him MTP. They had him hosting on MSNBC before the decision and you could tell how horrible he was during that time. For that format to work you to have a host that is willing to engage with the guest and question them so talking points isn't the only thing being said. He's incapable of doing that and has no clue what a follow up question is. The host has to be willing to call out both sides for their lies and when they are stretching the truth to fit their point of view. That means the host has to know the facts of the topic as well and know them well enough to respond on the fly. That is why someone like Maddow and Hayes would make ideal host but sadly would never get it because they are labeled liberal. However I do think they would would hold dems to task as well.


Junior Member
I said it once, and I'll say it again; You don't win a debate by lying through your teeth and rolling over the moderator. Conservative whack jobs may have loved it, but I seriously doubt many independents did.

Also the conservative freak out about the job numbers has been utterly fantastic.
The thing about the Big Bird thing, outside of a good sound bite, is the meaning behind it I think. You can say you are for education but if you are willing to do away with one of the best sources of early education for everyone how can anyone trust anything you say regarding it. PBS has tons of shows that many children watch growing up. Almost all adults have memories of it and its one station everyone that is reasonable can trust to sit their baby or toddlers down in front of. Those who are primary care givers for children, women especially, know this very well. So it's a double hit against Romney when it comes to those that value education highly and women, mothers specifically. The only people that I can think of that think it's really okay to do away with it are those that really have never watched it or took advantage of the channel and it's shows and others like it.

That is a great point.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I said it once, and I'll say it again; You don't win a debate by lying through your teeth and rolling over the moderator. Conservative whack jobs may have loved it, but I seriously doubt many independents did.

Also the conservative freak out about the job numbers has been utterly fantastic.

I think the polls for Wisconsin showed this as well. All it did was shore up the GOP vote.


Yes, shill on Meet the Press arguing that Romney is full of new ideas and that's what people liked in the debate.

Pressed to say what exactly these " new ideas" are? No.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yes, shill on Meet the Press arguing that Romney is full of new ideas and that's what people liked in the debate.

Pressed to say what exactly these " new ideas" are? No.

Haha, what? New ideas like "I'll take what you want to do, Mr President, and remove all the bad stuff that I made up"?
so I was at the doctor's office yesterday to get a prescription for something, and the doctor randomly said something about "you gotta get this filled before the end of the year because after that, Obamacare ain't gonna cover anything!"

Any idea of what she could be talking about? It sounded like your basic right-wing fearmongering, but I was wondering if there's some provision or something she could be referring to. Didn't see anything here, but you know, that's a government website full of lies!

I swear, whenever something right-wingish comes out of someone's mouth that I don't expect, I basically start looking like Troy



so I was at the doctor's office yesterday to get a prescription for something, and the doctor randomly said something about "you gotta get this filled before the end of the year because after that, Obamacare ain't gonna cover anything!"

Any idea of what she could be talking about? It sounded like your basic right-wing fearmongering, but I was wondering if there's some provision or something she could be referring to. Didn't see anything here, but you know, that's a government website full of lies!

I swear, whenever something right-wingish comes out of someone's mouth that I don't expect, I basically start looking like Troy


Considering that the PPACA isn't a form of coverage, this is beyond misinformed.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I don't know what that could possibly refer to, since the ACA promises a basic level of coverage that insurers are under no obligations to offer now. At the very least, the coverage shouldn't be any less than it currently is on average.


so I was at the doctor's office yesterday to get a prescription for something, and the doctor randomly said something about "you gotta get this filled before the end of the year because after that, Obamacare ain't gonna cover anything!"

Any idea of what she could be talking about? It sounded like your basic right-wing fearmongering, but I was wondering if there's some provision or something she could be referring to. Didn't see anything here, but you know, that's a government website full of lies!

I swear, whenever something right-wingish comes out of someone's mouth that I don't expect, I basically start looking like Troy

The ACA isn't an insurance plan, it doesn't cover anything. Your doctor sounds like a dumbass.
Obamacare makes it so that anytime you have an ailness you'll be required to see the local shaman and perform Kenyan Muslim rituals before you can see an actual doctor, although government bureaucracy might just stick you on a death panel instead.
Obamacare makes it so that anytime you have an ailness you'll be required to see the local shaman and perform Kenyan Muslim rituals before you can see an actual doctor, although government bureaucracy might just stick you on a death panel instead.

wait, what if you have a pre-existing ailness


I totally forgot about that panel of shadow bureaucrats that will evaluate everyone needing care in the country and force them to die on the streets. Get your pills now!!!!!
wait, what if you have a pre-existing ailness
We've rationed out healthcare so that someone with a pre-existing condition such as cancer, pregnancy, or being fiscally responsible will be entered into a lottery with 999 meth addicts. Whoever wins gets free medical care for life, unless of course, the winner is the person with the pre-existing condition, in which case the free medical care will be distributed to the meth addicts with none for the winner. In any case, you're on your own!
Find a new doctor.

Considering that the PPACA isn't a form of coverage, this is beyond misinformed.

The ACA isn't an insurance plan, it doesn't cover anything. Your doctor sounds like a dumbass.

haha, yeah I figured. Granted she wasn't really "my doctor", and I was only really there to get a new prescription for something, but it certainly was fascinating seeing that mindset up close from a "professional", and not just a random online comment.

Though of course, it's not like doctors are immune from believing silly BS.


haha, yeah I figured. Granted she wasn't really "my doctor", and I was only really there to get a new prescription for something, but it certainly was fascinating seeing that mindset up close from a "professional", and not just a random online comment.

Though of course, it's not like doctors are immune from believing silly BS.

Ron Paul is a doctor. This leads me to conclude that being a highly educated and experienced doctor doesn't mean you can't also be a lunatic.

At my workplace, much of our funding comes from government contracts and our clients basically live off of Medicaid and Social Security. There are a few people I work with that very much vocally call for these programs to be cut. I don't understand the world.
so I was at the doctor's office yesterday to get a prescription for something, and the doctor randomly said something about "you gotta get this filled before the end of the year because after that, Obamacare ain't gonna cover anything!"

Any idea of what she could be talking about? It sounded like your basic right-wing fearmongering, but I was wondering if there's some provision or something she could be referring to. Didn't see anything here, but you know, that's a government website full of lies!

I swear, whenever something right-wingish comes out of someone's mouth that I don't expect, I basically start looking like Troy


It sounds like he has wonderful bedside manners.

Fire his ass like Big Bird.
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