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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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No motherfucker, we did. That debate was not bad enough to justify such a massive tank in the polls; that occurred because of the media coverage and unanimity among both Republicans and Democrats that Obama had lost the debate.

Paul Ryan apparently "tied" his debate while getting hanged by his own intestines because his supporters were behind him no matter what.

That's simply not true. Obama looked horrible in the debate and immediate snap polls showed it - that's a fact. The freak out was no different from what you would have seen if Romney got his ass handed to him fair and square

The Ryan comparisons make no sense. Conservatives set the post-debate narrative days before the debate: biased moderator. Ten minutes in and they were already complaining hard about her. Whether you guys want to live in reality or not, Biden's constant interrupts of Ryan rubbed many viewers the wrong way, and turned what seemed to be a clear victory into something closer. Conservatives tied that into the alleged poor moderation, then continually attacked Biden's demeanor. It was an effective spin, even if polls showed Biden won.

Democrats had nothing to spin about Obama's performance. He was awful, his own most senior advisers were visibly shocked and Obama himself even admitted he shat the bed. Stop pretending like the media turned a close loss into a landslide - it was obvious to nearly everyone who saw what had happened. 70 million people saw the president timid on stage, unwilling and unable to defend his record. He literally said Romney's views on Social Security are the same as his, he didn't mention Bain, he didn't mention the 47%, he let Romney off the hook of his tax plan. It was a HORRIBLE performance on substance and visual levels, get over it.

As I said a few days ago, winners act like winners and losers act like losers. Conservatives may have been aggressive after the Biden debate, but ultimately they acted like losers; after all only losers complain about the other side winning too mean. Too bad more than a few viewers actually agreed with that assessment due to Biden being a dick.


Wow. Umm.. not as bad as many would fear.

If it's this close in NC, I'm guessing that VA is going to be favorable to us by a few points. I like.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Enough with the goddamned polls. Obama's fucked, it's time to move on. To Canada.



PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

The really important number from our North Carolina poll- Honey Boo Boo has a 3/47 favorability rating. CC: @GovBevPerdue

5m PublicPolicyPolling PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

Most of Obama's post-debate erosion of support has been with white voters, so the effect isn't as strong in really racially diverse states

6m PublicPolicyPolling PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

Romney's gains in NC and VA since the debate- 2 pts in each- smaller than most other states due to large nonwhite population
Florida voters think Biden won the debate 44-40. But they like Ryan (50/44 fav) better than him (45/50) anyway

Medicare state full of seniors and they still think Biden barely won - AND they like Ryan more than the old guy. You can't blame that on media; the problem is the top of the ticket.


I think that taken on his own, Ryan performed much worse than Obama. It's just that Biden's performance was a mixed bag in terms of how people reacted to it which evened things out a bit.
Here is my takeaway from the two PPP polls in Florida and NC today: If we were to rank the close states in order of their chances of going to Obama, these would probably be the last two. And if Romney is only up two in those states, it becomes unlikely that gap will manifest itself in other close states, meaning that some or a few will go to Obama, which is all he needs.


My grandparents have decided to vote for Obama...so I expect NC to be a miraculous win for him.

What is in store for Monday, poll wise?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What's with Floridians constantly supporting candidate that want to destroy medicare?


We keep talking about ground game like it's Secret PS3 Title. We shouldn't rely on it too much. Obama better debate.
We talk about his ground game with good reason. It's a tremendous asset. Obviously, it's not an insuperable advantage should he fail in other facets of the campaign. But in a close election, it could prove decisive.
McCain had a ground game?
Yes. As I recall, he established approximately 380 field offices nationwide. So McCain's problem was not the absence of a ground game. Rather, it was Obama's vastly superior organization which had been developed to an unprecedented scale.
And Romney's is a lot better than McCain's.
Not quite. They were roughly comparable last I checked. And the Romney Campaign has not significantly expanded in the interim. So it might be slightly better but not considerably.


It's not Germany-Australia-France.

I have no intention of living in fantasy based reality.

That's why I'm not a Republican.

Like being a pacifist on a battlefield.

The smouldering and desecrated corpses can say that they got dismembered with honor, but at the end of the day they're fed to the dogs and shit out as fertilizer.

I'd rather not be fertilizer, thanks.


NC is basically an addition for Obama. I really didn't expect him to win it this time again. I wonder how much resources Obama will use in NC.
nc was a 14k difference last time. him winning again would be a guaranteed 300+ ev win.
Yeah, as great as Obama's ground game is there the fundamentals of the state make it that if he's doing well enough there he's probably winning fl co va etc. If we have to wait a few days for nc like in 08 either way it prlb means Obama won
nc was a 14k difference last time. him winning again would be a guaranteed 300+ ev win.

Exactly. So it being close means that it is not guaranteed to be in Romney's column so he still has to contribute time and resources there instead of other states that he, even as of now, still has to flip to have a shot. His campaign may become spread so thin that he can only make marginal gains (if any) in many states where he needs something more substantial.

I wonder how much resources Obama will use in NC.
Michelle will be there on Tuesday.


Every little bit help in these states

• Florida: At this point in 2008, Republicans outnumbered Democrats among absentee mail voters by more than 245,000. This year, Democrats have cut that margin to just 70,000 – an improvement of 175,000.

• Nevada: At this point in 2008, Republicans outnumbered Democrats in absentee ballot requests by more than 8,000. This year, Democrats are in the lead.

• North Carolina: At this point in 2008, Republicans outnumbered Democrats in absentee ballot requests by more than 39,000. Today, that margin is down to less than 34,000

I posted this like 20 times.
None of these state polls make sense when you look at some of the national polls. How could Romney be leading nationally by 2 according to Ras and Gallup but only by 1 in Florida.


None of these state polls make sense when you look at some of the national polls. How could Romney be leading nationally by 2 according to Ras and Gallup but only by 1 in Florida.
Red states really really really hate Obama. The margin in the Bible belt states will be pretty crazy. It's why there is a realistic chance Obama will win the electoral college and lose the popular vote.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
• North Carolina: At this point in 2008, Republicans outnumbered Democrats in absentee ballot requests by more than 39,000. Today, that margin is down to less than 34,000

well then


None of these state polls make sense when you look at some of the national polls. How could Romney be leading nationally by 2 according to Ras and Gallup but only by 1 in Florida.

Romney's gains were focused in non-swing states -- he's probably leading by somewhat more than before in the South and losing by somewhat less on the coasts. Swing states already knew who the guy was.


Romney's gains were focused in non-swing states -- he's probably leading by somewhat more than before in the South and losing by somewhat less on the coasts. Swing states already knew who the guy was.

The Bain ads from the summer were pretty much only airing in swing states, so that probably stuck with a lot of people from these states.


Romney only up 2, I figured it would be more

and LOL @ the blatent hate for Obama by white people. They are really going to shit themselves in a few cycles when Hispanics take over and possibly end up on the ticket


The polls are better than I expected. Obama still has a good chance of recovering some independents if he politely dismantles Romney's platform on Tuesday.

My biggest concern for the debate is Candy Crowley. She's a terrible journalist.


The polls are better than I expected. Obama still has a good chance of recovering some independents if he politely dismantles Romney's platform on Tuesday.

My biggest concern for the debate is Candy Crowley. She's a terrible journalist.

Can't be any worse then Lehrer
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