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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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I keep thinking no one tuned into the RNC and Mitt had his "here I am America, aren't I cool" moment in the debates and not back during his convention. It "explains" the polling discrepancy almost completely ( swing states less impacted, as they have been bombarded with information for a while now, whereas the national polls swung a lot ) and reconciles the complete lack of an RNC bounce.

I think on election day we will be back to status quo of the race - Obama by two or three, and Republicans will manage to find a valid but rough electoral path for Mittens and it will fail for them like it failed for Kerry in 2004.

I more or less agree, but it was more pronounced because he was sharing a stage with the President and he outmatched him. It'll subside somewhat, but we won't know for certain because the subsequent debates are confounding factors.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I find it's a nice counterbalance to all the bridge jumping that happens around here at the very mention of potential bad news.

Meta bad news for Obama? Bad news for Obama.

Ok, I think my tourettes is done for the night.


Yeah it's a bit low. Not trying to discredit it here but I wouldn't get too excited. That's a bit weird

From the WaPo link:

Partisan identification fluctuates from poll to poll as basic orientations shift and with the sampling variability that accompanies each randomly selected sample of voters. In the current poll, Democrats outnumber Republicans by nine percentage points among likely voters; the previous three Post-ABC polls had three-, six- and five-percentage-point edges for Democrats. The presidential contest would now be neck and neck nationally with any of these margins.


It's very encouraging news but don't you think it's a bit premature to say "he's got this"?
Perhaps a bit dramatic, sure.. but I tend to think that he'd have to be caught in bed with one of Sasha or Malia's classmates to lose this thing. We're not going to see a repeat of Debate #1, and now, near Mitt's Peak, the Electoral Map still looks scrumptious.

I'm confident in how this is going to turn out. If you're not, that's cool.


I think that on election night, Ohio and Iowa will be the pair that seals the deal.

Once that combo drops we can start celebrating.

I don't see the others being called sooner than that.


Perhaps a bit dramatic, sure.. but I tend to think that he'd have to be caught in bed with one of Sasha or Malia's classmates to lose this thing. We're not going to see a repeat of Debate #1, and now, near Mitt's Peak, the Electoral Map still looks scrumptious.

I'm confident in how this is going to turn out. If you're not, that's cool.

So true... unless Bams REALLY fucks up (which is certainly possible with another mediocre debate performance or late "October surprise") this is about as it good as it's getting for Rombot.

I mean Bams' current work in Ohio/Iowa and other early voting states and his overall ground game is gonna seal this thing, and it's only gonna be truly noticed after he wins it. And that's what I appreciate about this campaign, for the most part, they don't do shit strictly dictated by the shallow-thinking media, they do all the little things that matter in the end.


I think that on election night, Ohio and Iowa will be the combo that seals the deal.

Once that combo drops we can start celebrating.
I tend to agree.

My suspicion is that perhaps Florida and moreso Virginia will be too close to call immediately when the polls close, but Ohio will be the staggering blow. When the networks call Ohio for Obama (and I suspect that this will be shortly after the polls there close), I'm going to yell very loudly , "FINISH HIM!" at the TV.. then Iowa will arrive, and the deed will be done.
Cajun style!

50-43 RVs on that ABC poll, btw.
Hot damn.. that's even nicer.
LV is what matters more tho
Maybe it's just a dailykoselections meme (they're usually far more level-headed than the main site), but RV polls are supposed to be more accurate in general elections than LV polls.

Puddles said:
Obama isn't winning +7, but if he did, how could Democrats not take back the House? Would there be that many Obama/Republican rep splits?
If Obama won by 7 and Democrats didn't win back the House (or even get close), blame it on gerrymandering or an intense level of ticket-splitting.

For reference, Clinton won by 9 points while Democrats only won the House ballot that year by 1 point, not enough to take back the House, so it's not unheard of. However, it's certainly possible Perot took votes overwhelmingly from Dole that year, unlike in 1992 where his support was more evenly divided.


Obama isn't winning +7, but if he did, how could Democrats not take back the House? Would there be that many Obama/Republican rep splits?
Maybe it's just a dailykoselections meme (they're usually far more level-headed than the main site), but RV polls are supposed to be more accurate in general elections than LV polls.

Only if LV model is underestimating Dem turnout by a lot. Nate has said somewhat that it is possible especially with the reports of early voting favoring Dems.
Good news for Obama
Fucking hell, first sign of the apocalypse.

I wonder why Nate didn't set up a House model this year. Too much on his plate perhaps. It'd be nice to see where we're at, but maybe it's best to assume R control so it'll be a surprise if we get Speaker Pelosi again.


Yeah, recapturing the house might be a bridge too far this cycle, but it would be a nice surprise.

And even PD can't troll this #s lol
If we win the White House, we win the Supreme Court too. That is priority number one.
Mm, let's win it in 2016 too. Just to be safe

Diablos said:
Well LV implies that it's who is likely to get off their ass and vote. Democrats far outnumber Republicans in voter reg but there's a reason why Dems don't win every single Presidential election :p
I don't know what ABC's methodology is but some likely voter screens are weird as hell. It'll be like "On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to vote" and only 9s and 10s will be counted. PPP's solution is best, they just ask straight up at the beginning of the poll "Are you likely to vote this year?" And everyone who says yes gets polled.

Doing an RV poll and then reporting the LV subset as a separate result is kind of odd too, just because I feel like at this point if you're willing to answer a poll about the presidential election and then not vote.


Does it really though? You'd think so, but I'd like to see some data backing that up.
Well LV implies that it's who is likely to get off their ass and vote. Democrats far outnumber Republicans in voter reg but there's a reason why Dems don't win every single Presidential election :p


If we win the White House, we win the Supreme Court too. That is priority number one.
Oh for sure, no doubt... and with Hil-Dawg looking like a good bet for 2016 and beyond (and yes, I know it's sort of futile to look that far out) combined with the growing demographic advantages for dems and the recovering economy, you really feel like we're on the cusp of something here. And a Romney win would just erase all that and the long-term damage to the court could be devastating.


Hillary is looking a bit old these days, I mean that not to be disrespectful but she may be anxious to retire from politics.
obama should start runnings ads promising that if he is reelected, he will support policies that limit the amount of political advertising. people must be getting sick of this shit.

If we win the White House, we win the Supreme Court too. That is priority number one.

not really. only ginsburg is likely to retire, which would maintain the status quo. scalia is old but there is no way he is resigning or dying while a democrat is president. i doubt kennedy would resign as well.

so i don't see a way obama gets to appoint a fifth liberal on the court. would be amazing though.


Yeah it's a bit low. Not trying to discredit it here but I wouldn't get too excited. That's a bit weird
Hm, good catch.
Yeah, recapturing the house might be a bridge too far this cycle, but it would be a nice surprise.

And even PD can't troll this #s lol
Yeah. Previously, I said it was a toss up. But Democrats are probably modest underdogs, although it projects to be close either way. Neither party has maintained a lead in the House polls.


will gain confidence one day
Well LV implies that it's who is likely to get off their ass and vote. Democrats far outnumber Republicans in voter reg but there's a reason why Dems don't win every single Presidential election :p

It implies that, sure. But then without a strong historical correlation coefficient between LV polls and actual voter turnout, you're just making assumptions based on the accuracy of the model being used. I am just asking if there has been a statistical study on the accuracy of LV predictions, because I haven't seen it myself. So if anyone has a link maybe? I'd do some research myself but I'm at work right now and can only do so much on this computer.
2016 is a given, Hilary got that shit on lockdown.
Also, it's kinda creeping me out that you guys are talking in first person about the DNC.
I'll probably be a politician in some capacity by that time, whether it's just a gag run for house or something more serious. I feel comfortable using the first person to describe the democratic party


If Obama continues to improve and this isn't a "dead cat bounce" as Nate mentioned, then he's got this. I don't see how it could possibly get worse for Obama than these past couple weeks, and even then he's managed to keep his head just above the water where it matters. Since he's bound to turn things back around at least a little bit with an undeniably stronger second debate and the media's inevitable light "comeback" narrative, it would probably take a video of Obama freeing Osama Bin Laden with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers at his side to make him lose this.
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