GOP would filibuster the ever-loving shit out of any Obama nominee in that instance.
Filibuster is stupid and just leads to ridiculous gridlock.
GOP would filibuster the ever-loving shit out of any Obama nominee in that instance.
(finally got to a computer where I could see the map)
I think we have Iowa in hand almost as much as Ohio as well, but I'm eagerly awaiting some fresh polling to confirm this.
As long as there's a good 10 or 20EV buffer against GOP shenanigans, I'd feel pretty good about things. If there were a popular/electoral split, I could see some truly desperate GOP governors or secretaries of state refusing to certify election results, with bullshit talk of violence, revolution, court battles, etc etc. I wouldn't put anything past 'em.
Semi-related aside: I'm almost convinced that much of Romney's rise has come from larger margins in already-red states. If you mention Obama out in rural areas down here for instance, people begin snarling and foaming at the mouth like rabid animals, and Romney endeared himself to these folks by fighting Obama in that first debate. Before, they were kinda lukewarm to Romney.
I don't mind the filibuster, so long as the senators actually.. umm.. filibuster. Let 'em get their asses on the floor and force them to hold it, instead of caving to the mere threat.Filibuster is stupid and just leads to ridiculous gridlock.
Black Mamba:
"Doing nothing" isn't really an option, but plays into the Republicans hands in sabotaging Obama's second term immediately.
The economy was slowing down when Clinton left office.
I could only venture a guess. But the outcome isn't dissimilar from other polls, so it doesn't appear problematic.Why is the Republican sampling so low?
edit: While I'd love for Dems to get the House back I think best case scenario here is Obama re-elected and 50+ Dem Senate seats held.
Hm, yes. Anything usually does happen.Gore lost after 8 years of prosperous Clinton. Anything can happen and usually does.
There's some evidence a candidate suffers after their party has held the presidency for two or more terms. Many election forecasts will incorporate an incumbency variable to account for the effect. It seems intuitive, although there's not enough data to make a confident inference.I've heard it argued that between challengers, incumbents and successors, the successor has the most difficulty in approaching the presidency.
Can't wait for the filibuster to be changed so when Obama pushes through his Hey Dumbass States, Hire More Teachers, Police and Firefighters Bill the Republicans will have to give speeches on why it would kill America.I don't mind the filibuster, so long as the senators actually.. umm.. filibuster. Let 'em get their asses on the floor and force them to hold it, instead of caving to the mere threat.
We talk about "optics" as one of our big buzzwords this year.. well, the American people should be able to get a good look at the GOP's senators actively holding-up widely popular pieces of legislation. It'd be a fanastic visual piece for voters to consider.
Oh, I agree they can still make an impact. But over the 4 years, it will still be a plus for Obama/Dems and they can't stop that.
How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
wait what the hell is going on with their sample:
How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
Considering Obama took the entire House caucus behind the woodshed in a debate like this and Town Halls are his thing while Romney really doesn't do well in them, and the last debate lit a fire under his ass, I would be stunned if he does anywhere near as poorly in this debate as the first.
I'd get really nervous, no doubt. But panic wouldn't set in until I saw some bad Ohio polling.How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
That's what people fucking said before the first debate...Romney sucks at them, etc. Obama is awesome...he will wipe the floor.
How will you guys react if Obama does the same in the 2nd debate or worse lol.
Oh, I agree they can still make an impact. But over the 4 years, it will still be a plus for Obama/Dems and they can't stop that.
That said, I don't believe they'd allow the Bush Tax cuts to go up for the middle class (whether it's a new tax plan or extending it) or allow the fiscal cliff to happen. If they even tried, I think the Republican Party would be done.
Semi-related aside: I'm almost convinced that much of Romney's rise has come from larger margins in already-red states. If you mention Obama out in rural areas down here for instance, people begin snarling and foaming at the mouth like rabid animals, and Romney endeared himself to these folks by fighting Obama in that first debate. Before, they were kinda lukewarm to Romney.
Explain. If they obstruct and the tax cuts expire, the president will get the blame. Barring democrats retaking the house, the Bush tax cuts will be fully renewed either next month or sometime in January/Feb. Which likely means two more years of fear mongering and big deficits.
MILWAUKEE - Both Governor Walker and VP candidate Paul Ryan helped Governor Tommy Thompson raise campaign money Sunday.
But, it's comments by Thompson's son made Sunday morning that has the Internet buzzing.
"We have the opportunity to send President Obama back to Chicago, or Kenya," Jason Thompson said while speaking to a group of Republicans in Kenosha Sunday morning. Video of the comments quickly went online.
When asked by a reporter, Governor Thompson claimed he knew nothing about his son's quip.
The problem is: What does Mitt stand for?
Is he going to pull another wildcard and just say the complete opposite of whatever Obama says and in the most attractive fashion possible? I think that's a key part of his debate strategy; deny the past and pick the best possible talking point remotely grounded in some form of GOP ideal to throw Obama off.
I think Bams will extend them but not for the upper class. I think he will negotiate to keep the estate tax as it is and/or similar things to give the Repubs something to take home, but I don't think he will fold like last time.
He can let them expire and then propose his own tax reform. That will put the honus on the Repubs to go along with it. I want to remind you, projections say things will be MUCH better in 4 years regardless of GOP bullshit and if the GOP doesn't hitch on the wagon, they'll be left behind and will pay for it.
They'll lose big in 2014 if they don't work with Obama this time a little.
That's what people fucking said before the first debate...Romney sucks at them, etc. Obama is awesome...he will wipe the floor.
The estate tax doesn't change or expire in January, it's irrelevant to the issue. If taxes go up, the party in charge pays for it; that means democrats and the president. Republicans would have no incentive to let the upper class cuts expire in exchange for lower income cuts remaining. They could simply walk from the table and let everything increase in January. With respect to Obama proposing a tax plan, so you honestly think the house will accept that? And in terms of Obama getting some decent deal...not going to happen
They will simply rewrite the Bush tax cuts and give it a new name; perhaps the Reagan Tax Relief Plan. Boehner will send it to the senate and dare them not to pass it. And Obama will sign it
There are more than a few things that could ensure the CBI report doesn't come true, so I see no point in assuming 12 million jobs is a given. War, terrorist attack, another financial crash, etc.
Beautiful.RAND moves in favor of Obama again! And it's a sizable one. +1
Obama now up 49.56 to 44.94. If rounded terms, it would be 50-45 or Obama +5.
Also, the big gain today was a bit unexpected, and if I'm right, this could only happen if Obama is now polling around 50.5-44 in the poll for about 2 or 3 days.
Obama's lead is not HIGHER than it was the day of the debate. And based on their shifting numbers, the only way this is happening is Romney's enthusiasm has dropped or Obama's has come up.
Just 4 days ago, which incorporated the entire post-debate bounce, Obama was up slightly less than 2 points and it was 48-46. Now that the weekend has passed, it is roughly the same (slighty higher) than the +4.3 it was the day of the debate.
In other words, the debate bounce completely faded and it looks like Obama is polling even better than before.
Where you at PD?
I agree with this also. Romney has done everything to set the election up as a choice between progressive and conservative ideologies. If Obama wins and Republicans block any significant tax reform from occurring, they will be acting directly contrary of what the American people voted for. Not that they're any stranger to that, but it would be a really tough sell, especially if Obama wins in a landslide.Black Mamba said:Yes, I believe Obama and the Dems will spend a considerable amount of energy convincing the American people the GOP is pulling a ruse on them.
Voters have been clear they support higher taxes on the rich. Obama being elected is a mandate for that. The people understand this. It will be one of the first thing he brings up and pushes and if the GOP stand against it they will finally pay for it dearly. Boehner knows this and will work out a deal to take home to his people to show he got something (i used estate reform as an example).
Now is certainly a poor time for America to let itself get hoodwinked by Mittens. Glad to see things are settling down.
I agree with this also. Romney has done everything to set the election up as a choice between progressive and conservative ideologies. If Obama wins and Republicans block any significant tax reform from occurring, they will be acting directly contrary of what the American people voted for. Not that they're any stranger to that, but it would be a really tough sell, especially if Obama wins in a landslide.
Best to hope Democrats win back the House just to be safe.
Obama's lead is now HIGHER than it was the day of the debate. And based on their shifting numbers, the only way this is happening is Romney's enthusiasm has dropped or Obama's has come up.
I'm sure a lot of Romney's bounce came from winning over "undecided" Republicans, so that doesn't surprise me. He hit a home run and rallied everyone behind him, but now the debate has cycled out of the day-to-day news.You can see in the "intention to vote" panel that Romney voters have lost over 1.5% intention to vote in the last couple of days, which is actually a pretty large move on that scale.
You can see in the "intention to vote" panel that Romney voters have lost over 1.5% intention to vote in the last couple of days, which is actually a pretty large move on that scale.
One recurring problem for presidential candidates is that they dont know how much they cant do, so they overpromise. This happened to Obama in 2008. The problem for presidents is the reverse: Knowing exactly how much they cant do and fearful of again overpromising, they lose the ability to inspire. This is happening to Obama now.
Obamas American Jobs Act is still the best and most detailed plan on the table to create jobs. His health-care law, which will begin in earnest in 2014 assuming Obama is reelected, will cover tens of millions of Americans and transform the delivery of medical care. Indeed, just this month, the law began linking Medicare hospital payments to value rather than volume, and penalizing hospitals with high numbers of preventable readmissions. Its a huge accomplishment, but not one youll hear Obama mention on the campaign trail. When Obama gets specific about policies these days, its usually about Romneys plans, not his own.
It might be that polls and focus groups have given the Obama campaign reason to retreat from presenting a bold agenda for a second term. But the dulling of the vision has led to the dulling of the candidate. A quick glance at the polls suggests voters dont seem to like that, either.
Well, there you go. The one chart i missed, lol.
I wonder why it's dropping so much. It didn't rise after the debate. It's actually been steadily dropping since the debate.
Obama had a big drop on 10/10. I can't figure out what's special about 10/10. And it's not like that 500 sample set was bucking the norm the other days and it hasn't really risen much from that drop.
What the hell happened on Wednesday?
I guess I don't know about RAND, but generally you should ignore daily fluctuations for tracking polls.
When Gallup does then it is safe to say the trackers show a weakening of his bounce, they are the gold standard when it comes to tracking polls.Rasmussen has an empirical Republican bias in their polling, so it's not the same. What you should be fighting against is anyone taking any one poll as gospel. Of course, other polls have also shown a weakening of Romney's debate bounce.
When Gallup does
Thats Bananas!Good news for Obama?
Must be an outlier.
LOL @ Good Morning America lead-in: "our new ABC News / WashPost poll reveals new strength for Mitt Romney"
but romney was down 2 before Right?LOL @ Good Morning America lead-in: "our new ABC News / WashPost poll reveals new strength for Mitt Romney"