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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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I don't get how a "dead cat bounce" could be applicable in the world of political polling. When I first saw it here I assumed it was a joke. Is it being used to mean regression toward the mean?



For instance, Andrew Sullivan turned into a giant wailing babyman on his blog, pronouncing that at the end of the first (admittedly disastrous) presidential debate, President Obama "instantly plummeted into near-oblivion," whatever the fuck that means. After writing that post, Sullivan clambered into his crib and cried himself to sleep in his little footie pajamas. Because Andrew Sullivan is a mewling fucking coward—and you are, too, if you're panicking right now.

This shit right here. This shit right here for this entire thread, every "liberal" talking head on tv or online blogs, and your mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and your fucking mailman too.
LV models this far out can be poor because a lot of people decide to vote the final week.

Heck, there's a bunch of voters that vote based on state stuff which they don't know about until a week or two before.

This is why I think LV models this early tend to underrate Democrat turnout in a Presidential election (opposed to mid-term). At least the ones that are very strict.

Obama's ground game is very good at turning RV into LV from my understanding, as well.


Oabam gets re-elected, he is going to replace Ginsburg. There's an outside chance of Scalia, but I doubt it.

Someone could die, but Ginsburg is the only now hitting 80.


Oabam gets re-elected, he is going to replace Ginsburg. There's an outside chance of Scalia, but I doubt it.

Someone could die, but Ginsburg is the only now hitting 80.

Scalia is fat as fuck, if you prodded him with a needle he'd probably burst.


will gain confidence one day
LV models this far out can be poor because a lot of people decide to vote the final week.

Heck, there's a bunch of voters that vote based on state stuff which they don't know about until a week or two before.

This is why I think LV models this early tend to underrate Democrat turnout in a Presidential election (opposed to mid-term). At least the ones that are very strict.

Obama's ground game is very good at turning RV into LV from my understanding, as well.

Right, which is why I think putting emphasis on LV numbers right now is baseless. But again, if anyone knows of any studies on LV polls in general, I would love to read them.



If he could do it, I bet he would.
NBC, Pew, and CNN need new general election polls, too. I want to wash the stink off RCP's general average which is being heavily weighted by Pew's Romney +4 and the fact that they don't have new polls into the system.

RCP also igones Reuters and RAND so it would be nice to see that number come down and back to Obama and demoralize Repubs again.

Probably won't be any til after the 2nd debate.


The only way Scalia goes is if he dies from poor health, being obese and old. With modern medicine and the best money can buy, Scalia will almost surely still outlive a second Obama term.


It seems like after every debate, we see a flurry of polls with right-leaning house effects or with fly-by-night/"who-the-hell-are-these-guys?" reputations. I don't remember this being an occurrance from any other election. And while I don't think it's a conspiracy (that's silly), I don't doubt that they've had a good effect in making Democrats nervous while also influencing aggregate websites..


An Obama second term and a resurgent economy (which unfortunately isn't assured if Republicans retain the House) would pretty much guarantee Hillary in the White House in 2016. I don't think Scalia and Kennedy will stay on for 12 more years. They're only a few years younger than Ginsburg.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
An Obama second term and a resurgent economy (which unfortunately isn't assured if Republicans retain the House) would pretty much guarantee Hillary in the White House in 2016. I don't think Scalia and Kennedy will stay on for 12 more years. They're only a few years younger than Ginsburg.

Gore lost after 8 years of prosperous Clinton. Anything can happen and usually does.
An Obama second term and a resurgent economy (which unfortunately isn't assured if Republicans retain the House) would pretty much guarantee Hillary in the White House in 2016. I don't think Scalia and Kennedy will stay on for 12 more years. They're only a few years younger than Ginsburg.
Yeah, Scalia will stick around for a second Obama term (Kennedy might not), but he probably won't hold out much longer than that.

AlteredBeast said:
Gore lost after 8 years of prosperous Clinton. Anything can happen and usually does.
You have a point, though Gore also made a point of distancing himself from Clinton after the Lewinsky scandal. Hillary assuredly wouldn't do that to Obama.


Why was Ginsburg nominated in the first place? She was kinda old to begin with. Slick Willy wasn't thinking that one through.

Regarding the SCOTUS justices though... idiots like Thomas have to go, even more than Scalia. Not that I'd mind if Scalia stepped down of course. But Thomas is such a dummy. He has no place on the court. Of all the right-leaning justices he deserves to go more than anyone else. It's amazing he was able to get confirmed in the first place given his history


Why was Ginsburg nominated in the first place? She was kinda old to begin with. Slick Willy wasn't thinking that one through.

Regarding the SCOTUS justices though... idiots like Thomas have to go, even more than Scalia. Not that I'd mind if Scalia stepped down of course. But Thomas is such a dummy. He has no place on the court. Of all the right-leaning justices he deserves to go more than anyone else. It's amazing he was able to get confirmed in the first place given his history

I think nominating the youngest suitable justice you can find is kind've a recent thing.
Yep. GOP Barack Obama right there.
I don't know. Obama wouldn't have the same appeal to minorities and college kids if he was as conservative as Rubio. He's a fresh face but that doesn't mean he'd have the same appeal as Obama. That's sort of like saying Herman Cain will get 1/3rd of the black vote.


Gore lost after 8 years of prosperous Clinton. Anything can happen and usually does.
True. The good thing for Dems is that the GOP is now racing the demographic clock. When the Democratic candidate automatically begins with 245+ electoral votes, the GOP's candidate must be absolutely Reaganesque to have a chance, and the country/economy must be in the shitter.

Until they address their long-term structural problem with minority voters, they'll need everything to line-up just right so that they can run the electoral table.

As much as folks complain about the Electoral College, it very well could be incredibly helpful to us over the next few decades.


I don't know. Obama wouldn't have the same appeal to minorities and college kids if he was as conservative as Rubio. He's a fresh face but that doesn't mean he'd have the same appeal as Obama.
He sure knows how to speak, just like Obama. And he's a bit more down to earth when explaining shit, although not quite as intelligent/articulate imo, but GOPers don't care about that anyway lol
An Obama second term and a resurgent economy (which unfortunately isn't assured if Republicans retain the House) would pretty much guarantee Hillary in the White House in 2016. I don't think Scalia and Kennedy will stay on for 12 more years. They're only a few years younger than Ginsburg.

I think the economy will come back no matter if the Repubs are there. They have slowed it down for some time, but consumers have consolidated a lot of their debt. In the next 4 years, things have to turn around from the sheer will of market forces.

With Housing finally moving, employment will eventually get less linear, etc it's got to move.* That's why analysts predict 10-12 million new jobs the next 4 years. Repubs can make some kind of dent if they so choose, I suppose, but not enough.

I also think if Repubs do do this, they're just digging their grave faster.

*Of course Iran or a Eurocrisis can fuck this all up but that won't have anything to do with Repubs.
Independent registration has risen in the past couple of years on the backs of Republicans switching. Or so I hear.

Diablos said:
there would be legal action taken.
i.e. 2000
Not if Obama won those states by margins outside of recount territory. If that were the case their only option would be to sit there with their thumb up their ass and bitch. Good news is maybe more states would enact this.
well, that's still pretty good. i wonder why there'd be more republicans self-identifying as independents, though.

I can't speak on behalf of everywhere, but California is pretty moderate when it comes to the Republicanshere and I know a bunch of them left the party because they can't stand the base and what is represented on Fox News.

I imagine this is happening all over the more liberal states in America. I really don't know why anyone would be a Republican at this point unless they believed most of the platform since it's so far right.

It also doesn't help that for years they complained about "tax and spend liberals" and it turned out W Bush was the biggest "tax and spend liberal" we've had.

Same reason Bill O'Reilly calls himself an Independent.

At least O'Reilly does break convention to an extent.
I think there's a decent chance that Obama might get to replace them both.

There is no way Scalia will retire. He'll go like Renquist, he'll die on the court. In fact I think if Scalia died he'd still refuse to give up the bench.

Kennedy is the same age as Scalia . . . replacing him could slightly tilt the court a bit.

If Obama lost, would Ginsburg retire immediately just to be replaced by him? Have they ever done that? It would be a bit unseemly.


Hilary being Secretary of State and spending a lot of time overseas and talking to world leaders is shoring up her foreign policy experience. She will definitely be a viable candidate in 2016, one with a ton of experience behind her.


Black Mamba:


"Doing nothing" isn't really an option, but plays into the Republicans hands in sabotaging Obama's second term immediately.

Gore lost after 8 years of prosperous Clinton. Anything can happen and usually does.

The economy was slowing down when Clinton left office.


I believe this is our worst case scenario.

If Harry Reid could survive in Nevada in 2010, Barack Obama should be able to survive in 2012.

(finally got to a computer where I could see the map)
I think we have Iowa in hand almost as much as Ohio as well, but I'm eagerly awaiting some fresh polling to confirm this.

As long as there's a good 10 or 20EV buffer against GOP shenanigans, I'd feel pretty good about things. If there were a popular/electoral split, I could see some truly desperate GOP governors or secretaries of state refusing to certify election results, with bullshit talk of violence, revolution, court battles, etc etc. I wouldn't put anything past 'em.

Semi-related aside: I'm almost convinced that much of Romney's rise has come from larger margins in already-red states. If you mention Obama out in rural areas down here for instance, people begin snarling and foaming at the mouth like rabid animals, and Romney endeared himself to these folks by fighting Obama in that first debate. Before, they were kinda lukewarm to Romney.
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