Obama still has two debates to underwhelm the populace.
Obama still has two debates to underwhelm the populace.
WASHINGTON (AP) The White House has put special operations strike forces on standby and moved drones into the skies above Africa, ready to strike militant targets from Libya to Mali if investigators can find the al-Qaida-linked group responsible for the death of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya.
But officials say the administration, with weeks until the presidential election, is weighing whether the short-term payoff of exacting retribution on al-Qaida is worth the risk that such strikes could elevate the group's profile in the region, alienate governments the U.S. needs to fight it in the future and do little to slow the growing terror threat in North Africa.
Details on the administration's position and on its search for a possible target were provided by three current and one former administration official, as well as an analyst who was approached by the White House for help. All four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the high-level debates publicly.
The dilemma shows the tension of the White House's need to demonstrate it is responding forcefully to al-Qaida, balanced against its long-term plans to develop relationships and trust with local governments and build a permanent U.S. counterterrorist network in the region.
man, if he keeps up the IA/OH/NH firewalls
man, if he keeps up the IA/OH/NH firewalls
man, if he keeps up the IA/OH/NH firewalls
Colorado and Virginia have ticked back over to blue on 538. Good.
Hopefully a decent performance tomorrow virtually wraps this up. I can't wait for November 7, regardless of who wins. Ready for this crap to be over.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...bout-paul-ryan-soup-kitchen-photo-op/?print=1The head of a northeast Ohio charity says that the Romney campaign last week ramrodded their way into the groups Youngstown soup kitchen so that GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan could get his picture taken washing dishes in the dining hall.
Brian J. Antal, president of the Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society, said that he was not contacted by the Romney campaign ahead of the Saturday morning visit by Ryan, who stopped by the soup kitchen after a town hall at Youngstown State University.
Were a faith-based organization; we are apolitical because the majority of our funding is from private donations, Antal said in a phone interview Monday afternoon. Its strictly in our bylaws not to do it. They showed up there, and they did not have permission. They got one of the volunteers to open up the doors.
He added: The photo-op they did wasnt even accurate. He did nothing. He just came in here to get his picture taken at the dining hall.
Charity president unhappy about Paul Ryan soup kitchen ‘photo op’
I gotta admit...if you didn't understand the electoral college and just looked at the map, I would cry foul with Romney losing under those circumstances if I supported him.
It's easy to make a long list when you bloat it with piddly bullshit and double counting.
If Obama is focusing so much on early voting, won't that skew exit polls on November 6? Not a big deal but it'll make it a long Tuesday night.
Not sure how much you guys are following California's Prop 37 which is to force the labeling of GMO's on our food.
But the Yes on 37 put out a response ad (we've been getting a bunch of No on 37) and it's a spoof ad.
very well done.
Charity president unhappy about Paul Ryan soup kitchen ‘photo op’
Yes it is.Ahahaha, so that post I had earlier was actually better than what really happened. lol
So disgusting, honestly. How does Ryan live with himself. I'd feel like such a fucking jackass posing for a photo op for a soup kitchen having not actually done anything there.
Indeed. And the highs we'll feel on the evening of November 6th are going to be that much sweeter since we've tasted these lows.Oh, come now. If there's no fight, what's the point? At least you can't say the last two months haven't been interesting.
Yeah, all that red, but most of the country's population lives in blue states, which therefore means higher electoral college.
If Obama is focusing so much on early voting, won't that skew exit polls on November 6? Not a big deal but it'll make it a long Tuesday night.
When in doubt on how to vote, for the the side with less funding.
So do we have any info at all about how the House is looking? Last I heard there was good potential for Dems to get a lot of seats, but that was a month ago.
It's easy to make a long list when you bloat it with piddly bullshit and double counting.
I can't believe how lame this is.Charity president unhappy about Paul Ryan soup kitchen ‘photo op
http://2012.talkingpointsmemo.com/2...pologizes-for-birther-joke.php?ref=fpnewsfeedThe younger Thompson, 38, is a lawyer at the Milwaukee-based firm Michael Best & Friedrich. On Monday, the firm released a statement strongly distancing itself from his “regrettable” comment.
“Over the weekend, one of our attorneys and the son of Senatorial candidate Tommy Thompson made a regrettable comment at a campaign event for his father. We want to make it clear that the comment made at the campaign event in no way reflects the views, beliefs or values of Michael Best & Friedrich.
Jason has apologized for the comment through the campaign (and to his colleagues at the law firm) and the matter is being dealt with between father and son.”
The Journal Sentinel also reported that during a news conference Sunday evening, Tommy Thompson initially deflected a question about his son’s comment, telling reporters, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Later, however, the campaign sent a statement: “The Governor has addressed this with his son, just like any father would do. Jason Thompson said something he should not have, and he apologizes.”
I've actually been looking for a good, reputable list of Obama achievements--can you explain your objections?
The Governor has addressed this with his son, just like any father would do. Jason Thompson said something he should not have, and he apologizes.
I am pretty sure pollsters do early voting polling for the days prior and figure that into the election day polling.
Tommy Thompsons Son Apologizes For Birther Joke
This will surely help him win.
Better than not apologizing. Not as good as saying "yeah, he's American."
http://www.barackobama.com/news/entry/tiedThis race is tied.
What we do over the next 22 days will determine not just the next four years, but what this country looks like for decades to come.
That's what I'll be fighting for up on that stage tomorrow nightbut I can't do it alone.
This campaign's final and most critical FEC deadline is coming up on Wednesday. It's an important test of our strength at a time when the other side is plotting a big surge in negative ads.
This grassroots organization has never been beatbut we're at the stage of an election where everyone needs to put in a little more. So please make a donation right now.
Thanks for standing with me.
Ehh. If you are a racist asshole, I'd rather you just own it so everyone can see you for who you are than have you come back with some insincere apology after the fact.Better than not apologizing. Not as good as saying "yeah, he's American."
LOL @ the SNL Vice President debate skit.
I am glad i'm not the only one that noticed Ryan and Romney excessive use of hand gestures when it comes to their non-details of tax and loopholes.
I've actually been looking for a good, reputable list of Obama achievements--can you explain your objections?
did obama lose yet
Edit: Oh god now we're talking about gmo's I'm out.
I've actually been looking for a good, reputable list of Obama achievements--can you explain your objections?
Looking good for Obama.