Obama has to get the message across that investors really aren't "job creators" but the American public is via being consumers. No one would invest on anything regardless of tax rates if there wasn't any demand so that the business would not make money. In fact, I'd say the true job creators are the scientists, engineers, and innovators (like Steve Jobs) etc, not people like Romney who don't do crap or Wall St, where their "innovative" financial products doomed us all. And that's why we need to invest in education and science, etc.
He can say himself or Romney makes as much money as 1000 families, but they don't have 1000 TV's, cars, so to generate demand, drive business, and strengthen the economy, more taxes have to be put on him and Romney and less on the middle class. Also, if the middle class isn't paying an arm and a leg for health insurance, they'd have more money to spend and drive the economy.