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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Arizona turning blue? Holyshit

Running out of angry white people.
How much would you pay for the following scenario?

Imagine in the debate tonight....

"Mr. Romney, I'm John Smith, and I have a prepared question about pizza choice, but first let me introduce myself. I'm 74, I fought in the Korean War and was a POW for 6 months. After returning to America, the government loaned me money to start a business, which I grew to five locations and 200 staff. I retired a age 71 due to a heart condition. I now collect SS and Medicare, and so I dont pay income tax. Mr. Romney, I have always voted Republican, but now I am part of the 47%. What about my life story makes you think I am entitled, am a victim and am guaranteed to vote for Obama? Was it my time as a federal employee in a north korean prison? Was it the loan I got from the government which I fully paid back? Or is it because I collect the security I paid into my entire life?"


Unconfirmed Member

Of course there's no guarantee of a rebound. However, you have to take the circumstances into account.

The story is that Obama lost the first debate by historic margins, that his thrashing was nearly unprecedented in scope. Because of this, Obama does not have to do much to achieve what would be perceived to be a "comeback." All he needs to do is show vitality and energy and be a little more specific and persistent in calling out Romney's misstatements. As long as he looks like he showed up and came to play, that should be enough to set the narrative about how "the President came back swinging" once the debate is over. Hell, even just "well I think he did better than last time" would likely suffice. He doesn't need some big huge swing. He doesn't need a big rebound in the polls to be able to win. He just needs to make sure Romney doesn't make any further in-roads into Ohio. That's really just about it.

Romney, on the other hand, needs another crushing win. If he can't soundly and thoroughly defeat the president again, he won't be able to flip all of the states he needs to. And the last debate, being a foreign policy debate, is unlikely to move the electorate much either way. Even if Romney were to "win" that third debate or prove himself more knowledgeable than people expect, it will likely do him little good. The electorate doesn't really give much of a shit about Libya. Tonight is basically do or die time for Romney, now that things have mostly settled down in the race, polling noise notwithstanding. If Romney wants to win, he MUST start his final push tonight or else he'll never make it. Time is still currently on Obama's side.
Definitely no troll. Just relaying what ive been hearing during cab rides
Cabbies are weird, and usually physically attached to their radios. So you tend to get whatever political spin is on the talk radio circuit.

I had a cabbie pick me up the other day and we got to talking about politics. The driver said that, as a Muslim he never supported Bush and could not support Romney.

Was a pleasant conversation really.

But then he blurted out that he would have never voted for that Jew Lieberman, and that 9/11 was plotted by Bush senior, and had to be delayed before being finally unleashed by Dubya.

"Yeah, I can get off right here, thanks."
Back on Ohio, if their sec of state were to go rogue and refuse to implement the early voting, what exactly would stop him?

The appeals judge already called him back to court once and then Husted backed down like a pussy.

Judges don't like contempt of their courts. Husted is going to be a good little lap dog and do what he's told or he's going to the slammer (which would really be kind of awesome).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Cabbies are weird, and usually physically attached to their radios. So you tend to get whatever political spin is on the talk radio circuit.

I had a cabbie pick me up the other day and we got to talking about politics. The driver said that, as a Muslim he never supported Bush and could not support Romney.

Was a pleasant conversation really.

But then he blurted out that he would have never voted for that Jew Lieberman, and that 9/11 was plotted by Bush senior, and had to be delayed before being finally unleashed by Dubya.

"Yeah, I can get off right here, thanks."

I had a Bangladeshi cab driver say he was voting for Romney because Wall Street had tanked under Obama.

I couldn't get out because we were on the Brooklyn Bridge.


How could he refuse To implement? Isn't it already happening?
Good question. But I wouldn't put it past him to invalidate the votes even if it means threats of getting jailed or making it go all the way to the supreme court if indeed the election comes down to OH.

He's been tenacious in his efforts to deny people the right the vote early and every time they tell him to back off, he gets right back to it.


I think election night is going to be fun. I'm expecting a collective pants shitting/meltdown when NH gets called early for Romney. Chris Mathews will probably have an on air aneurysm. After about an hour of doom saying, OH/MI/WI/PA will all be called for Obama bringing everyone back from the ledge. Shortly after, FL/NC/VA all got called for Romney, once again throwing liberals into a panic. Finally, IA and NV get called for Obama, prompting a huge sigh of relief. Should be a helluva roller coaster ride.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
So in all honesty, how do you guys think Obama will do tonight?

I think he'll do fine. No matter what it's highly unlikely he'll be declared the "winner" of the debate. The media has their horse race narrative and they're not going to let it go until election day. The best he can hope for is a tie that reassures Democrats and gets Republicans grumbling again.
I think election night is going to be fun. I'm expecting a collective pants shitting/meltdown when NH gets called early for Romney. Chris Mathews will probably have an on air aneurysm. After about an hour of doom saying, OH/MI/WI/PA will all be called for Obama bringing everyone back from the ledge. Shortly after, FL/NC/VA all got called for Romney, once again throwing liberals into a panic. Finally, IA and NV get called for Obama, prompting a huge sigh of relief. Should be a helluva roller coaster ride.

NH is actually Obama's first stop after the election - can't believe he and his team would have ever thought he'd be spending time there in mid-October.
I couldn't get out because we were on the Brooklyn Bridge.
This cracked me up more than it should have. I know that feeling though.

wasn't he trying to walk back his comments on that?
This is the man that held an impromptu news conference to tell the world he agreed with those statements and that he'd move forward with that message. Then days later said he was utterly and completely wrong.

He's a fucking asshole, pardon my French, and its shameful that so many people let him get away with it. The quantum candidate yet again trying to have it both ways.


I think election night is going to be fun. I'm expecting a collective pants shitting/meltdown when NH gets called early for Romney. Chris Mathews will probably have an on air aneurysm. After about an hour of doom saying, OH/MI/WI/PA will all be called for Obama bringing everyone back from the ledge. Shortly after, FL/NC/VA all got called for Romney, once again throwing liberals into a panic. Finally, IA and NV get called for Obama, prompting a huge sigh of relief. Should be a helluva roller coaster ride.
Wow. That sounds remarkably spot-on. If NH is called early for Obama, I'll take it as a very good sign. If VA is called for Obama early, I'm poppin' the champagne.
I think election night is going to be fun. I'm expecting a collective pants shitting/meltdown when NH gets called early for Romney. Chris Mathews will probably have an on air aneurysm. After about an hour of doom saying, OH/MI/WI/PA will all be called for Obama bringing everyone back from the ledge. Shortly after, FL/NC/VA all got called for Romney, once again throwing liberals into a panic. Finally, IA and NV get called for Obama, prompting a huge sigh of relief. Should be a helluva roller coaster ride.

Question - I think it was mentioned sometime back about another candidate on Virginia's ballot, Virgil Goode and the potential to split the Republican vote there. How is that looking at the moment or has something happened to scrub him from the ballot?
So in all honesty, how do you guys think Obama will do tonight?

Because of the format, I think there is very little chance either guy breaks out and "wins" this, so I'm going with a tie. With that said, the CNN snap poll will come out saying Romney won pretty easily (causing PD to flood the thread with troll posts and fake polls while Diablos has a full-out spaz session). Later state polls will prove the debate was basically a draw


So in all honesty, how do you guys think Obama will do tonight?
I think he'll hold his own, not sure if he will have a historic victory over Mitt though. Either way, the media is going to do everything they can to keep the horse race narrative going, downplaying for as long as possible any huge moves made by Obama during the debate.

It's unfortunate because Obama needs to deliver a "knockout punch" as the talking heads like to say, but when you are mostly attacking the other guy through a voter, it's hard to do that without looking like a dick.

So I'm anticipating at best a draw and hoping that the bleeding will continue to stop.
Because of the format, I think there is very little chance either guy breaks out and "wins" this, so I'm going with a tie. With that said, the CNN snap poll will come out saying Romney won pretty easily (causing PD to flood the thread with troll posts and fake polls while Diablos has a full-out spaz session) even though later state polls will prove that to be false
"We polled a scientifically chosen sample of Republican seniors in Florida and they've all reached one unanimous conclusion: They want to know when Matlock is starting."


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I caught a couple of clips from the 2008 town hall debate floating around and couldn't help but notice that Obama's enthusiasm and energy were about the same as his "disastrous" first debate for 2012. So I expect that, however he performs tonight, narrative is king.


Question - I think it was mentioned sometime back about another candidate on Virginia's ballot, Virgil Goode and the potential to split the Republican vote there. How is that looking at the moment or has something happened to scrub him from the ballot?

he's on the ballot


I caught a couple of clips from the 2008 town hall debate floating around and couldn't help but notice that Obama's enthusiasm and energy were about the same as his "disastrous" first debate for 2012. So I expect that, however he performs tonight, narrative is king.
It wasn't just enthusiasm/energy but his lack of wanting to discredit the blantant lies. Everything from the $716b Medicare Ryan talking point, to $90b in green programs, Romneycare being fundamentally different than Obamacare, having a similar view on Social Security (wtf), etc. Obama can be cool and calm but he can't do so to the point where his opponent is permitted to lie his ass of and walk through his platform with little opposition for an hour and a half.
Romney is screwed when an audience member pulls out a briefcase of his taxes and starts asking questions.

" Mr Romney, I see in 2004, you paid 1%, thoughts?"
I caught a couple of clips from the 2008 town hall debate floating around and couldn't help but notice that Obama's enthusiasm and energy were about the same as his "disastrous" first debate for 2012. So I expect that, however he performs tonight, narrative is king.

He was also going up against McCain, who is about as dynamic as a statue. Not that anyone though Romney would be dynamic, but he seemed in his element in the first debate.
What is the confidence level that the electoral college will hold up? Specifically OH, IA, and NV? I know early voting in the first two is a large benefit but will it hold up? I know all this 'fundamentals of electoral college' and 'Romney is rallying in Ohio' stuff I am seeing is just the media being the media for the most part (and, if anything, it's not moving to being an advantage to Romney, just less of a disadvantage) and that tonight can have a big impact but I guess I just need someone to tell me that this firewall is still holding and is likely to hold through the election.


The Autumn Wind
I'll be so disappointed if Florida ends up for Romney. This state fucks up a lot, but we ended up going blue in 2008. Hope it stays that way.

So many people I know seem to be voting for Romney because Obama "didn't get anything done." So frustrating...


Question - I think it was mentioned sometime back about another candidate on Virginia's ballot, Virgil Goode and the potential to split the Republican vote there. How is that looking at the moment or has something happened to scrub him from the ballot?

He's on the ballot, which is why I think Obama will squeak by a win there despite polls being so tight.

What is the confidence level that the electoral college will hold up? Specifically OH, IA, and NV? I know early voting in the first two is a large benefit but will it hold up? I know all this 'fundamentals of electoral college' and 'Romney is rallying in Ohio' stuff I am seeing is just the media being the media for the most part (and, if anything, it's not moving to being an advantage to Romney, just less of a disadvantage) and that tonight can have a big impact but I guess I just need someone to tell me that this firewall is still holding and is likely to hold through the election.

I don't think the Obama campaign will have a worse polling week than the one following the first debate. I expect the polls, and the IA, OH, and NV firewall, to remain where they are.


Lets get this topic back on a lighter note shall we?

haha, that's hilarious.

Also, what the hell is up with all these weird contradictory polls? I'm still betting on Obama winning with 303 EVs. I don't get all the panic. Romney has failed to make a big enough dent in the Midwest swing states even at his peak in polling (after a disastrous debate for Obama) to be able to realistically win this thing.

I'm just upset that there's no way my state of Indiana will go for Obama again. I have no idea how that happened in 08, but I was hoping it would be the beginning of a shift to a less conservative Indiana. And now we're going to elect Mike Pence as governor, so there goes that hope.
Man, that would cause some squirming. "Mr. President, Secretary Clinton took responsibility for the security lapse in Libya and said the Buck Stops With her. President Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here" and I fundamentally believe the buck stops with the President. Do you take any responsibility for the disaster in Libya and the loss of 4 Americans?"

How does he get out of that? I think the best thing he could say is "This happened on my watch and yes, I take responsibility." Anything else will come off bad.
"Yes, I do, and like Osama Bin Laden - we will hunt these killers to the gates of hell and take them out. Now, Governor Romney, do you take responsibility for the positions you held a month ago."
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