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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Perhaps a bright spot for today's polling could be that Gallup's LV model seems whiter than it was in 08. If OFA can get Latinas and blacks to flood the polls, especially in Colorado and Virginia, we could see quite a surprise

The conservative reaction would be glorious btw

whatever, aaron.
Perhaps a bright spot for today's polling could be that Gallup's LV model seems whiter than it was in 08. If OFA can get Latinas and blacks to flood the polls, especially in Colorado and Virginia, we could see quite a surprise

The conservative reaction would be glorious btw
Only wise Latinas.


LMAO I saw Obama drop to 55% on Intrade and almost had a heart attack. Then I noticed it was a new market on who wins the debate according to CNN's poll

I can't take much more of this guys lol


This thread is the single largest source of stress in my life. I'm not a stressed person. General relaxed mentality to work, bills etc etc.


So in all honesty, how do you guys think Obama will do tonight?

I'm no prognosticator but my hope is that he steps it up and goes toe to toe with Romney which should be easier now that preparedness isn't a problem. I think if he echoes the same overarching themes as the DNC he'll pull ahead. If Mitt is caught flip-flopping from the last debate and called out on it, gaffes, or gets testy Obama wins.


Perhaps a bright spot for today's polling could be that Gallup's LV model seems whiter than it was in 08. If OFA can get Latinas and blacks to flood the polls, especially in Colorado and Virginia, we could see quite a surprise

The conservative reaction would be glorious btw

God can you imagine, MORE voter suppression attempts in the coming years guaranteed LOL


LMAO I saw Obama drop to 55% on Intrade and almost had a heart attack. Then I noticed it was a new market on who wins the debate according to CNN's poll

I can't take much more of this guys lol

The scary thing is that we're relying on a CNN snap poll to determine who wins the debate. I'd never bet on that.


The scary thing is that we're relying on a CNN snap poll to determine who wins the debate. I'd never bet on that.

Speaking of that, I wonder who the snap poll will represent this week. Knowing CNN its probably 80% white 55 year olds from Oklahoma who are unemployed


When given the opportunity to answer first, Obama needs to focus on facts from his own record that address the question. On jobs, health care, the environment, foreign policy, he has successes to point too and shouldn't be shy about it. During his rebuttals to Romney's answers, he has to be relentless on pointing out how Romney once held the complete opposite position to whatever he just said. Again, he can't be shy about this. It's all about Obama being confident and assertive in his answers. If he can do that, he has plenty of material to handle criticisms from the audience as well as hammer Romney.
I predict Romney will be declared the winner of the debate by a majority of people.


I said coming in, best Obama can do tonight in the eyes if the media is a tie. Fox is already giving him the debate or at worst, the tie (ala Ryan). If Obama is forceful tonight and "wins" the narrative will be he was desperate, like his running mate.


I work ~50 hours a week with a large caseload, I'm on call most weekends, I have a nine month old baby, and I'm in grad school. This thread is the most nerve wracking thing I'm exposed to.

I work 12 hour days on a volatile television show, yet this fucking thread...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Just because of how outlandish the claims have been all year, if Romney wins, PD's tag has got to be updated to show some redemption.

He has been making crazy off-the-wall guesses for years, and a bulls-eye would probably make up for a lifetime of hitting the wall behind the dart board.


So who does PoliGAF think will win the Indiana senate seat? It's not talked about on here often at all, despite being a very close race that could flip a seat from R to D.

All the news and polls I've seen have Donnelly and Mourdock dead even. I think Mourdock has the edge just because Romney will likely win by a substantial margin here and that should be enough to carry Mourdock to the senate, but I know Mourdock kicking out Lugar (who was really popular here) will cost him a lot of the independent vote. Plus there's a Libertarian candidate on the ticket, who might take some of Mourdock's votes since he's been trying to move towards the center after running as a Tea Party extremist during the primaries (Donnelly nailed him pretty hard on this during the debate).


Just because of how outlandish the claims have been all year, if Romney wins, PD's tag has got to be updated to show some redemption.

He has been making crazy off-the-wall guesses for years, and a bulls-eye would probably make up for a lifetime of hitting the wall behind the dart board.

bad news for obama


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know I'm late on this, but the SC apparently refused to take on the Ohio early voter law? Did anyone see that coming?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
It wasn't just enthusiasm/energy but his lack of wanting to discredit the blantant lies. Everything from the $716b Medicare Ryan talking point, to $90b in green programs, Romneycare being fundamentally different than Obamacare, having a similar view on Social Security (wtf), etc. Obama can be cool and calm but he can't do so to the point where his opponent is permitted to lie his ass of and walk through his platform with little opposition for an hour and a half.
I'm not saying Obama's debate performance was stellar but it certainly wasn't significantly different from his previous debates. Obama did try to discredit Romney's lies early on, but it rapidly became clear that Romney was simply going to double down on every lie. Anytime Obama did call Romney out for something he said earlier that contradicted what he was saying in the debate, Romney just kept denying he ever said anything else. And since Lehrer clearly wasn't going to be of much help in at least moving things along, it was just a recipe for going in circles. I think Obama realized that early on and decided it wasn't going to be any more productive than what he did.

I'm also reminded of a segment on MSNBC right after the first R-O debate where, after all the regulars had been lambasting O's performance for a half hour or so, they then tried to take it to Giuliani in an interview segment where he employed exactly the same tactic as Romney. The outcome was basically the same, Giuliani dueled Hayes and Maddow basically into silence, since they realized their interview was just going around in "Did Not! Did Too!" circles. And Hayes even had to resort to tweeting his refute of Giuliani's claims, much the way Obama used the next day's stump speech to refute Romney.


Oh snap, just got this update from the local beer store (yes, you have to go to a "Beer Store“ to buy anything with >3.2% ABV in Utah)!!!

NEW BEER! We just got in the 'El Presidente' beer from the Wasatch Brew Pub, just in time for the Presidential debate tonight!
As you may have heard, President Obama bought a home brew kit for the White House kitchen and they made a series of honey beers. Our 'El Presidente' is modeled after the honey blonde recipe, and I'll tell you what...it's delicious!
Perfect, then every word would have to be a link to one of his claims about Obama losing even when he was well ahead of Romney.

His pasting at the hands of James Cameron was tops. LOL @ him thinking AHBUHDAR won't do well.

PD - Wrong on Hillary in 2008
PD - Wrong on Jimmy C in 2009

Like Cell Jr. before him, he is Konex Jr.


No Scrubs
why? Aren't there supposed to be 12 million jobs added no matter what happens?

It sounds like the specifics that he did give on the plan are factually wrong, shocking. That's just what I got from a cursory reading though. So yea people have predicted 12 million jobs over the next four years, none of those take into account Romney's plans.
Yea or nay? Sending postcard with a picture of the opponent with a photoshopped "I (heart) <SOMETHING THE RECIPIENT WON'T LIKE>" button. Even if the opponent really does (heart) what ever it is?


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