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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yea or nay? Sending postcard with a picture of the opponent with a photoshopped "I (heart) <SOMETHING THE RECIPIENT WON'T LIKE>" button. Even if the opponent really does (heart) what ever it is?

Is this about self-loathing closeted-gay values Republicans? Because I <3 Penis is always classy.


I think this debate I'm just going to get stupidly drunk prior to the start so that I can laugh at the performance instead of sadface the whole time


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Everyone keeps focusing on whether or not Obama will fuck up in the debate. What about Romney? We all know that he has problems with connecting to the common folk, and the town hall format will force him to interact with them. Mittens reaction to questions on his taxes, or Bain Capital or the 47% could be disasterous for him.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Romney is not good at connecting with people. That's why he's sucked wind up until now. If the president can't exploit that I'd be very surprised. This is not a debate. It's a slow paced q & a with developmentally slow people ("undecideds") and queen inoffensive herself, candy Crowley.


THERE WERE THUNDERSTORMS IN Chicago, bringing air traffic to a grinding halt in and out of O&#8217;Hare. So Hillary Clinton sat on the tarmac at Martin State Airport, outside Baltimore, eating pizza and gabbing with two aides and her Secret Service detail on the private plane, waiting, waiting for the weather to clear so she could get where she was headed: a pair of fund-raisers in the Windy City for Barack Obama.

It was May 7, 2004, and two months earlier, the young Illinois state senator had won a resounding, unexpected victory in the state&#8217;s Democratic United States Senate primary, scoring 53 percent of the vote in a seven-person field. Clinton, as always, was in great demand to help drum up cash for her party&#8217;s candidates around the country. She didn&#8217;t relish the task, but she did her duty. At least it wasn&#8217;t as painful as asking for money for herself&#8212;an act of supplication that she found so unpleasant she often simply refused to do it.

As the wait stretched past one hour, and then two, Clinton&#8217;s pilot informed the traveling party that he had no idea when or if the plane would be allowed to take off. To the surprise of her aides, Clinton displayed no inclination to scrap the trip; she insisted that they keep their place in line on the runway. The political cognoscenti were buzzing about Obama&#8212;his charisma and his poise, his Kenyan-Kansan ancestry and his only-in-America biography&#8212;and she was keen to do her part to help him.

&#8220;I want to go,&#8221; she said firmly.

By the time Clinton finally arrived in Chicago, she had missed the first fund-raiser. But she made it to the second, a dinner at the Arts Club of Chicago, where Barack and Michelle greeted her warmly, grateful for the effort that she&#8217;d expended to get there. For the next hour, Clinton worked the room, charming everyone she met, regaling them with funny yarns about the Senate. Then she and Obama raced off to the W Hotel and spoke at a Democratic National Committee soiree for young professionals. The house was packed, Obama rocked it, and Hillary was impressed.

These people know what they&#8217;re doing, she said to her aides&#8212;then flew back east and gushed about Obama for days. He was young, brainy, African American, a terrific speaker. Just the kind of candidate the party needed more of, the kind that she and Bill had long taken pride in cultivating and promoting. Clinton told Patti Solis Doyle, her closest political aide and the director of her political action committee, HillPAC, to provide Obama with the maximum allowable donation. And that was just the start: in the weeks ahead, Clinton would host a fund-raiser for him at her Washington home, then return to Chicago to raise more money for his campaign.

Clinton&#8217;s aides had never seen her more enthusiastic about a political novice. When one of them asked her why, she said simply, &#8220;There&#8217;s a superstar in Chicago.&#8221;


I'm actually pumped for the debate. Should be a good show. Both guys really need a win here.

I'll be so disappointed if Florida ends up for Romney. This state fucks up a lot, but we ended up going blue in 2008. Hope it stays that way.

So many people I know seem to be voting for Romney because Obama "didn't get anything done." So frustrating...

I'd be shocked if FL goes blue again. FL is a stupid state. But I think Nelson keeps his seat.


Fork 'em, Sparky!


Romney's kind of an awkward person. I wonder if he'll look uncomfortable just standing there while Obama paces around him and talks.


It is disturbing that Obama uses so many surrogates to try and get what should be his points across. Take some ownership for your campaign, man.

The funny thing is this video will probably have a really positive reaction from liberals and O will try to bring it up in a stump speech and botch a quote or the intended meaning...

It's because a lot of these points mention Bush policies and the mess Obama inherited. They have focused-group stuff like this and the media/public just doesn't want to hear it from Obama.



Goin with Victory tonight, sure could use one.


Especially in the modern era. I think both candidates should be allowed one iPad with wifi and a joint use projector.

Yea really, why aren't they allowed to have notes?

This is like test taking in school, when in your career you literally always have resources open to you for problem-solving.

She isn't kidding when the majority of the American public would think it is anathema to admit you don't know something and ask your advisers, but that is exactly what anyone in public office does.

PD making my head hurt lately.


I work ~50 hours a week with a large caseload, I'm on call most weekends, I have a nine month old baby, and I'm in grad school. This thread is the most nerve wracking thing I'm exposed to.
Same. I had to unsubscribe so I would stop compulsively clicking the thread and stressing my shit out.

I still check every now and then, but not nearly as much. I probably won't even watch the debate. Dishonored is calling my name, and watching that scumbag Romney smirk and lie makes me angry.
THERE WERE THUNDERSTORMS IN Chicago, bringing air traffic to a grinding halt in and out of O’Hare. So Hillary Clinton sat on the tarmac at Martin State Airport, outside Baltimore, eating pizza and gabbing with two aides and her Secret Service detail on the private plane, waiting, waiting for the weather to clear so she could get where she was headed: a pair of fund-raisers in the Windy City for Barack Obama.

It was May 7, 2004, and two months earlier, the young Illinois state senator had won a resounding, unexpected victory in the state’s Democratic United States Senate primary, scoring 53 percent of the vote in a seven-person field. Clinton, as always, was in great demand to help drum up cash for her party’s candidates around the country. She didn’t relish the task, but she did her duty. At least it wasn’t as painful as asking for money for herself—an act of supplication that she found so unpleasant she often simply refused to do it.

As the wait stretched past one hour, and then two, Clinton’s pilot informed the traveling party that he had no idea when or if the plane would be allowed to take off. To the surprise of her aides, Clinton displayed no inclination to scrap the trip; she insisted that they keep their place in line on the runway. The political cognoscenti were buzzing about Obama—his charisma and his poise, his Kenyan-Kansan ancestry and his only-in-America biography—and she was keen to do her part to help him.

“I want to go,” she said firmly.

By the time Clinton finally arrived in Chicago, she had missed the first fund-raiser. But she made it to the second, a dinner at the Arts Club of Chicago, where Barack and Michelle greeted her warmly, grateful for the effort that she’d expended to get there. For the next hour, Clinton worked the room, charming everyone she met, regaling them with funny yarns about the Senate. Then she and Obama raced off to the W Hotel and spoke at a Democratic National Committee soiree for young professionals. The house was packed, Obama rocked it, and Hillary was impressed.

These people know what they’re doing, she said to her aides—then flew back east and gushed about Obama for days. He was young, brainy, African American, a terrific speaker. Just the kind of candidate the party needed more of, the kind that she and Bill had long taken pride in cultivating and promoting. Clinton told Patti Solis Doyle, her closest political aide and the director of her political action committee, HillPAC, to provide Obama with the maximum allowable donation. And that was just the start: in the weeks ahead, Clinton would host a fund-raiser for him at her Washington home, then return to Chicago to raise more money for his campaign.

Clinton’s aides had never seen her more enthusiastic about a political novice. When one of them asked her why, she said simply, “There’s a superstar in Chicago.”

Everyone fell under his spell apparently (except me). Not surprising. What a shame Americans will wake from it and hand the keys to Romney/GOP as they drive us off a cliff


Everyone fell under his spell apparently (except me). Not surprising. What a shame Americans will wake from it and hand the keys to Romney/GOP as they drive us off a cliff

Just seven posts ago you said he will be "untouchable," now he'll be driving us off a cliff?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Just seven posts ago you said he will be "untouchable," now he'll be driving us off a cliff?

When you try to live multiple Persona, it gets confusing (case in point, see Romney)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
you can't drive off a cliff until after you get the keys

Obama actually used this metaphor a lot in the speech I saw him give in person a couple years ago. "They just drove the car off the road, and now that we're pushing it back on they want us to give them the keys again, 'trust us, we'll be more careful this time'"
Yea or nay? Sending postcard with a picture of the opponent with a photoshopped "I (heart) <SOMETHING THE RECIPIENT WON'T LIKE>" button. Even if the opponent really does (heart) what ever it is? What if the opponent doesn't (heart) it?
So right now we're at 2 for Photoshop is A-OK and 0 against. Anyone else want to weigh in?


Obama actually used this metaphor a lot in the speech I saw him give in person a couple years ago. "They just drove the car off the road, and now that we're pushing it back on they want us to give them the keys again, 'trust us, we'll be more careful this time'"

Maybe the real problem with America is that we keep leaving it in neutral.
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