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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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You're supposed to know better since you've been told the same thing dozens of times. You're the new Kosmo, pretty much.
I've been "told" like you own me or something?

Back off.

I'm not Kosmo. When all the good polling came out last week I was right there with you. I want Obama to win as much as anyone in this thread. I still think he can. You confuse me buying into the narrative with coming to the understanding that while I'm not, lots of people who saw the debate seem to be giving Romney a second chance and eating up whatever CNN/Fox/MSNBC/etc. say. There's no denying however that the Gallup and PPP polls are not a good thing to see. Just because I don't instantly start dismissing Gallup and saying its behind the curve, getting something wrong, etc. doesn't mean I'm concern trolling or whatever. Maybe you guys are just blind optimists if we're to start pointing fingers over political opinion and analysis. North Carolina is still up for grabs? Come on now. It's a tactical blunder on Obama's behalf. Dump all the money into FL and shut down the NC ground game, it's a waste.

Even our lord and savior of polling, Nate Silver, has no idea wtf is going on with all the polling at the moment. It's lunacy.

But I'll definitely say that if Obama loses the denial coming out of this thread will be unbearable. I never wanna see that though.

Here's hoping that Obama knocks it out of the park tonight, or at least holds his own in a way that the media can't have a field day attempting to downplay.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yeah, man. It's totally shitty to have actual supporters who actually endorse your policies and stuff.

If that old rolleyes gif were still available, I would use it.

The problem is, a sitting president that constantly relies on a president who ended his last term 12 years ago seems a bit weak to me. Obama needs to be hammering these points, not a surrogate. The buck stops here, etc.

Weak Obama will probably come out cowering again and have to have Papa Bill to clean things up for him after the debate.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Yeah.. I could see an "Obama comeback" narrative being hatched tonight, especially if he's particularly good tonight. Or if Romney's particularly bad.

No way. An Obama comeback narrative would crush Romney, and the media doesn't want that. If anything, it'll be like the Biden/Ryan debate, no clear winner, possibly Romney, possible Obama, but a very close debate!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
No way. An Obama comeback narrative would crush Romney, and the media doesn't want that. If anything, it'll be like the Biden/Ryan debate, no clear winner, possibly Romney, possible Obama, but a very close debate!

I wonder how much their insistance on making things seem close actually affects the election
Im still of the mindset that Obama's passive performance during the first debate was a strategy that backfired. Knowing this, Im not worried at all about tonight. Looking forward to watching Romney crash later tonight.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
No way. An Obama comeback narrative would crush Romney, and the media doesn't want that. If anything, it'll be like the Biden/Ryan debate, no clear winner, possibly Romney, possible Obama, but a very close debate!

damn narrative. Had Biden not been so over the top with his cockiness and mannerisms, there would have been a much quieter dissenting opinion that he "lost."

He obviously won the debate on substance alone, but lost in the respect factor because he came off like a jackass.


No Scrubs
No way. An Obama comeback narrative would crush Romney, and the media doesn't want that. If anything, it'll be like the Biden/Ryan debate, no clear winner, possibly Romney, possible Obama, but a very close debate!

It depends on what the polling about the debate says, if it actually split then they can get away with it. If Obama wins convincingly then no way in hell can they play it as a tie. Oh 70% of you thought Obama won but it was really a tie.
If that old rolleyes gif were still available, I would use it.

The problem is, a sitting president that constantly relies on a president who ended his last term 12 years ago seems a bit weak to me. Obama needs to be hammering these points, not a surrogate. The buck stops here, etc.

Weak Obama will probably come out cowering again and have to have Papa Bill to clean things up for him after the debate.

not Obama's fault people love Clinton.

Romney would definitely have used Dubya if he wasn't the worst piece of shit to ever run this country.


So right now we're at 2 for Photoshop is A-OK and 0 against. Anyone else want to weigh in?

I assume the photoshop job would be obvious (to anybody who has seen pixels in their time). If so, and if accompanied by text, sure.

edit: To clarify, it would be acceptable as a visual aid to an argument, not as a dissimulation of reality.
not Obama's fault people love Clinton.

Romney would definitely have used Dubya if he wasn't the worst piece of shit to ever run this country.
2008 is still clear in my mind. Didn't the Republicans go through their entire convention without uttering the actual word Republican? The word itself was toxic, back when circumstances were still present in people's minds.


If that old rolleyes gif were still available, I would use it.

The problem is, a sitting president that constantly relies on a president who ended his last term 12 years ago seems a bit weak to me. Obama needs to be hammering these points, not a surrogate. The buck stops here, etc.

Weak Obama will probably come out cowering again and have to have Papa Bill to clean things up for him after the debate.

I agree. I don't have a problem with videos of Bill Clinton and others promoting Obama and calling out Romney, but you are absolutely right that Obama has been doing a terribly shitty job of actually doing these things himself. His campaign has been fantastic, but the man himself has not showed the same determination and energy his supporters have, and that's hurting him.

Having Bill call out Romney in a youtube video is nice. Obama actually calling out Romney in person in a debate in front of 70 million voters is what he needs to do to win votes. His failure to do so in the first debate cost the Dems any chance of taking back the House, imo.
Judging by @BarackObama's tweets, Obama will be calling him out where he can. We'll see though, would be ridiculously stupid to talk tough on twitter and do the same "the Governor and I agree" shit he did two weeks ago.


Judging by @BarackObama's tweets, Obama will be calling him out where he can. We'll see though, would be ridiculously stupid to talk tough on twitter and do the same "the Governor and I agree" shit he did two weeks ago.
He has been saying this all last week and this week him and his campaign.
I want to see Obama bring the 47% tonight. He needs to bring it up, talk about how he doubled down on it, and then waited several weeks before back pedaling. Throw all that out w/o letting Romney get his silly apology in there.

And then tell everyone to go google that shit.



Adviser: Romney will tell Obama to ‘man up’ at debate
An adviser to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that part of the former Massachusetts governor’s debate strategy on Tuesday night will be to ask President Barack Obama to “man up” and “accept his responsibility” for the terrorist attacks in Libya.

“There should be an effort to get transparency from President Obama on what he knew and when he knew it,” Romney foreign policy adviser Amb. William Richardson told Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Tuesday. “This was evidence that his so-called success on the war on terror wasn’t so successful. Targeted killings alone can not solve this problem.”

Obama better have a solid answer for Libya.
I assume the photoshop job would be obvious (to anybody who has seen pixels in their time). If so, and if accompanied by text, sure.

edit: To clarify, it would be acceptable as a visual aid to an argument, not as a dissimulation of reality.
It's not obviously a Photoshop. I mean... yeah it is if you're thinking perspective, lighting angles, pixels, and "who the hell would wear such an ugly button?" but it's not if you're just glancing at it.


Umm.. couldn't that kind of faux-macho talk turn-off female voters? He might as well advertise himself like a can of Dr Pepper Ten..

"Mitt Romney - he's not for women!"

Either that, or Obama could use it as a segue to mention how if Mitt gets elected, we will go to war. With someone.


I am a little worried about when Libya gets brought up. It was one of the few areas Biden seemed to stumble around. Obama's best bet may be to try to pivot any attack on it into a broader foreign policy point of how he ended the Iraq war and is ending Afghanistan and bring up Romney's war mongering with Iran.

It might also be nice to point out that under Obama's admin., Libya's longtime dictator and enemy to America has been killed and replaced with a new democratic government friendly towards the West without a single US casualty. I just worry that listing any accomplishments in response might be seen as making poor excuses or something and trying to avoid responsibility.


Unconfirmed Member


"Told" like, literally, "told." Informed. Apprised. Made the recipient of the facts.
Made the recipient if facts?! Like you are my secret Santa of knowledge? Piss off!

On a more serious note it is super disingenuous for anybody to compare Diablos to Kosmo. As someone who sometimes suffers from outsized anxiety I identify with it occasionally. Kosmo was wasn't a worry wart, he was an industrial grade bullahit slinger, the two hardly compare. I would be mad too, remember when Ghaleon EB flipped out when included in a list with Kosmo? Completely understandas reaction ;)


Umm.. couldn't that kind of faux-macho talk turn-off female voters? He might as well advertise himself like a can of Dr Pepper Ten..

"Mitt Romney - he's not for women!"

Either that, or Obama could use it as a segue to mention how if Mitt gets elected, we will go to war. With someone.
He's going with all out aggression in order to try and win over low information voters.

Mike M

Nick N
Man, I'm going to be boarding a plane when the debate start and not getting off until after it's been over for a while...

Angry Fork

I find it so infuriating that Romney keeps having the balls to say Obama is divisive meanwhile Obama is the one that kept doing the 'governor and I agree', 'let's work together' etc. bs, and NOBODY in the mainstream media calls Romney out on it. It's so fucking ridiculous. I personally hate that Obama is like that and wish he would be stronger against republicans (because they will never work with him) but I hate seeing such bad lies not be noticed over and over.

Then there's the filibuster bs that republicans constantly did, AKA when it's our legislation we expect you to work with us when it's yours we will filibuster forever. This country is filled with so many stupid assholes it's shameful this guy is anywhere near nomination for anything but we already knew that with Santorum nomination.
Made the recipient if facts?! Like you are my secret Santa of knowledge? Piss off!

On a more serious note it is super disingenuous for anybody to compare Diablos to Kosmo. As someone who sometimes suffers from outsized anxiety I identify with it occasionally. Kosmo was wasn't a worry wart, he was an industrial grade bullahit slinger, the two hardly compare. I would be mad too, remember when Ghaleon EB flipped out when included in a list with Kosmo? Completely understandas reaction ;)

Ghaleon flipped out at Jackson's list? How'd I miss that?
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