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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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yeah, hard to believe she's 46.

When I was an undergrad at Florida she visited and I got to meet her; seeing her up close and in-person you could definitely tell she was pushing 50 lulz. Really classy woman tho, very warm and friendly; she gave an excellent speech too.

On the subject of Soledad I searched her name and it seems she's been added to the list of public enemies by conservative news sites. I also learned there's a website called the Canadian Free Press that literally has the tagline "because without America there is no free world"
(Coach walks in at halftime to see his team sullen and hanging their heads)

"That's it, hang your heads, that was a terrible display out there. But you know what, the other team doesn't feel sorry for you, the crowd doesn't feel sorry for you, nobody does. We should be winning, we are the better team, though you wouldn't know it based on your performance out there...Look at me! Do you want this?!...Don't answer that, I can tell by your faces that you don't. I know the other team wants it, can't you hear them? Can't you see they will do whatever it takes to win? They don't curl up in a ball if they get hit in the mouth! They get up and fight back! This game is still in our control but only if we really want it. We can get back up, brush the dirt off and make history out there! Now, I will ask you again. DO YOU WANT THIS?!




Timely backpat from TPM, here's the regional breakdown for that 4-point lead in Gallup's likely voter tracker:

East Obama +4
Midwest Obama +4
South Obama -22
West Obama +6

I hope this helps clarify the problem with national tracking polls.
Timely backpat from TPM, here's the regional breakdown for that 4-point lead in Gallup's likely voter tracker:

East Obama +4
Midwest Obama +4
South Obama -22
West Obama +6

I hope this helps clarify the problem with national tracking polls.

wow. got a link for this?


Won't stop picking the right nation


Timely backpat from TPM, here's the regional breakdown for that 4-point lead in Gallup's likely voter tracker:

East Obama +4
Midwest Obama +4
South Obama -22
West Obama +6

I hope this helps clarify the problem with national tracking polls.

I just knew my hillbilly relatives down here are throwing-off the national numbers! I knew it!


That would appear to explain why Gallup remains an outlier, then. Some of these numbers actually aren't too bad for Obama. He's only down two points in the midwest compared to 2008, and I guess that would include Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ohio, which constitute an important firewall if Obama's support falters elsewhere in the country.

Every Democratic President since LBJ had been a southerner until Obama.

Obama being from the Midwest certainly helps him there.


The Midwest likes Midwestern folks and hates the Northeast.
The Gallup poll seems to be moved by an increase in support from the Southern Base specifically.

That's not very good news for Romney if that's the main driver of his bump.
The Vinidicator, in Youngstown, reports that according to Juanita Sherba, the coordinator who gave Ryan permission to come to the soup kitchen, Ryan did wash dirty dishes while he was there. The newspaper reports that Ryan's staff asked volunteers "to leave some pots and pans unwashed so the VP nominee and his family could do something when he arrived."

"We had to save dishes," she said. "We would have gone home by the time he arrived. We didn't need him to do the dishes. It was getting late, and I said that we were closing in five minutes. I waited longer than that, and he finally arrived."

Sherba expressed regret that she had allowed the visit to take place.

"It was the phoniest piece of baloney I've ever been associated with," she said. "In hindsight, I would have never let him in the door."

Brian Antal, meanwhile, has rescinded his claim from Monday that Ryan did not clean any dirty dishes. He told NBC News he had been erroneously told that was the case by a volunteer. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Antal has voted in Democratic primaries since at least 1995.

What an ass clown.



That would appear to explain why Gallup remains an outlier, then. Some of these numbers actually aren't too bad for Obama. He's only down two points in the midwest compared to 2008, and I guess that would include Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ohio, which constitute an important firewall if Obama's support falters elsewhere in the country.

Indiana is also in the Midwest, and he won here by 1 point in 08 but is polling behind Romney by 10+ right now, so this state probably represents a significant amount of the change in Midwest numbers from 08.


Presidents from the Midwest:

William Henry Harrison - Senator from Ohio
Rutherford B. Hayes - Governor of Ohio
Benjamin Harrison - Senator from Indiana
Abraham Lincoln - Congressman from Illinois
Ulysseys S. Grant - General from Ohio
Herbert Hoover - Secretary from Iowa
Harry Truman - Senator from Missouri
Barack Obama - Senator from Illinois

So only 8 out of 44, and none since Truman.

You can see why the Midwest would support one of their own.
Anyone know if the Paul Ryan soup kitchen story is getting any play in the evening news, particularly Ohio? It's been popping up on my facebook and stuff, so I'm curious. I would think something like that could be really fucking damning in Ohio, and since it happened there I'd think they'd be reporting it.

Watched NBC Nightly News and they said the Soup Kitchen had left a few dirty dishes for Ryan to clean.

Which since he just showed up unannounced and the dishes were already clean...that's a bunch of bullshit.

Ahh, see the President of the Kitchen/Non Profit retracted his comment. Guess there were some dirty dishes.

Link Man

So, I've been thinking about this, and wanted PoliGAF's take on it.

Last Thursday, Paul Ryan said that the tax cuts would be revenue-neutral. He claimed that the cost of the tax cut would be offset by more jobs being created, and thus more people paying taxes. However, as the plan is revenue-neutral even if their jobs projection is met, does this not mean that if there aren't enough new jobs created, the cuts would equal a loss in revenue? What would happen then, more spending cuts?


Timely backpat from TPM, here's the regional breakdown for that 4-point lead in Gallup's likely voter tracker:

East Obama +4
Midwest Obama +4
South Obama -22
West Obama +6

I hope this helps clarify the problem with national tracking polls.

We'd seen some evidence that the 1st debate rallied Romney's base; this seems to support that conclusion. It's one of the reasons I'm not concerned with Romney's topline rally right now.
Presidents from the Midwest:

William Henry Harrison - Senator from Ohio
Rutherford B. Hayes - Governor of Ohio
Benjamin Harrison - Senator from Indiana
Abraham Lincoln - Congressman from Illinois
Ulysseys S. Grant - General from Ohio
Herbert Hoover - Secretary from Iowa
Harry Truman - Senator from Missouri
Barack Obama - Senator from Illinois

So only 8 out of 44, and none since Truman.

You can see why the Midwest would support one of their own.

Gerald Ford, though never elected.


Timely backpat from TPM, here's the regional breakdown for that 4-point lead in Gallup's likely voter tracker:

East Obama +4
Midwest Obama +4
South Obama -22
West Obama +6

I hope this helps clarify the problem with national tracking polls.

Wow. Explains why Gallup's been the outlier so far. I suspected as much. The first debate made red states go from being merely red to scorching hot red.


He had the right idea and this is offensive.

You know what's more offensive? Idiots voting on racism. You know what's also offensive? Idiots voting for "smaller government" even when their state relies on that "larger government" in order to not descend into inhuman squalor. Some of the south is just unfathomably stupid. I realize that just letting it go to the dogs, so to say, is kind of heartless, but come one... they're not doing themselves any favors here.

What about all the black people stuck down south?

They could come up here.

He said Lincoln was right about slavery, i.e. we should free the slaves. He just may not have been right about the nation needing to stay together. The north and the south even after this long seems to still have some fundamental differences in the way we want to run things that maybe he was at least a little wrong there.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow. Explains why Gallup's been the outlier so far. I suspected as much. The first debate made red states go from being merely red to scorching hot red.
Cheebs has been saying this for a while! But to be honest I think the red contingents everywhere got hella red. Which is why you see the margins narrowing elsewhere. There are still small potions of dumb people/undecideds in each state though so you gotta be careful.


Civil War-GAF is kind of weird. I don't want the south to go away and turn into Mexico, I just want them to stop being so RACIST all the time. That means they need to stick around for us to shun them into submission.

Remember, -1 or -22, it really doesn't matter. The important takeaway from that is that Obama's actually doing pretty okay everyplace else, and "everyplace else" is what he needs to win. (Although, yes, the MoE on those subsamples is...high.)
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