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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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No Scrubs
So as for the Ryan-Biden debate (not that I think it's gonna affect the race), I'm thinking we're going to have a repeat of both the last debate and Ryan's speech at the RNC. He'll win slightly and then get fact-checked to death. 1 night bounce, if even that d/t it being a VP debate.

I dunno, unchained Biden can be brutal.


Winning a debate has nothing to do with agreeing with policies and everything to do with confidence, body language, ability to look like you believe what you're saying, and perceptions. I'm a Virginia voter and can say without a doubt, Romney won that debate, but there is no way I'm voting for him.

Obviously I know this, but I think it's just obviously a take-away that some of the more . . . shall we say . . . excitable . . . members of poligaf need to take away. That just because someone "wins" a debate, nowadays debates are much more about optics than the actual policy being presented, and therefore may influence polls much less. Granted, anyone that's an undecided at this point is low information enough that their grasp and understanding of policy is probably questionable to begin with.


I have a feeling that we're going to see unchained Biden on Thursday. The base wants someone to play offense? Biden is pretty damn good at that.

Whether or not it ends up with him "winning" the debate remains to be seen, but the base will eat it up.


Ryan's a bit of a peckerhead. If Joe can stay loose, get in some jabs, and not say something harmful about the current administration then I think he'll come out "winning" it.

The most important thing is to look like you know what you're talking about.


Joe just has to be careful he doesn't get too wrapped up in whatever point he's making and say something really stupid.


brazen editing lynx
I think we all can guess how Ryan will perform, so it all depends on Biden. If he wants to come hard, Ryan better look out. I'd love for him to go all-out, but he might lose appearance points that way. Carefully targeted jabs and actually responding to any of Ryan's bullshit will do the trick.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ryan's a bit of a peckerhead. If Joe can stay loose, get in some jabs, and not say something harmful about the current administration then I think he'll come out "winning" it.

The most important thing is to look like you know what you're talking about.

OT 5 Pollsters, Pugilists, Pollyannas and Polygamists.


I don't think the VP debate will impact anything, so I just want to see Biden be an asshole to Ryan for 90 minutes.


The most important thing is to look like you know what you're talking about.

That will be hard for Biden. Because even if he does know what he's talking about, he has verbal stumbles all the time. Even just reading a speech off a teleprompter, he messes/mixes up a lot. Dude's getting old.


Obama leads Romney 52-44 with women while keeping things about equal with men, trailing Romney just 49-48. Romney's up 57-40 with white voters, but would need to win them by a lot more than that to overcome Obama's 90-8 lead with African Americans and 59-34 advantage with other nonwhite voters. The future is looking bright for Democrats in Virginia with voters under 45 supporting Obama 59-38. The race is only close overall because of a 55-43 advantage for Romney with seniors.

Now that is a ouch.


That will be hard for Biden. Because even if he does know what he's talking about, he has verbal stumbles all the time. Even just reading a speech off a teleprompter, he messes/mixes up a lot. Dude's getting old.

Biden's just the opposite of Obama -- even on a teleprompter he sounds like he's speaking off the cuff. And he hates to make anything sound simple or unimportant, which makes him sound pretty rambly sometimes. I hate to be confident after last week, but I feel like Biden's going to wake some people up. He's the debater Newt Gingrich wishes he was.

edit: Biden has more experience debating in the last five years than Paul Ryan has had in his entire career.
With Dem senate candidates outpacing Obama, is it a little probable that his sleep-walking debate routine turned off some people who will be easily swayed back to him?


With Dem senate candidates outpacing Obama, is it a little probable that his sleep-walking debate routine turned off some people who will be easily swayed back to him?

If they aren't back already, sure. I doubt he turned off people enough to lose their vote completely.


I'm not gonna lie, the idea of Biden and Ryan's debate breaking down into a fistfight makes me feel all tingly.

How I imagine it:

oh man, i just realized i'm actually going to be able to get away with skipping a class tuesday afternoon to go see obama on the oval at OSU.

and then i have an econ midterm. and then the vp debate's going to happen.

i can already tell that day's going to be a clusterfuck of mood whiplash


oh man, i just realized i'm actually going to be able to get away with skipping a class tuesday afternoon to go see obama on the oval at THE OSU.

and then i have an econ midterm. and then the vp debate's going to happen.

i can already tell that day's going to be a clusterfuck of mood whiplash


Also take some pictures for us!


How I imagine it:


Close but I was picturing an overhand right, a big smile on Biden's face, and oversized trunks with "Diamond Joe Biden" written on them. Also Paul Ryan is dressed like Mitch Buchanan. jacket and all.


I don't even know what we'd tweet about, but we need one.

If nothing else, we could make a poligaf twitter list. Twitter is popular among politics nerds, so I bet a number of us have them. I think I already follow a few of you.


I don't think the VP debate will impact anything, so I just want to see Biden be an asshole to Ryan for 90 minutes.


I want him to verbally fuck up Ryan. Definitely not getting my hopes up, but I really want to see the GOP golden boy get owned by the guy characterized as a gaffe machine. God it would be delicious.


With Dem senate candidates outpacing Obama, is it a little probable that his sleep-walking debate routine turned off some people who will be easily swayed back to him?

That's precisely what I said about Wisconsin. Baldwin's polling higher than Obama now. I highly doubt that stays. They'll be pulled back, or at least I think they can easily be pulled back.
I am pretty sure that in 2008 the VP debate had higher viewers than the first Presidential Debate. So, I wouldn't say inconsequential. Biden has a brilliant opportunity to tie Romney to Ryan and house Republicans.
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