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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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According to the PPP poll

Moderates believed Obama won 63-27.

See Obama more positive 53-25, Romney less positive 47-27.

Moderates more likely to vote for Obama 53-31

Obama also viewed more positively by Indies, Romney less.

Indies more likely to vote for Obama 45-31

Hispanics also say Obama won and view Romney less positively.

Young people thought Romney won the debate, though. lol


Junior Member
Anyone care to bring up how Obama reamed Romney's ass on immigration and how he tied Mitt to the unpopular Arizona law?

I had no idea that one of Romney's advisers is the architect of the AZ bill.

GG Romney.


My mother posted this on Facebook:

Dear Mr. Romney,

As a member of the perennially screwed underemployed with a kid in college your plan to take away my child and education deductions will raise my taxes by at least $3,000.

Your remark that I will get a tax break on capitol gains, dividends, and interest would be helpful if I EVER had made enough money to A) invest in anything, B) if interest rates on potential savings accounts or anything else not tied to the stock market returned more than 1% in interest or C) I ever owned anything I could sell at a profit (rule out my house since all it does is lose value).

I have tried to buy the idea that you may not be a completely out of touch rich guy but your tax remedy shows how laughably out of touch you are with my situation.
Your mom is awesome.


According to the PPP poll

Moderates believed Obama won 63-27.

See Obama more positive 53-25, Romney less positive 47-27.

Moderates more likely to vote for Obama 53-31

Obama also viewed more positively by Indies, Romney less.

Indies more likely to vote for Obama 45-31

Hispanics also say Obama won and view Romney less positively.

Young people thought Romney won the debate, though. lol



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, I have NO IDEA why the fuck Romney is doing this capital gains thing for "low income" (<200K). This is only appealing to people making 100k, or people making 60-100k that are investing heavily.

We have these things called tax shelters. So that if you do make more money than most people and can afford to save up for retirement, you get 5k per year in IRA and 15k per year in 401k.

So in order for this plan to be worth a damn, you'd have to be investing more than 20k, or investing heavily short term.

That shows how disconnected Romney is with America. Isn't he supposed to ignore capital gains, because talking about it brings focus to the biggest tax inequity in American history?


The Libya moment is going to be the defining moment, George HW Bush looked at his watch, Gore sighed, McCain pointed....now Romney can join them
im probably a minority on this one, but i didnt think Obama's answer on the women's issue was as strong as it couldve been. Much better than Romney's dont get me wrong

That answer was terrible. He went into long-winded Obama with a personal story and blah blah blah Lilly Ledbetter blah blah.

He should have spent a minute on Lily Ledbetter and then went on to other things . . .


According to the PPP poll

Moderates believed Obama won 63-27.

See Obama more positive 53-25, Romney less positive 47-27.

Moderates more likely to vote for Obama 53-31

Obama also viewed more positively by Indies, Romney less.

Indies more likely to vote for Obama 45-31

Hispanics also say Obama won and view Romney less positively.

Young people thought Romney won the debate, though. lol

Young people would not have been polled


According to the PPP poll

Moderates believed Obama won 63-27.

See Obama more positive 53-25, Romney less positive 47-27.

Moderates more likely to vote for Obama 53-31

Obama also viewed more positively by Indies, Romney less.

Indies more likely to vote for Obama 45-31

Hispanics also say Obama won and view Romney less positively.

Young people thought Romney won the debate, though. lol

Literally just made almost this exact post in the other thread :/ Yeah what is wrong with young people today?
The Libya moment is going to be the defining moment, George HW Bush looked at his watch, Gore sighed, McCain pointed....now Romney can join them

I don't think I will shake the look Obama gave him.
I've seen my father give me that look.
I know what it means:
"I've done fucked up. I'll go to my room now"


That Romney self-destruct on Libya is damn-near fatal. Obama and CNN embarrassed him hardcore. I really don't see how you can recover from that.

Not only the Romney gaffe to end all gaffes, but Obama schooling him like a second grader was simply brutal.

where's the vid on this?


Apparently the binder line wasn't even true, according to David Bernstein. Here's the link that I can't even visit yet because the server is slammed but when I can I will quote whatever the hell it says: http://t.co/Tm7rCQY0
Wolf Blitzer is still pushing a draw

Fuck off Wolf.


Literally just made almost this exact post in the other thread :/ Yeah what is wrong with young people today?

I think the problem was we put way too much stock in Obama being actually able to change things, and then got pretty disillusioned when things didn't completely turn the other direction (because it's fucking unreasonable). So, a lot of us think neither candidate really represents us, and I think that's almost a correct assumption. Something drastic needs to be done about the student debt problem, and neither of these people are going to get there. Mitt's so far off base on that issue, though it isn't even funny. Obama's much closer, but still a bit off the mark, I think.

Wolf Blitzer is still pushing a draw

Wolf is literally the worst pundit. Ever since a few days ago when he let Romney get off insanely easy on a stupid questions... man. what a tool.


Barring a big gaffe, this format doesn't lend itself to a clear winner. Romney probably just wants to hold serve and then try to hammer Obama on Libya in the foreign policy debate. Anything even close to a "win" for Romney tonight would be huge for him.

Romney is going to win another debate isn't he.
I'm afraid so, you can lie to get ahead in life it seems

Unless Obama is able to catch Romney's lies quickly and succinctly, Romney will capture the flow of the debate again. He's willing to lie and flip and will keep it up because it apparently works and NO one is calling him on it.

Hopefully OBama proves me wrong

I predict Romney will be declared the winner of the debate by a majority of people.

Weak Obama will probably come out cowering again and have to have Papa Bill to clean things up for him after the debate.

Yeah right. It'll be more like this:


i am worried for the Libya question that Mittey will inevitably bring up. I don't know how Obama can get out of that cleanly without looking weak. Perhaps he'll pull a Biden and blame Congress but with Clinton taking one for the team, taking the blame...it'll be interesting to see how the president answers.

I fully expect Obama to be so nervous he almost falls.


I've said before I find CNN worse than Fox News now and days. There push to the middle is pathetic. Romney could have probably called Obama a N***** and they would still call it a draw.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Man, Romney is such a bad debater when pressed. Taking the debate from a mostly dishonest angle, I could have outdebated Obama on so many points and he just stumbled time and time again.

Bravo to Obama to doing it right and winning at the same time. I wasn't impressed with almost any of his speaking points except for when he was debating Romney directly. He has made the campaign all about Romney again, not about his own failures.


Man, Romney is such a bad debater when pressed. Taking the debate from a mostly dishonest angle, I could have outdebated Obama on so many points and he just stumbled time and time again.

Bravo to Obama to doing it right and winning at the same time. I wasn't impressed with almost any of his speaking points except for when he was debating Romney directly. He has made the campaign all about Romney again, not about his own failures.

Coming from you, hahahaha
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