PoliGaf is back
Good call. Just did the same.Just donated $100 to Obama. Feels good man.
We wouldn't be here if Obama didn't fuck up in the first place, in a very real way. He's come back though, big time. Just as he always does.In your face you goddamn chicken littles.
blitzer can go fuck himself and his shitty beard
god damn im drunk
Coming from you, hahahaha
That is an awesome few pages, knowing what's coming. And then it lands.
Heard a caller on cspan just after the debate say that he was both a student and a veteran, that he was from a red state and voting Romney. He said he resented being called part of the 47% and that he doesn't feel he's a victim.
I wanted to scream. THEN YOU AGREE WITH OBAMA. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Obama was highlighting the fact that romney said that about PEOPLE LIKE YOU. He then went on to say he thinks people should have personal responsibility.
I just don't understand these fucking people it really infuriates me. They don't have any logic or reasoning skills WHY
please someone explain it to me it makes my head want to burst.
I am not sure if your comment is positive or negative towards me?
I think Obama was weak talking about his own plans moving forward. It rings poorly when he hasn't done anything (I know, long list of accomplishments) on those fronts, but he suddenly has plans that are going to get it done. When he calls out Romney's lies and poorly thought out and pressed positions, he looks really good and Romney looks really bad. Works really well for him.
He should stay on the attack.
Trying to remember but did Kerry sweep the debates with Bush? I know Cheney cleaned up on Edwards.
You just did earlier.
just one more nit pick, Obama's answer on the AK47 question then drifting to education.... huh? lolzy execution
but im glad he stopped saying uhhh and his body language was much much better.
just one more nit pick, Obama's answer on the AK47 question then drifting to education.... huh? lolzy execution
but im glad he stopped saying uhhh and his body language was much much better.
Heard a caller on cspan just after the debate say that he was both a student and a veteran, that he was from a red state and voting Romney. He said he resented being called part of the 47% and that he doesn't feel he's a victim.
I wanted to scream. THEN YOU AGREE WITH OBAMA. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Obama was highlighting the fact that romney said that about PEOPLE LIKE YOU. He then went on to say he thinks people should have personal responsibility.
I just don't understand these fucking people it really infuriates me. They don't have any logic or reasoning skills WHY
please someone explain it to me it makes my head want to burst.
just one more nit pick, Obama's answer on the AK47 question then drifting to education.... huh? lolzy execution
but im glad he stopped saying uhhh and his body language was much much better.
RNC are doubling down on Libya on twitter.
He's actually right about that (or at least, he said what I say, so, must have been right), he just didn't tie it together well. The problem with gun violence is violence, not guns, and we should create policies that reduce violence -- and that means increasing opportunity for urban youth and getting rid of our permanent underclass.
By allowing them to rise in class, not by killing them.
Binders full of women.
the phoenix said:Hey, I know about that binder! And guess what -- Mitt Romney was lying about it....
What actually happened was that in 2002 -- prior to the election, not even knowing yet whether it would be a Republican or Democratic administration -- a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts formed MassGAP to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. There were more than 40 organizations involved with the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus (also bipartisan) as the lead sponsor.
They did the research and put together the binder full of women qualified for all the different cabinet positions, agency heads, and authorities and commissions. They presented this binder to Governor Romney when he was elected.
I have written about this before, in various contexts; tonight I've checked with several people directly involved in the MassGAP effort who confirm that this history as I've just presented it is correct -- and that Romney's claim tonight, that he asked for such a study, is false.
I will write more about this later, but for tonight let me just make a few quick additional points. First of all, according to MassGAP and MWPC, Romney did appoint 14 women out of his first 33 senior-level appointments, which is a reasonably impressive 42 percent. However, as I have reported before, those were almost all to head departments and agencies that he didn't care about -- and in some cases, that he quite specifically wanted to not really do anything. None of the senior positions Romney cared about -- budget, business development, etc. -- went to women.
Secondly, a UMass-Boston study found that the percentage of senior-level appointed positions held by women actually declined throughout the Romney administration, from 30.0% prior to his taking office, to 29.7% in July 2004, to 27.6% near the end of his term in November 2006. (It then began rapidly rising when Deval Patrick took office.)
Third, note that in Romney's story as he tells it, this man who had led and consulted for businesses for 25 years didn't know any qualified women, or know where to find any qualified women. So what does that say?
The gun response had some great elements but it didn't come together very well. Could have been amazing, was just decent
Literally just made almost this exact post in the other thread :/ Yeah what is wrong with young people today?
Young people do not think Romney won lol. Unless their version of young is like 30
Mind The Binder
Published Oct 16 2012, 10:46 PM by David S. Bernstein 5
Hey, I know about that binder! And guess what -- Mitt Romney was lying about it.
From the rush transcript:
Not a true story.CROWLEY: Governor Romney, pay equity for women?
ROMNEY: Thank you. An important topic, and one which I learned a great deal about, particularly as I was serving as governor of my state, because I had the chance to pull together a cabinet and all the applicants seemed to be men.
And I -- and I went to my staff, and I said, "How come all the people for these jobs are -- are all men." They said, "Well, these are the people that have the qualifications." And I said, "Well, gosh, can't we -- can't we find some -- some women that are also qualified?"
And -- and so we -- we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet.
I went to a number of women's groups and said, "Can you help us find folks," and they brought us whole binders full of women.
I was proud of the fact that after I staffed my Cabinet and my senior staff, that the University of New York in Albany did a survey of all 50 states, and concluded that mine had more women in senior leadership positions than any other state in America.
Now one of the reasons I was able to get so many good women to be part of that team was because of our recruiting effort.
What actually happened was that in 2002 -- prior to the election, not even knowing yet whether it would be a Republican or Democratic administration -- a bipartisan group of women in Massachusetts formed MassGAP to address the problem of few women in senior leadership positions in state government. There were more than 40 organizations involved with the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus (also bipartisan) as the lead sponsor.
They did the research and put together the binder full of women qualified for all the different cabinet positions, agency heads, and authorities and commissions. They presented this binder to Governor Romney when he was elected.
I have written about this before, in various contexts; tonight I've checked with several people directly involved in the MassGAP effort who confirm that this history as I've just presented it is correct -- and that Romney's claim tonight, that he asked for such a study, is false.
I will write more about this later, but for tonight let me just make a few quick additional points. First of all, according to MassGAP and MWPC, Romney did appoint 14 women out of his first 33 senior-level appointments, which is a reasonably impressive 42 percent. However, as I have reported before, those were almost all to head departments and agencies that he didn't care about -- and in some cases, that he quite specifically wanted to not really do anything. None of the senior positions Romney cared about -- budget, business development, etc. -- went to women.
Secondly, a UMass-Boston study found that the percentage of senior-level appointed positions held by women actually declined throughout the Romney administration, from 30.0% prior to his taking office, to 29.7% in July 2004, to 27.6% near the end of his term in November 2006. (It then began rapidly rising when Deval Patrick took office.)
Third, note that in Romney's story as he tells it, this man who had led and consulted for businesses for 25 years didn't know any qualified women, or know where to find any qualified women. So what does that say?
I bet.lol Fox news trying to downplay the whole libya thing
I don't understand how someone can lack reasoning skills that bad though. It's neanderthal-like. The brain is literally not functioning properly and I don't understand it.
Yeah, he made a terrible connection between the two. Obama didn't use his talking time very well at all when he wasn't directly refuting and attacking Romney's points. He spoke more than Romney by 10% and then kept bitching about keeping time, too. I was like, "dude, you are owning this, quit coming off like a whiner"