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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Romney supporters must be disappointed at the lack of a repeat performance. From tax plans to Romney being called out on his Libya falsehood, including by the live audience (a must-watch), President Obama appeared assertive and in charge. Measures of who won:

CBS undecided voters: Obama 37, Romney 30, Tie 33.
PPP Colorado voters: Obama 48, Romney 44, 58-36 among independents.
CNN debate viewers: Obama 46, Romney 39. R+8 sample.
Andrew Sullivan: calmer now that Obama took charge. Sort of a human InTrade.

For any debate it seems that each candidate is near-guaranteed that 20% will say he won (see Gallup numbers on debate #1). Keep that in mind when examining these polls.

Sully's gotten quite the reputation.
Seems like Hannity said it and that's where it got started. The facts are she hasn't (that I know of) and that she was 100%, in-arguably correct. He literally used the exact phrase that Romney said he didn't.

So basically Hannity is starting another lie just like the one that caused Romney to get beat-down? Brilliant. The Circle of Lies.


poliGAF, do you guys ever do a vote-trading thread? im asking as a swing state resident who's debating voting stein but wants to push for obama down here.
Seriously, though.Where the fuck is Diablos?!


poliGAF, do you guys ever do a vote-trading thread? im asking as a swing state resident who's debating voting stein but wants to push for obama down here.
I'll trade you my Obama vote and vote for Stein. Washington state here, not really much danger of Obama losing...

Good idea, too. Someone should make a thread.


china. make everything about china.
If tonight is indicative, then China will not be a fruitful attack, either. There's really no dimension for Romney to attack Obama on foreign policy. And even if there were, Romney's proved incapable of capitalizing.
Romney is a good debater but clearly was not prepared to handle Obama, who seemed like 08 Obama; that debate was almost exactly like the 2008 town hall where Obama manhandled McCain. Still, I think I could have beaten Obama tonight

One thing I didn't like: I thought Obama dropped the ball on asking Romney some specific questions. Sure he directly engaged Romney on many things, questioning him. But I felt he could have directly asked Romney if he supported the Lily Ledbetter Act now, and whether he still supported the Blunt Act concerning contraception (which contradicts Romney's bullshit answer tonight).
Beaten Obama? You're nearly identical to Romney. Manufacture arguments without evidence; when asked to substantiate them, either bluster or turtle.
Another important thing that has been missed by most folks, and something I'm not sure I've ever heard a politician say on television: Obama described exactly how a progressive tax system works. Romney and republicans have spent a decade telling people that if a small business owner makes $250,001 dollars they will be taxed at the higher rate, thus we should not increase that higher rate. Finally Obama explained that the $250,000 and under rate applies to everyone - if you make $260,000, that $250,000 is taxed at the lower rate while $10,000 is taxed at the higher rate. That's a critical distinction that you literally never hear anyone bring up.
GOP Libya response Part 100303 coming


EMPSTEAD, N.Y. — Within minutes of Mitt Romney fumbling an attempt to attack the president on the Libya debacle Tuesday night, Republicans and Romney aides took the post-debate spin room and pledged an aggressive prosecution of the administration's handling of the attacks.

"I think you're going to see a lot more about the timeline coming out tomorrow," said Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer, referring to how the White House characterized the Benghazi attacks in the immediate aftermath. "I think then there's going to be a lot of clarity."

Spicer declined to discuss whether the RNC would put money behind an ad making their case, but added, "We will be forcefully making sure that the timeline is accurately communicated."

The moment that prompted the pushback came toward the end of the debate, when Romney accused Obama of dithering for two weeks before his administration agreed to call the attacks an act of terrorism. Obama responded by claiming he identified the attacks as terrorism in the Rose Garden the day after. As Romney tried to rebut the claim, moderator Candy Crowley appeared to side with the president, saying, "He did in fact sir... call it an act of terror."

Obama chimed in, "Can you say that a little louder, Candy?"

It was a tactical blunder for Romney on an issue for which Obama has been widely criticized. And while Crowley later hedged her fact-check — saying Romney was "right in the main" that the White House muddled its theory of the attacks, but that the Republican chose the wrong instance to highlight — producers across the country were already adding the clip to debate highlight reels across.

Asked how the exchange would impact the Romney campaign's foreign policy message in coming days, top campaign surrogate John Sununu insisted it would only help them.

"I think in an odd way, the president lying about the terrorism issue [in the debate] makes it a lot easier for the campaign to hammer it home," Sununu said.

He also added a dig at Crowley — something Romney's senior aides deliberately avoided — saying, "the governor got blindsided a little bit by a moderator who incorrectly tried to affirm what the president said."

Sununu said he expected to see the campaign make an assertive case in the coming days that Obama bungled the Libya fallout. Already, the talking points were taking form in the spin room.

Senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said he "loved this exchange on Libya, because the president was playing dodgeball on Libya. He insisted the day after the attack, he described it as an act of terror. He did not."

Similarly, Romney adviser Stuart Stevens argued, "I think it hurt the president... Do we really want a president who, the day after an ambassador was murdered for the first time in 30 years, he gets on a plane and goes to a fundraiser in Las Vegas?"

And Republican National Convention chairman Reince Priebus said Obama "point-blank lied to the American people."

The Republican choice to litigate Romney's misstatement is in effect a decision to stay on offense, no matter what. With less than three weeks to go until polls close — and a final presidential debate that will focus entirely on foreign policy next week — the Romney campaign don't want to risk losing all momentum by going on defense.


Another important thing that has been missed by most folks, and something I'm not sure I've ever heard a politician say on television: Obama described exactly how a progressive tax system works. Romney and republicans have spent a decade telling people that if a small business owner makes $250,001 dollars they will be taxed at the higher rate, thus we should not increase that higher rate. Finally Obama explained that the $250,000 and under rate applies to everyone - if you make $260,000, that $250,000 is taxed at the lower rate while $10,000 is taxed at the higher rate. That's a critical distinction that you literally never hear anyone bring up.

I think pigeon mentioned that during the debate


Beaten Obama? You're nearly identical to Romney. Manufacture arguments without evidence; when asked to substantiate them, either bluster or turtle.

Yeah, I didn't realize how good everybody on Poli-GAF apparently is at debating. You should run for office! All of you!

I think pigeon mentioned that during the debate

I did, because it cracked me up -- because he mentioned it when he was explaining his tax PLANS. You still might not know that it's current law! But, in fairness, if the undecided voter now thinks that Obama wants to make the tax system progressive when it's currently not, that's probably a win for us.


Another important thing that has been missed by most folks, and something I'm not sure I've ever heard a politician say on television: Obama described exactly how a progressive tax system works. Romney and republicans have spent a decade telling people that if a small business owner makes $250,001 dollars they will be taxed at the higher rate, thus we should not increase that higher rate. Finally Obama explained that the $250,000 and under rate applies to everyone - if you make $260,000, that $250,000 is taxed at the lower rate while $10,000 is taxed at the higher rate. That's a critical distinction that you literally never hear anyone bring up.

PD do you expect the polls to change?


I dunno what a vote trading thread is, but please don't ever vote third party in a swing state. Please.

pretty self-evident, isnt it? just a thread to sort these things out.
and as an FL resident, clearly i'm trying to do just that.

I'll trade you my Obama vote and vote for Stein. Washington state here, not really much danger of Obama losing...

Good idea, too. Someone should make a thread.

sounds good, i think i'll make one tonight!
I think for the most part Libya is a roughly done topic and Obama won it for most people (those who even cared).

If the Repubs want to push it further, they will look like they're playing politics with the death of a US ambassador, which they are.

Dunno. Technically no polls should be taken for the next week and a half to avoid the numbers being tampered with by Obama's strong performance tonight



No Scrubs
I think for the most part Libya is a roughly done topic and Obama won it for most people (those who even cared).

If the Repubs want to push it further, they will look like they're playing politics with the death of a US ambassador, which they are.


And that is the line they need to keep hitting Romney with.


Watched the debate at a dinner party at a friends. There was a lot of noise and talking but fro what i heard and saw it def seemed like Obama won.

What has been the consensus response the media?


Watched the debate at a dinner party at a friends. There was a lot of noise and talking but fro what i heard and saw it def seemed like Obama won.

What has been the consensus response the media?

MSNBC said Obama. CNN will give it to Obama but playing it as a draw. Fox News really didn't pick a winner (hinted Obama did good).


I don't get it....why is all their shit piled on calling it an act of terror, the one thing that's easily proven to be a false statement?

I just don't understand their Libya response.

But man, imagine if we get the cell responsible for the attack in the next week or so.......
It's reflective of a greater problem plaguing Republicans. They've been incapable of coordinating an effective alternative to Obama's foreign policy. They portray him as weak and craven. But portraying Obama as weak necessitates they adopt policies both inimical to American interests and unpopular with the public. Consequently, they lack the ability to attack him. They're incompetent.
Someone tried to argue that taxes have been raised on small businesses and their family business was floundering because of it.

I pointed it it's likely not taxes, since many taxes have held steady or dropped, but rather any number of other issues and that they should seek outside help.

They got upset. Understandably so. :/


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
All you need to know about who won tonight and how!

FOURNIER: Verdict Uncertain...
TREAT: Candy gives Obama 9% more time...
TRICK: Candy 'Throws the Flag'...
CANDYLAND: Romney was 'right in the main' on Benghazi, but 'picked the wrong word'...
Another debacle for America's media...
Pelley: 'Most Rancorous Debate In History'...
Obama touts fair pay, despite history of paying women less...


Someone tried to argue that taxes have been raised on small businesses and their family business was floundering because of it.

I pointed it it's likely not taxes, since many taxes have held steady or dropped, but rather any number of other issues and that they should seek outside help.

They got upset. Understandably so. :/

Most people just aren't willing to admit that their small business isn't failing because of taxes, but because they're poor businesspeople.


We all know undecided voters are morons but does anyone believe these idiots even bother or remember to register let alone vote ? Every election these idiots show up only because the media seems to seek them out I think if we just ignored them the net result would probably be about the same.

Seems like a bunch of idiots just wanting attention and a free trip to a tv studio.

"I think in an odd way, the president lying about the terrorism issue [in the debate] makes it a lot easier for the campaign to hammer it home," Sununu said.

He also added a dig at Crowley &#8212; something Romney's senior aides deliberately avoided &#8212; saying, "the governor got blindsided a little bit by a moderator who incorrectly tried to affirm what the president said."

Sununu said he expected to see the campaign make an assertive case in the coming days that Obama bungled the Libya fallout. Already, the talking points were taking form in the spin room.

Senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said he "loved this exchange on Libya, because the president was playing dodgeball on Libya. He insisted the day after the attack, he described it as an act of terror. He did not."

Similarly, Romney adviser Stuart Stevens argued, "I think it hurt the president... Do we really want a president who, the day after an ambassador was murdered for the first time in 30 years, he gets on a plane and goes to a fundraiser in Las Vegas?"

And Republican National Convention chairman Reince Priebus said Obama "point-blank lied to the American people."


Obama 9/12/2012 said:
No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

They all live in the Bubble world.

How are people supposed to trust them to run the country if they don't have a basic grasp of reality?


We all know undecided voters are morons but does anyone believe these idiots even bother or remember to register let alone vote ? Every election these idiots show up only because the media seems to seek them out I think if we just ignored them the net result would probably be about the same.

Seems like a bunch of idiots just wanting attention and a free trip to a tv studio.

These were New York undecideds.

Most people just aren't willing to admit that their small business isn't failing because of taxes, but because they're poor businesspeople.

It is a family owned business, so I apologized for touching a sore spot.

But they did leave me wondering. They operate in Florida, but I cannot think of any taxes locally or federally that might have been raised on them. Ideas?
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