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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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problem is, the crazier their stance, the less people will just nod their head and get away with it when they go on interviews. They'll need to clone Hannity and send him to the other news networks in order to get away with parroting "obama is lying"

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan



legit question here, i was in the process of making a thread but had never seen anything on vote-trading being illegal.
From my very little research that I just did, it's not legal in California for an institution to do it, but I don't see anything about individuals.


Edit: Legal as long as no money (or anything with monetary value) is exchanged.

Each state has its own statute about corrupt election practices, and there is also a federal statute pertaining to vote fraud. The federal law is very narrow. It says it is illegal to offer your vote for something of monetary value—money, a welfare voucher, or a TV set, for example. A vote, however, does not have a tangible monetary value, and according to a Justice Department spokeswoman, the department has determined that vote-trading does not violate the federal statute.


Continue making the thread!


Most people just aren't willing to admit that their small business isn't failing because of taxes, but because they're poor businesspeople.
Well any small business with any brains would obviously start up in Canada instead of the US. Because thats the nature of small business, iddin it? Scouring the world over on where to plant their stake? Romney got his experience at a small business. He knows.


Another important thing that has been missed by most folks, and something I'm not sure I've ever heard a politician say on television: Obama described exactly how a progressive tax system works. Romney and republicans have spent a decade telling people that if a small business owner makes $250,001 dollars they will be taxed at the higher rate, thus we should not increase that higher rate. Finally Obama explained that the $250,000 and under rate applies to everyone - if you make $260,000, that $250,000 is taxed at the lower rate while $10,000 is taxed at the higher rate. That's a critical distinction that you literally never hear anyone bring up.
Isn't that described as a marginal rate? When I hear progressive I think 'tax rate gets progressively higher the more you make'

Otherwise yeah


On 8-6-2007, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that "the websites' vote-swapping mechanisms as well as the communication and vote swaps they enabled were constitutionally protected" and California's spurious threats violated the First Amendment. The 9th Circuit did not decide whether the threats violated the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause.

Here's the key graf: "Both the websites' vote-swapping mechanisms and the communication and vote swaps that they enabled were...constitutionally protected. At their core, they amounted to efforts by politically engaged people to support their preferred candidates and to avoid election results that they feared would contravene the preferences of a majority of voters in closely contested states. Whether or not one agrees with these voters' tactics, such efforts, when conducted honestly and without money changing hands, are at the heart of the liberty safeguarded by the First Amendment."

Seems like we're in the clear, Irish. This is from the Wikipedia article.


Romney's position on Syria is unpopular. All he has is China now that he flubbed Libya so badly.

accuse obama of being anti israel is my guess

Romney agrees with Obama about removing the troops in 2014. I guess he can talk about defense spending.
Yeah he can try all of those,but they are weak.I dont think none of these are popular right now.

Btw he had is best change tonight to distance himself from his 47% comments he failed in a big way,


So, when does Obama bring up Romney saying he wouldn't bother with the Palestine/Israel conflict and just kick the can down the road in that 47% video while at the same time flipping completely when the real cameras are on? I'm sure he's just waiting for that during the next debate.
It was almost poetic for the last word to be to Obama and then masterfully work the 47% comment into his closing statement with Romney have no chance to respond. It would have been perfect if this was the final debate


Yeah he can try all of those,but they are weak.I dont think none of these are popular right now.

Btw he had is best change tonight to distance himself from his 47% comments he failed in a big way,

Obama didn't really give him a chance, given the one time he brought it up was the last question (which was a smart move).
So, when does Obama bring up Romney saying he bother with the Palestine/Israel conflict and just kick the can down the road in that 47% video while at the same time flipping completely when the real cameras are on? I'm sure he's just waiting for that during the next debate.

oh man i almost forgot about that

i am probably going to literally be salivating next monday
Romney had a change when he was talking about the 100%.

I was surprised Romney didn't apologize again. It's one thing coming out 20 some odd days(or whatever it was) after standing by his comments and then apologizing which got some traction in the news but here he was in front of 70 million people and he didn't apologize.


And keep in mind, this is from a Republican-skewed network. I think we can call it a tie.

If Obama's second term is a rousing success they'll start "slipping" and stick an R next to his name.

Lol I loved watching Fox News during the string of Republican scandals a few years back. Every Republican magically became Democrats for that segment.
Don't you think it's a bit petty to hold ModerateMitt accountable for what SeverelyConservativeMitt says?
And what, should we just ignore the contributions of QuantumSeverelyModerateMitt? That seems so mean. Its only fair to let a man hold all positions if thats what his heart tells him, and as long as we're not measuring his momentum.

And sure, we should always run with the latest release version of RomneyOS, but is it really compatible with my office productivity software? There are patches every few days now. So much uncertainty.


like the etch a sketch, 3 ring binder sales gonna hit the roof
romney helping US businesses already,
and chinese manufacturers
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