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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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20 days left, folks!
The mistake Romney made with the Libya thing is he said the administration didn't call it a terrorist attack. He should have instead said the Administration couldn't decide between blaming the video or blaming Al Qaeda...at least that would have been closer to the truth.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Obama was far ahead 6 months ago, and the race is tightened right now. Your logic is rubbish.

I hope you mention this every time someone spends money on things other than charity.

What you are doing for Obama IS charity if you are donating to his campaign at this point of the race. The election is in 3 weeks, he has over a hundred million dollars in reserves, he leads in every important swing state, including the only one that Romney has to have to even have a chance at winning, Ohio, by such a wide margin that any hope for a comeback is vanishing much like his confidence after the Libya portion of the debate.

The race is mostly tightening in the South, where Romney will already win the states he was going to win.

Your money is better spent elsewhere.


The mistake Romney made with the Libya thing is he said the administration didn't call it a terrorist attack. He should have instead said the Administration couldn't decide between blaming the video or blaming Al Qaeda...at least that would have been closer to the truth.

yeah, but it was fun seeing him reveal himself as the fuckup he truly is.
Romney is a lawyer. Should have treated the debate as a jury trial. You don't ask questions in front of the jury that you don't know the answers to. He set himself up for failure. I don't know why he needed to get Obama on record for what he said. He already said it. Don't need to get him to repeat it. He should have just ran with it and try to spike the football while he could. Stupid of him to question Obama. Well he made his bed and now has to lie in it.
If everyone remembers the last debate for Romney's leveraging Big Bird to make a point about budget cuts, they'll remember this one for another fairly confusing Romney phrase: "binders full of women." Within minutes, the phrase was trending on Twitter. And not in a good way for the former governor of Massachusetts.

"I'm gonna pitch it as a show. BINDERS FULL OF WOMEN: a new show about women trapped in binders by rich men who never had to work 4 anything," tweeted Shondra Rhimes, the creator of Grey's Anatomy. "'Whole binders full of women' pretty much sums up Mitt Romney's campaign," said Mother Jones. Even Big Bird weighed in, "Binders full of women? Really, Mitt? Women aren't just resumes. They're people, like your corporations."


I fucking love this meme.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
We get it. Weren't you talking about cheering and the lib personality cult though, why now about donations?

because donating to a forgone conclusion is poor financial sense for the donator. I am only trying to help my liberal PoliGAF brethren direct your money into important toss-up races where their money could actually buy mindshare. Their 25 dollars donation, however symbolic it is of their raging erections during and after the debate, will not do anything to win this race for Obama when he already has millions upon millions of dollars and already has a 99% chance of winning this. Like I said before, the only way that Obama loses this is by way of a personal scandal involving him. In which case your money won't help him from action...
aight, gonna throw $10 at them since it's all i can spare right now

(also fairly sure i donated about that much to 'em before. LOOK AT ME, CONTRIBUTING MORE THAN THE REST OF LIBGAF)
The only part of the debate I don't like is the snap polls showing Romney did better on the economy. WTF.

Because people don't realize how much bullshit is in his economic plan, and Obama is already at a disadvantage here because the economy hasn't fully recovered. They here tax cuts for everyone, millions of jobs, everyone on the same playing field and think this is a great plan. Obama did a great job of dismantling Romney's plan on stage, but the problem is he's been unable to convince people he has a plan of his own because they think the Obama 2008-2012 plan failed


Fork 'em, Sparky!
aight, gonna throw $10 at them since it's all i can spare right now

(also fairly sure i donated about that much to 'em before. LOOK AT ME, CONTRIBUTING MORE THAN THE REST OF LIBGAF)

and you can be happy knowing your money won't be completely wasted. I mean, I would recommend going to an actual campaign, but what are ya gonna do, right?
I still can't quite figure out where the 'scandal' is. I guess they did not give a completely consistent message? So?

Trying to decode one of the shittiest list wars post I've ever seen.

In what world is it better to not say TERRORISTS! at any opportunity? Was this guy in a coma from 2001-2008?
Muslim is the new black. In the mold of of 100 years ago it was OK to smear the 'sex-crazed dope fiend negro' as a threat. Muslims today are freedom hating suicide bombers. Even the ones here aren't really Americans.
Trying to decode one of the shittiest list wars post I've ever seen.

In what world is it better to not say TERRORISTS! at any opportunity? Was this guy in a coma from 2001-2008?
Muslim is the new black. In the mold of of 100 years ago it was OK to smear the 'sex-crazed dope fiend negro' as a threat. Muslims today are freedom hating suicide bombers. Even the ones here aren't really Americans.

Some people want us to be foreign policy cowboys; shoot first, ask questions later.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Trying to decode one of the shittiest list wars post I've ever seen.

In what world is it better to not say TERRORISTS! at any opportunity? Was this guy in a coma from 2001-2008?
Muslim is the new black. In the mold of of 100 years ago it was OK to smear the 'sex-crazed dope fiend negro' as a threat. Muslims today are freedom hating suicide bombers. Even the ones here aren't really Americans.

When allowing an attack on the anniversary of one of America's darkest days would make you look weak and underprepared on the foreign policy front. Especially if it is because repeated requests for security were denied, despite repeat security breaches at the same place within the prior month. If you honestly don't understand why the admin would have wanted to blame it on a video rather than a terrorist attack, I think you should get away from this thread and all politics as fast as you can. Ignorance is bliss.


I'm really happy with how tonight went down. When the headlines on Realclearpolitics from conservative publications say things like "No knockout" or "Romney slight edge", I know it's a win for Obama because those are the most plausible lines they can get away with. Charles Krauthammer and Brit Hume admitted as much.

Romney flubbed Libya and made a replayable youtube moment out of it no less, and had that minor gaffe about binders. Obama gets his comeback narrative and will have renergized his base and will get an infusion of cash for the final stretch. I also think the intensity on his face when talking about politizing Libya was a significant moment that's not as easily quantifiable, but I think it influenced people subconciously.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If you think about it, Obama could have had many instances in the last 4 years that would have made him look bad and weak on terrorism and protecting America.

The Times Square bomb that fizzled out but was totally loaded and lit, ready to go.
The Underwear bomber stopped by passengers after lighting his underwear on fire (was on several international no-fly lists) is another. There were a couple more I was thinking of, too, but cannot remember right now. If you think of it, this Libya thing really could have required your sincere OFA donations had it not been for some incredible luck in the last few years.


Hi guys! I've been reading through a lot of the pages, had to stop, there are so many replies. It warms my heart that so many of my fellow poligaffers were looking for me.

Obama kicked ass. And what's important to me is that he's following the historical trend; incumbent Pres usually makes a really bad impression for the first debate, comes back swinging for the second. He did just that and made Romney look like a fool. I was only listening to the audio but I'll have to watch the video as well.

Also, Mitt set himself up for even more ownage for the third debate, totally dropping the ball on Libya. That said, Bob Schieffer will probably prove to be a terrible moderator, but I don't know how Mitt comes back from this unless he thinks he can come up with a nice array of distortions that won't backfire.

Candy did a phenomenal job. Wonder how long until the conservative media says she had too much of a liberal bias?

And man, Barack's closing statement was brilliant. I was wondering why he was milking the clock so much just a few moments prior about education. He was making absolutely sure that he could nail Romney with the 47% comment, without giving him any chance whatsoever to fight back, as right after that the debate was officially over. He took ownership of the clock and left swing voters with the reminder that this is a man who, behind closed doors, called nearly half of the country useless, dirty poors. Why would you ever think he'd fight for you? Mitt never had the opportunity to respond. It was genius.
When allowing an attack on the anniversary of one of America's darkest days would make you look weak and underprepared on the foreign policy front. Especially if it is because repeated requests for security were denied, despite repeat security breaches at the same place within the prior month. If you honestly don't understand why the admin would have wanted to blame it on a video rather than a terrorist attack, I think you should get away from this thread and all politics as fast as you can. Ignorance is bliss.


What could that be?

The day 3000 people died maybe because some other people were underprepared on the foreign policy front and repeated request were ignored?

Probably not. Cause the media and democrats would of made a BIG FUCKIN DEAL about that just like the conservatives are doing now. And I would of remembered that.
Hi guys! I've been reading through a lot of the pages, had to stop, there are so many replies. It warms my heart that so many of my fellow poligaffers were looking for me.

Obama kicked ass. And what's important to me is that he's following the historical trend; incumbent Pres usually makes a really bad impression for the first debate, comes back swinging for the second. He did just that and made Romney look like a fool. I was only listening to the audio but I'll have to watch the video as well.

Also, Mitt set himself up for even more ownage for the third debate, totally dropping the ball on Libya. That said, Bob Schieffer will probably prove to be a terrible moderator, but I don't know how Mitt comes back from this unless he thinks he can come up with a nice array of distortions that won't backfire.

Candy did a phenomenal job. Wonder how long until the conservative media says she had too much of a liberal bias?

And man, Barack's closing statement was brilliant. I was wondering why he was milking the clock so much just a few moments prior about education. He was making absolutely sure that he could nail Romney with the 47% comment, without giving him any chance whatsoever to fight back, as right after that the debate was officially over. He took ownership of the clock and left swing voters with the reminder that this is a man who, behind closed doors, called nearly half of the country useless, dirty poors. Why would you ever think he'd fight for you? Mitt never had the opportunity to respond. It was genius.
Diablos coming off the ledge?

What could that be?

The day 3000 people died maybe because some other people were underprepared on the foreign policy front and repeated request were ignored?

Probably not. Cause the media and democrats would of made a BIG FUCKIN DEAL about that just like the conservatives are doing now. And I would of dremembered that.

Probably talking about that Macy Gray album.

Have. Would have. You could have said would have. Would of is what happens when we have a common problem with listening and reading comprehension. The of is a 've for have. Not a O then an F. Would Have or Would've. Never, not ever would of.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

What could that be?

The day 3000 people died maybe because some other people were underprepared on the foreign policy front and repeated request were ignored?

Probably not. Cause the media and democrats would of made a big deal about that just like the conservatives are doing now. And I would of remembered that.

The fringe did and continues to make a big deal out of it. Just like the other fringe continues to blame Clinton for letting Bin Laden slip out of his fingers multiple times. If you think the fact that the Bush admin was negligent in their duties to listen to reliable tips is reason to not blame the Obama admin for doing the same, then go ahead and say it. 9/11 is now considered to be a heightened security alert all over the country and in every country where there exists an extremist Muslim population. Libya is going through a ton of turmoil over the past few months and we ignore requests for more security? Come on now, son. Romney is a tard for messing that up, he could have hammered home some major misstep for Obama, but instead accidentally made Obama look prepared, honest, and open about what happened, despite reality.

and I don't think Obama originally intended to politicize what happened, and it probably wasn't until Romney preemptively opened his stupid mouth that they decided that they needed to, they just should have gotten their crap together before they went around blatantly misstating facts relevant to the terror attack. A Youtube video no one saw caused heavily armed people to storm a consulate and kill several people?
Diablos is 100% right on Libya: Romney ruined what should have been a good attack, and it'll really hurt him during the next debate. I'm not ready to declare he has no shot of winning the next debate - this election has proven anything can happen. But clearly Romney will have very little to work with. Libya is effectively off the table - the GOP is going to go crazy tomorrow trying to revive it...good luck.

What can he say about Syria? What can he say about Iran? Ultimately Obama just has to do what Biden did: accuse Romney of loose war talk, then ask if he wants to commit US troops to either country. Given the US' focus on Pacific/Asian foreign policy, I don't see Romney making any progress there either. What about Afghanistan? Nope. Then there's Iraq, where Obama will likely embarrass Romney.

Plus he really will get to play the Bin Laden card. Let's not forget Romney is ON RECORD calling Obama's 2007/2008 statements about entering Pakistan to get Bin Laden were outrageous, amateur, etc. I might be wrong, but I think I remember President Bush even sticking his nose into the issue to smack down (then candidate) Obama as naive on the subject. Now, every republican wants to pretend the entire mission was a no brainer. Obama won't let Romney get away with that shit.
The fringe did and continues to make a big deal out of it. Just like the other fringe continues to blame Clinton for letting Bin Laden slip out of his fingers multiple times. If you think the fact that the Bush admin was negligent in their duties to listen to reliable tips is reason to not blame the Obama admin for doing the same, then go ahead and say it. 9/11 is now considered to be a heightened security alert all over the country and in every country where there exists an extremist Muslim population. Libya is going through a ton of turmoil over the past few months and we ignore requests for more security? Come on now, son. Romney is a tard for messing that up, he could have hammered home some major misstep for Obama, but instead accidentally made Obama look prepared, honest, and open about what happened, despite reality.

and I don't think Obama originally intended to politicize what happened, and it probably wasn't until Romney preemptively opened his stupid mouth that they decided that they needed to, they just should have gotten their crap together before they went around blatantly misstating facts relevant to the terror attack. A Youtube video no one saw caused heavily armed people to storm a consulate and kill several people?

I said this here weeks ago that it was Romney's herp-derpin that night that fucked everything up. It forced the Obama team to jump the gun as a reaction to Romney jumping the gun and acting a fool. And because they didn't have all the facts (and apparently the CIA was handling it) it meant bad info everywhere.

This is what happens when morons like the Romney campaign try to score political points on US attacks rather than having respect for those who may be harmed as well as the Administration to figure out what is going on.

I don't think a previous candidate in history would have pulled the move he pulled off that night.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I said this here weeks ago that it was Romney's herp-derpin that night that fucked everything up. It forced the Obama team to jump the gun as a reaction to Romney jumping the gun and acting a fool. And because they didn't have all the facts (and apparently the CIA was handling it) it meant bad info everywhere.

This is what happens when morons like the Romney campaign try to score political points on US attacks rather than having respect for those who may be harmed as well as the Administration to figure out what is going on.

I don't think a previous candidate in history would have pulled the move he pulled off that night.

Agreed. But then again, there has never been a more brazen liar in the history of presidential elections.

But him forcing Obama's hand would have been perfect had he upgraded his memory before the debate. He pulled a real amateur move by doubling down, and then doing a max bet on something he was wrong about. He focused on all the wrong things about Libya and whoever prepped him should be ashamed. I could have debated that better and made Obama look like he was politicizing the events, but Romney is too damn stupid or underprepared, take your pick.
Agreed. But then again, there has never been a more brazen liar in the history of presidential elections.

But him forcing Obama's hand would have been perfect had he upgraded his memory before the debate. He pulled a real amateur move by doubling down, and then doing a max bet on something he was wrong about. He focused on all the wrong things about Libya and whoever prepped him should be ashamed. I could have debated that better and made Obama look like he was politicizing the events, but Romney is too damn stupid or underprepared, take your pick.

Totally agree. He shouldn't have focused on "acts of terror" at all. He was so wound up and thought he caught Obama in a lie it was his undoing. Should have stayed on script.

On another note, I thought Romney flopped hard when Crowly asked him "but what if the math on the tax plan doesn't work, would you..."

And Romney's response was

"But it does work. Trust me, I've been in business."

If there ever was a snake oil salesman moment, that was it. It was so fucking clear and I think Mitt bungled that badly. He should have returned with "I won't pass any tax cuts that aren't revenue neutral. But this one I've proposed definitely is because..."

I was waiting for him to sell me a monorail.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

HOLY crap...

Can I write a NeoGAF primer for Conservatives and Republicans wanting to post and thread-create on GAF about politicals? I can do it for the FAQ forum and have it be mandatory reading for all juniors...

please? Stuff like this just embarrasses the hell out of me. You are on the internet, there is a near limitless amounts of information out there. You do not have to stay with your worldview from when your grandpa told you about the "way things were." If you are unwilling to progress in this life, whether that be through a dedicated pursuit of knowledge by way of studying in school or learning life experiences, or through reading about real world events, statistics, and anecdotes, you are going to stay a miserable little pissant through your miserable life and end up claiming how elections were stolen, moderators were partisans, and thuggery took place. Get a life and get off the forum.
Did the candidate's greet each other's wives? I could have sworn Romney shook Obama's hand then went directly to Candy; after that he greeted his wife and started talking to voters for a bit. I didn't see Michelle come close to Ann or vise versa

Also I felt Michelle's embrace of Obama was rather tepid compared to Ann's embrace of Mitt


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Totally agree. He shouldn't have focused on "acts of terror" at all. He was so wound up and thought he caught Obama in a lie it was his undoing. Should have stayed on script.

On another note, I thought Romney flopped hard when Crowly asked him "but what if the math on the tax plan doesn't work, would you..."

And Romney's response was

"But it does work. Trust me, I've been in business."

If there ever was a snake oil salesman moment, that was it. It was so fucking clear and I think Mitt bungled that badly. He should have returned with "I won't pass any tax cuts that aren't revenue neutral. But this one I've proposed definitely is because..."

I was waiting for him to sell me a monorail.

Come on, Mamba, he's balanced budgets in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook! He put em on the map! He knows what it takes to cut trillions and make up for the cuts with billions...oh wait...



Also: http://www.theonion.com/articles/romney-to-town-hall-audience-i-own-horses-and-care,29943/
“The horses I own, especially the ones who specialize in dressage, need constant attention because they are unable to care for themselves, much like all of you,” said Romney, adding that to the extent that horses aren’t the smartest animals out there, average Americans “aren’t that bright either.” “See, if I didn’t buy my horses and train them, they would be roaming around a some field somewhere, lacking any sort of direction. They wouldn’t know there is a better, more fulfilling life for them out there in which I am their owner and master. So what I’m saying is, let me buy you, and everything will be better.” To further the analogy, Romney said that when Americans get sick or break a leg, they should be shot


“I thank God that no souls perished today in this infernal blaze,” said local pastor Cyrus T. Jebediah, speaking to a coughing Soledad O’Brien as authorities assessed the damage to the building. “Everyone in Hempstead helped quell the flames. The women in their fancy gingham gowns and bonnets, the rowdy Rachom boys—why, even crazy Jasper Pike, his bottle of corn whiskey still in one hand. Made me proud to be a Hempsteadian, I’ll swear to that.”

:lol :lol :lol
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