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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Bonus Point: Mine is avatar size.

Lets liven things up a bit.

Avatar size as well.
Bruce Springsteen played for John Kerry at OSU in 2004...My first exposure to American politics. Too bad the state didn't pull through for The Boss.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If Obama were to win, how would you guys prefer he handle the various cuts that go into place in January?

I'm not sure I want Obama to do anything this year outside of maybe cancel some of the defense cuts that directly impact jobs. Overall though I think he should let everything expire, which would give him around 5T in revenue to play around with. I think Obama should offer a tax cut for those making $300k and under, roll back some more of the defense cuts (but not all, obviously), and also attach the legislation aimed at getting veterans into the work force (security jobs).

If republicans reject it, oh well. More revenue for Obama. Let them go back to their districts and explain why they won't cut middle income taxes

Yeah, I don't think people understand what slashing billions from the defense will do to jobs. It isn't just soldiers and families stationed all around the country at bases, but also things as simple as convenience stores near bases, shopping centers, people who offer services to the military, private contractors, etc.

Obama is in for a shitstorm if/when defense budget gets slashed. I know it needs to be done and am all for it, but it is going to cause havoc all over.


If Obama were to win, how would you guys prefer he handle the various cuts that go into place in January?

I'm not sure I want Obama to do anything this year outside of maybe cancel some of the defense cuts that directly impact jobs. Overall though I think he should let everything expire, which would give him around 5T in revenue to play around with. I think Obama should offer a tax cut for those making $300k and under, roll back some more of the defense cuts (but not all, obviously), and also attach the legislation aimed at getting veterans into the work force (security jobs).

If republicans reject it, oh well. More revenue for Obama. Let them go back to their districts and explain why they won't cut middle income taxes

As I noted, this is what Chait suggested after Yglesias suggested it, and it makes sense to me. Forget the defense cuts -- those jobs will come back immediately if the money is restored in January. Let everything run out, kill the filibuster, and tie the middle-income tax cuts to the Jobs Act and some military money. Hand it to the House and dare them to vote against a huge middle-class tax cut. As I recall, this is exactly the argument you were shooting down before your face turn, so if it convinced PD it's got to work for Congress. I'd also note that the threat of this explains the Republican calls for a "balanced" approach.
Yeah, I don't think people understand what slashing billions from the defense will do to jobs. It isn't just soldiers and families stationed all around the country at bases, but also things as simple as convenience stores near bases, shopping centers, people who offer services to the military, private contractors, etc.

Obama is in for a shitstorm if/when defense budget gets slashed. I know it needs to be done and am all for it, but it is going to cause havoc all over.

No worries man.

PHONEX told us that he only has a 48-49% chance of re-election so chances are likely the Romney Administration will have to deal with said shitstorm.
She repeats what she said during the debate: Obama is right that he called it an act of terror, Romney is right that the administration focused on the video for two weeks

Yeah, she says in that video exactly what she said DURING the debate. Not sure what the big deal is. Its as if some people closed their ears for that part.


I have never seen it so blatant and forced though.
Eh, well, they're desperate and petty, never a good combo. But if it obfuscates the whole thing just a little bit, they'll have done their job. And often times it works, especially since a lot of the media and general public love that equivalence.


57m people tuned in, final numbers due tonight

According to initial figures compiling selected cable news and broadcast networks, 56.9 million people tuned in to watch Barack Obama debate Mitt Romney. (The ratings do not include a number of networks that aired the debate, and the broadcast figures will be finalized later in the day.) That's almost as big a preliminary number as the initial figures for the first presidential debate.

11m right wingers saw Romney get his ass handed to him

Fox News came in first in the cable news ratings, drawing 11.1 million viewers. That's neck-and-neck with its biggest-ever telecast, the 2008 vice presidential debate. CNN, whose own Candy Crowley moderated the debate, came in second, with 5.77 milion viewers. 4.87 million people watched the battle on MSNBC.
As for the fiscal cliff, fantasy situation

Full expiration of tax cuts for high earners, estate tax reverts, capital gains goes up
Social cuts reversed, defense cuts redirected into spending at home and the state department

More likely situation that I would like to see

High earner income taxes go up
Military cuts reduced, but still there
social cuts reduced by far less.

I dunno, there may be a few months of chaos as the lameduck congress is still full of tea party fuck.
Yeah, I don't think people understand what slashing billions from the defense will do to jobs. It isn't just soldiers and families stationed all around the country at bases, but also things as simple as convenience stores near bases, shopping centers, people who offer services to the military, private contractors, etc.

Obama is in for a shitstorm if/when defense budget gets slashed. I know it needs to be done and am all for it, but it is going to cause havoc all over.

Eh, people are getting thrown out left and right already. I doubt it would get much more drastic then it is now. That being said, all the recent spending cuts has made the monitoring of benefit abuse and other dirty shit that goes on in the military a bit sharper.
11m right wingers saw Romney get his ass handed to him
Not their fault for tuning in. They were expecting to see Rombot crush the sleepy black guy once again, but to their surprise, that guy didn't show up and instead the 2008 Campaign Obama showed up. That dude's super seiyan (or however you spell it).
Not their fault for tuning in. They were expecting to see Rombot crush the sleepy black guy once again, but to their surprise, that guy didn't show up and instead the 2008 Campaign Obama showed up. That dude's super seiyan (or however you spell it).

Well... his hair did get lighter since last election...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Really enjoying the intense silence in the office today. Surrounded by republicans and they're all just so busy this morning.

Going in for early voting after work. My blue vote will get absorbed by a thick TN red, but at least I can help to keep Cohen in for Memphis.

At my job after the first debate they were all smiling and happy, but today they all said that they didn't even watch the debate.

LOL!!! Come on GOP!
I sort of expect Obama to tell Romney to proceed in the next debate not because Mitt's digging another hole, but just to put the fear into him. I'll be pretty disappointed if he doesn't.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

You'd never know it to hear Dem pundits talk. :p

Yeah, I remember a fuss going around the talk radio circuit last year or the year before when the pundits were all indignant because someone left their mic open and were caught coordinating talking points that they then all used, almost down to the exact verbiage.

Nevermind that they do it exactly the same way. LOL.


I'm curious, you seem to believe BO won in a landslide victory last night. Do you expect national polls to reflect this?

Obviously tough to judge. I would expect Obama to come up in the trackers a couple of points, at minimum. I think the real test will be in November, obviously, and I still think Obama has an excellent chance of a landslide there. For example, PEC gives Obama about a 50% chance of getting 300 EVs or more. That would mean picking up Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and two or three other swing states -- not too unlikely.
Not their fault for tuning in. They were expecting to see Rombot crush the sleepy black guy once again, but to their surprise, that guy didn't show up and instead the 2008 Campaign Obama showed up. That dude's super seiyan (or however you spell it).

I don't get it. Hannity told me Libya was Romney's finest moment of the debate.

I am so conflicted.
I'm curious, you seem to believe BO won in a landslide victory last night. Do you expect national polls to reflect this?

I expect to see at least a small bounce, as if nothing else, dems are going to be more willing to take a poll. Should put the race at least back to where it was pre conventions, with Obama slightly up.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Anybody else get the Bye Bye Obama banner ad? WTF, I just had to click on it. It is an amazon link to a paperback book. Customers who viewed this item also viewed: Atlas Shrugged the book, Atlas Shrugged Part 1 the Blu-Ray, and The Amateur book about Obama. LOL.


Anybody else get the Bye Bye Obama banner ad? WTF, I just had to click on it. It is an amazon link to a paperback book. Customers who viewed this item also viewed: Atlas Shrugged the book, Atlas Shrugged Part 1 the Blu-Ray, and The Amateur book about Obama. LOL.

Book bubble.
Not that this will surprise anyone who read his Romney endorsement, but Buzz Bissinger isn't very bright.

No matter how many times it's explained to him just how far right the GOP has moved, he continues to insist that we'll get the 1994 or 2002 Romney as president, and that Obama is to blame for the lack of bipartisanship in his first term.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Scott Brown going down in flames is so, so good. It's a shame democrats let that happen. F u Martha coakley.
CNN is actually treating the binders full of women thing as a news story with reporters and such, and not treating it as a page 8 Jeanne Moos crap they usually do with stories like these (as in the case of Big Bird).
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